Chapter 15 - London Has Fallen

Concerning what the prophecy said regarding the "injustice of your sales goods" relating to the opium peddled by the British East India Company, forced upon the Chinese, over which two wars were fought to bludgeon China into submitting to the Empire's lucrative narcotics business, this video is a well made historical presentation. Although the producers and authors of the book on the Opium Wars attribute the atrocities to the United Kingdom, the merchants of death were, and still are more correctly the British Empire. Actually, it seems they now prefer to be called "globalists." And of course, the Empire promotes illicit drugs more than ever. The trillion dollars that get laundered through British offshore banks and hedge funds is a primary source of liquidity for London's financial vampire squid.

It’s actually published fact about the money laundering they are so brazen about it. It was on the news only a few months ago that one or two of the major banks actually in the Square Mile, were “fined” for laundering drug cartel money. It seems to be considered a mere running cost like an electricity bill. It is certainly at least a yearly event - no shame in it.
There are so many benefits about understanding what the bible tells us about human rulership and who is really behind it. And, even though we see so many disturbing things, we have the assurance from God’s word that he knew it would all come to this place in history and he has the solution in the works for us. The knowledge Jehovah gives us allows us to observe events while avoiding becoming involved in the cesspool of politics and still look to the future with confidence.

We hear ongoing reports of political intrigue that continue to make the news such as allegations that the CIA was behind the assassination of John Kennedy, a sitting US President. Some elements of the press still report on the intrigue of 9-11 and who was really involved in that event. And, at the US border today we can see rampant drug running and sex trafficking. There are reports that nearly a million invaders are at the US souther border ready to overwhelm the border patrol tomorrow.

Chapter 15 highlights some sobering conclusions in the light of scripture. Here is a quote from Robert King’s book:

Should it really be surprising that the earthly place of Satan’s throne should use terrorism, piracy, and fraud to further its own ends, even against its closest allies if necessary?

While America may provide the brawn, London provides the brains of the Anglo- American Special Relationship. In order to weaken the independent nation-states through its network of operatives the London-centered oligarchy has deployed various terrorist groups so as to create tensions and destabilizations throughout the world and as a pretext for war.

To what extent the Tyre-on-the-Thames may yet spread terror throughout the world remains to be seen. At any rate, Jehovah’s judgment against the Devil applies to his earthly agents as well: “Your heart became haughty because of your beauty. You corrupted your wisdom because of your own glorious splendor.” (Ezekiel 28:17)”
There are so many benefits about understanding what the bible tells us about human rulership and who is really behind it. And, even though we see so many disturbing things, we have the assurance from God’s word that he knew it would all come to this place in history and he has the solution in the works for us. The knowledge Jehovah gives us allows us to observe events while avoiding becoming involved in the cesspool of politics and still look to the future with confidence.

We hear ongoing reports of political intrigue that continue to make the news such as allegations that the CIA was behind the assassination of John Kennedy, a sitting US President. Some elements of the press still report on the intrigue of 9-11 and who was really involved in that event. And, at the US border today we can see rampant drug running and sex trafficking. There are reports that nearly a million invaders are at the US souther border ready to overwhelm the border patrol tomorrow.

Chapter 15 highlights some sobering conclusions in the light of scripture. Here is a quote from Robert King’s book:

Should it really be surprising that the earthly place of Satan’s throne should use terrorism, piracy, and fraud to further its own ends, even against its closest allies if necessary?

While America may provide the brawn, London provides the brains of the Anglo- American Special Relationship. In order to weaken the independent nation-states through its network of operatives the London-centered oligarchy has deployed various terrorist groups so as to create tensions and destabilizations throughout the world and as a pretext for war.

