The UN and the Beast...reexamined!


Well-known member
For over a century now, the Watchtower organization has conjured up prophetic interpretations that would most certainly make the prophets of Baal proud. To be sure, these interpretations touted as prophetic light, are the mortar that hold the bricks of prophetic understanding in place. According to the nursery rhyme of the three little pigs, all one needs to do is build a house out of bricks, and it can resist the forces of nature. Too bad the wolf didn't take a page from the Watchtowers tactics, then perhaps he would have been dining on pork roast & ham hocks, because In these cases of prophetic interpretation, the Watchtower is dealing with a much more powerful force than merely nature, they are dealing with the force of lies, and Gods Holy Spirit, and the mortar in the walls is crumbling fast.

To those in the know, 1914 is just the beginning of an elaborate mortar work of lies and deceit that the Watchtower fervently tries to patch over with more 'new light', as apparently the old 'new light' faded away and doesn't work anymore. New patches over old wineskins, you know the rest. One of those 'new light' moments that is still being fomented as truth by the organization is that the United Nations became the eighth king of prophecy in 1945. The purpose of this article is to expose this understanding for what it is, a lie that has been built upon the framework of 1914, and has been used to mislead millions of people searching for bible truths. In doing so, truth will be allowed to beget more truth, and a clearer understanding of the prophecy will hopefully ensue.

In order to comprehend what the Watchtower has done, a couple brief quotes to highlight the quagmire of prophetic interpretation, and what the Organization teaches to this day:


*w88 6/1 p. 27 Part 8—The Long March of the World Powers Nears Its End **
"As the prophecy had stated, this eighth king “was” from 1920 until 1939. It ‘was not’ from 1939 until World War II ended in 1945. Then it ascended “out of the abyss,” reactivated as the League’s successor, the United Nations."
*** w87 7/1 pp. 21-22 pars. 4-5 Divine Blessings for “the Ones Having Insight” ***
"In 1914 the truth of their message was dramatically confirmed when the first world war broke out, and the “pangs of distress” foretold by Jesus began. (Matthew 24:7, 8) Nevertheless, their religious enemies used the war hysteria to persecute them until finally, in 1918, their preaching work was virtually stopped, and principal servants of the Watch Tower Society were unjustly imprisoned. This caused great rejoicing in some quarters. It also fulfilled the prophecy recorded in the book of Revelation: “And when they have finished their witnessing, the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss will make war with them and conquer them and kill them.”—Revelation 11:7.

The outright arrogance, and utter nonsense, in these two brief quotes should stymie anyone who has the ability to think clearly. The first reference suggests that the eighth king comes to power in 1920, goes away at 1939, and then comes back out of the abyss in 1945. Huh?

The second is quoted from an article titled 'the Ones Having Insight', and succeeds in one of the most blatant cases of blasphemy I have ever seen the Watchtower Organization make, for according to 'the ones having insight' the beast ALSO ascended out of the abyss in 1918, and the prophecy recorded in the book of Revelation was supposedly fulfilled.

For the 'ones having insight' how is it that they have three different dates for the beast to take power?

So what does this mean? If they can't get their own interpretations to agree with each other, what else have they completely botched up? Obviously they don't have the dates figured out, and as the title of this post states, this is a re-examination of the UN and the beast that comes out of the abyss. The following information will show, that those who have claimed to be the 'ones with insight' have built brick upon brick of fabricated lies, and apparently have 'no sight' at all when it comes to prophetic events from the scriptures. Not only have they gotten the dates wrong, but also the identities of the UN and the beast.

World-powers-copy.jpgThe seven headed beast in Revelation is the symbolic manifestation of the world powers that have held position over Gods people over the last five millenia. Starting with Egypt, each of these heads represented Satans system on earth, and a dominant empire, during the time in which it ruled. The Bible calls the heads mountains, and each head is king in its own right.

