Hi! Newbie here

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Well, you can’t fault some of us for having righteous indignation, can you?

And as for you giving us advice on how to be wise…maybe it would be ‘wiser’ for you to read your Bible or do other beneficial things besides posting this thread to make a showy display of your being able to interpret dreams. Aren’t you being more like the Pharisees and Sadducees? Where’s your Christlike attitude?

I think everyone has been pretty fair here trying to reason with you on this topic. Don’t you agree? And if not, maybe it’s because they don’t agree with you. Why did you post this thread if you only wanted comments that would puff you up? Did you only want those who read it to come on here and kiss up to you by giving you praise? Remember what the apostle Paul said about that?

It’s never a waste of time to try and help someone when we see the need to help, no matter how bombastic it may be. Unless you already think you have it all figured out.
I have nothing against you personally, I don’t even know you but you really should pray to Jehovah in earnestness, and if all you can take away from these comments is that we’re wasting our time here…then you might be alone in achieving whatever you’re setting out to do. If I were you I would stop and consider what those have responded on this thread to you. Try to understand the meaning and the intent behind the words. Humility on your part will go a long way.

*And I don’t consider this as scoffing.

Hopefully, your sista in the faith.

Eloquently expressed w/love.
Eloquently expressed w/love.
Thank you Jehu…and I was serious but all of that said he only took one line out of it to comment about and didn’t even answer one of those questions. It’s just as you said earlier, I believe what I so eloquently put out there for @White Stone to consider, flew right over his head like a U2.

(Sigh) ☹️
Mick, I think that describes what WT has done to us on this mental ‘merry go round’ we can’t seem to get off of.
I remember being told a similar story as you, when I was new in the truth…except it was told by a sister who said that Loretta Lynn (country singer ) had been dabbling
in spiritism, and they had one of her albums they tried to burn. They tried to do everything to burn it up and finally the album just exploded! 😳

One other crazy story we were told in more recent years, a sister was being questioned in a judicial meeting about her immoral conduct. She claimed to have multiple personalities and said that there were one or two of them who made her give in to her immoral conduct, making it hard for her to control. Well, as the brothers were trying to decide whether or not to DF her, they then decided to call the branch and were told that they were to DF all her personalities! 🤦‍♀️

I promise you ,I didn’t make this up!
Disfellowship ALL her personalities. Strange thing to say when it is only one body. Why not encourage the good personality and thus help her to overcome the bad ones? She needed help, not vilification and being ostracised. The elders are always afraid of what they do not understand. If a family member commits a crime, you don’t execute the whole family. Maybe you do if you are working in the branch office. Must be tough if your room mate at bethel sins and they disfellowship you just for being in the same room. The mentality is all screwed up. I know my sister is wishing me dead so that in her watchtower mentality I get a resurrection. Die now! Before it’s too late! Sounds like an advert for a washing machine. I would think, joking apart, that if this sister did have trouble with her sense of self, it may have more than a little to do with the watchtower regime of mental dissonance than intentional wrongdoing. People need to feel valued in life, and watchtower, whilst preaching “unity”, work positively to destroy the sense of individualism and self worth. It is one of the marks of truth, that the individual is valued and nurtured in the community we call the brethren for the simple reason, that love desires value and peace in another rather than control and dominance.
Disfellowship ALL her personalities. Strange thing to say when it is only one body. Why not encourage the good personality and thus help her to overcome the bad ones? She needed help, not vilification and being ostracised. The elders are always afraid of what they do not understand. If a family member commits a crime, you don’t execute the whole family. Maybe you do if you are working in the branch office. Must be tough if your room mate at bethel sins and they disfellowship you just for being in the same room. The mentality is all screwed up. I know my sister is wishing me dead so that in her watchtower mentality I get a resurrection. Die now! Before it’s too late! Sounds like an advert for a washing machine. I would think, joking apart, that if this sister did have trouble with her sense of self, it may have more than a little to do with the watchtower regime of mental dissonance than intentional wrongdoing. People need to feel valued in life, and watchtower, whilst preaching “unity”, work positively to destroy the sense of individualism and self worth. It is one of the marks of truth, that the individual is valued and nurtured in the community we call the brethren for the simple reason, that love desires value and peace in another rather than control and dominance.
BTD you describe WT’s way of handling matters is so precise it’s outrageous and laughable at the same time. I have to admit I had to laugh while reading it. It took me a few minutes to get through it. 😂 🤣
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MPD and DID are both highly disputed in the psychiatric profession as to actually existing, and if so, extremely rare. I don't believe you can allow someone to practice sin under that basis and still be a part of the congregation. In the end, they need medical treatment and if they get it under control, I'm sure they would be reinstated. And if not, Jehovah knows the truth and will not penalize them for things out of their control, in his judgment.
To White Stone: I'm curious, except on rare occasions when Jehovah intervenes, the political realm belongs exclusively to Satan, we learn this from Satan's temptation to Jesus.....of what purpose would it be for Jehovah to reveal to you who the winner of an election in the Philippines would be?
To White Stone: I'm curious, except on rare occasions when Jehovah intervenes, the political realm belongs exclusively to Satan, we learn this from Satan's temptation to Jesus.....of what purpose would it be for Jehovah to reveal to you who the winner of an election in the Philippines would be?
I wonder too brother/sister.

While it’s true that the political realm belongs to Satan, Paul urged us to pray, intercede and supplications “…concerning kings and all those who are in high positions, so that we may go on leading a calm and quiet life with complete godly devotion and seriousness.”(1 Timothy 2:1,2) Jehovah has still influence in this world’s governments.(Proverbs 21:1) Being the restrainer of the Man of Lawlessness.(2 Thessalonians 2:7,8) So in some way, He might intervene at times through those who are in high positions.

Here are the thoughts that I would like to share regarding your question:

1) Test of faith- of which I failed miserably

2) Preparation of a future role?

3) To confirm that the dreams are true. (I still had doubts at that time. After my mother have known about it, she reproved me for being faithless. Yes, I feel humiliated at that)

4) Could Marcos perhaps have a role in these days?(He was supposed to run as Vice President, but switched at the moment days near the election) What could have made him changed to run for Presidency? I wonder too if he had divine intervention, just like Alexander the Great.

I have yet to see though the exact reason or purpose. But the 31 million votes for him is just a feat itself in the Philippine Election history.

Philippines is the only country in Southeast Asia where the majority are Christians. It might become one of refuge for Christians in persecution in the near future, in my opinion.(Revelation 12:6,15,16) Just like what happened in World War 2, the Philippines became a refuge for the Jews during the holocaust.
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