Broadcasting of May

I finally skimmed through the opening montage this morning. I have to agree that its feeling more and more scripted and like we are sitting on the floor in a semi circle in kindergarten. "Now listen up little youngsters, today we are going to talk about Yoouunity!"
I didn't get the feeling that they were directly pushing the injections but I can see where it was implied.
The more I look at it objectively, the more I can feel the sublte manipulation.
This push for "youuunity" at all cost feels a lot like blind patriotism. Its how the governments persuade young men to sacrifice themselves to the god of war.
I suspect that they are getting a lot of pushback about the injections from the rank and file. Its becoming obvious that the injections were a failure at best and death dealing at worst. But they will never admit it. This is why they are pushing the "unity" theme so hard. Its a sign that they are loosing control. Keep praying for Jehovah to wake people up who are questioning. It needs to happen. They need to feel the pressure.
It totally feels like a kindergarten circle 😆
Mark Sandersons words begin to reveal a fundamental lack of understanding. He says it up to us individually to make unity happen. Anyone who ever served as an elder knows it is God's Active force that draws people together. No matter the human efforts it would be in vain if God Himself is not behind the efforts. The element of desperation reveals to me that there is an attitude in these videos that God is somehow not involved. Could it be that Mark Sanderson is an imposter? To miss such a fundamental thing shows something is seriously wrong. They oftentimes play down justice in their videos. Yet justice is one of Jehovah's 4 MAIN attributes. Again making their own rules. Until they follow Jehovahs real way only then will there be unity. No Corporate efforts and tactics will accomplish this.
I intended to comment similarly. Thanks for expressing what I was thinking, and welcome to the forum.
He is mistaken. We do not make Unity happen. God's Spirit makes unity happen if that Spirit is deprived because of some behavior then there will be no unity.
I’m not sure. There is unity between thugs, unity between thieves etc etc. This is the sort of unity that watchtower recognises. You are absolutely correct that it is the spirit in understanding, that creates unity as it brings together all the attributes of the spirit amongst the sheep. Watchtower unity is a commonality in need or Common cause. The faith element is missing because it’s diluted with lies. Unity for watchtower at its basic meaning is for the sheep to agree with them and acknowledge their role. That’s like building a house on sand.
Your welcome. Thanks for the welcome. I think a very great revealing is happening before our eyes. We will end up seeing the evil slave totally exposed once and for all. Jehovah will show he is not behind the evil actions they have been carrying out.
I am praying daily to have patience and wait on Jehovah’s perfect timing but I cannot wait for it to be revealed 🙏🏼
I don't think he specifically mentioned vaccines, just that the GB issued instructions during the pandemic and those instructions were always right.
i can’t conceive how JWs see that these divine instructions that flow through these spokesmen from God are not in fact the very same guidance, word-ford-word, broadcasted by the U.N./CDC/W.H.O./Dr. Mengele Fauci/Biden, the fake new media straight living rooms and onto smart devices world wide.
i can’t conceive how JWs see that these divine instructions that flow through these spokesmen from God are not in fact the very same guidance, word-ford-word, broadcasted by the U.N./CDC/W.H.O./Dr. Mengele Fauci/Biden, the fake new media straight living rooms and onto smart devices world wide.
They don't even remotely attempt to be subtle they think people are that blind and admittedly, tragically most are.
Definitely the tone has changed in the last decade or so. The literature used to be almost technical but it certainly was anything but the current Sesame Street. I am wondering if acquiring Disney/Pixar talent et. al. for expanding the movie/cartoon production has brought them into a new way of thinking. When the mandates first came out and we watched them brag about 99% vaccinated, my son and I figured it was selfishly to keep the production and building teams going legally in New York for the new production center in Ramapo - not a spiritual thing but an empire building thing.

