Civil War Updates

We could hold the fort at Kings Road and we will get Nomex and Carl to pop down to Mexican and sort out the problems down there. Though I do not expect any trouble, I will pack my grandfathers old elephant gun and bring some tin tacks just in case they send out their disfellowshipping commando team . A nice pleasant afternoon at Kings Drive. Maybe they might just invite us in for an aperitif of McGellans - must be a few bottles left over!
Great choice - Nomex and Carl going to Mexico but maybe that would be easier than holding down the fort at Kings Road.
In any case, it sounds like you have it covered so we can just relax with an aperitif of McGellans. :ROFLMAO:

It would be nice if you could come - we could have afternoon tea by their gate house. Earl grey tea in China cups, scones with Cornish clotted cream with home made strawberry jam.
You may regret those words as we may hold you to it ones of these days. 😁
They put fortified stakes around is also unsustainable to have food and people coming from different countries to the U.S. according to Agenda 21, he is just using the "innocent guy" disguise to advance the goals of the United Nations, the reason why the Joe Biden adminastration halted the fence and destroyed part of it was a psychological plot in order to get the majority of people to support whatever Trump "decides" except he isn't even the one deciding, those that are using him as a puppet are masters at psychology, they want Trump to be this seemingly undefeatable white knight that everyone looks up was the goal the whole time. Everything is an illusion once you step back and see the politics and the politics change with the times..there is politicians that never accepted homosexuality and now they do-another goal of the United Nations. These "civil wars" aren't civil wars anymore-they are wars designed by the elite to put into place measures that are widely accepted and whoever supports it..supports a political side and becomes bloodguilty as whatever the human leaders decide-they are in favor of...which eventually even means leaving the migrants outside in the cold to freeze and die cause their purpose was purely a political move.
Problem, reaction, solution. Over and over again.
Found this.

A bit different perspective, that's for sure.
Lol figured this would be something constructed by the WEF 🤣🤣🤣🤣

It ain't about the election, they want people to watch whats going on right here then while the people looking here, they get taken by suprise by something else or like I said- Trump is being brought up as a white knight the answer to everything groomed by the WEF as the perfect parasite to keep people choosing manrule.
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It's a known fact by now that some people that are listed on the WEF were never told they would be on it. The WEF just put them there because they attended one of their meetings before because all of their colleagues went as well. People like Vivek and Tulsi and others had to call them to take them off their website because they received so much backlash for being on the website.
To still claim they must be bad for being on their website is a low level of understanding and not keeping up to date with information. I worried they were in on it too until I did more research.
It's a known fact by now that some people that are listed on the WEF were never told they would be on it. The WEF just put them there because they attended one of their meetings before because all of their colleagues went as well. People like Vivek and Tulsi and others had to call them to take them off their website because they received so much backlash for being on the website.
To still claim they must be bad for being on their website is a low level of understanding and not keeping up to date with information. I worried they were in on it too until I did more research.
He did attend a meeting at WEF in 2016, also committed to having a strong economy by 2030...same timeline as United Nations wants their goals done by 2030 me, he is guilty by association.

Bruh anything to keep following man🙄
Lol figured this would be something constructed by the WEF 🤣🤣🤣🤣

