I'm staying home.
I'm staying home.
I wonder if they will follow up and work not-at-homes
That middle one...I always knew the cops would suffer payback for all they did during Convid. It's going to be terrible. They sided with the tyrants and people won't forget that. And because of corruption within the governments of the world, the ones that are supposed to enforce the laws become the face of said government corruption. May as well quit if you're a cop. They're not going to stop what's coming anyhow.
Stand the line boys unless losing your contractual mortgage agreement! Similar to the handcuffs restraining the congregations from leaving W/T do as you are told or lose eternal life, your family, your association! Bless Jehovah and Christ for the freedom we have hereThat middle one...I always knew the cops would suffer payback for all they did during Convid. It's going to be terrible. They sided with the tyrants and people won't forget that. And because of corruption within the governments of the world, the ones that are supposed to enforce the laws become the face of said government corruption. May as well quit if you're a cop. They're not going to stop what's coming anyhow.
Some weapons are equalizers.If this happens in the USA, the rednecks will turn them into swiss cheese. ☠☠☠
I was wondering when my home city was going to make a gesture on the riots: I was raised in Birmingham where the first migrants arrived in the fifties my neighbors were predominantly black and Asian loved them as kids we knew no difference but the divide has grown so great.Stand the line boys unless losing your contractual mortgage agreement! Similar to the handcuffs restraining the congregations from leaving W/T do as you are told or lose eternal life, your family, your association! Bless Jehovah and Christ for the freedom we have here
The Orthodox Jews are not happy about being drafted.Just watched UK Column. It seems that Israel may self implode as theress different sects that are not happy, or they wish Iran would retaliate.
Yes, thanks, I missed that out.The Orthodox Jews are not happy about being drafted.
Around about two months ago , Scott Ritter was pulled off a plane , and had his passport taken . He was going to the St Petersburg international economic forum . Judge Andrew Napolitano , also due to go , managed to get off he plane . Obviously this is done to intimidate truth tellers .Scott Ritter is a stand-up truth-teller. I have the utmost respect for him as a fellow man. It's really strange, but most of the sources that I use for alternative views and news are being targeted by the empire as enemies of the state. No doubt a preview of things to come when they come after the "Jehovas."
Don't worry; it has to get worse before it gets better.... have faithbut I feel like we need a brief reprieve cause this year has already had been way too much chaos.
Satan is taking it all very seriously , and is putting a lot of overtime in .The woke mind virus is truly prophetic. They have driven over to Satan's camp so much mentally they have become reprobates and are tools of Satan. What they think and do are not what normal people would do. They would willingly kill millions of people if they could retain power. So depraved and evil, it's expected though, but I feel like we need a brief reprieve cause this year has already had been way too much chaos.