“. . .The seven heads mean seven mountains,...10 And there are seven kings. . .” Re 17:9-10

The seven heads/mountains/kings are:
  • Egypt
  • Assyria
  • Babylon
  • Medo-Persia
  • Greece
  • Rome
  • Anglo-America

Most will already know this information, but to build the foundation for what the WT has done, it needs to be expressed, starting with what we already know as truth. To correctly discern the bibles many patterns and prophetic foreshadowing, we have to begin with an accurate description of the first pattern, else the rest won't fit it.

Regarding the eighth king that rises from the abyss, the WT has, just like the dates, misinterpreted the identity because they don't have an accurate first pattern to compare it to.

Consider the first seven heads of the beast. These were sovereign nations that each had their own culture, their own people, their own customs and religious practices, their own Gods, their own language, their own currency, and they all had their own border relatively speaking. This is a pattern, established throughout history, which is easy to identify and acknowledge as true. Therefore, when John sees that one of the heads suffers a death stroke, but is revived, it must follow the preexisting pattern established by the previous seven heads throughout history.


“. . .And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death, but its death-stroke got healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration.” Re 13:3

What the WT has done is analogous to putting the square block(United Nations) into the round hole(prophetic pattern). They somehow managed to get it in, but in doing so mangled the original cube to the point it is no longer retains the same shape. How so? First off, the United Nations is not a sovereign nation. It is an international organization, just as the W.H.O., or the Bank of International Settlements is. The United Nations does not have any borders, nor does it have it's own language, currency, or for all practicality any of the things essential for a sovereign nation to have. The framework of the UN simply doesn't fit the pattern, so how is it that the WT has made it fit into the existing pattern set for five millenia, that defines what a head of the beast must possess? Simple...they forced it!!!

square peg.jpeg
And in doing so, they are not only promoting a lie, but they are preventing any further truth to fit through the round hole. Falsely applying the United Nations to the revived head of the beast doesn't fit the prophetic pattern, no matter how hard you try to force it. Regardless of anything else they teach now on the subject, because they are forcing an interpretation, it will all be incorrect. Which it is.

So the question is, if the United Nations doesn't fit the established pattern set throughout history as one of the seven heads revived, then does it fit any other pattern in the Bible? Most certainly it does, and to get it to fit, no tools required.

End of Part 1​
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Well-known member
The Image Times Two


The book of Daniel is full of prophecy and historical events that gets any would be bible student excited when they read the chapters. Not only are the stories themselves full of prophetic events foretold to occur, but they are rife with symbolism and divine explanations that we are still waiting to be opened. In the third chapter of Daniel we read of the story about the giant golden statue that Nebuchadnezzar sets up on the plains of Dura. The statue is an image designed for the whole nation to bow down and worship when they hear the music begin to play. Inside this story is a prophetic pattern that helps us to identify what role the future United Nations will have during the end times.

The 'image' of gold that Nebuchadnezzar makes is 6'x6'x60'. This is an obvious prophetic foreshadowing to the 666 we see in at Revelation 13:18.

“. . .Neb·u·chad·nez´zar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was sixty cubits [and] the breadth of which was six cubits. He set it up in the plain of Du´ra in the jurisdictional district of Babylon. ” Da 3:1“

. . .“. . .it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived... the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is
six hundred and sixty-six.” Re 13:18

We can already see a strong parallel connection between these two verses. Both have an image being made, and the numbers 666 are associated to both of them. The pattern established first in Daniel, is being followed by the verse in Revelation.

Nebuchadnezzar next tells all the peoples, national groups and languages under his reign, that when they hear the music they are to fall down and worship the golden idol/image set up by the king. The image of the beast in Revelation ALSO requires all persons, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves, to worship it as well.

