Friday, July 19 - Keep the words secret, and seal up the book until the time of the end


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Dec 25, 2021
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True knowledge will become abundant.—Dan. 12:4.

An angel told Daniel that the prophetic words in Daniel’s book would be understood more fully by God’s people, but that “none of the wicked [would] understand.” (Dan. 12:10) Now is the time for us to prove that we are not among the wicked ones. (Mal. 3:16-18) Jehovah is gathering those whom he views as “a special property,” or a treasured possession. We surely want to be among them. Truly, we are living in exciting times. But far more amazing things are about to happen. Soon we will see the destruction of all wickedness. Following that, we will see the fulfillment of Jehovah’s promise to Daniel: “You will stand up for your lot at the end of the days.” (Dan. 12:13) Do you long for the day when Daniel, along with your loved ones, will “stand up” again? If so, do your utmost now to be faithful, and you can be sure that your name will remain written in Jehovah’s book of life. w22.09 24 ¶17; 25 ¶19-20
There is a saying among Jehovah's Witnesses that prophecy cannot be fully understood until after it is fulfilled. That is certainly the case with the prophetic book of Daniel since by angelic order it is sealed up until the time of the end. The problem, though, is that the Watchtower falsely claims that the time of the end began in 1914. And to make that falsehood believable the Watchtower has gone to great lengths to fabricate credible explanations of how everything has been fulfilled. But the problem with lies and falsehoods is they cannot stand up to scrutiny. And that is certainly the case with the Watchtower's interpretation of Daniel's prophecy. One does not need to be a Bible scholar to disprove the Watchtower's contrived interpretation of Daniel. All one needs is common sense. It is that easy. Take the seventh chapter of Daniel, for example.

Daniel envisioned a ferocious wild beast with 10 horns. Then, an 11th horn gradually emerged and uprooted three of the 10 horns, making it an eight-horned beast. There is no indication in Daniel's prophecy that the uprooted horns were grafted back into the beast and became ruling powers again. Now, according to the Watchtower, the three horns were plucked out over several centuries, beginning with the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 by the British navy. Centuries later, the French and Dutch were defeated in a series of naval battles, and that is supposedly the fulfillment. But there is an obvious problem. The Netherlands, Spain and France are still very much ruling powers. France is a nuclear power. It sits as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. It is one of the G-7 nations. It is a leading member of the EU and NATO. In what sense has France been uprooted from the Romish system? Obviously, it has not. It is every bit as relevant and powerful as its British rival across the English Channel.

And what about Spain? It is very much a political power too. So is the Netherlands. In fact, the Dutch oligarchy is allied with the British aristocracy and the City of London and comprises the Anglo-Dutch imperium.

A question that never comes up is why God uses his astounding powers of foresight to foretell historical trivia. For that matter, why does the vision Jehovah inspired portray three horns being plucked up if the ruling powers represented by the uprooted horns are more powerful now than ever before in history? The Watchtower doesn't have to answer questions like that because no one ever asks them. It is considered an act of unfaithfulness on the part of Jehovah's Witnesses to question the truthfulness of anything the Governing Body teaches, no matter how asinine or absurd. But there is more, much more.

