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An interesting expression: "The enemies of the Jews." We realize, of course, that the Jewish people no longer have any standing with God. Their special relationship with Jehovah ended in the first century. God emphasized that the covenant had ended when the Romans obliterated Jerusalem and the temple and killed nearly a million Jews, as Jesus had forewarned. Interestingly, the temple was destroyed exactly 40 years from the time Jesus first entered the temple and threw out the money changers and merchants.“Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,” says Jehovah.—Zech. 4:6.
In 522 B.C.E., the enemies of the Jews succeeded in having a ban placed on the rebuilding of Jehovah’s temple. But Zechariah assured the Jews that Jehovah would use His powerful spirit to remove any obstacles. In 520 B.C.E., King Darius lifted the ban on the temple work and even provided the Jews with funds and official support. (Ezra 6:1, 6-10) Jehovah promised his people that they would have his backing if they gave priority to the rebuilding of the temple. (Hag. 1:8, 13, 14; Zech. 1:3, 16) Encouraged by the prophets, the repatriated Jews resumed the temple work in 520 B.C.E. and finished rebuilding it in less than five years. Because the Jews gave priority to doing God’s will despite uncertainties, they received Jehovah’s support. As a result, they worshipped Jehovah with joy.—Ezra 6:14-16, 22. w23.11 15 ¶6-7
Yet, the prophecies foretell that a new temple will be constructed. Evangelicals zealously promote the British Empire's masonic, Zionist delusion and expect the Israelis to build a new edifice on the site of the old temples that Jehovah had destroyed, which has been the site of the Islamic Dome of the Rock since the seventh century. Supposedly, Jesus is going to touchdown there when he returns.

We realize that the temple to come is not physical but rather, spiritual. In fact, the spiritual temple has been under construction since the first Christians were anointed. And the real Jews are not ethnic Jews, but spiritual. Although spiritual, there is obviously a physical aspect to it since anointed Christians are in human bodies and part of an earthly organization, a congregation. It is the physical organization that will be destroyed, as were both of the stone temples in Jerusalem.
Jesus' prophecy concerning the desolation of Jerusalem has special relevance for spiritual Jews who will be on earth when the disgusting thing emerges. Jesus has already issued life-saving instructions. He said: "Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken about by Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place (let the reader use discernment), then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains. Let the man on the housetop not come down to take the goods out of his house, and let the man in the field not return to pick up his outer garment. Woe to the pregnant women and those nursing a baby in those days! Keep praying that your flight may not occur in wintertime nor on the Sabbath day; for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short." - Matthew 24:15-22
Let the Preterists delude themselves. Obviously, the desolation of Jerusalem in 70 CE was not the world's worst time of trouble. Luke's account clarifies that the great tribulation is not a local calamity; rather, Jesus warned that "it will come upon all those dwelling on the face of the whole earth. Keep awake, then, all the time making supplication that you may succeed in escaping all these things that must occur and in standing before the Son of man.” (21:35,36)
If we were to read the fourth chapter of Zechariah, we might discern that the rebuilding of the temple ultimately has to do with the parousia of Christ. No, not the Watchtower's artfully contrived false parousia, but the real thing. We all know that the Masons who run the world fancy themselves as builders, not merely of temples but a world order. Their esoteric pyramid with the hovering capstone with the eye of Providence on the back of the Federal Reserve Note is a counterfeit. I am not referring to the money. The symbolism has been stolen from Zechariah's book of prophecy, except the messianic capstone does not have one eye; it has seven eyes: "See the stone that I have set before Joshua! On the one stone are seven eyes; and I am engraving an inscription on it,’ declares Jehovah of armies, ‘and I will take away the guilt of that land in one day.'" - Zech 3:9
What does the stone represent? Christ. In Revelation, the Lamb of God has seven horns and seven eyes. Now notice Zechariah 4:6-7: "He then said to me: “This is the word of Jehovah to Zerubbabel: ‘“Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,” says Jehovah of armies. Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a level land. And he will bring out the top stone* amid shouts of: “How wonderful! How wonderful!”’
I left the hyperlinked astrix in the text above after the "top stone" to inform you that an alternative rendering is "capstone." So, the capstone with seven eyes represents Christ being installed as King. See how the Masons have counterfeited the powerful symbolism associated with Christ's Kingdom? And, of course, the Masons are responsible for deploying counterfeit words to create the Watchtower's faux parousia. The presence of Christ is symbolized by the seven golden lamps, and next to the lamps are the two olive trees. What do they represent? The angel explains: “These are the two anointed ones who are standing alongside the Lord of the whole earth.”
Jehovah's Witnesses ought to know that parousia means being alongside, or standing alongside. In the 11th chapter of Revelation, the two witnesses are said to be standing before the Lord of the whole earth. Anyway, I guess I am rambling...reading the daily text can be very stimulating.

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