This is interesting.
When most people think of heart disease risk, they think of red meat and cholesterol. However, studies show your microbiome plays a role in heart disease risk. For instance, red meat promotes arterial plaque in some people but not others depending on their microbiome. For the high-risk groups, carnitine, an amino acid in meats, metabolizes into a compound that damages the vascular system. When researchers treated the at-risk group with antibiotics, they saw a drop in the carnitine metabolite that damaged blood vessels.
The same has been found with salt and high blood pressure. Some people’s microbiome makes them prone to high blood pressure from salt, and researchers haven’t figured out a way to alter that.
This kind of research gives us an idea of what a health checkup might look like in the future and how treatments and advice can be customized by assessing each person’s microbiome signature. It will hopefully shift health care and popular culture away from shaming people for their health issues or weight.
Learn more in my course Gut Health: Solving the Puzzle, currently discounted. Included free with purchase is my course the 3D Immune Intolerance Program. Learn more at
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