The eighth chapter of Daniel presents a vision of a fierce-looking king who, by his cunning, brings the mighty ones of the world to ruin along with the holy ones. This incredible feat was carried out by the Anglo-American dual-world power during World War Two. No one has ever bothered to give any details. We have no idea who the mighty ones were or how they were brought to ruin. However, the Watchtower gives considerable details explaining how the holy place was brought into its right condition after 2,300 days. In case you missed it, here it is:
For “the holy place” to be “brought,” or restored, to what it should be, the 2,300 days must have begun when it previously was in the “right condition” from God’s standpoint. At the earliest, this was on June 1, 1938, when The Watchtower published part 1 of the article “Organization.” Part 2 appeared in the issue of June 15, 1938. Counting 2,300 days (6 years, 4 months, and 20 days on the Hebrew calendar) from June 1 or 15, 1938, brings us to October 8 or 22, 1944. On the first day of a special assembly held at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., on September 30 and October 1, 1944, the Watch Tower Society’s president spoke on the subject “The Theocratic Alignment Today.” At the annual corporate meeting on October 2, the Society’s charter was amended in an effort to bring it as close to a theocratic arrangement as the law would allow. With the publication of clarified Biblical requirements, theocratic organization was soon more fully installed in the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Setting such absurdities aside, there is the matter of outright lying. Whereas Daniel portrays a singular king going to battle with the Prince of Princes, Michael, the Watchtower claims the king of the south is on hand, too, when Michael vanquishes the last king. Anyone who reads the prophecy for themselves can clearly see that the king of the north subjugates his rival, symbolized by Egypt, the original king of the south. And that is why there is no further mention of the king of the south. To make their false interpretation plausible, at least to the gullible, the Watchtower claims that the Soviet king of the north ruled over the vast treasures of the American king of the south during the arms race of the Cold War. The reality, of course, is just the opposite of what the Watchtower claims. The arms and related space races were a huge economic boom for the US. The moon project was a super science driver. The device you are using to read this article was a direct spin-off of the Apollo project since it was necessary to find a way to miniaturize enormous mainframe computers. Instead of bankrupting the USA it was the Soviet Union that was driven to utter bankruptcy and dissolution.

Since the time of the end has not begun, it may not be possible to discern the details of how the prophecy of Daniel will ultimately turn out. However, it is possible to debunk the Watchtower's phony interpretations. Clearly, the Governing Body does not understand the prophecy of Daniel. And according to their own words they have cast themselves as the wicked who do not understand.

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Interesting that Crowdstrike is part of the DNC DS apparatus, and was involved in the Seth Rich DNC controversy.

There is a saying among Jehovah's Witnesses that prophecy cannot be fully understood until after it is fulfilled. That is certainly the case with the prophetic book of Daniel since by angelic order it is sealed up until the time of the end. The problem, though, is that the Watchtower falsely claims that the time of the end began in 1914. And to make that falsehood believable the Watchtower has gone to great lengths to fabricate credible explanations of how everything has been fulfilled. But the problem with lies and falsehoods is they cannot stand up to scrutiny. And that is certainly the case with the Watchtower's interpretation of Daniel's prophecy. One does not need to be a Bible scholar to disprove the Watchtower's contrived interpretation of Daniel. All one needs is common sense. It is that easy. Take the seventh chapter of Daniel, for example.

Daniel envisioned a ferocious wild beast with 10 horns. Then, an 11th horn gradually emerged and uprooted three of the 10 horns, making it an eight-horned beast. There is no indication in Daniel's prophecy that the uprooted horns were grafted back into the beast and became ruling powers again. Now, according to the Watchtower, the three horns were plucked out over several centuries, beginning with the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 by the British navy. Centuries later, the French and Dutch were defeated in a series of naval battles, and that is supposedly the fulfillment. But there is an obvious problem. The Netherlands, Spain and France are still very much ruling powers. France is a nuclear power. It sits as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. It is one of the G-7 nations. It is a leading member of the EU and NATO. In what sense has France been uprooted from the Romish system? Obviously, it has not. It is every bit as relevant and powerful as its British rival across the English Channel.

And what about Spain? It is very much a political power too. So is the Netherlands. In fact, the Dutch oligarchy is allied with the British aristocracy and the City of London and comprises the Anglo-Dutch imperium.

A question that never comes up is why God uses his astounding powers of foresight to foretell historical trivia. For that matter, why does the vision Jehovah inspired portray three horns being plucked up if the ruling powers represented by the uprooted horns are more powerful now than ever before in history? The Watchtower doesn't have to answer questions like that because no one ever asks them. It is considered an act of unfaithfulness on the part of Jehovah's Witnesses to question the truthfulness of anything the Governing Body teaches, no matter how asinine or absurd. But there is more, much more.

