American Economic Collapse

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World bank is downgrading it's economic outlook; citing three things 1 persistent rising inflation, 2 Poor growth, 3 War.
However the fake stream propaganda ministries and anyone else who is reading from the same script are saying everything is dam fine splendid.
Here is what one of the wall street super banks who incidentally has a 53 Trillion dollars worth of derivative exposure. If you add to that all the other top banks world wide, that exposure is in the quadrillions; Goldman Sachs, wants the American people to know "We're not in a recession now, and more than likely there is not going to be one moving forward"
process of aging
This helped me greatly to reduce brain fog and chronic the gut biome with kefir and yogurt made from raw milk. Other fermented products like cloudy vinegar , sauerkraut and Kim Chee help as well. The herbicide roundup kills everything, including the beneficial bacteria that reside in the gut.

Also take magnesium in the transdermal form. Spray it directly on the skin on the parts of your body that tingle the most. For me that is my head, face, ears, scalp, neck. Wait at least 10 minutes before you shower off.

Is Steven Van Metre real or fiction. I wonder if the fake stream propaganda ministries picked him/it up from out of the ranks of the homeless to read a script. If there was a debt sealing there does not appear to be one now. The lifting of the so-called sealing is just a notification to the American people that they're going to borrow more money. The US government is going to "take money out the economy and sit on it for a while, and then slowly spend it back into the economy." Goodnight how do they come up with this stuff? The US Government is 32 Trillion dollars in debt. It is broke. They're not getting any money out of no economy. The Zombie system is dead. It just doesn't know it yet.. The only thing that is real is the debt bubble. The bubble that Central banks are keeping afloat until they don't.
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Goldman Sachs Gives 5 reasons why the stock market is likely to fall.

1 – More investers are taking downside protection ( Hedging )

2 – Risk is elevated Duh The market risk indicator has told us this forever. Well?

3 - High evaluations We’ve also been told about the market not making sense. ( Its fake )

4 – Stock market has priced in an optimistic outlook. FOMO? To do with AI prehaps

We’ve been told that there is going to be a reality check. Get in the safe lane. Bet against the debt become our own CB.

5 – Tail wind no longer exists. Not sure what they’re trying to say here? The FED has always
propped up the market.

The market risk indicator has crossed the first red line in the sand. Last I checked it was 260

Earlier in the year it was 266 or there abouts. The FED will most likely step in soon? Or will they let the debt bubble explode/implode? We’ll see how things go.
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The Stock market is not the driving force for the economy. It is not even an indicator. if it is; it is fake.

Curious about the FED's reaction. And/Or OPEC countries. Crude oil is a factor prehaps.
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The 10 yr yield has dropped slightly, The US $ on a relative strength basis has also come down causing the Market risk indicator to drop slightly also.

It is not certain as yet whether the FED has stepped in. See what happens in a day or three.
Every time the risk indicator has gotten close to 250 or over, the stock market has miraculously defied
gravity. when it should crater. We'll see if another miracle happens?

Or is it time to buy up hard assets. Silver, Gold, Crude oil etc? Not in the form of fake paper directives.
But the actual physical assets.

Someone said that it is rare for a stock market crash during an election cycle. The FED could have Mr Biden's back going in prehaps. Good numbers to bragg about at least.
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There was a bit of a competition for the stuff between consumers down here couple three yrs back.
All good for now.. Fuel for fires when the power goes out prehaps.
During the last war, the British public were supplied with toilet paper by the newspapers. The Times of course had better coverage and when ironed beforehand was always more “absorbent” and with the added benefit of not leaving print behind.