With AI on board, someone will.
When my daughter was a baby I had a sign on the back window of my car sayin…. BABY ON BOARD…but ONLY THAT! Lol
I quite liked Hitchcock‘s horror nature film about chickens, in the late 1950s, where this woman went to an island off the coast and got attacked by a chicken as she was coming over on a boat to the island. When she got there, there were a whole lot of them roosting on the telephone lines. I think in the end they found out that a farmer had left his chicken coop open and they had all escaped. In the late 1990s Nick Park remade the film and called it “Chicken Coup”. It was a smash it in Hollywood. Very frightening. X rated.
I’m missing the point of this. Have Budweiser gone trans or gay?
Trans or gay what’s the difference? They’re just about one in the same thing….and everyone else is getting in on the act to promote this stupidity….I’m missing the point of this. Have Budweiser gone trans or gay?
I’m missing the point of this. Have Budweiser gone trans or gay?
Yup. They recently promoted a trans influencer in their commercial.Probably so…everyone else is getting in on the act to promote this stupidity….
BIG FREAKING DEAL!!! Sorry, but I get so tired of this idiotic propaganda they shove in our face!
The irony is despite the backlash, the banks keep pumping the dough to keep these folks on stage. No doubt feeding into the debt bubble.BIG FREAKING DEAL!!! Sorry, but I get so tired of this idiotic propaganda so for them to shove this in our face!
Don't forget part 2:Guys, guys, you need to take a break and listen to the Dog of Wisdom:
He's getting together with the WBTS to produce the talk - Wise Dogs: are they approved by God?
There is something odd in the thinking of a company that would assume that someone who has no idea even what sex they are, could influence people in what beer to drink - let alone advise on any serious matter. What is more remarkable still is that these very same brewers appear to favour as their leading promotor of their product, a man who is intent on castrating himself and thus denying himself any offspring, and growing breasts artificially to feed a child he will never have. Such Attributes, lovely though they are, do not a woman make, except in the lower echelons of male thinking.
There is no difference - they are all very confused. The best way to test their true commitment is to offer a head transplant with someone of the opposites sex physically and in a similar state of mind, who wants to be your sex. At least that way you get a functioning body rather than a surgically mutated one that doesn’t function in certain areas, and you get to keep your own brain. At least it demonstrates commitment, even if it does not improve one’s intelligence, and…you no longer have to pretend! Maybe that is how Barnum got his bearded lady in his circus.Trans or gay what’s the difference? They’re just about one and the same thing….and everyone else is getting in on the act to promote this stupidity….
PJ if you are trying to stay sane in an insane world, then you need to quit watching such videos. They are not going to help your cause. Have you tried joining a monastery, or going for a hike in the Amazon rainforest - or head-banging at a rock concert? As a final resort, there is the option of becoming a Sadhu of the Himalayas, a sort of end-stage Indian holy man who has renounced all flesh and seeks an oblivion of all desires. You have to paint your face and sit around a great deal in wood ash and rely on people to feed you, but apparently it’s a quite relaxing pastime. I have been tempted on occasion. Maybe worth a trial run for you? Stay off YouTube. It will do your head in.
Well in my case I volunteered to to help my Nana being a caretaker for my Schizoaffective relative & there's plenty of exposure to madness to say the least. LolPJ if you are trying to stay sane in an insane world, then you need to quit watching such videos. They are not going to help your cause. Have you tried joining a monastery, or going for a hike in the Amazon rainforest - or head-banging at a rock concert? As a final resort, there is the option of becoming a Sadhu of the Himalayas, a sort of end-stage Indian holy man who has renounced all flesh and seeks an oblivion of all desires. You have to paint your face and sit around a great deal in wood ash and rely on people to feed you, but apparently it’s a quite relaxing pastime. I have been tempted on occasion. Maybe worth a trial run for you? Stay off YouTube. It will do your head in.