August 2024 watchtower


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2021
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This file is circulating, I don't know if anyone has already published it, it seems to be from the watchtower that has not yet come out and it is an automatic translation into English
It caught my attention that they say in the magazine that whoever does not help someone return quickly imitates the devil and not Jehovah.
Have they forgotten what they promoted for decades?


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This file is circulating, I don't know if anyone has already published it, it seems to be from the watchtower that has not yet come out and it is an automatic translation into English
It caught my attention that they say in the magazine that whoever does not help someone return quickly imitates the devil and not Jehovah.
Have they forgotten what they promoted for decades?
Something about this seems fishy. I only read the Scripture of the first article and my brain melted. The incorrect quote of John 3:16 stopped me from proceeding. I'm like, wait, this can't be real. I say, let's wait till WT releases that issue and see what it actually says.
I think it's real, but the translation is making it wonky. I don't see any point in trying to analyze it until we get an English version that has not been translated. Keep in mind, this would be an article written in English, translated to whatever language, then it is translated back to English. We suspected the August WT was going to deal with some part of the "new light" they put out, and this is exactly what it is.
Looks like someone used AI, and it turned out bad, or the writting commitee was buzzed. 🙄
I didn't trust downloading it since I didn't know the source. So I trashed it and didn't open it. I'm a bit gun shy on downloading anything to my computer since I've been scammed. I'm not very computer savvy.
If real, it is an obvious easying of Watchtower's shunning protocal; "that they said will never change", which of course is absolutey related to all of the lawsuits on the horizon. How far will the "new light" be molded in order to save the purse?