Friday, July 26 2024 Before the Blessing Comes the Affliction


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Friday, July 26 2024​

God has sent me ahead of you for the preservation of life.—Gen. 45:5.

While Joseph was in prison, Jehovah caused the king of Egypt to have two troubling dreams. When the king learned that Joseph had the ability to interpret dreams, he sent for him. With Jehovah’s help, Joseph interpreted the dreams and impressed Pharaoh with the practical advice he gave him. Seeing that Jehovah was with the young man, Pharaoh appointed Joseph as the food administrator for all of Egypt. (Gen. 41:38, 41-44) Later, a severe famine arose that affected not only Egypt but also Canaan, the land in which Joseph’s family were living. Joseph was now in a position to save his family and thus preserve the line of descent that would lead to the Messiah. Obviously, it was Jehovah who made everything Joseph did succeed. In the end, Jehovah turned the cruel scheme of Joseph’s brothers into a means by which He could accomplish His will. w23.01 17 ¶11-12
Examining the Scriptures Daily—2024

Sunday, April 24 2016​

Moses . . . refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing to be mistreated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin.—Heb. 11:24, 25.

Moses was given the best secular education that was available in his day, but did he use it to advance his career in Egypt, make a name for himself, or acquire material possessions? No. Clearly, Moses used his spiritual education to advance Jehovah’s purpose. He was keenly interested in Jehovah and His people. At 40 years of age, Moses thought that he was ready to help liberate God’s people from Egyptian bondage. However, before Jehovah could give him that assignment, Moses needed something more. He needed to cultivate such qualities as humility, patience, mildness, and self-control. Moses needed training that would prepare him to endure the trials and hardships that lay ahead.


At age 40 Moses attempted to take matters into his own hands. It didn’t work. He wasn’t ready. God required him to become a lowly shepherd for 40 years. And when he returned to Egypt he only did what Jehovah directed him to do.

But before Moses there was Joseph. God related a series of dreams to him that infuriated his older brothers, and so they sold him into slavery. He, too, ended up in Egypt. While in Egypt he was thrown into prison on false charges. Only after spending time in detention was he ready for what Jehovah had in mind for him. And swiftly he went from the dungeon to be Pharaoh’s prime minister.

Then there was David. As a mere boy Jehovah anointed him to be Israel’s king. With God’s spirit upon him he slew the hulking giant, Goliath, with a sling and a stone. He became a national hero —honored in song as Jehovah’s mighty warrior. David may have imagined that his ascension to the throne would be easy. It wasn’t.

Instead of the royal palace David was forced to become a fugitive several years, fleeing from city to city, and ultimately forced to roam the waterless wilderness. Many of David’s psalms were written based upon his distressing experiences running from crazy King Saul. Only after he had been subjected to extreme affliction was he given the throne of Israel.

And what about Daniel? Before his exile in Babylon Daniel was a prince in Judah. He was among the first to go into exile. Although a prisoner in a foreign land Jehovah eventually exalted him to the highest office in both Babylon and Persia and was privileged to have insight into the future, as the book bearing his name testifies.

Many other examples could be cited, but you probably recognize the pattern. Before Jehovah bestows a blessing, particularly if it involves him granting someone to have power and authority over others, God subjects the prospective recipient to hardship and affliction. The ultimate example, of course, is Jesus.

If those who temporarily held power were required to prove their mettle, how much more so will affliction be imposed upon those who are inline for immortality and the throne of the Kingdom next to Christ?

“But who will endure the day of his coming, and who will be able to stand when he appears? For he will be like the fire of a refiner and like the lye of laundrymen.” —Malachi 3:2
I know jw dot org recycled this article from a couple of years ago, posing the question: Record-Breaking Temperatures Worldwide—What Does the Bible Say? And then, to answer their own question, the Watchtower has published perhaps one of the most idiotic things ever:
Do heat waves fulfill Bible prophecy? Yes. Global heat waves fit events that the Bible foretold for our time. For example, Jesus prophesied that we would see “fearful sights,” or “strange and terrifying things.” (Luke 21:11; Good News Translation) Rising global temperatures have led many to fear that mankind will ruin the earth.
Do you know anyone who considers hot weather a strange and fearful sight? I don't. Maybe some media person hyperventilates because the weather is a few degrees warmer than normal, but that's show business and politics. Creating weather anxiety is part of a scheme to deindustrialize and depopulate. And apparently, like so many other things, the Watchtower is in synch with the globalists' propaganda.

In the same 21st chapter of Luke Jesus is quoted as saying: "Also, there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and its agitation. People will become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken."

Again, have you become consumed with anguish and terror because of a summer heatwave? Have the powers of the heavens been shaken because of global warming?

Meanwhile, the US is being pushed into war with Russia, China and Iran. The demonic propaganda luring the nations to war is croaking like a bullfrog. Sadly, the Watchtower will continue to publish this kind of tripe and Jehovah's Witnesses will happily swallow it and remain oblivious to reality until the world explodes. After all, only terror will make them understand. And we are not talking about the weather.

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I know jw dot org recycled this article from a couple of years ago, posing the question: Record-Breaking Temperatures Worldwide—What Does the Bible Say? And then, to answer their own question, the Watchtower has published perhaps one of the most idiotic things ever:

Do you know anyone who considers hot weather a strange and fearful sight? I don't. Maybe some media person hyperventilates because the weather is a few degrees warmer than normal, but that's show business and politics. Creating weather anxiety is part of a scheme to deindustrialize and depopulate. And apparently, like so many other things, the Watchtower is in synch with the globalists' propaganda.

In the same 21st chapter of Luke Jesus is quoted as saying: "Also, there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and its agitation. People will become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken."

Again, have you become consumed with anguish and terror because of a summer heatwave? Have the powers of the heavens been shaken because of global warming?

Meanwhile, the US is being pushed into war with Russia, China and Iran. The demonic propaganda luring the nations to war is croaking like a bullfrog. Sadly, the Watchtower will continue to publish this kind of tripe and Jehovah's Witnesses will happily swallow it and remain oblivious to reality until the world explodes. After all, only terror will make them understand. And we are not talking about the weather.

I listened to Martin Armstrong yesterday and he said the plan is the United Nations would use global warming as the excuse to bring in the new world order to maintain peace and save the planet
I listened to Martin Armstrong yesterday and he said the plan is the United Nations would use global warming as the excuse to bring in the new world order to maintain peace and save the planet
We have it on the authority of Jesus Christ that there is going to be a world war and that mankind will be brought to the brink of extinction and unless God intervenes, no flesh will be saved.