World bank is downgrading it's economic outlook; citing three things 1 persistent rising inflation, 2 Poor growth, 3 War.
However the fake stream propaganda ministries and anyone else who is reading from the same script are saying everything is dam fine splendid.
Here is what one of the wall street super banks who incidentally has a 53 Trillion dollars worth of derivative exposure. If you add to that all the other top banks world wide, that exposure is in the quadrillions; Goldman Sachs, wants the American people to know "We're not in a recession now, and more than likely there is not going to be one moving forward"
However the fake stream propaganda ministries and anyone else who is reading from the same script are saying everything is dam fine splendid.
Here is what one of the wall street super banks who incidentally has a 53 Trillion dollars worth of derivative exposure. If you add to that all the other top banks world wide, that exposure is in the quadrillions; Goldman Sachs, wants the American people to know "We're not in a recession now, and more than likely there is not going to be one moving forward"