Completely safe and effective

I do not know where to post this, but since Turbo Cancer is on the list of horrors, please look at the information in this video by a very well know physician regarding the successful treatment of cancer. It is very similar to what my son did when he had stage 4 angiosarcoma 12 years ago and was given 4 months to live.
Canada’s corruption is highlighted in this video. Corruption everwhere.

Turdo admires "China's basic dictatorship" because they're a great model for his WEF nonsense. I'm having a real tough time following that scripture that says to have respect for, or honor, those in their relative positions. 1 Pet 2:17 among others.

It's a bit of a contradiction, isn't it? We're to show respect for absolute scum that don't give a dang about us, are trying to destroy us, while realizing that Jehovah/Christ are the only rightful rulers of the universe and asking, in our prayers, that they replace said scum soon.
Is there any reasonable explanation why millions of people have apparently not experienced any ill side effects whatsoever, while others have had horrendous after effects including death? Age or health does not appear to be a factor as perfectly healthy athletes have keeled over while sickly people take the shots and do fine. The disparity is very strange.

They had to have an awful lot of "advocates" for the injections or they wouldn't have had so many customers. Apparently some batches were very bad, some not too bad, and most not bad at all. As my son used to remind me "a few million deaths and serious injuries out of a few billion doses is only a small percentage 😬 trouble is, it seems to me that even the " good" batches might not be so good in the long run..
They had to have an awful lot of "advocates" for the injections or they wouldn't have had so many customers. Apparently some batches were very bad, some not too bad, and most not bad at all. As my son used to remind me "a few million deaths and serious injuries out of a few billion doses is only a small percentage 😬 trouble is, it seems to me that even the " good" batches might not be so good in the long run..
Very true. Many factors will affect the ”efficacy”. Poor manufacturing practices have contaminated certain batches more than others and each person is different on a cellular level. Some people have weakness in their DNA. How the vaccines were injected made a difference. Some injections hit veins and went directly into the bloodstream, which was when many had a metallic taste in their mouth immediately. Special handling was required or the batches could actually be or become inert. Also dosing is an issue. For example they gave the same dose to a 100 lb woman as to a 300 lb man. Etc.
The Kingston Report cross-posted a post from Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators
Karen Kingston Mar 4 · The Kingston Report
In March 0f 2023, I exposed the internal Pfizer Research & Development SBDD document, confirming the use of graphene oxide (GO) in Pfizer's mRNA nanoparticle injections on the Stew Peters show. Attacks attempting to discredit my findings came not only from the MSM (i.e. USA Today) but also from Medical Freedom leaders and influencers. In the film Final Days, I explained how the industry would eventually be unable to cover-up their ubiquitous use of GO and audiences would begin to see news coverage that GO is "good for you."
The Breggins are on top of this next wave of brainwashing of humanity into believing a highly toxic substance is somehow now wonderfully good for you.

Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles are in COVID Vaccines; a new report says they are safe for humans....

They are lying!
SciTechDaily calls graphene oxide nanoparticles a “wonder material” that is now “verified safe” in humans by new research.1 It further declares graphene oxide is, in bold, “A revolutionary nanomaterial with huge potential to tackle multiple global challenges could be developed further without acute risk to human health, research suggests.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">🚨BREAKING:<br>FDA loses its war on ivermectin and agrees to remove all social media posts and consumer directives regarding ivermectin and COVID, including its most popular tweet in FDA history.<br><br>This landmark case sets an important precedent in limiting FDA overreach into the… <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Mary Talley Bowden MD (@MdBreathe) <a href=" ">March 22, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Some got a placebo of nothing. They had to do this because if everyone who took the jab got sick or died, the sheer numbers would have alerted even some of the more brainwashed people. I also don't think that total annihilation is the goal. They will want a slave class in case the robot servant idea doesn't work out.
That approach was used specifically so that those who got the placebo were able to say "look at us. NOTHING happened, so the shot is okay. Meanwhile, it was ony 5-15% that actually had a payload of varying proportions from lethal, disabling and damaging

At 0:44 this funeral director calls it an "advocate method" and explains it:

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Is there any reasonable explanation why millions of people have apparently not experienced any ill side effects whatsoever, while others have had horrendous after effects including death? Age or health does not appear to be a factor as perfectly healthy athletes have keeled over while sickly people take the shots and do fine. The disparity is very strange.
At 0:44 seconds in, he explains the advocate method that was used.