The eighth chapter of Daniel presents a vision of a fierce-looking king who, by his cunning, brings the mighty ones of the world to ruin along with the holy ones. This incredible feat was carried out by the Anglo-American dual-world power during World War Two. No one has ever bothered to give any details. We have no idea who the mighty ones were or how they were brought to ruin. However, the Watchtower gives considerable details explaining how the holy place was brought into its right condition after 2,300 days. In case you missed it, here it is:

Setting such absurdities aside, there is the matter of outright lying. Whereas Daniel portrays a singular king going to battle with the Prince of Princes, Michael, the Watchtower claims the king of the south is on hand, too, when Michael vanquishes the last king. Anyone who reads the prophecy for themselves can clearly see that the king of the north subjugates his rival, symbolized by Egypt, the original king of the south. And that is why there is no further mention of the king of the south. To make their false interpretation plausible, at least to the gullible, the Watchtower claims that the Soviet king of the north ruled over the vast treasures of the American king of the south during the arms race of the Cold War. The reality, of course, is just the opposite of what the Watchtower claims. The arms and related space races were a huge economic boom for the US. The moon project was a super science driver. The device you are using to read this article was a direct spin-off of the Apollo project since it was necessary to find a way to miniaturize enormous mainframe computers. Instead of bankrupting the USA it was the Soviet Union that was driven to utter bankruptcy and dissolution.

Since the time of the end has not begun, it may not be possible to discern the details of how the prophecy of Daniel will ultimately turn out. However, it is possible to debunk the Watchtower's phony interpretations. Clearly, the Governing Body does not understand the prophecy of Daniel. And according to their own words they have cast themselves as the
Daniel 2:44 In the days of (Those Kings) King of North and King of South God will set up His Kingdom. This sames to say that both Kings are around at the Time of the end.Both the Iron and the Clay are destroyed by The Stone ,Gods Kingdom.
Daniel 2:44 In the days of (Those Kings) King of North and King of South God will set up His Kingdom. This sames to say that both Kings are around at the Time of the end.Both the Iron and the Clay are destroyed by The Stone ,Gods Kingdom.
That is only if one fails to consider the entire image as the eighth king.

Published a new article on e-watchman
Also Rev 13 Says that there is a 2 horn false Prophet Those 2 horn are the Anglo-American. So there is no One King that destroys the other.
Also Rev 13 Says that there is a 2 horn false Prophet Those 2 horn are the Anglo-American. So there is no One King that destroys the other.
The two-horned beast arises from the earth (abyss) in the aftermath of the mortal head wound inflicted on the beast. So, both kings are destroyed, the Anglo-America empire, that is, but some form of the political system will arise from the ashes and promote Satan's world government. JWs have no clue about any of this because the Watchtower has deluded them into believing the beast revived from the death blow during the First World War, even though, by all accounts, the British Empire and the US were victorious.
The 8 king is a creation of the 7 king Anglo-American empire.The United Nation is that creation. They were created after The Blows the Kings Received after the 2 World War.From the Ashes rose the 2 horned False Prophet
The 8 king is a creation of the 7 king Anglo-American empire.The United Nation is that creation. They were created after The Blows the Kings Received after the 2 World War.From the Ashes rose the 2 horned False Prophet
You are making this up as you go, aren't you? lol The WT teaches that the death blow occurred during the First World War.
It's called history the First of 2 sword stokes was world War 1 another came when nation vs nation came,, they called it world War 2.From there the two Kings created the United nation.So no the king of north does not conquer the king of the south.Also are the abyss and from the Earth the samething?
Explain that means not what I said..
.my explanation was from scriptures. Can u explain how the KON defeats the KOS.
There is a saying among Jehovah's Witnesses that prophecy cannot be fully understood until after it is fulfilled. That is certainly the case with the prophetic book of Daniel since by angelic order it is sealed up until the time of the end. The problem, though, is that the Watchtower falsely claims that the time of the end began in 1914. And to make that falsehood believable the Watchtower has gone to great lengths to fabricate credible explanations of how everything has been fulfilled. But the problem with lies and falsehoods is they cannot stand up to scrutiny. And that is certainly the case with the Watchtower's interpretation of Daniel's prophecy. One does not need to be a Bible scholar to disprove the Watchtower's contrived interpretation of Daniel. All one needs is common sense. It is that easy. Take the seventh chapter of Daniel, for example.

