Died Suddenly

Is it possible that parts of the mRNA alt-narrative are 'conspiracy theories' while others are legit conspiracies? My point merely emphasizes what I perceive as the main 'killers' of the manufactured COVID crisis. Certainly many, many people have been injured and 'prematurely demised' by the one-size-fits-all, experimental jabs. However, as I see it, the main adverse effects are not related to the jabs themselves. Also, I am quite sure that the more outlandish claims about the vaxes serve to discredit the actual claims (controlled opposition). Isaiah 8:12
That's a great scripture, I had never even seen that one until I joined this forum. The GB could have brought this scripture out when they were trying to "reassure" us to not listen to the conspiracy theories out there, in their updates, in their broadcasts, in their articles about not listening to conspiracy theories, then the brothers could have used it in their talks at meetings and conversations when they were bringing up these so called conspiracy theories, but no, I never heard even ONE mention of this scripture.. why not I wonder? 🧐
That's a great scripture, I had never even seen that one until I joined this forum. The GB could have brought this scripture out when they were trying to "reassure" us to not listen to the conspiracy theories out there, in their updates, in their broadcasts, in their articles about not listening to conspiracy theories, then the brothers could have used it in their talks at meetings and conversations when they were bringing up these so called conspiracy theories, but no, I never heard even ONE mention of this scripture.. why not I wonder? 🧐
Wisdom indeed! It is of course first necessary to be informed or aware of the conspiracy. It’s a game of balance and awareness. The scripture of itself is not telling us to ignore or remain alert to what is going on in the world, but to not be distracted by it. It’s an important point and requires our reasoning upon it. What the scripture tells is, to not fear or dread it, but to do that, we must be informed of what it is, so as not to be misled by it. “Know your enemy”.

Where that advice can break down is covered in verse 13 of chapter 8 where we are advised to trust and have faith in Jehovah for our deliverance, or as the chapter goes on to note, it “is He you need to dread.”. It’s linked in a way perhaps to the verse elsewhere, where Jehovah advises us to “…fear not those that can kill the body, but not the soul.” Thus the balance is one of mindfulness to not let the endless endless talk of what is and is not conspiracy and to simply concentrate upon our faith in Jehovah in that we do not become “weighed down by the cares of this world.”

If we are alert to our spiritual priorities and the evil machinations of this world we can pick up more easily on the signs and portents; of people who mean us no harm, and of those that do. A case in point: I asked my doctor (by text ) if the RMNA vaccine was safe. She replied “ The Government advise us that it is”. That, from a GP, too afraid of red tape to speak for herself, still trying to warn her patients. (Ergo: who in their right mind believes government advice!) So it’s a question of remaining alert but not getting bogged down in the burden of it all; placing our faith instead in Jehovah to lead us. But to enable that, that is where our attention should be, and not upon the conspiracies of this world otherwise, they will divert our intentions. That is their design. In those famous words of the GB “Stick with us. You will be safe .” Yeah, right! You have to know who is speaking to you!
Is it possible that parts of the mRNA alt-narrative are 'conspiracy theories' while others are legit conspiracies? My point merely emphasizes what I perceive as the main 'killers' of the manufactured COVID crisis. Certainly many, many people have been injured and 'prematurely demised' by the one-size-fits-all, experimental jabs. However, as I see it, the main adverse effects are not related to the jabs themselves. Also, I am quite sure that the more outlandish claims about the vaxes serve to discredit the actual claims (controlled opposition). Isaiah 8:12
I've kind of said this before. Snake poison. Self assembling nano tech. Carbon fiber razor blades on a nano scale. 5G activated death particles. For Pete's sake, pick one. The real problem is you have a bunch of snake-oil salesmen that love to jump on the bandwagon to make some money and will come up with whatever outlandish ideas they can sell. Mike Adams, Alex Jones, Stu dipstick, I can't remember his name...and on and on. A bunch of sheep shearers looking for some suckers to sell "super vitality plus" to.