“. . .And the herald was crying out loudly: “To YOU it is being said, O peoples, national groups and languages, 5 that at the time that YOU hear the sound ... YOU fall down and worship the image of gold that Neb·u·chad·nez´zar the king has set up. 6 And whoever does not fall down and worship will at the same moment be thrown into the burning fiery furnace.”. . .” Da 3:4-6

“. . .And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast.. . .And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves. . .”.” Re 13:15

The similarities are incontrovertible between the golden 'image' set up in Babylon by the King, and the 'image' of the beast set up by the Eighth King. All the people under either heads(Babylonian/Eighth King) rule were/will be required to worship the image, lest they be killed.

End of Part 2​
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Well-known member
Part 3​

United Nations in New Role

So how does this prove that the 'image of the beast' set up by the eighth king in Revelation is the United Nations in it's new role?

Consider again what the United Nations is. It is a conglomerate of all the jurisdictions, or countries in the world, brought together to serve the interest of the Leader(now NATO) of the world. The future 'image' of the beast is set up to serve the interest of the Eighth King. This follows the pattern already established in Daniel and the statue of gold.

The 'image' set up in Babylon was to serve the interest of Nebuchadnezzar, the leader at that time. Notice who is at the inauguration of the golden image.

And Neb·u·chad·nez´zar himself as king sent to assemble the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the counselors, the treasurers, the judges, the police magistrates and all the administrators of the jurisdictional districts to come to the inauguration of the image that Neb·u·chad·nez´zar the king had set up.” Da 3:1-2

Nebuchadnezzar was Uniting the whole of Babylon power under the image he had set up in Dura. Instead of a United Nations, you could call it a United Districts of the time. The U.D., ha! Sorry couldn't help it. Following the prophetic pattern, the United Nations is the same type of conglomeration but on a world wide scale. The 'image' of the beast comes to power when the kings of the earth give their power to the wild beast, and this is when the United Nations will take on the role as the ultimate idol set up by Satan for the world to worship, the ’image of the beast’.

“. . .“And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast. 13 These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast.” Re 17:12-13

The framework of the United Nations fits this understanding, for the Ten kings represent the conglomeration of the worlds countries into a single coalition, a United Nations on steroids. A newly born authoritarian regime imposed on mankind to force the worship of Satan. This image, or idol, is Satans masterpiece, manifesting in the world after seven thousand years of planning and preparation. His triumph over all those who bow down and worship him as their God.

Of interest in the many prophetic patterns we have seen between Daniel and Revelation, the following is quite interesting.

“. . .And the herald was crying out loudly: “To YOU it is being said, O peoples, national groups and languages, 5 that at the time that YOU hear the sound of the horn, the pipe, the zither, the triangular harp, the stringed instrument, the bagpipe and all sorts of musical instruments, YOU fall down and worship the image of gold that Neb·u·chad·nez´zar the king has set up. 6 And whoever does not fall down and worship will at the same moment be thrown into the burning fiery furnace.”. . .” Da 3:4-6

“. . .And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast.” Re 13:15

In both Daniel and Revelation we see that a breath of some sort was needed for the images. Horns, pipes, and bagpipes all require air, or a breath, to be heard. So too the image of the beast is brought about by a 'breath'. I just find that incredibly fascinating is all...

Satan isn't very original, for he only knows what he learned in heaven. Just as Jesus Christ is the perfect image of God, and reflects his glory, so to the United Nations becomes Satans perfect reflection of his evil glory on earth, in manmade form. Although we are never told which head receives the death stroke and climbs out of the abyss, it really doesn't matter because the eighth king will be different than all the other previous heads, and will no doubt combine many characteristics of all the heads together. This simply adds more merit to the case that the image of the beast IS the United Nations, for remember it is an 'image' of the eighth king. It is as perfect an image, or reflection, as Satan could muster up in manmade form to reflect his nature, hence the ultimate 'image' of Satan.

“. . .And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth [king], but springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction.” Re 17:11

To try and clarify it a little better look at the image(ha, no pun intended). The eighth king represents one of the heads that was slaughtered, however, the eighth king also springs from the seven, therefore it also represents the entire beast, which is to say all the seven kingdoms prior.

