Artificial Intelligence—A Blessing or a Curse?—What Does the Bible Say?


Well-known member
This news about AI is a bit concerning. You might want to read the article but what I understand from it is that the AI was to identify targets and then given points for each target eliminated but when the operator told the drone to not eliminate some targets, it then eliminated the operator so that it could continue to get points or rewards for eliminating targets. This demo appears to have been in London.

USAF Chief Says AI-Drone Killed Human Operator During Simulation Test: Report​



Well-known member
This is THE elephant in the middle of the room and I got counseled by the elders for "sharing misinformation" about this.

I DO believe AI will be the antichrist. Elon Musk, Ray Kurzweill, Bill Gates, Palantir, DARPA, etc, etc., all want to connect bodies to the internet making "the internet of bodies" and also "the internet of things". They want smart cities and everything hooked up to the grid.

The CEO of Nokia said that people will have their phones inside of them by the year 2030. Elon Musk has his Neuralink brain chip in FDA trials for humans right now. Klaus Schwab has said people will have brain chips by the year 2026. See Canada's plan for Biodigital Convergence

Also, the Ministry of Defense for Germany did a white paper on transhumanism for the military and beyond.

They want super soldiers, super humans, and quantum computers that make robots human like and AI godlike.

They will use AI to gene edit out "bad genes" that cause birth defects, disease and aging.

They will use brain chips to make people as smart as computers and learn 6 languages instantly.

They will claim to heal the blind, deaf, lame, etc, etc.

So, the reasoning will go: who needs Christ's ransom sacrifice.

And yes, the GB has said virtually nothing about this. And, when a friend of mine wrote the branch asking what they though of AI, they said that the Bible is not completely against the use of transhumansim. I presume that they were talking about bionic arms, eyes, etc, but it's a dangerous precedent to set and yes, they are totally looking to man for solutions to problems that only God can provide.

What happened to them championing God's creation??

And you know what? Jesus said that his presence would be "just like the days of Noah". While we know that people would be "eating and drinking and marrying and buying and selling and taking no note", they also were having relations with demons and producing hybrid offspring which CHANGED THEIR DNA and that's why God had to destroy them all. In the Insight on the Scriptures book under the article of Greece, it mentions that the mythical Greek gods were actually based on the Nephilim.

So, these half-man and half-beast Greek gods could very well have also been offspring of the demons since we know the Mosaic law specifically forbade bestiality so where did that practice originate from and why did God feel the need to destroy all but a few select animals in the Flood if they also had not been corrupted by the demons?

It's a strange time we are living in and the whole transgender agenda is also trying to get used to changing the human body in unnatural ways so that we can "be whatever we want to be" and to blur the gender lines so that robots seem more "normalized" to us since we, too, will be asexual (at least they will be--not us).

It's so vital to keep awake and to talk about this. I feel the same way that technology has limited use, but we have to get comfortable being back in Jehovah's creation, gardening, relying on him in prayer for our basic needs and trusting in his mighty creative power to deliver his people instead of bowing to the AI god or the medical god or whatever other idol god that man throws up to us.


Paul resiliente

Este es EL elefante en el medio de la habitación y los ancianos me aconsejaron por "compartir información errónea" sobre esto.

SÍ creo que AI será el anticristo. Elon Musk, Ray Kurzweill, Bill Gates, Palantir, DARPA, etc, etc., todos quieren conectar cuerpos a internet haciendo "el internet de los cuerpos" y también "el internet de las cosas". Quieren ciudades inteligentes y todo conectado a la red.

El CEO de Nokia dijo que las personas tendrán sus teléfonos dentro de ellos para el año 2030. Elon Musk tiene su chip cerebral Neuralink en ensayos de la FDA para humanos en este momento. Klaus Schwab ha dicho que la gente tendrá chips cerebrales para el año 2026. Ver el plan de Canadá para la Convergencia Biodigital

Además, el Ministerio de Defensa de Alemania elaboró un libro blanco sobre el transhumanismo para el ejército y más allá.