But, unlike yourself, I know that these were kill shots. They mixed them up as regards saline, 30%, 60%, 100% effective ingredient, whatever it is. That's why you can actually trace the killer lots to certain locations. Whether they were intentionally done to kill or just a bunch of idiot "scientists" running an experiment because the gov was so stupid and desperate? That's debatable, but with all that's come out since, I believe they are but that's just my opinion.
First-hand experiences: Brothers and sisters in Italy
Translated with Google Translator:

Elder 78: Paralyzed overnight after the 2nd vaccination. The paralysis went away after a few days. Doctors see no connection.

Sister 40: Healthy, slim, no underlying diseases. Fibromyalgia after months. Vaccinated 3 times. Doctors are at a loss.

Elder 69: 3 days after the 2nd vaccination, severe cough for months with severe pain almost to the point of vomiting. Almost died 10 months later. Diagnosis: colon cancer with severe metastasis. He will die. Turbo cancer. He has already had 3 chemotherapy treatments, without success.

Brother 24: severe myocarditis after the 2nd vaccination with Moderna. So bad that he was not allowed to leave his bed.

I could tell you a lot more. It seems to me that there are more side effects in Italy. The elders and the district overseers put enormous pressure on people to get vaccinated. They visited all the unvaccinated brothers at home. Vaccination was made a question of faith. Anyone who did not get vaccinated was portrayed as having a weak faith in Jehovah. One congregation was chosen by jw.org as a project. In 2021, only vaccinated brothers were allowed to gather there. When the brothers became infected despite wearing FFP2 masks, they tightened the measures. Only vaccinated brothers were allowed to gather if everyone in the same household was vaccinated. Nevertheless, the brothers became infected. The project was dropped. In 2023, only fully vaccinated brothers were allowed to attend elders and pioneer training. The pandemic was long over, but you still had to be vaccinated to attend training. It was a farce. jw.org wanted to punish all unvaccinated brothers and sisters with a title. I know a circuit overseer who did not get vaccinated. jw.org did not allow him to go to any more congregations. Then, like a miracle, he showed up. Even at the training in 2023. How come? He had been vaccinated after all. I didn't believe it. It turned out that he hadn't had an mRNA or vector vaccination, but had a homeopathic immune injection from a homeopath. That way he was able to keep his job and everyone thought he had received the conventional vaccination. He said that JW.ORG hadn't said what you should be vaccinated with. A clever fox. But many others had to suffer the consequences of the mRNA vaccinations.

I am 45 years old. I live (Italia).
Funny how the narrative that anyone want's to push continues to use the term "Conspiracy Theory." Main Stream Media use it over and over, even when the truth comes to light that proves them to be absolute liars!
The information age that we find ourselves in, is a huge thorn in the side of the side the of Main Stream Media, and the Deep State, ie the Un and the WHO, and yes even the Watchtower Org.
The latest example is the CBS's Kamala interview debacle.
Yes, CBS obviously pulled "the old switcheroo", to make Kamala look better, but CBS has "freedom of speech and freedom of the press", in the USA, if they don't, then none of us do including here at our little Watchman's sanctuary, just like England has now weaponized free speech.
The USA is the only country left that has "freedom of speech", and that is only hanging on by a thread! The public are either smart enough to figure out bulls@@t or not. The real truth is that all the Main Stream Media, including the Cable News Networks, are all carrying water for the "Deep State" in this country; and always have been." What is better now is that truth-bearing Alternate News is readily available if you really want, or "can handle the truth.", then anyone can find it.
I say: "Let them all say what they want, and that will also secure our "freedom of speech."
First-hand experiences: Brothers and sisters in Italy
Translated with Google Translator:

Elder 78: Paralyzed overnight after the 2nd vaccination. The paralysis went away after a few days. Doctors see no connection.

Sister 40: Healthy, slim, no underlying diseases. Fibromyalgia after months. Vaccinated 3 times. Doctors are at a loss.

Elder 69: 3 days after the 2nd vaccination, severe cough for months with severe pain almost to the point of vomiting. Almost died 10 months later. Diagnosis: colon cancer with severe metastasis. He will die. Turbo cancer. He has already had 3 chemotherapy treatments, without success.

Brother 24: severe myocarditis after the 2nd vaccination with Moderna. So bad that he was not allowed to leave his bed.