The 'image' is a reflection of the eighth king, which again represents all the kingdoms of the world. Since the 'image' is a reflection of the eighth king, it too must represent all the kingdoms of the world. The framework of the UN clearly fits that description as representing the kingdoms of the world, which means the UN fits right into the role/hole it was meant to fill as the 'image' of the beast. It is a perfect fit.

Hopefully, after entertaining the points within this post, the mortar holding together the Watchtowers lies are a little weaker, a little more crumbly. It's just a matter of time before enough falls that the house comes tumbling down. Interestingly, just as the wolf blew his breath on the three little pigs house, so too our breath is being used to tear down the lies the Watchtower has built, brick by brick by brick....

If you made it this far....thank you so much for reading.

Side thought…


Based on the information that has been covered regarding the image of the beast, and how the United Nations is positioned to become the glory of Satans evil masterpiece, we can use this information to see WHEN the United Nations will take on that role.

  • The League of Nations was created immediately AFTER WWI.
  • The United Nations was created immediately AFTER WWII
  • The ‘image of the beast’ is created AFTER the eighth king goes off into destruction, and the two horned beast makes fire come down from heaven. Is this WWIII? Most likely! Hence, as soon as WWIII is over, the image will come to exist.

(Revelation 13:4) And they worshipped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshipped the wild beast with the words: “Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?....And it performs great signs, even making fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind. 14 It misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that it was permitted to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image+ to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived.+Revelation 17:8) ... and it is to go off into destruction. And the inhabitants of the earth—those whose names have not been written in the scroll of life from the founding of the world—will be amazed when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present.
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Staff member
Very well written. It is good that a few people are critically examining these things and casting an eye forward. Really, the only thing that has to happen is the mortal wound upon the head of the beast. And from the look of things in the world that is about to happen. I am, though, experiencing a feeling of covetousness. That graphic triangle with the beasts, did you design that? I may not be able to restrain myself from stealing it to illustrate a future article of mine. And I feel one coming on too. ;)


Well-known member
Thank you for taking the time to read it...much appreciated indeed. It means a lot to me, thanks again.

Feel free to use the graphic..having graphic design skills comes in handy sometimes. I had to stop in the middle of writing the post and design it so I could present my ideas with a picture that hopefully helps the readers understand what I was trying to convey. Would love for you to use it...or anybody for that matter. I can always just make another one if I need to :)


Well-known member
Thank you for taking the time to read it...much appreciated indeed. It means a lot to me, thanks again.

Feel free to use the graphic..having graphic design skills comes in handy sometimes. I had to stop in the middle of writing the post and design it so I could present my ideas with a picture that hopefully helps the readers understand what I was trying to convey. Would love for you to use it...or anybody for that matter. I can always just make another one if I need to :)
Very good
If it is the measurements of the idol they are a harbinger of 666
Did you know that Irenaeus of Lyons already said that around 170 CE?
He learned it from the presbyters of his time and from John the apostle through Polycarp of Smyrna
That is why the salvation of the 3 Hebrews
They represent all who refuse to be marked
We must be willing to die to be saved
The story of the 3 Hebrews will take on a new meaning for us when the "mark" comes


Well-known member
He wrote it in his book "against heresy" in France around the year 180 ce (more than 1800 years ago)