Daniel envisioned a ferocious wild beast with 10 horns. Then, an 11th horn gradually emerged and uprooted three of the 10 horns, making it an eight-horned beast. There is no indication in Daniel's prophecy that the uprooted horns were grafted back into the beast and became ruling powers again. Now, according to the Watchtower, the three horns were plucked out over several centuries, beginning with the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 by the British navy. Centuries later, the French and Dutch were defeated in a series of naval battles, and that is supposedly the fulfillment. But there is an obvious problem. The Netherlands, Spain and France are still very much ruling powers. France is a nuclear power. It sits as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. It is one of the G-7 nations. It is a leading member of the EU and NATO. In what sense has France been uprooted from the Romish system? Obviously, it has not. It is every bit as relevant and powerful as its British rival across the English Channel.

And what about Spain? It is very much a political power too. So is the Netherlands. In fact, the Dutch oligarchy is allied with the British aristocracy and the City of London and comprises the Anglo-Dutch imperium.

A question that never comes up is why God uses his astounding powers of foresight to foretell historical trivia. For that matter, why does the vision Jehovah inspired portray three horns being plucked up if the ruling powers represented by the uprooted horns are more powerful now than ever before in history? The Watchtower doesn't have to answer questions like that because no one ever asks them. It is considered an act of unfaithfulness on the part of Jehovah's Witnesses to question the truthfulness of anything the Governing Body teaches, no matter how asinine or absurd. But there is more, much more.

The eighth chapter of Daniel presents a vision of a fierce-looking king who, by his cunning, brings the mighty ones of the world to ruin along with the holy ones. This incredible feat was carried out by the Anglo-American dual-world power during World War Two. No one has ever bothered to give any details. We have no idea who the mighty ones were or how they were brought to ruin. However, the Watchtower gives considerable details explaining how the holy place was brought into its right condition after 2,300 days. In case you missed it, here it is:

Setting such absurdities aside, there is the matter of outright lying. Whereas Daniel portrays a singular king going to battle with the Prince of Princes, Michael, the Watchtower claims the king of the south is on hand, too, when Michael vanquishes the last king. Anyone who reads the prophecy for themselves can clearly see that the king of the north subjugates his rival, symbolized by Egypt, the original king of the south. And that is why there is no further mention of the king of the south. To make their false interpretation plausible, at least to the gullible, the Watchtower claims that the Soviet king of the north ruled over the vast treasures of the American king of the south during the arms race of the Cold War. The reality, of course, is just the opposite of what the Watchtower claims. The arms and related space races were a huge economic boom for the US. The moon project was a super science driver. The device you are using to read this article was a direct spin-off of the Apollo project since it was necessary to find a way to miniaturize enormous mainframe computers. Instead of bankrupting the USA it was the Soviet Union that was driven to utter bankruptcy and dissolution.

Since the time of the end has not begun, it may not be possible to discern the details of how the prophecy of Daniel will ultimately turn out. However, it is possible to debunk the Watchtower's phony interpretations. Clearly, the Governing Body does not understand the prophecy of Daniel. And according to their own words they have cast themselves as the wicked who do not understand.

Very good article Robert. Daniel and Revelation have always intrigued me. I must say that this explanation of Daniel makes so much more sense than what I’ve read in WT research. Something else I noticed was when the KOTN “comes all the way to his end” this is Daniel chapter 11 verse 45. But I wondered why…beginning in Daniel 12:1 it says “During that time Miʹcha·el will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of your people. And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book.”

But as pointed out many times, Michael already stood up in 1914. Even years ago as I would read this it was puzzling to me how this could be. Usually though the explanation would be that some of the chapters are out of chronological order.
Go figure…like the Bible was written back then as we read it today, in chapters and verses. The problem is that the very beginning of Daniel 12:1 states: “During that time” Then what should be asked is….during WHAT time?
But I guess you’re not allowed to ask those kinds of questions.
That is only if one fails to consider the entire image as the eighth king.

Published a new article on e-watchman
I love your point that the entire image is the 8th King, which dovetails perfectly with Revelation. I used that information when visiting in-laws who are full-time workers getting ready to attend their assembly. I hope it gave them something to consider.