I could tell you a lot more. It seems to me that there are more side effects in Italy. The elders and the district overseers put enormous pressure on people to get vaccinated. They visited all the unvaccinated brothers at home. Vaccination was made a question of faith. Anyone who did not get vaccinated was portrayed as having a weak faith in Jehovah. One congregation was chosen by jw.org as a project. In 2021, only vaccinated brothers were allowed to gather there. When the brothers became infected despite wearing FFP2 masks, they tightened the measures. Only vaccinated brothers were allowed to gather if everyone in the same household was vaccinated. Nevertheless, the brothers became infected. The project was dropped. In 2023, only fully vaccinated brothers were allowed to attend elders and pioneer training. The pandemic was long over, but you still had to be vaccinated to attend training. It was a farce. jw.org wanted to punish all unvaccinated brothers and sisters with a title. I know a circuit overseer who did not get vaccinated. jw.org did not allow him to go to any more congregations. Then, like a miracle, he showed up. Even at the training in 2023. How come? He had been vaccinated after all. I didn't believe it. It turned out that he hadn't had an mRNA or vector vaccination, but had a homeopathic immune injection from a homeopath. That way he was able to keep his job and everyone thought he had received the conventional vaccination. He said that JW.ORG hadn't said what you should be vaccinated with. A clever fox. But many others had to suffer the consequences of the mRNA vaccinations.

I am 45 years old. I live (Italia).
Great information Chloe! I encourage everyone here to post all of these that they can find. I personally am compiling all of the injuries and death's of the sheep as a reesult of the"death jab", that I can find when they come to light . I am sure there are thousands of these examples in the Congregation world-wide. The extent of the coverup will come to light eventually>(Romans 1:18) - “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.”
Wisdom indeed! It is of course first necessary to be informed or aware of the conspiracy. It’s a game of balance and awareness. The scripture of itself is not telling us to ignore or remain alert to what is going on in the world, but to not be distracted by it. It’s an important point and requires our reasoning upon it. What the scripture tells is, to not fear or dread it, but to do that, we must be informed of what it is, so as not to be misled by it. “Know your enemy”.

Where that advice can break down is covered in verse 13 of chapter 8 where we are advised to trust and have faith in Jehovah for our deliverance, or as the chapter goes on to note, it “is He you need to dread.”. It’s linked in a way perhaps to the verse elsewhere, where Jehovah advises us to “…fear not those that can kill the body, but not the soul.” Thus the balance is one of mindfulness to not let the endless endless talk of what is and is not conspiracy and to simply concentrate upon our faith in Jehovah in that we do not become “weighed down by the cares of this world.”

If we are alert to our spiritual priorities and the evil machinations of this world we can pick up more easily on the signs and portents; of people who mean us no harm, and of those that do. A case in point: I asked my doctor (by text ) if the RMNA vaccine was safe. She replied “ The Government advise us that it is”. That, from a GP, too afraid of red tape to speak for herself, still trying to warn her patients. (Ergo: who in their right mind believes government advice!) So it’s a question of remaining alert but not getting bogged down in the burden of it all; placing our faith instead in Jehovah to lead us. But to enable that, that is where our attention should be, and not upon the conspiracies of this world otherwise, they will divert our intentions. That is their design. In those famous words of the GB “Stick with us. You will be safe .” Yeah, right! You have to know who is speaking to you!
Exactly! Every time the GB mentioned not to listen to conspiracy theories in their updates, broadcasts or Watchtower articles, or every time a brother mentioned not to listen to conspiracy theories in their talks, including at the conventions, never once did anyone ever explain what the heck they were warning us from, it's a good job I knew EXACTLY what they were on about, and I pitied the poor brothers and sisters that didn't have a clue, due to them being very obedient brothers and sisters and not researching anything outside of JW website..
First-hand experiences: Brothers and sisters in Italy
Translated with Google Translator:

Elder 78: Paralyzed overnight after the 2nd vaccination. The paralysis went away after a few days. Doctors see no connection.

Sister 40: Healthy, slim, no underlying diseases. Fibromyalgia after months. Vaccinated 3 times. Doctors are at a loss.

Elder 69: 3 days after the 2nd vaccination, severe cough for months with severe pain almost to the point of vomiting. Almost died 10 months later. Diagnosis: colon cancer with severe metastasis. He will die. Turbo cancer. He has already had 3 chemotherapy treatments, without success.