Adds to the reasoning the end of the 6000 years and the flood

here an excerpt

29.2. For all of the above, the beast that is to come will recapitulate in itself all the iniquity and
every crime so that, grouping and enclosing in it all the force of apostasy,
be in it thrown into the fiery furnace (Rev 19,20). (1202) No wonder his name will bear the
figure 666 (Ap 13,18), which recapitulates all the malice before the flood, the whole mixture of
evils caused by the apostasy of the angels-Noah was six hundred years old when the
flood fell on the earth (Gn 7,6) and annihilated all living beings on earth
(398), for the wickedness of the generation in Noah's time. That apostasy recapitulates
all the errors and idolatries committed since the flood, the murder of the prophets and the
tortures inflicted on the just. The idol that Nebuchadnezzar erected was sixty cubits
high and six wide (Da 3,1), and for refusing to worship him, Ananias, Azariah and Mishael
were thrown into the fiery furnace (Da 3,20), proof that served as a prophecy of what
will happen at the end of time, when the righteous will suffer the test of fire: since said
idol was the preannouncement of the arrival of the one who will order all men only him
adore him Thus the six hundred years of Noah, in whose time the flood fell by
cause of apostasy, and the number of cubits from the idol by reason of which the righteous
were thrown into the fiery furnace, form the figure of the name (1203) in which
recapitulate six thousand years of all apostasy, injustice, wickedness, pseudo-prophecy and deceit, for
on whom also a deluge of fire will descend.

Biblical truths can be buried for centuries... but they come back to light


Well-known member
Wow I read through the whole thing, very thorough, engaging and fascinating. Loved your parallels w the book of Daniel. Just a thought, wouldn’t the head that received the death stroke be the 7th king since it’s the dominant one during the time of the end? So when this wild beast is revived, that’s when it becomes the eighth king, correct? And what about that other wild beast w the 2 horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon. It too has authority like the wild beast and it makes everyone worship the wild beast, could this be another nation or some type of organization?


Well-known member
Wow I read through the whole thing, very thorough, engaging and fascinating. Loved your parallels w the book of Daniel. Just a thought, wouldn’t the head that received the death stroke be the 7th king since it’s the dominant one during the time of the end? So when this wild beast is revived, that’s when it becomes the eighth king, correct? And what about that other wild beast w the 2 horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon. It too has authority like the wild beast and it makes everyone worship the wild beast, could this be another nation or some type of organization?

Yes, it's a possibility the head John sees receiving the death stroke is the 7th head, and it would certainly make sense if that is the case. I feel that the reason John does not actually tell us he sees the 7th head is the one with a death stroke is because they all look the same to him, which is why he says 'and I saw one of the heads as though it had received a death stroke'.

The seven headed beast is merely a symbolic representation of Satans power of the world, which he manifests through the nations to lord over the people. Each kingdom of the beast, Egypt through the Anglo/American head, is a stepping stone of sorts to bringing the eighth king to power, and to ultimately project his Satanic 'image' to the world through the creation of a United Nations on steroids, the 'image of the beast'.

I also feel that John didn't tell us which head was slaughtered, because if it mattered he would have, because Jehovah would have wanted us to know. Therefore since we don't know precisely which head John sees receives the death stroke, it can be any one of them, the point is it doesn't matter, because each and every one of them was simply a representation of Satans power over the world at that time. Essentially, although they were different time periods, they are all the same thing, Satanic influence over the world. Because the eighth king 'springs from the seven' it conveys the meaning of taking on the attributes of the previous seven heads, most notably Babylon, because that is the prophetic pattern that Revelation alludes to through prophetic foreshadowing. Babylons image of gold=The 'image of the beast'.

The two horned beast, also has the same authority as the first seven headed beast, so it must be some sort of proxy the eighth king uses to not only make fire come down out of heaven, but also to make the earth create the 'image' of the beast. If we look at the examples we have today of outside organizations that control much of the narrative and thought process occurring in the world, such as the World Economic Forum, and the great reset, we can see how an organization can carry the same authority as governments do. Whether the two horned beast will be an actual Govt, or whether it will be some worldwide organization the elite have created remains to be seen. It is even possible that the World Economic Forum is the framework for the lamb with two horns that speaks like a dragon, It certainly fits the part...
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Well-known member
Yes, it's a possibility the head John sees receiving the death stroke is the 7th head, and it would certainly make sense if that is the case. I feel that the reason John does not actually tell us he sees the 7th head is the one with a death stroke is because they all look the same to him, which is why he says 'and I saw one of the heads as though it had received a death stroke'.

