"What's so civil about war anyway."
Civil war is an invention of the English, cultivated over the centuries to embody a refinement whereby we could all remain “friends” while slaughtering each other. The word “civil” though has been bent out of shape in its original meaning and application. That is why had to invent the Duel, so that we could kill each other with a modicum of respect and dignity, but only when necessary. But it was not always as bloody as one might assume. Here is a typical example for you, taken from the Book “Duelling for Gentlemen in Varying Degrees of Honour” Chapter 10. “Wives and various ‘other’ Women - for the Honour of: Inc: How to Address the Question of Wenches, Whores, Mistresses, and second Cousins.” (Especially compiled for the Young Gentleman) (Eton Press. 1856).
“I say Carruthers, was that my wife I saw you with last night at Grubby Joe’s Midnight Emporium for Gentlemen?”
”I should say so old bean! Quite the ‘Totty’ when you are away planting your oats at ‘Naughty Nell’s Wicked Witches Welcoming Wimbledon Well of Wandering Wenches for Wayward Gentlemen.”
”Quite so Carruthers, but you jolly well did not make an appointment first! An utter disgrace. So it’s pistols at dawn down at the Dog and Duck.”
”Certainly Charles. Very bad form of me, I have to say. I’ll be delighted to attend. I shall bring a bottle of the Old 1833 with me so that we can keep the chill out. No point in making a song and dance out of this.“
“Right-Ho Carruthers, I shall look forward to it.”
Dawn breaks…..
”Morning Charles, do you prefer head or heart?”
”Oh I think where the ladies are concerned we should should shoot straight for the heart, don’t you think?”
“My thoughts exactly. No point in making a mess all over the place. (Aside….I suggest we “aim” for the old oak trees behind us…? No point in going overboard over the ladies, what? I‘m having lunch at Whitehall next week with the Prime Minister. Bad form not to turn up when I’ve been invited if you understand.”
”Quite so Carruthers, quite so.”)
So you see Nomex, it’s quite possible to be “at war” in a civil manner. What we term here as “having your cake and eating it.” Honour served. You don’t find THAT in the back room of a Kingdom Hall eh? What!?