Brother 24: severe myocarditis after the 2nd vaccination with Moderna. So bad that he was not allowed to leave his bed.

I could tell you a lot more. It seems to me that there are more side effects in Italy. The elders and the district overseers put enormous pressure on people to get vaccinated. They visited all the unvaccinated brothers at home. Vaccination was made a question of faith. Anyone who did not get vaccinated was portrayed as having a weak faith in Jehovah. One congregation was chosen by jw.org as a project. In 2021, only vaccinated brothers were allowed to gather there. When the brothers became infected despite wearing FFP2 masks, they tightened the measures. Only vaccinated brothers were allowed to gather if everyone in the same household was vaccinated. Nevertheless, the brothers became infected. The project was dropped. In 2023, only fully vaccinated brothers were allowed to attend elders and pioneer training. The pandemic was long over, but you still had to be vaccinated to attend training. It was a farce. jw.org wanted to punish all unvaccinated brothers and sisters with a title. I know a circuit overseer who did not get vaccinated. jw.org did not allow him to go to any more congregations. Then, like a miracle, he showed up. Even at the training in 2023. How come? He had been vaccinated after all. I didn't believe it. It turned out that he hadn't had an mRNA or vector vaccination, but had a homeopathic immune injection from a homeopath. That way he was able to keep his job and everyone thought he had received the conventional vaccination. He said that JW.ORG hadn't said what you should be vaccinated with. A clever fox. But many others had to suffer the consequences of the mRNA vaccinations.

I am 45 years old. I live (Italia).
And the most wicked rule? Couldn't help on the disaster relief if not injected. You can't make this stuff up. I would have never in a million years believed pre 2020 that my beloved org would say something this wicked, in fact, I would have laid my life on the fact that my beloved org would have had no qualms actually doing the exact opposite due to their love of Jehovah and people, always saying to themselves "what would Jesus do in this situation?" Well, I'd be dead now for having that kind of faith and trust 😵‍💫
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I just went to the obituary page of my little local town and surrounding community that I used to live in, and scrolled the past 4 month's of obituaries. I found a very strange anomaly of many people, 60 years old and younger dieing suddenly at home. This is not normal and was not something you would see in these numbers, pre-death jab roll out of 2021. For the last 3 years, you are able to this day, google "died suddenly", and it is stunning to see the number of young and middle age people dropping dead, and it goes on and on. The weirdest thing of all to me is the glaze that people in general have over their eyes.
Where are the outcries? Where are the town crier's,"the media"? The stats are readily available. It all feels like a zombie-like malaise!
This appears to be yet another death by vax. This poor woman was at her work desk at Wells Fargo Bank dead for 4 days before being discovered.

More telling is the fact that she sat at her desk for 4 days without anyone noticing. I'll bet Wells Fargo also made sure to determine the exact time of death so they didn't pay her heirs for a second after that. Such is the modern corporation. Ghouls, the lot of them. They use you up and throw you out when they're done with you. You can actually see a pattern now of employees reaching a certain age and then are "laid off". Strangely though, a few months later, someone younger is hired to take their place. Strange that, eh? /s

We had a woman that worked for my employer die here a couple of days ago. An email was sent out informing all. She worked in the Calgary office. I looked her up in the company registry and she couldn't have been more than 40 or 50. It too was a sudden death and I'd bet a paycheck or two that she was "fully vaccinated"
I've kind of said this before. Snake poison. Self assembling nano tech. Carbon fiber razor blades on a nano scale. 5G activated death particles.
The thing is, there was a Ted talk from 10 years ago talking about nanobots with delivery systems. The technology absolutely exists today.

So how is it a stretch to assume such things are not in something that they have pushed it so hard beyond any reason and logic?
But, unlike yourself, I know that these were kill shots. They mixed them up as regards saline, 30%, 60%, 100% effective ingredient, whatever it is. That's why you can actually trace the killer lots to certain locations. Whether they were intentionally done to kill or just a bunch of idiot "scientists" running an experiment because the gov was so stupid and desperate? That's debatable, but with all that's come out since, I believe they are but that's just my opinion.
All the nations gathered together and acted as one, which is a precursor to a One World Government. You were penalized for NOT taking such shots. It absolutely is not a conspiracy.