The seven headed beast is merely a symbolic representation of Satans power of the world, which he manifests through the nations to lord over the people. Each kingdom of the beast, Egypt through the Anglo/American head, is a stepping stone of sorts to bringing the eighth king to power, and to ultimately project his Satanic 'image' to the world through the creation of a United Nations on steroids, the 'image of the beast'.

I also feel that John didn't tell us which head was slaughtered, because if it mattered he would have, because Jehovah would have wanted us to know. Therefore since we don't know precisely which head John sees receives the death stroke, it can be any one of them, the point is it doesn't matter, because each and every one of them was simply a representation of Satans power over the world at that time. Essentially, although they were different time periods, they are all the same thing, Satanic influence over the world. Because the eighth king 'springs from the seven' it conveys the meaning of taking on the attributes of the previous seven heads, most notably Babylon, because that is the prophetic pattern that Revelation alludes to through prophetic foreshadowing. Babylons image of gold=The 'image of the beast'.

The two horned beast, also has the same authority as the first seven headed beast, so it must be some sort of proxy the eighth king uses to not only make fire come down out of heaven, but also to make the earth create the 'image' of the beast. If we look at the examples we have today of outside organizations that control much of the narrative and thought process occurring in the world, such as the World Economic Forum, and the great reset, we can see how an organization can carry the same authority as governments do. Whether the two horned beast will be an actual Govt, or whether it will be some worldwide organization the elite have created remains to be seen. It is even possible that the World Economic Forum is the framework for the lamb with two horns that speaks like a dragon, It certainly fits the part...
Thanks so much, Cristo. I can already see it all unfolding just as Jehovah lays it all out. It will also become much more obvious who this eighth king and 2nd wild beast are as we get closer. Is the eighth king also the king of the north?


Well-known member
Thank you Cristo, very interesting, well written and points well made and expressed and the great illustrations really add a lot visually.

Since Nero was the first Roman emporer to persecute Christians, and the numbers for his name are 666, I've thought that Nero is actually a prophetic type for the eighth king. Nero, well known for his hatred and extreme cruelty and persecution towards Christ's followers, aptly fits the description of an anti-christ, as well as a merciless 'king fierce in countenance' as spoken of in Daniel. What do you think?


Well-known member
Screen Shot 2022-01-14 at 5.11.00 PM.png
The World Economic Forum is a good example of what we can expect the two horned beast to be like, for it gives us already the look of a lamb, yet speaks like a dragon. Not saying this is the second beast, but the framework for it is certainly there, or something similar to it.

Upfront the great reset is supposed to elevate mankind to a new level of evolution and improve the daily lives of every man, woman, and child bringing in a new utopia under the fourth industrial revolution.

Yet, underneath this clever deception is a plan of worldwide depopulation on a grand scale through control of natural resources, and mass starvation which will bring upon a pandemic that makes Covid look like a seasonal allergy.

Screen Shot 2022-01-14 at 5.26.24 PM.png
The whole reason for the pandemic was to give the elite an opportunity to create what they have been working towards for so long. Now that the Great Reset initiative has been deployed we are in the early stages of the beginning of the end.

Reading the image at the left, you can see how an organization can retain so much power as to carry the same authority as a nation or govt because it is used as a 'think tank' of experts and leaders that the govt. turn to for advice. This persuasive rhetoric, shown to the left, is what creates a sheep like covering, over a dragon like intent. There is NOTHING the Great Reset initiative will do that will show honor and dignity to every human being, believe that!
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Well-known member
Cristo quotes from Watchtower publications and Watchtower has the beast coming out in 1920, going in in 1939, out again in 1945, but in another place they say it came out in 1918. I had to laugh, as it's like the beast, according to the Watchtower 'experts', (they used to say 'prophets' ) keeps bobbing in and out; coming out, coming out again, going in, coming out again. (Maybe they watched too many Godzilla movies?)
I know they’re all over the place, it’s comical and scary that people aren’t picking up on it.