In my view, none of that is going to amount to a hill of beans if we get an EMP strike from Russia or China. 5G, Wifi, telephones...electricity..none of that will survive. And, if the Asymetrical war we are entering doesn't do it, the sun is due for a massive Carington event. We will have to talk face to face with each other again ;)
I watched the full broadcast, after having read some of the comments in this thread first. I’ll say that some of the assessments commented on in this thread are similar to how I perceived the broadcast. Others, not so much. Perhaps such outlooks could be attributed to the old adage - when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

I wanted to believe that when Bro Sanderson was speaking of unity, that he was speaking of unity of faith as Jehovah’s people. Or, perhaps even unity of belief in God’s word. I thought that his illustrative comparison of the different sects and sub-sects in Christendom was actually pretty good. But I don’t think he was speaking about just those. He was really speaking of unity in listening to the direction coming from Jehovah’s “organization”. It went off the rails for me at that point on the topic of unity.
I watched the full broadcast, after having read some of the comments in this thread first. I’ll say that some of the assessments commented on in this thread are similar to how I perceived the broadcast. Others, not so much. Perhaps such outlooks could be attributed to the old adage - when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

I wanted to believe that when Bro Sanderson was speaking of unity, that he was speaking of unity of faith as Jehovah’s people. Or, perhaps even unity of belief in God’s word. I thought that his illustrative comparison of the different sects and sub-sects in Christendom was actually pretty good. But I don’t think he was speaking about just those. He was really speaking of unity in listening to the direction coming from Jehovah’s “organization”. It went off the rails for me at that point on the topic of unity.
I think you have the balance on the matter. I feel we have to go with the evidence, rather than guesswork streaming from a need to analyse where this is all leading. I’m not saying that other comments here are not worthy of consideration, they are, and of valuable insight, yet we have to ask ourselves to consider the insight that the GB have into their predicament.

Personally, insofar as the GB are concerned, their insular, protected and paid for world of dictatorial power, ease, adoration and luxury, creates in them an entirely different life experience to that of the flock.

I would be very surprised if they even begin to understand the world they see about them, from vaccines to earning a living wage in the face of this world we have made for ourselves. I do not believe they have the wit to understand what their proclamations mean for the flock. Their only feedback is cowed subservience of praise, and thus the more distorted becomes their understanding of the Word. The studies in distorted psychology and psychiatric illness of prisoners in maximum security jails in America, gives first hand evidence of the effects upon the mind to isolation - and it is more akin to what we see within the GB, than are the influential pressures of politics amid a lifetime of earning for the common man and where values are tempered by the need to negotiate our existence within the commercial world and our world of faith.

It is far easier for the GB to live the dream of their “spiritual paradise” that they have built for themselves, and to come to believe their own interpretation of that world. It is at this point that we see the difference between their concept of unity and that of the brethren as a whole. It is this divide that they are fearful of. They are (in my opinion) beginning to see the difference between the truth and dream, between their fabricated world, and our world; between an easy display of faith, and the hard won faith of those in the world. They face no day to day test, other than their physical needs, and which seem to be centred on their authority, applause, fine spirits and food. They resort to nonsensical idioms such as their “go-bag syndrome” of creating urgency and fear within the flock, keeping them in expectation and tied to them for more information. In short, they see the threat to their comfort and livelihood because their support is melting away like an iceberg in Death Valley. So indeed, they speak of unity, but their problem is that their unity, and the unity of the Spirit inspired by the attributes of Jehovah are exact opposites.
We have a friend who did not get vaccinated
She just told me that she will do it because of what she saw on the broadcast
It was the last unvaccinated friendship we had
The sad thing is that she knows that the vaccine has poison …… .. But she told me that she can't stand the pressure anymore
If she dies she does it for Jehovah ………. is what she said
How Heaven's Gate of her.
Having carefully watched their moves over almost the last decade they have been in lockstep with the worlds movements. That shows me their connections to this world are more than coincidental. For a group that has always believed to be no part of the world has as of late been sending out contradicting signals. That to me is no accident. This has all been cleverly schemed. None of this is a misunderstanding. Nor that of a isolation perception. The Beast is behind these actions, for this I have no doubt.
What would be their motive then? They already have all they need and could want. They seem as innocent as those they deceive in worldly matters. Their posturing is all about preserving their own status, using the faith of others to support, provide for and idolise them. There is little doubt that there are influences from the outside, but very little influence from the inside outwards. They are insignificant when compared to the secular world. The watchtower is as impotent as other religions and weaker and more isolated than many. The significance of the watchtower is with Jehovah; it’s dealings are evidence, and it’s people, those it deceives, will be the basis through which it will be judged. The machinations of the watchtower are without doubt, worldly but it’s judgement is spiritual, a matter that arises from the Talants they were given and which they have abused, not to mention of course, grieving the spirit in their actions and intent. The beast may have offered the enticement, but it is the watchtower that has taken the bait. That to me, appears to be where the judgement lies, but what I think is probably just as insular to be sure.