To what extent the Tyre-on-the-Thames may yet spread terror throughout the world remains to be seen. At any rate, Jehovah’s judgment against the Devil applies to his earthly agents as well: “Your heart became haughty because of your beauty. You corrupted your wisdom because of your own glorious splendor.” (Ezekiel 28:17)”
Certainly here in England the state is seeking to dismantle the health system and which will effectively destabilise the entire population, but overall, we appear to be reaching a situation where the tipping point is going to be crossed in areas of energy and food supply. If there is one thing the British do not deal with very well it is food shortage and toilet roll shortages - of course both are dependant on each other in the British mind, especially since newspapers became so expensive. You’re right in that the truth gives us something to hang on to. It is a great help to the mind because it is singular in its ability to offer a reason for it all. Politics are waves on the sea shore - people carry on voting for criminal classes to rule us in the hope one of the party’s will benefit us, but of course, that never materialises. Jehovah really is the answer.
To what extent the Tyre-on-the-Thames may yet spread terror throughout the world remains to be seen. At any rate, Jehovah’s judgment against the Devil applies to his earthly agents as well: “Your heart became haughty because of your beauty. You corrupted your wisdom because of your own glorious splendor.” (Ezekiel 28:17)
Well, that Final Edition was written in 2016. Now we are seeing the extent to which the empire is willing to go. Since the coup in 2014, the empire has been training and arming Bandera Nazis and has turned them loose on Ukrainians, and not just ethnic Russians. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians have been murdered by the Nazis. Putin's stated goal is to de-Nazify Ukraine. We'll see how that goes. Might be the trigger for WW3

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I think this will be my last post on Chapter 15. We probably all know this information and yet the rise of the 8th King its something that I am actively looking to see the fulfillment of. And, we are already seeing the weakening of nations through a variety of means, one way being used is to overrun nations with belligerent immigrants. Here is the quote:

The 17th and 18th chapters of Revelation confirm that the kings of the earth will forfeit their own power and authority to an eighth king, whom they greatly fear. In harmony with that judgment, Ezekiel 28:8-9 says to the king of Tyre: “They will bring you down to the pit, and you will die a violent death in the heart of the open sea. Will you still say, ‘I am a god,’ to the one killing you? You will be a mere man, not a god, in the hand of those defiling you.”

For over two centuries, the British Crown has dominated the world—first through the exploitative, seafaring mercantile system; and, more recently, through the sophisticated global financial system. Less overtly, but just as effectively, the Empire has set about to undermine, weaken and impoverish the nations through a variety of means, such as terrorism, flooding the world with dope, assassinations and threat of assassination of political figures, financial chicanery through mafia-like financial and commodities cartels and so forth.

With its ruling monarchy and a circle of ultra-wealthy European oligarchs making up a what is called the Club of the Isles (EIR pdf), served by secondary tiers of Anglophile lackeys and an army of dupes around the world, London is the operational nexus of a vast criminal enterprise —the most influential power center on earth. London is the location of Satan’s earthly throne. But when Jehovah himself becomes King and his judgments are executed against the gods of this world—both human and otherwise—then the god-like king of Tyre will come down off his throne!”
I think this will be my last post on Chapter 15. We probably all know this information and yet the rise of the 8th King its something that I am actively looking to see the fulfillment of. And, we are already seeing the weakening of nations through a variety of means, one way being used is to overrun nations with belligerent immigrants. Here is the quote:

The 17th and 18th chapters of Revelation confirm that the kings of the earth will forfeit their own power and authority to an eighth king, whom they greatly fear. In harmony with that judgment, Ezekiel 28:8-9 says to the king of Tyre: “They will bring you down to the pit, and you will die a violent death in the heart of the open sea. Will you still say, ‘I am a god,’ to the one killing you? You will be a mere man, not a god, in the hand of those defiling you.”

For over two centuries, the British Crown has dominated the world—first through the exploitative, seafaring mercantile system; and, more recently, through the sophisticated global financial system. Less overtly, but just as effectively, the Empire has set about to undermine, weaken and impoverish the nations through a variety of means, such as terrorism, flooding the world with dope, assassinations and threat of assassination of political figures, financial chicanery through mafia-like financial and commodities cartels and so forth.