Well-known member
Thank you Cristo, very interesting, well written and points well made and expressed and the great illustrations really add a lot visually.

Since Nero was the first Roman emporer to persecute Christians, and the numbers for his name are 666, I've thought that Nero is actually a prophetic type for the eighth king. Nero, well known for his hatred and extreme cruelty and persecution towards Christ's followers, aptly fits the description of an anti-christ, as well as a merciless 'king fierce in countenance' as spoken of in Daniel. What do you think?

Much appreciated...thanks for taking the time to read.

Ancient-Roman-Flag.pngYes, that is very interesting regarding his name, I wasn't aware of that. Yeah I don't think the 'king in fierce countenance' will be the neighborly type. Your suggestion of Nero is interesting also in the fact that the imagery of that time during the Roman Empire is something I've always been fascinated by. Just recently, in fact about ten minutes ago lol, as I was searching for the symbols of Rome spurred on by your alluding to Nero, I had a fascinating thought.

Jesus remarked “33. . .Whoever seeks to keep his soul safe for himself will lose it, but whoever loses it will preserve it alive. 34 I tell YOU, In that night two [men] will be in one bed; the one will be taken along, but the other will be abandoned. 35 There will be two [women] grinding at the same mill; the one will be taken along, but the other will be abandoned.” 36 —— 37 So in response they said to him: “Where, Lord?” He said to them: “Where the body is, there also the eagles will be gathered together.”Lu 17:33-37

Suppose, as you suggest, Nero the Roman emperor is the prophetic type for the eighth king. Perhaps he takes on the imagery of the Roman empire in such a way so as to be identified by an eagle. Jesus said where the body is, possibly meaning those who have apparently been killed for the sake of Jesus name, for whoever loses their life will preserve it alive. Therefore the eagles gathered together are those who do the killing in the name of the eighth king, thus that is where the body is.

I'm sorry if that doesn't make sense, but as I said it just occurred to me and I haven't given it much thought yet. And not saying this is the actual meaning, but just brainstorming. I realize Robert has a different understanding of that those verses regarding the body/eagles being gathered, although I cannot recall what it was, or where to find it.
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Well-known member
The verse about the eagles gathered to where to body is, has always puzzled me, even with the explanations given. But, Robert's views about the British Empire stemming from Rome, and London too, being of Roman origin, having Roman roots, are historically correct. And the iron in the legs of the image represent Rome, so the iron in the feet of the image being an extension of the Roman Empire into the feet makes sense. Does it not?
So, when you think about it, the entire image, Satan's world government system is standing upon, supported by Roman roots.

Yes, it most certainly makes sense, indeed. So happy we have this forum to share ideas and thoughts, and sharpen one another during these times. No doubt it will help many of us to draw closer to Jehovah, and reinforce the scriptures in our minds and hearts so that when, if given the opportunity to give a throurough witness to the rulers of this world, we will be ready.

“for the holy spirit will teach YOU in that very hour the things YOU ought to say....the helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach YOU all things and bring back to YOUR minds all the things I told YOU.” Lu 12:12, Joh 14:26

The God Pill

Well-known member
I've mentioned it before but 2 Esdras describes Daniel's 4th beast (we know as Rome and everything that comes from Rome all the way to the systems end) in a parallel prophecy with different symbology as an eagle with three heads and a bunch of wings. Essentially illustrating the succession of empires from Rome through the time of the end.


Well-known member
Part 3​

United Nations in New Role

So how does this prove that the 'image of the beast' set up by the eighth king in Revelation is the United Nations in it's new role? Consider again what the United Nations is. It is a conglomerate of all the jurisdictions, or countries, in the world brought together to serve the interest of the Leader(now NATO) of the world. The future 'image' of the beast is set up to serve the interest of the Eighth King. This follows the pattern already established.