Quieren súper soldados, súper humanos y computadoras cuánticas que hagan que los robots sean humanos y la IA divina.

Usarán IA para editar genéticamente los "genes malos" que causan defectos de nacimiento, enfermedades y envejecimiento.

Usarán chips cerebrales para hacer que las personas sean tan inteligentes como las computadoras y aprendan 6 idiomas al instante.

Pretenderán curar a los ciegos, sordos, cojos, etc, etc.

Entonces, el razonamiento será: ¿quién necesita el sacrificio de rescate de Cristo?

Y sí, el GB no ha dicho prácticamente nada al respecto. Y, cuando un amigo mío escribió a la rama preguntando qué pensaban de la IA, dijeron que la Biblia no está completamente en contra del uso de transhumansim. Presumo que estaban hablando de brazos biónicos, ojos, etc., pero es un precedente peligroso para establecer y sí, están totalmente buscando en el hombre soluciones a problemas que solo Dios puede proporcionar.

¿Qué les pasó defendiendo la creación de Dios?

¿Y sabes qué? Jesús dijo que su presencia sería "como en los días de Noé". Si bien sabemos que la gente estaría "comiendo y bebiendo y casándose y comprando y vendiendo y sin tomar nota", también estaban teniendo relaciones con demonios y produciendo descendencia híbrida que CAMBIÓ SU ADN y es por eso que Dios tuvo que destruirlos a todos. En el libro Perspicacia sobre las Escrituras bajo el artículo de Grecia, se menciona que los dioses griegos míticos en realidad se basaron en los Nefilim.

Por lo tanto, estos dioses griegos mitad hombres y mitad bestias también podrían haber sido descendientes de los demonios, ya que sabemos que la ley mosaica prohibía específicamente la bestialidad, entonces, ¿de dónde se originó esa práctica y por qué Dios sintió la necesidad de destruir todo menos una parte? pocos animales selectos en el Diluvio si ellos también no hubieran sido corrompidos por los demonios?

Estamos viviendo un momento extraño y toda la agenda transgénero también está acostumbrando a cambiar el cuerpo humano de formas antinaturales para que podamos "ser lo que queramos ser" y difuminar las líneas de género para que los robots parezcan más "normalizados" para nosotros ya que nosotros también seremos asexuales (al menos ellos lo serán, no nosotros).

Es tan vital mantenerse despierto y hablar de esto. Siento lo mismo que la tecnología tiene un uso limitado, pero tenemos que sentirnos cómodos estado de regreso en la creación de Jehová, cultivando un jardín, confiando en él en oración para nuestras necesidades básicas y confiando en su poderoso poder creativo para liberar a su pueblo en lugar de inclinarnos ante el Todo dios o el dios médico o cualquier otro dios ídolo
I agree with all your comment. Very detailed and based on what is happening and what the Bible says. I personally posted a discussion thread a while ago, about the 2-horned beast of Revelation, the horns are "Lamb" but "Speaks like a dragon". It is quite clear that if the lamb of Revelation is Christ and all that implies having his throat cut, among other things to restore the human being, that a beast that wants to resemble the lamb appears, "Performing great signs to deceive" the masses , to be able to associate it with transhumanism and the false eternal life that Satan offers to humans in direct opposition to Jehovah and the lamb Jesus. But even in this forum (for which I am deeply grateful to Robert and I always say that it is a tool of God) in some members the spirit of the Wachtower continues to reign in some members the spirit of the Wachtower of waiting for someone to say continues to operate : "White" and it's just white. In this case, because Robert says that the 2 horns are Anglo-American, most adhere to that because Robert said so. Despite the fact that Revelation describes a magical/religious activity of this beast, they still say that it is a political duo. But hey, things are changing a lot and that's where they will start to realize or at least start to analyze.
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Well-known member

They've weaponized people's legitimate needs such as belonging against us. That's why it's going to take courage to be able to stand out, stand apart and stand alone if necessary. Of course, we are not truly alone and that's why the parousia will be so encouraging, but we need eyes of faith to "see" the angels there helping us and cheering us on.


