American Economic Collapse

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Looks like my prediction is right. Inflation is up again even though the interest rates have been the same for a while. They refuse to make the interest rate go up because it wouldn't do well for the corrupt Biden administration. If Trump gets in office again, they are going to blame him for interest rates going up and dumb people will believe that.
At this point I pretty much gave up on the idea of owning a house. You have to be making at least $80,000 per year to be able to afford a mortgage along with high insurance rates and high taxes.
The house down the street from me sold in one day for $875,000. And it's a tiny dump. Probably built in the 60's with single wall construction and no improvements other than a new coat of paint. It just sold last Sunday.
The house down the street from me sold in one day for $875,000. And it's a tiny dump. Probably built in the 60's with single wall construction and no improvements other than a new coat of paint. It just sold last Sunday.
My parents house doubled in cost within 6 years. From 180k to 330K and the higher insurance cost makes it even more expensive. When houses double in price like that so has everything else. Pretty soon, people will have to make 100k per year or more just to afford a mortgage.
My parents house doubled in cost within 6 years. From 180k to 330K and the higher insurance cost makes it even more expensive. When houses double in price like that so has everything else. Pretty soon, people will have to make 100k per year or more just to afford a mortgage.
This was what convinced me to move. I barely understand housing markets but my brother explained to me that within a few years everybody's insurance and taxes would jump because of the corporations buying houses at four times what they were actually worth. They are hoping to win at the long game and likely will.
I actually meant to say that the house doubled in price from 180k to 360k, not 330k like I said earlier. Certain areas are effected more than others. I live in Southern Florida and too many people moved over here. Making the cost of mortgages, rents, insurance costs and taxes go up. The most traveled to state to move to within the United States. I may have to move too if things don't change by the end of the year.
My parents house doubled in cost within 6 years. From 180k to 330K and the higher insurance cost makes it even more expensive. When houses double in price like that so has everything else. Pretty soon, people will have to make 100k per year or more just to afford a mortgage.
The banksters have access to unlimited FED money, which they’re using to buy up all possible assets before the dollar’s killed. It’s tempting to take the cash and buy physical gold & silver, but then you’ll be a renter. Most people will take the cash and blow it or invest in the DOW.

CB's financial situation is all good. Where else are the talking heads ( Biden n Co ) going to get the money to send to Ukraine and the middle East. while America gets more broke? No developed nation on the planet has a "War Chest" So where do they get the money?

More trivia or maybe not so trivial, The US national debt has grown by 4 T approx, while Biden has been in office. But Obama spent just over 8T and Trump's stint inflated the debt to between 7 n 8 T. The last 4 US Presidents cost the tax payer more money than all the other ones combined. Things are about to get worse with the expansion of war and debt, resulting in the needless loss of more human lives. Until the suffering comes to an end.
I've been following the precious metals market for years, waiting for the explosion we see happening today. I believe the West has lost control of the manipulation, which means the dollar is dying. This could be a coordinated attack by Russia and China, in preparation of the BRICS announcing their currency will be tied to gold. Obviously anything can happen, but the current moves are awakening the sleeping public to the fragility of the dollar. The FED is in a box.
I've been following the precious metals market for years, waiting for the explosion we see happening today. I believe the West has lost control of the manipulation, which means the dollar is dying. This could be a coordinated attack by Russia and China, in preparation of the BRICS announcing their currency will be tied to gold. Obviously anything can happen, but the current moves are awakening the sleeping public to the fragility of the dollar. The FED is in a box.
It has to happen this way. Rockefeller Foundation collaborated on a document which also had a list of highlights of goals that came out at the same time. Knocking us down was part of the setting up of the ten regional governments they outlined.
The document is titled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.
BREAKING: Philadelphia-based Republic First Bank seized by regulators.

I suspect it is all part of the consolidation process prehaps. Bank of America is one of the bigger banks predicted to go down.

Morgan Stanley. JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and maybe another couple super banks have a mainline to the fed. So the consolidation of power will most likely wind up in their hands.

Those relatively few Wall Street super banks own the FED anyway.
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I just found out but 5 months ago, EDIT; sorry it was not 5 months ago I misread the video description I just finished watching. but regardless Wells Fargo was predicted to follow BOA down the hatch. Both Wall Street Banks. So even the bigger players may not be safe prehaps.
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BREAKING: China has dumped $74 billion in US treasuries since 2023.
I’ve seen that Russia says it has the right to
Confiscated western assets

These were from a few days ago…

BREAKING: Russia says it now has the right to confiscate all Western assets in Russia, worth more than $288 billion.

