Has the Watchtower been infiltrated by Freemasons?

This is where constant prayer to Jehovah to help us understand these matters and then a spirit anointed one that Jehovah is using to teach us. Those that are leaving the Org. have to be searching and have the right heart condition or it just goes right over their heads. We do need to rejoice with everyday we enjoy. Satan wants it to be are last but we will not let him separate us from the love of our Father. Thank You Bro, King for helping me to understand what a loving friend we have in Jehovah. Your faith has helped me to build mine.
A house divided against itself will fall
Masons do not wish to be recognized, except by other members of the cult. Evidently, there is a masonic handshake and ring. They leave their tell-tale symbols about too. For example, the set of the Inside Story series displays a version of the Masonic logo that the Church of the Latter Day Saints and Scientology uses.
In the first century, Paul outed certain men whom he dubbed "superfine apostles." The members of the congregation were evidently unaware that Satan was using these men to infiltrate and influence them. That is why Paul said that they were fake apostles and deceitful workers who had merely disguised themselves as ministers of righteousness in imitation of the Devil who disguises himself as an angel of light. The Masonic cultists do the same thing. They wear a disguise and appear as ministers, no doubt even as anointed elders.

I checked out the logos of Latter Day Saints and Scientology and didn't see anything that resembled the Gilead school logo. Do you have examples that you could post here?

So do you think that the missionaries that WT sends out to other countries are Freemasons as well?

Here is Mark Noumair making the pyramid hand sign

And Mark's father was an aerial photographer in WW2 which usually indicates intelligence and he was also a Sergeant so he was high-ranking. After the war, he joined the Kiwanis club, which is affiliated with freemasonry.


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Harold Corkrin making the pyramid hand sign and notice the ring on his right hand


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Here are three photos starting with Gilead instructor Trent Lepold and two other brothers who gave talks on the 2023 live stream circuit assembly last symposium part. In all three instances they are making a number three with their fingers but usually brothers make a three with their index finger, middle finger and ring finger. These three ALL used the "A-OK" sign which is known as the "666" sign


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    Trent Lepold A OK hand sign.png
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    Brothers a ok hand signs 2023 circuit assembly.JPG
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Brothers from various branches being interviewed. Folks, this is not just a coincidence....


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Gage Fleege: ring on right hand
Gajus Glokenhim (sp?) hand sign


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    Gage Fleegle ring on right hand Gajus Glokenhim hand sign.JPG
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For me it matters because many of the brothers and sisters are being stumbled out of the truth by people that they THINK are true brothers that are being hypocritical. If they knew that they were false brothers then that might help them to stay faithful and fight on. Just a thought.
Gage Fleege: ring on right hand
Gajus Glokenhim (sp?) hand sign
I posted at least 9 of them wearing rings somewhere on this site if you can find it.
Here are three photos starting with Gilead instructor Trent Lepold and two other brothers who gave talks on the 2023 live stream circuit assembly last symposium part. In all three instances they are making a number three with their fingers but usually brothers make a three with their index finger, middle finger and ring finger. These three ALL used the "A-OK" sign which is known as the "666" sign
As an FYI, in sales circles there are so called thought gurus who make suggestions to their sales groupies to employ NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) in their sales presentations and communications with their clients. When discussing numbers, the Number One is displayed as the thumbs up sign. (y) This is designed to send a subliminal message of positivity. The Number Two is displayed as the "peace sign" using the index finger and the middle finger ala Richard Nixon and again makes the attempt to conjur positivity to the subject matter being discussed. Same with the Number Three which is displayed using the "a-ok" sign, the one you say represents 666. These three examples are to illustrate that other lines of thought can be applied to the same items and be found to be "safe and effective" and powerful. Personally, I give them all a singular middle finger LOL :ROFLMAO:
Let us not get too bogged down with misleading gestures. There isn't anything the devil has not penetrated. Do we expect the brothers to not use any gestures at all? Many gestures are learned from family heads, other speakers, and watching videos of other brothers.
Here is Mark Noumair making the pyramid hand sign
Notice the 2 pillars on the stage of the JW Broadcasts.
In every Masonic Lodge, two pillars stand to represent the pillars of Boaz and Jachin, which stood in front of Solomon's Temple, the first Temple in Jerusalem. The pillar of Jachin stands in front of the Senior Warden and "signifies the Lord," while the Junior Warden's column, Boaz, signifies strength.