The 'image' set up in Babylon was to serve the interest of Nebuchadnezzar, the leader at that time. Notice who is at the inauguration of the golden image.

Nebuchadnezzar was Uniting the whole of Babylon power under the image he had set up in Dura. Instead of a United Nations, you could call it a United Districts of the time. The U.D.... Ha! Sorry couldn't help it.

The United Nations is the same conglomeration but on a world wide scale. The 'image' of the beast comes to power when the kings of the earth give their power to the wild beast, and this is when the United Nations will take on the role as the ultimate idol set up by Satan for the world to worship, the ’image of the beast’.

The framework of the United Nations fits this understanding much more clearly than what the WT interprets it to be, for the Ten kings represent the conglomeration of the worlds countries into a single coalition, a United Nations on steroids. A newly born authoritarian regime imposed on mankind to force the worship of Satan. This image, or idol, is Satans masterpiece, manifesting in the world after seven thousand years of planning and preparation. His triumph, over all those who bow down and worship him as their God.

Of interest in the many prophetic patterns we have seen between Daniel and Revelation, the following seems to tie it together in a way that the WT's interpretation never could.

In both Daniel and Revelation we see that a breath of some sort was needed for the images. Horns, pipes, and bagpipes all require air, or a breath, to be heard. So too the image of the beast is brought about by a 'breath'. I just find that incredibly fascinating is all...

Satan isn't very original, for he only knows what he learned in heaven. Just as Jesus Christ is the perfect image of God, and reflects his glory, so to the United Nations becomes Satans perfect reflection of his evil glory on earth, in manmade form. Although we are never told which head receives the death stroke and climbs out of the abyss, it really doesn't matter because the eighth king will be different than all the other previous heads, and will no doubt combine many characteristics of all the heads together. This simply adds more merit to the case that the image of the beast IS the United Nations, for remember it is an 'image' of the eighth king. It is as perfect an image, or reflection, as Satan could muster up in manmade form, the ultimate image of Satan.

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To try and clarify it a little better look at the image(ha, no pun intended). The eighth king represents one of the heads that was slaughtered, however, the eighth king also springs from the seven, therefore it also represents the entire beast, which is of course ALL the kingdoms prior to it. The 'image', is a reflection of the eighth king, which again represents all the kingdoms of the world. (This is probably why we are not told which head receives the death stroke, because the eighth king represents everything each of those kingdoms stood for.) So we can clearly see how the framework of the entity that represents all the kingdoms of the word, the UN, fits right into the hole that is the 'image'.

Hopefully, after entertaining the points within this post, the mortar holding together the Watchtowers lies are a little weaker, a little more crumbly. It's just a matter of time before enough falls that the house comes tumbling down. Interestingly, just as the wolf blew his breath on the three little pigs house, so too our breath is being used to tear down the lies the Watchtower has built, brick by brick by brick....

If you made it this far....thank you so much for reading.

Side thought…


Based on the information that has been covered regarding the image of the beast, and how the United Nations is positioned to become the glory of Satans evil masterpiece, we can use this information to see WHEN the United Nations will take on that role.

  • The League of Nations was created immediately AFTER WWI.
  • The United Nations was created immediately AFTER WWII
  • The ‘image of the beast’ is created AFTER the eighth king goes off into destruction, and the two horned beast makes fire come down from heaven. Is this WWIII? Most likely!

(Revelation 13:4) And they worshipped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshipped the wild beast with the words: “Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?....And it performs great signs, even making fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind. 14 It misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that it was permitted to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image+ to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived.+Revelation 17:8) ... and it is to go off into destruction. And the inhabitants of the earth—those whose names have not been written in the scroll of life from the founding of the world—will be amazed when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present.
Thank you that was a good read