I also noticed in this scripture that some are described as being refined and I would guess their enlightenment and understanding of Daniel will happen after they are cleansed and refined. Perhaps those who refuse to be “refined” aka corrected will never understand.

Daniel 12:9-10: “Then he said: “Go, Daniel, because the words are to be kept secret and sealed up until the time of the end. Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined. And the wicked ones will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand; but those having insight will understand.“
The point made by Brother King in the 3rd article really hit home with me when I first read it and perhaps it will help others on the forum. The article is entitled “A Fierce Looking King Will Stand Up”. In my opinion, the following point dovetails with Revelation and the rise of the 8th King, representing the entire image in Daniel and a counterfeit to God’s Kingdom. It also explains to me why the choice people will be making between God’s Kingdom (after the Chosen Ones are revealed) and the mark of the beast will be the determining decision on whether or not they are goats or sheep.


Beginning in the 2nd chapter of Daniel with the simple prophecy of the metallic image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the prophecies become increasingly more detailed; ending with the three-page chronicle of the king of the north and king of the south. However, from the simplest to the most complex, each vision ends the exact same way; in that, all four prophecies abruptly conclude with a singular political agency being directly vanquished by Christ.

For example, the Watchtower has wrongly assumed that the king of the south is on hand when Michael stands up to destroy the king of the north. What Bethel has failed to take note of is that there is no further mention of the king of the south beyond the point when the king of the north floods over into all the lands and subjugates “Egypt.” The detailed prophecy of the king of the north and king of the south ends with a single king –-the king of the north –-who comes all the way to his end with no helper to intervene for him. Surely, it is no accidental oversight on the part of the angel who outlined history in such detail to have omitted any mention of the king of the south.

As regards the 2nd chapter of Daniel, the metallic colossus with the head of gold, breasts of silver, the belly of copper, supported on the legs of iron and feet of iron mixed with clay, represents a single composite kingdom that is ultimately shattered by God’s kingdom. That is in keeping with the singular king of the north and a lone fierce-looking king who is annihilated by Michael, the prince.”
Explain that means not what I said..
.my explanation was from scriptures. Can u explain how the KON defeats the KOS.
I have written dozens of articles on the downfall of America. Here is one
I have written dozens of articles on the downfall of America. Here is one
Perhaps some still think Russia is the King of the North. I think one of the issues you have pointed out that makes a huge difference in understanding the prophecies regarding rulership like Daniel is that the King of the North is actually the City of London.

Here is another interesting article, The Green Deal and London’s Global Genocide.
There is a saying among Jehovah's Witnesses that prophecy cannot be fully understood until after it is fulfilled. That is certainly the case with the prophetic book of Daniel since by angelic order it is sealed up until the time of the end. The problem, though, is that the Watchtower falsely claims that the time of the end began in 1914. And to make that falsehood believable the Watchtower has gone to great lengths to fabricate credible explanations of how everything has been fulfilled. But the problem with lies and falsehoods is they cannot stand up to scrutiny. And that is certainly the case with the Watchtower's interpretation of Daniel's prophecy. One does not need to be a Bible scholar to disprove the Watchtower's contrived interpretation of Daniel. All one needs is common sense. It is that easy. Take the seventh chapter of Daniel, for example.

Daniel envisioned a ferocious wild beast with 10 horns. Then, an 11th horn gradually emerged and uprooted three of the 10 horns, making it an eight-horned beast. There is no indication in Daniel's prophecy that the uprooted horns were grafted back into the beast and became ruling powers again. Now, according to the Watchtower, the three horns were plucked out over several centuries, beginning with the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 by the British navy. Centuries later, the French and Dutch were defeated in a series of naval battles, and that is supposedly the fulfillment. But there is an obvious problem. The Netherlands, Spain and France are still very much ruling powers. France is a nuclear power. It sits as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. It is one of the G-7 nations. It is a leading member of the EU and NATO. In what sense has France been uprooted from the Romish system? Obviously, it has not. It is every bit as relevant and powerful as its British rival across the English Channel.

And what about Spain? It is very much a political power too. So is the Netherlands. In fact, the Dutch oligarchy is allied with the British aristocracy and the City of London and comprises the Anglo-Dutch imperium.

