Reading Rev 19:6 “God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king!” this seems like a significant event! The paragraph below acknowledges it as a future event, but also claims God already begun ruling in 1914 and link this to Rev 11 as a separate occurrence. However, how can it be prophesied to have ‘begun’ twice 110+ years apart?
It seems an insult to heaven that they would declare something to have ‘begun’ long after it did. If something already existed then perhaps it could later ‘increase’ or ‘strengthen’ but not again begun.
Revelation 19:6 “And I heard what sounded like a voice of a great crowd and like the sound of many waters and like the sound of heavy thunders. They said: “Praise Jah, because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king!”
Revelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand!
Praise Jah for His Judgments!
Chapter 38
10 How is it, though, that Jehovah begins to rule? Millenniums have passed since the psalmist declared: “God is my King from long ago.” (Psalm 74:12) Jehovah’s kingship was ancient even then, so how can the universal chorus sing that “Jehovah… has begun to rule as king”? In that when Babylon the Great is destroyed, Jehovah will no longer have that presumptuous rival to detract from obedience to him as the Universal Sovereign. No longer will false religion incite earth’s rulers to oppose him. When ancient Babylon fell from world dominance, Zion heard the victorious proclamation: “Your God has become king!” (Isaiah 52:7) After the Kingdom’s birth in 1914, the 24 elders proclaimed: “We thank you, Jehovah God ... because you have taken your great power and begun ruling as king.” (Revelation 11:17) Now, after the devastation of Babylon the Great, the cry is again uttered: “Jehovah ... has begun to rule as king.” No man-made god remains to contest the sovereignty of the true God, Jehovah!
It seems an insult to heaven that they would declare something to have ‘begun’ long after it did. If something already existed then perhaps it could later ‘increase’ or ‘strengthen’ but not again begun.
Revelation 19:6 “And I heard what sounded like a voice of a great crowd and like the sound of many waters and like the sound of heavy thunders. They said: “Praise Jah, because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king!”
Revelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand!
Praise Jah for His Judgments!
Chapter 38
10 How is it, though, that Jehovah begins to rule? Millenniums have passed since the psalmist declared: “God is my King from long ago.” (Psalm 74:12) Jehovah’s kingship was ancient even then, so how can the universal chorus sing that “Jehovah… has begun to rule as king”? In that when Babylon the Great is destroyed, Jehovah will no longer have that presumptuous rival to detract from obedience to him as the Universal Sovereign. No longer will false religion incite earth’s rulers to oppose him. When ancient Babylon fell from world dominance, Zion heard the victorious proclamation: “Your God has become king!” (Isaiah 52:7) After the Kingdom’s birth in 1914, the 24 elders proclaimed: “We thank you, Jehovah God ... because you have taken your great power and begun ruling as king.” (Revelation 11:17) Now, after the devastation of Babylon the Great, the cry is again uttered: “Jehovah ... has begun to rule as king.” No man-made god remains to contest the sovereignty of the true God, Jehovah!