I wonder how this is going to go over with JWs in Japan. The GB said Jehovah provided the vaccines, and we must obey Caesar, blah, blah, blah. And now Ceasar in Japan bans what Jehovah has provided? What the....?

Well, they cited Romans 13 about being in subjection to the superior authorities, so they better follow their own advice.

I wonder why they are now allowing the information against the vaccines to come out.

Couple this with Kate Middleton saying she's got cancer and I think they are setting the stage for their new nanotech which will target only cancer cells. They are "manufacturing consent" for their new transhumanism CRSPR and nanobot technology for people to be ready to take. Indeed, they will be clamoring for it. After all that's happened, it makes you wonder how anyone could ever trust these institutions ever again, but, as they say, there's a sucker born every minute and these people will be desperate for a solution because they don't have the kingdom hope.
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I wonder how this is going to go over with JWs in Japan. The GB said Jehovah provided the vaccines, and we must obey Caesar, blah, blah, blah. And now Ceasar in Japan bans what Jehovah has provided? What the....?
Guess they can toss a coin as did Jesus. Pay back God's things to God and Caesar's things to Caesar. Oops, they're in direct opposition to one another so that's not going to work for the GB. Did they not see this as a possible scenario? Apparently not, they were too busy being in bed with the UN.

Glad we now have an accurate understanding of this scripture.
(Isaiah 29:10) " . . .For Jehovah has poured a spirit of deep sleep on you; He has closed your eyes, the prophets, And he has covered your heads, the visionaries."
Karen Kingston Report
BOMBSHELL: U.S. Government Report Confirms China Used COVID-19 to Exert Power and Acquire Millions of Americans' DNA.

Wonder why this tidbit of informatiom wasn't included on the GB updates? :unsure:

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If the organization had not promoted the vaccinations, they could have used this article to promote their position on blood transfusions


They (Bethel) failed to understand the evil scheme by falling for the "safety and security" propaganda. While this vaccine isn't a blood transfusion, it causes the blood to change into something that's not organic. It's a genetically modified substance flowing through your bloodstream causing damage along the way over time. Your body gets confused because it's not natural, it's bioengineered so it messes up your bodies natural programming within your DNA structure. It's like they installed Spyware into their bloodstream and now their computer runs slower now. Your body is that computer and the vaccine is that Spyware virus that is supposed to help but it slows your computer down.

I warned others from taking it because I knew it was disrespecting the sanctuary of our bloodstreams. God considers blood as sacred. So it's not like we are eating something and relieving ourselves of it the next day. All that poison in the bloodstream is going to have a stronger effect because you can't purify your blood like you can with your gut.
They (Bethel) failed to understand the evil scheme by falling for the "safety and security" propaganda. While this vaccine isn't a blood transfusion, it causes the blood to change into something that's not organic. It's a genetically modified substance flowing through your bloodstream causing damage along the way over time. Your body gets confused because it's not natural, it's bioengineered so it messes up your bodies natural programming within your DNA structure. It's like they installed Spyware into their bloodstream and now their computer runs slower now. Your body is that computer and the vaccine is that Spyware virus that is supposed to help but it slows your computer down.

I warned others from taking it because I knew it was disrespecting the sanctuary of our bloodstreams. God considers blood as sacred. So it's not like we are eating something and relieving ourselves of it the next day. All that poison in the bloodstream is going to have a stronger effect because you can't purify your blood like you can with your gut.
Even after all this time I can not believe the GB "fell" for it, the "peace and security" of a so called medical intervention. To turn from Jehovah and the Bible so blatantly those people are either not representing Jehovah anymore because they're loyalty is with Satan or they're compromised. None of this nonsense is accidental, random chance or incompetence.. it's going to take a lot of evidence to the contrary to change my opinion.. but I'm always up for listening, that's how I came to learn about Jehovah in the first place 🤗