I have a "Resurrection Meditation" that I do whenever some tragedy happens, large or small, and I think how that person, if they had lived, may not have responded to the Good News and would have died at Armageddon and now, they get a 2nd chance.
I can't see a LOT of us dying, because Jehovah says that there WILL be a GREAT crowd of survivors. So, the million-dollar question is: "How many does it take to make up a great crowd"? Three million? One million? Five million? And, is the reduced number due to death during the 3rd World War, or is it due to being stumbled? Or a combination of both?
Faith may play a part in our survival both before and during the tribulation. Even in resurrection, the same demand is made upon the soul. The bible indicates that whomsoever loses his soul (for the issues of the truth) will gain it. The bible also is clear in that whomsoever puts faith in Jehovah will be saved - even if he should lose his life doing so. Then the scriptures discuss the issue that Jehovah will not test a person beyond their ability to endure (the test). There exists then a scriptural equation in which faith is the primary unknown factor.
If one is weak in their faith, then the more they attract attention as to their worthiness. The more their worthiness is in doubt, the more they will be tested. The bible points out that those who are faithful in least, will be faithful in much - one may assume then such a faith that covers the least of temptation, will also cover the most. If one intends to stand firm in faith come the great day, but in the interim, steals time from their employer, for example, then clearly their motives in understanding the greater issues is somewhat lacking - inviting then a greater inspection.
People are not accepted into the kingdom because of their knowledge (thankfully) and neither for their understanding but rather for their raison d’etre in seeking first the kingdom and which compels them to employ righteousness through their love for it; it’s reasoning, it’s fruitage, it’s meaning - I.e., the essence of Jehovah “…if you have not love, then you have nothing…”.
The ‘great crowd’ is without number for a reason. The bible points out that “…the road to life is narrow and few are the one‘s finding it…”. The bible says also that “…it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom…”. Forget the example, but look to the reasoning :- few are finding the road, and valueless distraction is a huge, camel sized problem, like money, for the weak minded. Thus the great crowd, may be numberless not because of volume, but because the number surviving the test are remarkably high - given the severity of the test - intrinsically, that they
bring upon themselves. After all, those finding the narrow road, are not only guided when upon it as to which way to travel, but are offered protection - as stated in psalm 91:9-11, and which a sister showed me recently. “…for He will give His angels a command concerning you, to guard you in all your ways.”
Of course, there are arguments about degrees of faith as well in that just a mustard seed of faith could move a mountain, and that in 2 Corinthians 12.v.9 Jehovah says that “My undeserved kindness is sufficient for you, for my power is being made perfect in weakness.” And it is, in mercy. I cannot claim to understand the scripture in all its meaning, but it speaks to me in the essence of quality in our faith, it’s application, it’s strength, it’s willingness to sacrifice even its own soul for the sake of righteousness. Thus in the balance of things, it is the purity in what we have in love and understanding, and not quantity of knowledge or in numbers surviving that is important. The same principle applies in that it is not what we know, but what we are in our hearts due to our understanding. Therein is our test.