It ain't about the election, they want people to watch whats going on right here then while the people looking here, they get taken by suprise by something else or like I said- Trump is being brought up as a white knight the answer to everything groomed by the WEF as the perfect parasite to keep people choosing manrule.
Exactly! That’s just what I’ve been thinking.
"What's so civil about war anyway."
Civil war is an invention of the English, cultivated over the centuries to embody a refinement whereby we could all remain “friends” while slaughtering each other. The word “civil” though has been bent out of shape in its original meaning and application. That is why had to invent the Duel, so that we could kill each other with a modicum of respect and dignity, but only when necessary. But it was not always as bloody as one might assume. Here is a typical example for you, taken from the Book “Duelling for Gentlemen in Varying Degrees of Honour” Chapter 10. “Wives and various ‘other’ Women - for the Honour of: Inc: How to Address the Question of Wenches, Whores, Mistresses, and second Cousins.” (Especially compiled for the Young Gentleman) (Eton Press. 1856).
“I say Carruthers, was that my wife I saw you with last night at Grubby Joe’s Midnight Emporium for Gentlemen?”
”I should say so old bean! Quite the ‘Totty’ when you are away planting your oats at ‘Naughty Nell’s Wicked Witches Welcoming Wimbledon Well of Wandering Wenches for Wayward Gentlemen.”
”Quite so Carruthers, but you jolly well did not make an appointment first! An utter disgrace. So it’s pistols at dawn down at the Dog and Duck.”
”Certainly Charles. Very bad form of me, I have to say. I’ll be delighted to attend. I shall bring a bottle of the Old 1833 with me so that we can keep the chill out. No point in making a song and dance out of this.“
“Right-Ho Carruthers, I shall look forward to it.”
Dawn breaks…..
”Morning Charles, do you prefer head or heart?”
”Oh I think where the ladies are concerned we should should shoot straight for the heart, don’t you think?”
“My thoughts exactly. No point in making a mess all over the place. (Aside….I suggest we “aim” for the old oak trees behind us…? No point in going overboard over the ladies, what? I‘m having lunch at Whitehall next week with the Prime Minister. Bad form not to turn up when I’ve been invited if you understand.”
”Quite so Carruthers, quite so.”)

So you see Nomex, it’s quite possible to be “at war” in a civil manner. What we term here as “having your cake and eating it.” Honour served. You don’t find THAT in the back room of a Kingdom Hall eh? What!?
Civil war is an invention of the English, cultivated over the centuries to embody a refinement whereby we could all remain “friends” while slaughtering each other. The word “civil” though has been bent out of shape in its original meaning and application. That is why had to invent the Duel, so that we could kill each other with a modicum of respect and dignity, but only when necessary. But it was not always as bloody as one might assume. Here is a typical example for you, taken from the Book “Duelling for Gentlemen in Varying Degrees of Honour” Chapter 10. “Wives and various ‘other’ Women - for the Honour of: Inc: How to Address the Question of Wenches, Whores, Mistresses, and second Cousins.” (Especially compiled for the Young Gentleman) (Eton Press. 1856).
“I say Carruthers, was that my wife I saw you with last night at Grubby Joe’s Midnight Emporium for Gentlemen?”
”I should say so old bean! Quite the ‘Totty’ when you are away planting your oats at ‘Naughty Nell’s Wicked Witches Welcoming Wimbledon Well of Wandering Wenches for Wayward Gentlemen.”
”Quite so Carruthers, but you jolly well did not make an appointment first! An utter disgrace. So it’s pistols at dawn down at the Dog and Duck.”
”Certainly Charles. Very bad form of me, I have to say. I’ll be delighted to attend. I shall bring a bottle of the Old 1833 with me so that we can keep the chill out. No point in making a song and dance out of this.“
“Right-Ho Carruthers, I shall look forward to it.”
Dawn breaks…..
”Morning Charles, do you prefer head or heart?”
”Oh I think where the ladies are concerned we should should shoot straight for the heart, don’t you think?”
“My thoughts exactly. No point in making a mess all over the place. (Aside….I suggest we “aim” for the old oak trees behind us…? No point in going overboard over the ladies, what? I‘m having lunch at Whitehall next week with the Prime Minister. Bad form not to turn up when I’ve been invited if you understand.”
”Quite so Carruthers, quite so.”)