I want people who think it's a conspiracy to get out of their cognitive dissonance bubble and ask themselves how they can believe in the Greatest Conspiracy of believing in the spirit world and Satan, yet cannot believe this?

-Did they not inject African Americans with Syphillis with the lie they'll be treated while watching how the disease progressed from afar?
-Did America not decimate swathes of forests and cause untold suffering and mutations with Agent Orange during Vietnam?
-Has the US not killed and maimed people going in for mere headaches with their MK Ultra program?

Really? So all the evils they have done in the past they have suddenly repented to Jehovah and are all innocent now? Grabbing you and forcibly injecting you is nothing but a pure power play by the psychopaths. It couldn't be ANYTHING but poison.
The thing is, there was a Ted talk from 10 years ago talking about nanobots with delivery systems. The technology absolutely exists today.

So how is it a stretch to assume such things are not in something that they have pushed it so hard beyond any reason and logic?
You misunderstand David. I'm not saying they're not possible, I'm saying which one is it? I've heard so many theories about "what it is" that I can't take any of them very seriously. Like I said: maybe they need to pick one...especially since some of them are mutually exclusive. I've seen this bizarre, mutual exclusiveness in many conspiracy theories.

They want us all dead.
No, they want us as serfs for the rich.
No, they want us confined to 15 minute cities unable to travel.
No, they want us to live in pods in a virtual world.

Holy smokes, what is it?!?! Some will work together but not all...and I haven't even hit them all. I'll bet you could add a few.

All the nations gathered together and acted as one, which is a precursor to a One World Government. You were penalized for NOT taking such shots. It absolutely is not a conspiracy.
I believe so too. I'm not sure what I wrote that made you believe otherwise. Yeah, there is something wrong with those injections but...what, exactly? Like I said, lots of people telling me what it is and most of the explanations don't work. It's probably a simple issue with the genetic manipulation of the cells are causing them to malfunction in some way. That's causing the myocarditis, turbo cancers, etc. The Adenovirus one...J&J was one of them, seems to be associated with stroking and blood clots. I'm not sure what is happening there... Probably genetic manipulation again.
You misunderstand David. I'm not saying they're not possible, I'm saying which one is it? I've heard so many theories about "what it is" that I can't take any of them very seriously. Like I said: maybe they need to pick one...especially since some of them are mutually exclusive. I've seen this bizarre, mutual exclusiveness in many conspiracy theories.

They want us all dead.
No, they want us as serfs for the rich.
No, they want us confined to 15 minute cities unable to travel.
No, they want us to live in pods in a virtual world.
I'm not necessarily directing them to you. I'm addressing it to others that do not. You agree with me, I can see that. I'm adding to what you said. And if it clarifies some of what you heard, then good.

The truth is they want ALL of the above to be true in some fashion or another. Those that have taken the Mark will be under the severe rule of the Eighth King, and they'll go through all of that. All of it. That's what Robert's book says doesn't it? The torment in revelation the people get from scorpions, Robert connects that to those under the Empire of the 8th King. It will be brutal, it'll be annoying, contrary to what they believed when they accepted the Satanic Order.

Revelation Chapter 9:
4- They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads.
5. The locusts were not given power to kill them, but only to torment them for five months, and their torment was like the stinging of a scorpion. 6. In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will escape them.

Regarding the contents of the vaccines, I heard from both a Canadian doctor(who I also saw met in a online meeting in a group I used to belong) and a Slovenian one that there are 3 different main lethal jabs. One is the placebo/just has graphene nanoparticles, two has moderate deadliness and graphene, and three has lethal one and graphene. Graphene, and nanotech along with poison is something that is constantly repeated among multiple sources.

I am not sure if you read his book. I only have last two chapters to go. Suffice to say, while I don't agree with everything, a vast majority I do, and it opened my eyes as well. In addition to his many valuable connections and resources such as Lyndon LaRouche.
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In this video I discuss a disturbing trend of social media influencers dying "suddenly and unexpectedly", mostly in their 30s and of heart conditions. I also discuss troubling statistics regarding turbo cancers, heart diseases in young people, along with recent changes in average life expectancy rates.
