Everything about Covid is a lie-The Summary

I don't think there is enough evidence to rule out either the Germ theory or terrain theory. But whenever I see Satan's system pushing one narrative and trying to bury another, I tend to think there's more truth to the one they are trying to suppress. If Covid does exists, it's certainly NOT what they claim it is, that's for sure.
There’s more evidence to back up terrain (theory) than you probably realize. I’ve heard and seen this from credible resources.
So many of us don’t know what we don’t know.
Wow! Then what is the purpose of a hospital. You yeah, I forgot, in clown world it's to make as much money as humanly possible.
I can only guess that they intended to say that for routine healthy patient visits, if you are sick but not in need of a hospital to reschedule. I think people would understand that but they should have proof read it or after it received negative attention they should have taken it down as an error. As of yesterday it was still up.
I'm really seeing a misuse of bible scripture. Prime example is Proverbs 14:15. "The naive person believes every word, but the shrewd one ponders each step." How true that is. In regards to the Watchtower study earlier today, it's counter intuitive. Are we going to believe every word coming from the GB mouth? If we do we become naive. Especially if we refuse to ponder each step of what they suggest. 99% of bethel got vaccinated. I'm sorry but that is a problem. And they take the extra step to really gaslight me and some others who think like me by saying "obey the superior authorities." As quoted in this Sunday Watchtower in paragraph 12. "Rather than believe every word we hear, we do well to listen to the most reliable governmental and medical sources available." Like the ones bought out by big pharma companies who are nothing more than communist like run government media. Part of the reason of Tucker Carlson ousting. He didn't follow the narrative. Imagine believing so called reliable governmental organizations who stole elections, caused an economic collapse and who promote transgenderism and pedophilia because that's what the CDC, WEF, the UN, and many others government agencies promote. Curse them... Having the nerve to quote that scripture and manipulate it. Government runned mainstream media and government agencies can't be trusted without investigation. The skrewd one investigates the matter and doesn't do it by what they heard with no personal investigation. Yes, it's time consuming but if it means your life and health then it's worth taking time to understand instead of naively listening to the GB with no personal investigation and taking their word for it as a naive person would.
I’ve mentioned my neighbor on the forum before. When the vaccines first came out she immediately got hers and she asked me to drive her, which I did. I did not know much about the vaccine at that time except that it was experimental and I had decided I didn’t want to get vaccinated until there was more safety data available. My neighbor tried to talk me into the vaccine but I just let her know that I wasn’t interested. Anyway, I know that she got 2 boosters after the first 2 vaccines and thankfully she didn’t ask me to drive her. She has been telling me that she is fine and has not suffered any bad health effects until recently. She has started have “spells” where she feels like she is going to faint and her heart rate goes down to about 36 bpm. I took her to her doctor yesterday and he said her heart is not getting enough blood and he ordered a blood test for “troponin“. It came back that her troponin level is elevated which means she has inflammation involving her heart. So, unfortunately, I thought she would not suffer bad effects from the vaccines and boosters but she is now seriously ill and it appears to be the vaccine. So terrible that the vaccine damage is silent and the symptoms are often delayed.
Very good summation of the hypocrisy and lying.

Ah, my favorite person in the whole wide world! /s As the comment says below the video; Even after this, he'll probably get voted in again. "Govern me daddy, govern me harder! His hair is so dreamy! Have you seen his latest pair of socks?!" Any one who can see this "leader" and not realize we desperately need God's Kingdom is absolutely nuts. This croaking toad is the poster boy for God's Kingdom.
Ah, my favorite person in the whole wide world! /s As the comment says below the video; Even after this, he'll probably get voted in again. "Govern me daddy, govern me harder! His hair is so dreamy! Have you seen his latest pair of socks?!" Any one who can see this "leader" and not realize we desperately need God's Kingdom is absolutely nuts. This croaking toad is the poster boy for God's Kingdom.
Wouldn’t Daddy Castro be proud?
Sounds like a modern twist to human sacrifice to me.

mRNA was supposed to be a wonder product for cancer. That's what the original developed purpose was; a way to target and destroy cancer with genetics. To be honest, I would consider an mRNA based drug if I had a very extreme form of Cancer. Why? So it would finish me off quicker. :LOL:
mRNA was supposed to be a wonder product for cancer. That's what the original developed purpose was; a way to target and destroy cancer with genetics. To be honest, I would consider an mRNA based drug if I had a very extreme form of Cancer. Why? So it would finish me off quicker. :LOL:
Last I heard ivermectin destroys cancer cells, too. :ROFLMAO:
I did a search first and didn't see this was posted. Feel this is an appropriate thread to post it in. Now there is admission of lying & censuring the people, but still, any consequences? We all knew this was going on, this just rubber stamps that we were right. [LINK] https://redstate.com/bobhoge/2023/0...ed-and-censored-you-during-covid-oops-n759254
I haven't read the whole thread yet, but has someone mentioned Remdesivir and the fact that it was the ONLY medication approved by the CDC to treat COVID and it had a 50% mortality rate (higher than the other two meds in the study where it was tested by none other than FAUCI), and hospitals got around $30k per patient they put on Remdesivir and that it caused kidney and liver failure and the lungs to fill up on fluid, so they had to be put on ventilators which they got another $20 k for each patient on ventilators and that ventilators had a further 50% survival rate?

Also, all the supposed "unvaccinated" who were dying had actually gotten the shot, but you are considered "unvaxxed" for 2 weeks after getting the shot or if you are not up-to-date on your boosters?

Or the fact that NBC news on Jan 2, 2022, they said that the flu was down 98%

You wanna know why? Because they renamed the flu "COVID:.

As Nomex has said, there was no context to this. The news NEVER tells you how many people die each year from the flu, but it's in the hundreds of thousands.

Plus, they started counting deaths as people "with" COVID.

So, if you died from a motorcycle accident but you were tested for COVID and were positive, then that was counted as a COVID death even though Covid didn't cause your death.

There was so much deception and gullibility from so many people around this.

I also would love people to read the attached study done in 1918 at the height of the Spanish Flu. This study is on the CDC's own substack and should open the eyes of anyone as to "contagion". I realize that this is controversial to bring up, but science is about being open to examining the evidence and not just blindly adhering to dogma that you have been taught and believe.