With its ruling monarchy and a circle of ultra-wealthy European oligarchs making up a what is called the Club of the Isles (EIR pdf), served by secondary tiers of Anglophile lackeys and an army of dupes around the world, London is the operational nexus of a vast criminal enterprise —the most influential power center on earth. London is the location of Satan’s earthly throne. But when Jehovah himself becomes King and his judgments are executed against the gods of this world—both human and otherwise—then the god-like king of Tyre will come down off his throne!”
The net intake of Britain last year was 100,000 people - taking into account all those that had left, without taking into account deaths/births. The ability of the country to feed, educate, house, employ and care for etc we are led to believe is minimal. That may well be true now, even it was not before. Yet this is nothing compared with Germany for instance, so what we are to do with all the people is a wonder. I understand that America has much the same problem in the south and not any more resources than we have in many respects. It’s a big problem with the near east emptying out. As the pressure on Russia continues, they will cut off grain from Ukraine and then there will be a few more problems feeding everyone. Manna from heaven then!
FYI Susan. I took the liberty of setting up a category just for the book review. It might make it easier for people to find later on. Thanks for your work.

The most profound, and consequently the least understood aspect of the denunciation of Tyre is the connection to the covering cherub of Eden. Going back many years the Watchtower recognized the 28th chapter of Ezekiel is describing Satan the Devil. For example, verses 13-15 states:
"You were in Eden, the garden of God. You were adorned with every precious stone —Ruby, topaz, and jasper; chrysolite, onyx, and jade; sapphire, turquoise, and emerald; and their settings and mountings were made of gold. They were prepared on the day you were created. I assigned you as the anointed covering cherub. You were on the holy mountain of God, and you walked about among fiery stones. You were faultless in your ways from the day you were created until unrighteousness was found in you."

The question is, or at least it ought to be, what did the fall of Tyre 2,500 centuries ago have to do with the ouster of Satan from heaven? After all, the prophecy states: "I will throw you down to the earth. I will make you a spectacle before kings." The answer is that the fall of Tyre did not coincide with the Devil being thrown to the earth. Thinking persons ought to recognize that Tyre has to foreshadow something much greater. That is why I went to great lengths to establish the Tyre/London connection because the sudden, horrifying crash of the Anglo Empire will signal that the war in heaven has occurred and the Dragon and all of his angels have been hurled down to the earth.
At least they are consistent. London is always in the forefront of fomenting war.

After Zelensky's phone call to Xi: No wonder today British PM at Chequers put his arm around Zelensky and said 'This is the same spot Churchill made the same decisions you are making'!
I've thought that when Ezekiel said "As for all those knowing you among the peoples, they will certainly stare in amazement at you. Sudden terrors are what you must become, and you will be no more to time indefinite."
Maybe he wrote that in a symbolic way describing a terrorist attack. It says sudden terrors, so maybe we can expect a false flag terrorist attack using nuclear weapons or that London itself will be destroyed by a nuclear weapon. Maybe when he said that a fire will come out of London, maybe he referred to a terrorist attack or an attack coming from London itself, from the elite, a false flag terrorist attack. We will have to wait and see. But it seems that fire will be involved in the destruction of this iniquitous city.
After Zelensky's phone call to Xi: No wonder today British PM at Chequers put his arm around Zelensky and said 'This is the same spot Churchill made the same decisions you are making'!
If I was wicked and part of London's global string pullers;: I would have instructed Zelensky's handlers to shoot him if calling Xi again...then evacuate the area and we will bring in a low yeild nuke and blame Russia for his martyrdom in the name of democracy! ....laughable because Zelensky has just cancelled elections while under marshal law....marshal law dictated by his masters....At Chequer's did he not look like the patsy he felt?
If I was wicked and part of London's global string pullers;: I would have instructed Zelensky's handlers to shoot him if calling Xi again...then evacuate the area and we will bring in a low yeild nuke and blame Russia for his martyrdom in the name of democracy! ....laughable because Zelensky has just cancelled elections while under marshal law....marshal law dictated by his masters....At Chequer's did he not look like the patsy he felt?
That’s a bit harsh for you Mick! Couldn’t you just have him disfellowship instead rather than shoot the guy? It’s not his fault he is a Ukrainian! Moderation in all things old chap! And Xi is actually a rather nice fellow too. Need a new heart or liver? He’s your go-to retailer for second hand organs though I have to say, one of the side affects is a craving for boiled rice and octopus - and as for that greeting at Chequers ….man hugs….ugh….that’s what you get when you have a foreign extraction prime minister greeting a ex-Russian comedian. Rushi should have rolled up his trouser leg and given Zelenskyy a Masonic handshake and Zelenskyy should have told him a Ukrainian joke - non of this hugs and kisses. can you envisage Churchill and Stalin hugging Hitler?
That’s a bit harsh for you Mick! Couldn’t you just have him disfellowship instead rather than shoot the guy? It’s not his fault he is a Ukrainian! Moderation in all things old chap! And Xi is actually a rather nice fellow too. Need a new heart or liver? He’s your go-to retailer for second hand organs though I have to say, one of the side affects is a craving for boiled rice and octopus - and as for that greeting at Chequers ….man hugs….ugh….that’s what you get when you have a foreign extraction prime minister greeting a ex-Russian comedian. Rushi should have rolled up his trouser leg and given Zelenskyy a Masonic handshake and Zelenskyy should have told him a Ukrainian joke - non of this hugs and kisses. can you envisage Churchill and Stalin hugging Hitler?
Imagination goes wild thinking what transpires within the cabal's strategic think tank!
Appropriately, the demon death cult solemnly walks the streets of the Tyre on the Thames. No doubt holding vigil over the impending death of their god.