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Well-known member
I thought I would revive this thread to mention that Honolulu installed a robot for a security guard in downtown Honolulu. Less than a year later the robot is gone and apparently not as effective or efficient as a human security guard. So, all of the horror at thinking that machines will take over all the work humans are doing now will likely never happen.


Well-known member
I thought I would revive this thread to mention that Honolulu installed a robot for a security guard in downtown Honolulu. Less than a year later the robot is gone and apparently not as effective or efficient as a human security guard. So, all of the horror at thinking that machines will take over all the work humans are doing now will likely never happen.
It depends on what is let out. DARPA or similar groups might have things that would be horrifying. Then again their function is probably based on combat.

DR75 less 1

Well-known member
but even those set apart will suffer by the mistakes of the whole.

You make it sound like a foregone conclusion. The anointed have been set apart for a special purpose.
However comma their inevitable suffering is due to their being part of a process set in place by Jehovah to solve mankind's problems because of a willful rebellion. Indeed the mistake of one. AI might be somewhat of a factor in the days to come prehaps. But lets not get ahead of ourselves and see it as more of a force than it really is. I wouldn't worry. Do not the scriptures say ."...what can man do to me?... And since AI is the brain child of man/men. Where does that leave it?


Well-known member
You make it sound like a foregone conclusion. The anointed have been set apart for a special purpose.
However comma their inevitable suffering is due to their being part of a process set in place by Jehovah to solve mankind's problems because of a willful rebellion. Indeed the mistake of one. AI might be somewhat of a factor in the days to come prehaps. But lets not get ahead of ourselves and see it as more of a force than it really is. I wouldn't worry. Do not the scriptures say ."...what can man do to me?... And since AI is the brain child of man/men. Where does that leave it?
I appreciate your perspective on this matter. It's interesting how we're discussing the broader implications of innovation and AI. While I acknowledge that individuals can have varying viewpoints and experiences, my point was more about the collective impact of our actions.
You mention the idea of anointed individuals being set apart for a special purpose, and I understand how that concept ties into your beliefs. At the same time, I believe that our collective decisions, as a society, do have consequences that can affect everyone, regardless of individual intentions or beliefs.
Regarding AI, I certainly understand that it's a product of human ingenuity. However, the concern arises from our ability to create increasingly complex systems that might evolve in unexpected ways. It's not about attributing intentionality or personhood to AI, but rather recognizing the potential risks of its advancement. As we develop AI technologies, it's crucial to consider the potential consequences they might have on society at large.
Your point about not getting ahead of ourselves is valid. It's important to strike a balance between embracing innovation and being cautious about its potential downsides. As you rightly mentioned, the scriptures remind us about the limitations of what human efforts can do. Still, as we navigate the complexities of technology and innovation, I believe it's essential to approach these advancements with thoughtfulness and a consideration for the well-being of humanity as a whole.

DR75 less 1

Well-known member
I believe it's essential to approach these advancements with thoughtfulness and a consideration for the well-being of humanity as a whole.

Tech advances does not appear to have the well-being of humanity as a whole in view, with regard to AI

Mod cons certainly have made things easier for people but I'm not sure, well-being was the producers main focus for said conveniences. prehaps.


Well-known member
I was playing with an AI based search engine last night. I started out questioning the safety and efficacy of the Covid mRNA vaccines. It spit out the "safe and effective narrative" that we have had shoved down our throats, while referencing propagandist print media articles on the wonders of the vaccine. I then asked it how many deaths have been determined to be Covid vaccine related. It said that there had been zero Covid vaccine deaths, in the trials. That was the entirety of it's answer. With my next question I asked about excess deaths. The AI did admit that there has been an 89% increase in excess deaths from 2019 to 2021. I then asked why many young athletes are dropping dead with cardiac arrests. The AI responded that it couldn't continue the conversation, that it was "still learning". Lol. Make of it what you will.