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  1. SusanB

    Keep following Jehovah's guidance (Study article for May 5)

    Awesome. Thanks for clarifying.
  2. SusanB

    Our WT exodus confirms "Truth isn't important anymore" (to WT)

    We leave the results in Jehovah’s capable hands.
  3. SusanB

    Keep following Jehovah's guidance (Study article for May 5)

    The rest of the anointed outside of the GB appear to be the scraps of the remnant and not very useful apparently. As the saying goes, what are they, chopped liver?
  4. SusanB

    Keep following Jehovah's guidance (Study article for May 5)

    I think Shiloh is a brother?
  5. SusanB

    Our WT exodus confirms "Truth isn't important anymore" (to WT)

    Reading Ana's comments is like reading poetry. Beautifully expressed.
  6. SusanB

    Our WT exodus confirms "Truth isn't important anymore" (to WT)

    I have thought a lot about this account in the scriptures at Luke 4:25-29. Notice that Jesus is pointing out how Jehovah rewarded non-israelites for their faith, even though they were not involved in formal worship at the temple. The ones taking the lead in Jesus day wanted to kill him for...
  7. SusanB

    Our WT exodus confirms "Truth isn't important anymore" (to WT)

    Each occasion that a brother or sister takes a stand for what is true and it contradicts the GB, it creates a new crack in the “dam”. Every unexplained and sudden death and illness creates a new crack in the dam. Many other issues are creating cracks in the dam. But ultimately, it will be...
  8. SusanB

    Our WT exodus confirms "Truth isn't important anymore" (to WT)

    I don’t understand what you mean by the above sentence. Can you explain to the American ear?
  9. SusanB

    Our WT exodus confirms "Truth isn't important anymore" (to WT)

    My thinking is that they don’t want to DF you because it will cause the brothers and sisters, who know you, to start paying attention to what is going on. In other words, your actions and their response is really a witness to those who have spiritual ears.
  10. SusanB

    Keep following Jehovah's guidance (Study article for May 5)

    I would think that we must be discerning as to exactly what they are taking the lead in doing. If it is to lead people to idolize the GB, then that would be the wrong lead. That is why we have the bible to keep on track. The GB has clearly put themselves in the seat of Moses and they encourage...
  11. SusanB

    Funny Memes Only

    I just saw a grooming trick on cutting their nails. The groomer had a harness on the dog and then was able to use a pulley system to lift the dog off the table and so the dog was just dangling from the harness and they were then able to cut the dogs nails without resistance...
  12. SusanB

    World War Three Updates

    No doubt there will still be some who take the lead on earth but personally I don’t see the virgins as anything other than the anointed. I think it is another illustration to demonstrate the separating of those chosen and those not chosen. I think those who may be described as weeds are really...
  13. SusanB

    Completely safe and effective

    Yes it is pretty much out in mainstream now. However it appears to me that the majority of brothers and sisters will stick to the narrative that the GB directions saved them from dying of COVID. Unless the GB would admit their error, which they won't do. They will probably follow the 1975...
  14. SusanB

    World War Three Updates

    Luke 12:35-36 definitely is referring to the anointed. They are the “little flock”. I understand your point, however, I can only guess that singularly the “virgins” are not the bride, they probably are collectively the bride and also individually the bride’s companions. The illustration is...
  15. SusanB

    Abuse in Care inquiry: Jehovah's Witness appeal dismissed

    I love the last part of that scripture, Jeremiah 23:20b: “…In the final part of the days you will clearly understand this.”
  16. SusanB

    World War Three Updates

  17. SusanB

    Completely safe and effective

    It doesn’t say do everything they say, otherwise, they would be masters over your faith. I think it is clearly implied that when they teach bible principles, we should align our conduct to those principles. Getting vaccinated is not a bible principle and neither is coercing others into risking...
  18. SusanB

    World War Three Updates

    Well it is interesting that the ORG has recorded about 22,000 as being partakers at the Memorial and Revelation tells us there will be 7,000 sealed, which is roughly 1/3rd of 22,000 if you accept that not all claiming to be anointed actually are. Zechariah 13:8-9: “And in all the land,”...
  19. SusanB

    Abuse in Care inquiry: Jehovah's Witness appeal dismissed

    Ecclesiastes 3:1-8: “There is an appointed time for everything, A time for every activity under the heavens: A time for birth and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what was planted; A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to tear down and a time to build up; A time to...
  20. SusanB

    Turning to "Christianity"

    I would suggest you ask them what they have enjoyed learning and then when you see what interests them, perhaps you can plant a seed that will be helpful to them in the future. For example, they may already believe that at Jesus’ 2nd coming he will identify the Chosen Ones. Some great...