A question that never comes up is why God uses his astounding powers of foresight to foretell historical trivia. For that matter, why does the vision Jehovah inspired portray three horns being plucked up if the ruling powers represented by the uprooted horns are more powerful now than ever before in history? The Watchtower doesn't have to answer questions like that because no one ever asks them. It is considered an act of unfaithfulness on the part of Jehovah's Witnesses to question the truthfulness of anything the Governing Body teaches, no matter how asinine or absurd. But there is more, much more.

The eighth chapter of Daniel presents a vision of a fierce-looking king who, by his cunning, brings the mighty ones of the world to ruin along with the holy ones. This incredible feat was carried out by the Anglo-American dual-world power during World War Two. No one has ever bothered to give any details. We have no idea who the mighty ones were or how they were brought to ruin. However, the Watchtower gives considerable details explaining how the holy place was brought into its right condition after 2,300 days. In case you missed it, here it is:

Setting such absurdities aside, there is the matter of outright lying. Whereas Daniel portrays a singular king going to battle with the Prince of Princes, Michael, the Watchtower claims the king of the south is on hand, too, when Michael vanquishes the last king. Anyone who reads the prophecy for themselves can clearly see that the king of the north subjugates his rival, symbolized by Egypt, the original king of the south. And that is why there is no further mention of the king of the south. To make their false interpretation plausible, at least to the gullible, the Watchtower claims that the Soviet king of the north ruled over the vast treasures of the American king of the south during the arms race of the Cold War. The reality, of course, is just the opposite of what the Watchtower claims. The arms and related space races were a huge economic boom for the US. The moon project was a super science driver. The device you are using to read this article was a direct spin-off of the Apollo project since it was necessary to find a way to miniaturize enormous mainframe computers. Instead of bankrupting the USA it was the Soviet Union that was driven to utter bankruptcy and dissolution.

Since the time of the end has not begun, it may not be possible to discern the details of how the prophecy of Daniel will ultimately turn out. However, it is possible to debunk the Watchtower's phony interpretations. Clearly, the Governing Body does not understand the prophecy of Daniel. And according to their own words they have cast themselves as the wicked who do not understand.

Truly, we are living in exciting times. But far more amazing things are about to happen. Soon we will see the destruction of all wickednes..

Yes yes yes. so deep into the time of the end, just like before Russell died let's see, hmm.. 1874 1914 stay alive 1975..we've already had three miserably failed incantations conjured by the magicians from on high, while untold numbers have died in this deep deep deep time of the end.. why do they continue to peddle this pathetic rectal drivel? But not to worry my brothers and sisters, I forsee next Thursday as the deep deep deep deeper and deeper concluding deeper of the deepest deep we've ever been in..hold on to your hats..stay alive till next Thursday..we love you and God bless the watchtower for all the deep deep deep deep deep spiritual delectable food served from the alert and industrious deep pondering ponderers of prophecy.. Thank God I have my waders on, it's definitely deep..
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Interesting that Crowdstrike is part of the DNC DS apparatus, and was involved in the Seth Rich DNC controversy.

They use "clownstrike" where I work. I just came off shift in my IT gulag to see a barrage of trouble tickets come through for the guy that was handling the other shift. Hahahaha!!!!! I'm glad I didn't have to deal with the crap-wave created by clownstrike. When I go back to work, I'll have to ask the high and mighty ones in IT at company headquarters what they think of clownstrike now. So glad it's stopped the "evil hackers"! Hahahaaha! Once again, we have met the enemy...and he is us.
They use "clownstrike" where I work. I just came off shift in my IT gulag to see a barrage of trouble tickets come through for the guy that was handling the other shift. Hahahaha!!!!! I'm glad I didn't have to deal with the crap-wave created by clownstrike. When I go back to work, I'll have to ask the high and mighty ones in IT at company headquarters what they think of clownstrike now. So glad it's stopped the "evil hackers"! Hahahaaha! Once again, we have met the enemy...and he is us.
I don't think yesterday's worldwide outage was a random event. I think it was either a beta test for a future cyber attack that Klaus Schwab warned about, or it was the left wing deep state showing they still hold some cards, even though they're on the ropes.