Actually it was the remnants of the Parliamentary Trans Liberation Group that got lost on the Coronation procession. Rumour has it that straight policeman directed them left at the end of the Mall, instead of right. They got lost in the east end of London and the police had to rescue them from the Heterosexual Front. Apparently many were taken to hospital with minor scratches after an outbreak of harsh name calling.
It seems like the big banks and CBs maybe have played/are playing an active role in the push of pedo and sex traffic. At least personnel have been involved with Jeff Epstein. Rumor has it that Jamie Dimon ( there maybe others ) is scheduled for questioning.
The “United States Institute of Peace” is an apologist for the opium trade.

Every once in a while I'll have a dream that really shakes me up. The other night I drempt a nuclear holocaust had begun. I saw the Mushroom clouds and saw the missiles coming in and knew to look away from the blast so as not to be blinded. All I could think of was getting back to my family to be with them! Not a pleasant dream. I woke up thinking I just hope I am with my family when this all happens, and thinking about the conversation I had with a Gilead "Missionary" 20 some odd years ago, I used to work with, who was in Haiti when the "big" earth quake hit, (that's another story), whom I told the Great Tribulation was going to be so severe "no flesh would be saved", hinting of course its not going to be what WT claims, and his answer was, "that is talking about the anointed." let's translate this. In order to justify 1914 doctrine, you bend over backwards to make the bible match your beliefs! Apparently, "no flesh" is translated 144,000 anointed ones.

This exercise in mental gymnastics on the part of WT and their "company men" I had begun to see through pretty early on I guess, although when this conversation happened I was about 30 years old.

So when I woke up after having this dream, I did not think, "Well none of this bad stuff that seems inevitable could happen", instead I thought about the scripture that says, "no flesh would be saved unless God cut the Great Tribulation short!" So my conclusion is this....I think a lot of us will have to be resurrected. And that fact gives me comfort, knowing I have a better understanding of what Satan's system in reality is going to bring!

It will be terrifying, but at least I will not be surprised!
I have a "Resurrection Meditation" that I do whenever some tragedy happens, large or small, and I think how that person, if they had lived, may not have responded to the Good News and would have died at Armageddon and now, they get a 2nd chance.

I can't see a LOT of us dying, because Jehovah says that there WILL be a GREAT crowd of survivors. So, the million-dollar question is: "How many does it take to make up a great crowd"? Three million? One million? Five million? And, is the reduced number due to death during the 3rd World War, or is it due to being stumbled? Or a combination of both?
I have a "Resurrection Meditation" that I do whenever some tragedy happens, large or small, and I think how that person, if they had lived, may not have responded to the Good News and would have died at Armageddon and now, they get a 2nd chance.