BREAKING: Russia to seize $440 million from JPMorgan.
The Roman blood line and old money when threatened by the slave uprising retreated to the lagoons of Venice later those old bloods would need to retreat again this time to the Netherlands using thier money to raise the House of Orange to take over England and install their answer King William of Orange 1690 later to spawn the 4 Kings called George. We can directly link the blood lines of Rome to the seat of Kingship of the British Empire. Ofcourse I have ommited much history but it's there documented in time. The British Empire has the batton of Rome passed on to it! And it has been documented most studiously by those more articulate than myself.
The point of realising that the British Empire or KOTN is the daughter of Rome then what was pronounced upon Rome in Daniel9:27 “And on the wing of disgusting things there will be the one
causing desolation" is understanding the modus operandi of her. Gadaffi warned the European west who's system of free education free health care and the benevolant policy of helping Africa out of darkness: destroying him would make Europe open to mass migration from Africa! Rome's daughter knew exactly what they were doing in bringing destruction to him and mass migration; Their Malthusian, eugenicist agenda to fruition!
Yes! The 4 British kings called George were grafted in through Venice by the House of Orange; Holland, by way of Rome. Prime Minister Disraeli wrote:
"The great object of Whig leaders in England from the, first movement under Hampden to the last most successfull one in 1688, was to establish in England a high aristocratic republic on the model of the Venetian....William the Third told ...Whig leaders, 'I will not be a doge' (Venetian ruler) ...they brought in a new family on their own tenns. George I was a! doge; George II was a doge....George III tried not to be a doge....He might try to get rid of the Whig Magnificoes, but he could not rid himself of the Venetian constitution." BTW George the third also known as mad king George was purportedly made mad because of trying to break free from Venetian politics in sympathy of America........He was always blamed of incalcetrance allowing 1776. But get this who was in charge of keeping British ownership of America?...Prime Minister of Great Britain 1770-1782 Lord North!
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I’ve seen that Russia says it has the right to
Confiscated western assets

These were from a few days ago…

BREAKING: Russia says it now has the right to confiscate all Western assets in Russia, worth more than $288 billion.

BREAKING: Russia to seize $440 million from JPMorgan.
Maybe some of this is payback, or justice. Morgan Chase helped fund Nazi Germany during the war. So did a man named Thyssen and Krupp who also built machinery for the war. ThyssenKrupp is the largest elevator company in the world now. They bought out Dover who was the largest competitor in the 80s.
Everything comes out in the wash eventually.
BREAKING: China has dumped $74 billion in US treasuries since 2023.

The FED bought them, or some of them I suspect. Thats what they do. Treasury bonds are debt. Central banks either buy the debt or large capped? stocks. Swiss National has already started cutting rates. ECB is already talking of cutting rates likely in June and the FED will most likely follow. GM suspected months ago that the FED will cut rates in June.

But how is it done, Simple they get into the market and buy the debt. The FED does not have a trading desk to play zeros and crosses. Wonder how many Americans know about the "Plunge Protection Team" of which the FED is a main player. The driver of the stock market is the debt market. As long as the debt market is stable, the stock market's illusion is maintained.

As long as central banks keep the debt market inflate which ensures that inflation has nowhere to go but higher the stock market looks good, or has the appearance. C/Bs will continue to do what they do until they don't. The second coming prehaps.
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He's right but what are you going to invest your money in?

Real Estate? Possible but no guarantees. I've been living in my house for 12 years and it hasn't gone up much in value.
Stocks? It's mostly a **** show. It's only a matter of time before it's crushed by debt and BS.
Gold and Silver? Iffy at best. I bought some paper gold and silver way back in the early 2000s. I cashed it out during Convid and I made out OK but it hasn't moved much since then.

Perhaps any of these is better than leaving it in the bank but none is a guaranteed return. Perhaps we should be moving our money between them. I can't be bothered but it's a possibility.

The real answer is to become a politician like Pelosi. Use insider trading to make yourself rich with zero consequences. :)
He's right but what are you going to invest your money in?
Food. Once this really starts to move we know there will be famines. It gets translated as food shortages but we're really talking famine aren't we? God warned about the first major famine so we could prepare. We were warned about the next one. Once it commences, food will become extremely expensive so I think that would be the best investment. This is all man made and they plan to starve us to death.