So you see Nomex, it’s quite possible to be “at war” in a civil manner. What we term here as “having your cake and eating it.” Honour served. You don’t find THAT in the back room of a Kingdom Hall eh? What!?
Poetic like Zorro eh? Lol
just for my understanding what is the WEF’s role in all of this? I know they have infiltrated into
Governments , so are they part of the KON/British Empire?
There are some comments on this thread that Abbott and Trump are part of the WEF, then they are all working on the same side?
We know the book of Daniel speaks about the pausing and shoving between the 2 kings in the time of the end? (British Empire/America)
if they are all working for the same side, how can it be a push back? Maybe this isn’t part of the pushing? Or are they getting the people to push back?
Well the Irish are in a continual state of revolt against the British and rightly so. So if I were you, JMJLG I would carry on being revolting. We could be revolting together - we have much to be revolting about!!
As you are English , perhaps you could be in charge of a cue , I know the English love an orderly cue . The rest of us will be on a dander (Walk) as we revolt . Either way , I will be delighted to be revolting with you .
just for my understanding what is the WEF’s role in all of this? I know they have infiltrated into
Governments , so are they part of the KON/British Empire?
There are some comments on this thread that Abbott and Trump are part of the WEF, then they are all working on the same side?
We know the book of Daniel speaks about the pausing and shoving between the 2 kings in the time of the end? (British Empire/America)
if they are all working for the same side, how can it be a push back? Maybe this isn’t part of the pushing? Or are they getting the people to push back?

You know them by their actions. WEF agenda wants open border policies, others are against that. If you actually think someone is a globalist when they are fighting against it, that's insanity. Liken it to someone you associated with and took a picture with to eventually find out that person was a pedophile. Just because there is a picture of you with them doesn't make you also guilty.
As you are English , perhaps you could be in charge of a cue , I know the English love an orderly cue . The rest of us will be on a dander (Walk) as we revolt . Either way , I will be delighted to be revolting with you .
I have never lined up to be revolting. That’s an interesting new concept. I will try it out next time I catch a bus. I will disgust the outcomes with you after I have completed my research.
@BARNABY THE DOG. I was quoting from the song that was there's that...
That is why had to invent the Duel, so that we could kill each other with a modicum of respect and dignity,
I think our entire society would benefit greatly, if they brought dueling back. There is a saying, "an armed society is a polite society", the problem with that in our day, is no one is worried that if they lie or insult someone they could be shot. Imagine if the news paper editors (or news TV station producers/editors etc) were worried if they lied (or just generally insulted someone) they would be challenged to a duel. Well we all know those people are cowards, so they would be a lot more careful about what they said about people. I can personally testify to the fact, there have been plenty of times in my life, where I'd like to take off a glove and slap someone with it. ;)
@BARNABY THE DOG. I was quoting from the song that was there's that...

I think our entire society would benefit greatly, if they brought dueling back. There is a saying, "an armed society is a polite society", the problem with that in our day, is no one is worried that if they lie or insult someone they could be shot. Imagine if the news paper editors (or news TV station producers/editors etc) were worried if they lied (or just generally insulted someone) they would be challenged to a duel. Well we all know those people are cowards, so they would be a lot more careful about what they said about people. I can personally testify to the fact, there have been plenty of times in my life, where I'd like to take off a glove and slap someone with it. ;)
Imagine a society where newspapers ,television shows and politicians who lied could be taken to court and sued when they lied . Instead they are allowed to lie freely , and truth tellers are censored , and even jailed . Truth really has been thrown to the wind .
just for my understanding what is the WEF’s role in all of this? I know they have infiltrated into
Governments , so are they part of the KON/British Empire?
There are some comments on this thread that Abbott and Trump are part of the WEF, then they are all working on the same side?
We know the book of Daniel speaks about the pausing and shoving between the 2 kings in the time of the end? (British Empire/America)
if they are all working for the same side, how can it be a push back? Maybe this isn’t part of the pushing? Or are they getting the people to push back?
I have to agree with @Soul Sage on this one. Maybe Abbott is on WEF's side but they can't all be on it.

People disagree, no matter which side you are on. Even if they have a common goal, every individual has their own goals, desires, and wishes. It is one of the most difficult things to manage when the numbers are great enough. How can we expect the Elites to be completely harmonized? One of the opposers to WEF is supposedly the son of the co-founder. One article said his wife and his kid got injured from the jab. Ok, so even that high up you aren't immune to the machinations, because the real leader is Satan.

You know how people always talk about puppet masters? And there are speculations WEF is just a public facing one and probably not even the highest level. But even the WEF or those higher level ones are mere puppets of the devil and are deceived themselves.