I can't see a LOT of us dying, because Jehovah says that there WILL be a GREAT crowd of survivors. So, the million-dollar question is: "How many does it take to make up a great crowd"? Three million? One million? Five million? And, is the reduced number due to death during the 3rd World War, or is it due to being stumbled? Or a combination of both?
Faith may play a part in our survival both before and during the tribulation. Even in resurrection, the same demand is made upon the soul. The bible indicates that whomsoever loses his soul (for the issues of the truth) will gain it. The bible also is clear in that whomsoever puts faith in Jehovah will be saved - even if he should lose his life doing so. Then the scriptures discuss the issue that Jehovah will not test a person beyond their ability to endure (the test). There exists then a scriptural equation in which faith is the primary unknown factor.

If one is weak in their faith, then the more they attract attention as to their worthiness. The more their worthiness is in doubt, the more they will be tested. The bible points out that those who are faithful in least, will be faithful in much - one may assume then such a faith that covers the least of temptation, will also cover the most. If one intends to stand firm in faith come the great day, but in the interim, steals time from their employer, for example, then clearly their motives in understanding the greater issues is somewhat lacking - inviting then a greater inspection.

People are not accepted into the kingdom because of their knowledge (thankfully) and neither for their understanding but rather for their raison d’etre in seeking first the kingdom and which compels them to employ righteousness through their love for it; it’s reasoning, it’s fruitage, it’s meaning - I.e., the essence of Jehovah “…if you have not love, then you have nothing…”.

The ‘great crowd’ is without number for a reason. The bible points out that “…the road to life is narrow and few are the one‘s finding it…”. The bible says also that “…it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom…”. Forget the example, but look to the reasoning :- few are finding the road, and valueless distraction is a huge, camel sized problem, like money, for the weak minded. Thus the great crowd, may be numberless not because of volume, but because the number surviving the test are remarkably high - given the severity of the test - intrinsically, that they bring upon themselves. After all, those finding the narrow road, are not only guided when upon it as to which way to travel, but are offered protection - as stated in psalm 91:9-11, and which a sister showed me recently. “…for He will give His angels a command concerning you, to guard you in all your ways.”

Of course, there are arguments about degrees of faith as well in that just a mustard seed of faith could move a mountain, and that in 2 Corinthians 12.v.9 Jehovah says that “My undeserved kindness is sufficient for you, for my power is being made perfect in weakness.” And it is, in mercy. I cannot claim to understand the scripture in all its meaning, but it speaks to me in the essence of quality in our faith, it’s application, it’s strength, it’s willingness to sacrifice even its own soul for the sake of righteousness. Thus in the balance of things, it is the purity in what we have in love and understanding, and not quantity of knowledge or in numbers surviving that is important. The same principle applies in that it is not what we know, but what we are in our hearts due to our understanding. Therein is our test.
I think this X link belongs here. You may have to click to view on X
Her regiment, or the regiment chosen to lead the parade, their mascot is a goat. It belongs to the Royal Welsh Fusiliers and it actually came about when they were involved in the American war of independence where a goat got caught up in the action. As they were successful they kept the goat as a mascot. Other English regiments have animal mascots too such as a dog - a Deer Hound I think. I know the English are thought to be eccentric but we are not all parading around arm in arm with Satanic symbols walking before us - although my mother in law may have been mistaken for such. (Sorry Ladyblue! - but it’s true!).
A common myth is that the British Empire no longer exists. The Watchtower and JWs confuse the British Empire with the UK. Just as the East India Company was a private institution granted a charter by the Crown to loot various nations, the British Empire is still looting, albeit in more sophisticated ways. By the way, China has been targeted for takedown because it is investing in African nations and helping them develop infrastructure, something that the Anglo-American colonialists have been determined to prevent.

A common myth is that the British Empire no longer exists. The Watchtower and JWs confuse the British Empire with the UK. Just as the East India Company was a private institution granted a charter by the Crown to loot various nations, the British Empire is still looting, albeit in more sophisticated ways. By the way, China has been targeted for takedown because it is investing in African nations and helping them develop infrastructure, something that the Anglo-American colonialists have been determined to prevent.

I just read that same article and was going to post it!