The Catholic Church is a prime example, a business of control for monetary gain, but in Jehovah’s judgement, of no more or less importance than all of christendom. The significance of the watchtower is its use of His Name and thus their declared allegiance. They could have been living in a tent like the prophets of old and still achieved the wrath of Jehovah through their lies and multiple failings, just as we can as individuals. The evidence of corruption in spiritual matters is sufficient to condemn them - the means by which they add to it is surely secondary.
Just to add a point. I just before watching the Broadcasting Videos would always hope that maybe this time they would do the right thing but every time they would disappoint. They would start by abusing the viewer with some bizarre messaging. Then they would try to convince you this is still the truth with things you were familiar with. The cycle of abuse would be consistent with each new video. Calculating and evil. Instead of just plain truthful words from the Bible, as one would expect.
no way Never mind that….I did that very same thing after the start of the pandemic 2020 I started doing some serious research, finding out a lot of nefarious things going on with the government and it’s agenda and I thought, surely the GB are doing their own thorough research and will realize that this isn’t what it appears to be. So we watched update after update thinking they would have made some acknowledgement. Fast forward to 2021, after vax rollout… injuries and deaths were pilling up but GB were just acting like nothing was happening, and pushing more and more for us all to get injected ( in an indirect way of course) By update #6 I knew then that they were in on it…the veil was lifted, so to speak. I knew then that the GB had, in effect, ‘sold their soul to the devil” I CRIED 😭
Their posturing is all about preserving their own status, using the faith of others to support, provide for and idolise them.
It is so plain, now! - Why didn't I see this long before now? -[before update #6?]
Well, no sense in lamenting about the past. I suppose the important thing is that Jehovah made me see the truth!
Those horrible, disgusting, updates just make me more grateful🙏Thank you, Jehovah, for saving me!
Everything you said is true. Except I did not cry, I got angry.
Same way with me- I was just having all sorts of reactions, shock, anger, crazy-grief, disorienting feelings, much more than I can describe. Really went off the 'deep end' for a while! Took a while to settle down. Probably still a little nuts, but, I think that's what people like about me. LOL
It is so plain, now! - Why didn't I see this long before now? -[before update #6?]
Well, no sense in lamenting about the past. I suppose the important thing is that Jehovah made me see the truth!
Those horrible, disgusting, updates just make me more grateful🙏Thank you, Jehovah, for saving me!
surfer girl Yes! All thanks and praise go to Jehovah for rescuing us! 🙏
You can also be unified to do a bad thing. Remember the Pharisees and Saducees unitedly came together to plot Jesus’ death? So, yes, Truth is more important than unity.
That's a very good point! - and what about the 'Jonestown koolaid thing' and the 'Heaven's gate thing' - they were unified 'till death. - good grief! - that's what some of the friends are even talking about, now! :oops:
I just know when I left they all had something bad to say about me. Yet I did nothing wrong. As time went by things progressively changed in the org but not for the better no matter how much the GB made great brags. I believe those that knew me will eventually realize it wasn't me that was wrong. It was all them. They failed to acknowledge what they were seeing with their own eyes. They were allowing themselves to be deceived by self-righteous rhetoric. As long as God's name was applied they bought it. Now as the cool aid was being passed around God's name was also being implicated. This is where they crossed the line. They went over the edge. There is no turning back from this now. Nothing they can say can repair this. They have proven their attempts at leadership are inept. This kind of leadership is dangerous a person is better off going by their own instincts yes even their imperfect heart because with even then you can question you own moves and make the necessary changes. But with intentional misleading they will leave a person with no right to question things. Even animals have the right to preserve themselves instinctively. No human has the right to decide the future of others.
This was my beef with them also. They could have easily presented the facts and let us decide individually using our Bible trained conscience and I would have been ok with that. But they went too far. And the way the local brothers reacted was appalling and very revealing of their abandonment of discernment in favor of worshipful devotion to the "slave". But at least it woke some of us out of our trance.
I wonder if Jehovah's direction was for his sheep to "listen to the superior authorities" and take this clot shot as the "slave" claimed?

Seems the SA's have changed their tune...

US regulators strictly limit who can receive Johnson & Johnson’s COVID vaccine over "rare but serious" blood clots

Do you think the humble "slave" will set a good example and apologize ?