“A Circuit Overseer started out by saying that on this last round of the circuit, the one thing he noticed the most...is that everyone is physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually drained...and that cuts across all barriers and demographics within the truth.
He then said that the one common thread that ran among nearly everyone was this: We feel GUILTY for feeling bad. He said because we are told to endure with joy, our minds can cause us to feel enormous guilt over feeling this way...and then, my dear brothers and sisters...he proceeded to blow our collective minds.
He asked us to turn to Daniel 8:27…
"As for me, Daniel, I felt exhausted and I was sick for some days. Then I got up and carried out the king’s work; but I was numbed by what I had seen, and no one could understand it."
He asked if we knew what Daniel was referring to, but other than the fact that this was obviously a vision of Daniel's, we had no idea. He then asked one of us to go back to verse 19 and read that verse...and as soon as it was read... suddenly his point came straight into focus…it says:
"Then he said: “Here I am causing you to know what will happen in the final part of the denunciation, because it is for the appointed time of the end."
"Appointed time of the end!" As we all sat there, stunned and awestruck, he told us that here Jehovah had chosen to give Daniel a teeny tiny little sliver of a vision of what WE would have to endure in our day, in the last days...and then he said, "Did anyone notice in verse 27 how it made Daniel FEEL?" We re-read Daniel's words...EXHAUSTED...SICK FOR SOME DAYS...NUMBED...NO ONE COULD UNDERSTAND.
He pointed out that, while it didn't stop Daniel from carrying out the King's work, if that's how that single little TASTE, (in a vision no less), of what we go through every single day was enough to make Daniel feel that way...is it any wonder we feel the way we do LIVING through it?
Jehovah knows what we go through. He knows how hard we struggle.
The loving Circuit Overseer then said that, while we definitely absolutely need joy to serve Jehovah faithfully...we also need balance...and that means acknowledging those negative feelings that we all experience and finding scriptural ways to cope with them.
Jehovah's realistic view on our negative feelings is so encouraging. What a profound thought, even after everything Daniel went through...Jehovah, in effect, told him..."Let me give you just a little TASTE of what THEY will have to endure. What a way, what a profound method...for Jehovah to reach out across time and link his servants together."
I contend the basis of this CO’s thinking - only my thoughts , I’m not criticising, it’s a very good point you make - however, - Daniel was well aware of hardship and the troubles of the times he lived in, just as our situation is normal to us - in fact, many “love it that way”. War has always been a constant feature, so has despondency.
To me, the striking point he made was that Jehovah had given Daniel a “teeny tiny little sliver” of what was to come. But of what issue during the time of the end was he showing Daniel? That is the question.
Each generation on this earth lives in tribulation since Eden. Would such a vision of the flood strike the same awe into those whom lived at that time? What of the subsequent wars and famines, diseases and invasions, sexual depravity and the destruction of Sodom? These were cataclysmic events in a world so small everyone would be aware of it and what was not local to nations, political intrigue and spies told the rest. Did that send people into unexplainable doom? We look at our lives in isolation to history and call them bad, but to those of the preceding eras, we live in luxury, and the people are blind and deaf - but to what? We are living for the day and selfish enjoyment. Just like Sodom.
Daniel said that ”No one could understand it…” and that he was “numbed”. Why should that be? The major difference between those times of Daniel and ourselves is hardly war or social decline. What is different is surely the presence of Jehovah via His prophets; the issues of the Word, His people and the great interventions that Jehovah has made with His people. In these days, there is no god, only religion. And of the one religion that does bear the name, they have known the truth, and yet as prophesy shows, have knowingly deceived the flock. For a spiritual paradise that literally ‘could’ have been, they have substituted the lie. For the warning of the second coming, that Daniel clearly would have known about I suppose, they have said It has already come, and for the Word and authority of Jehovah, they have substituted them selves and their own understanding as the “channel of Jehovah on this earth.” One might expect of them then, truth and cohesion, happiness in the word and contentment that supersedes all other troubles in this life. Why be glum?
Which scenario then is the more incredulous for Daniel in that neither he, nor those at the time could comprehend? What makes the flock unable to understand the Word; and to be happy? Are they not numbed and unable to understand, “skinned and thrown about”, without a shepherd? Why are Jehovah‘s own people sad and lost when the bible says that they should be lifting up their heads and rejoicing “because their deliverance is near”?
The flock are not scared or downhearted because of the times we live in. We have been living in this mess since Eden. The flock have not been crying out for safety, wealth, or through fear, but through lack of spiritual food - the bible tells us. Jesus said not to worry over food, clothing, housing, life itself, but the Word - and that was two thousand years ago! He told us to worry over our …..what? Spiritual needs. And what is lacking in watchtower? ………”?
As usual, the CO, in tandem with his masters shifts the needs of the congregation onto the world and the physical needs of the person not being met, in
direct contradiction as to the Word of the bible that points out the joy and expectation that truth and faith bring to the soul. The CO was ticking ears with his shallow understanding and slick argument that seems to have blind-sided the congregation yet again. ”Do not be deceived…..Satan…..he is seeking to devour …”. Name a person that has understanding of the truth and yet is in complete despair. Name a person in watchtower who is not blind and deaf to the times we live in and feels they have no where to go, that life is a treadmill, that the ”end” will never come, that Jehovah is delaying, held up by an immortal generation that just
will not die….? Indeed, why seek truth where it can no longer be found? The “teeny tiny sliver”; was it of the apostasy (that no one could understand), or world conditions? Which, if held in the hand, knowing truth, could one not fathom? I would suggest that what Daniel could not understand, was the apostasy and it’s outcomes; that Jehovah and His son Christ were rejected and usurped in their authority by those to whom the flock had been given. Who could understand that?