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Anyone heard of Project Blue Beam?
Project Blue Beam can fake the return of Jesus through holographics.
Yes I've researched this some time ago. There's also a scientist by the name of Dr Day who's worked with NASA and other projects, he said that the demons that they see as ascended masters, give them advanced technology that its need to establish the outcome of what's about to play out, for example the super AI they have built is called "within" this they intend to link up to every individual on earth, the AI itself says it will be within us all learning and growing it will be our master, it's transhumanism. They have also given them the technology to create space craft flying saucers that can go in and out of water, William Cooper also spoke about seeing this while in the air force and was signed to secrecy. They plan to use this in their grand deception by convincing us that we were created by these beings that they are our saviour's who will bring in a new age of enlightenment they call it the Age of Aquarius. This may well be part of the powerful delusion the world will fall for, some thinking this is the coming paradise, as they have med beds too that can heal and rejuvenate which I guess many Covid vaxxed victims would be grateful for, but will all come at price, only time will tell how much of this will actually be played out in reality, but it's a perfect plan of deception that would stumble and mislead many.
Also sadly many of the so called awakened doctors who have exposed the vaccines, themselves are awaiting the time of this coming event and exposure of the corruption, they too have been decieved, they're waiting for this time of peace and prosperity a new age of enlightenment with Nesara Gesara a form of treaty that promises tax free existence, no poverty, equality for all. This is what all those Trump QAnon supporters are waiting for, as Trump is working with the Zionists who are also behind this agenda. It's like an octopus there's so many arms at work to pull off this satanic deception.
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Ugh I was not aware of all this freemason stuff til this forum. I have to stop reading it. It is creeping me out.

I looked up some info earlier this morning cuz I could not sleep. I wanted to know why some are are called FREE masons. Good grief so much stuff comes up.

Did not find info on any presidents being masons after Gerald Ford though.
But info online not always up-to-date, accurate or truthful. Ugh read stuff about Billy Graham, etc.

I still don't know how to share videos and info like you all do. So I am careful now what I say Cuz I don't have proof to back up my statements.

But I can't read anymore about these signs and stuff. But thankful for what I have learned from what you all have posted. Accurate knowledge is a powerful protection. Thank you.

Too much for me. 😂
Symbolism will be their downfall!
Here are "13" symbols that these Freemason creatures use:

I had a super morning, thanks to Jehovah, Robert for the WT review and Stop thesanaty for the photos. I have been able to explain and warn my (dear JW) girlfriend about what is wrong with the GB. More often than not I had already carefully given her some info, but this was the first time that we were able to reason really openly about her doubts and suspicions. Although, of course, she was shocked, many pieces fell into place for her. So thank you from the bottom of my heart
I am sorry but all these men I have seen just look plain weird to me. Where in the world do they find them. Ok I am done I guess we cannot help our looks, including Lett, Herd, Jackson splane, the whole bunch. At least Morris looked normal to me whatever that means today. Turner looks like he has just sucked a couple of 🍋 lemons.
Notice the 2 pillars on the stage of the JW Broadcasts.
In every Masonic Lodge, two pillars stand to represent the pillars of Boaz and Jachin, which stood in front of Solomon's Temple, the first Temple in Jerusalem. The pillar of Jachin stands in front of the Senior Warden and "signifies the Lord," while the Junior Warden's column, Boaz, signifies strength.
There's not only 2 pillars, but in The Greatest Man publication, in lesson 89 and 103 I believe, there are pictures of Jesus in the Temple and there is a black and white checkered floor it. I am not making this up. Look it up for yourself. No where in the Bible does it say that Solomon's temple had checkered floors.