Infected Blood Scandal - UK Government Covered Up Infected Blood Used in Blood Transfusions & Products


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Dec 28, 2021
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Some cover up. This occurred from the 1970 to 1991 and this is the first that I've ever heard about it.

UK government covered up infected-blood scandal which left victims exposed, report finds | BBC News - YouTube
Some cover up. This occurred from the 1970 to 1991 and this is the first that I've ever heard about it.

UK government covered up infected-blood scandal which left victims exposed, report finds | BBC News - YouTube
A Dutch friend of mine a haemophiliac died from blood factor eight while he was residing in the U.K. His life was dynamic a cocaine smuggler out of Bogota; He once told me that the pronounced adams apple he aquired was through swallowing his fear from many times going through customs!
A Dutch friend of mine a haemophiliac died from blood factor eight while he was residing in the U.K. His life was dynamic a cocaine smuggler out of Bogota; He once told me that the pronounced adams apple he aquired was through swallowing his fear from many times going through customs!
Those who heeded the Bible's admonition to abstain from blood (Acts 15:20; Leviticus 17:14; Gensis 9:4); were spared being infected by blood infected with HIV/AIDS and hepatitus C that was used in the UK from 1970-1991, namely, or primarily, Jehovah's Witnesses. 🤔 When Bible principles are heeded, the results are beneficial to those who heed them.
Those who heeded the Bible's admonition to abstain from blood (Acts 15:20; Leviticus 17:14; Gensis 9:4); were spared being infected by blood infected with HIV/AIDS and hepatitus C that was used in the UK from 1970-1991, namely, or primarily, Jehovah's Witnesses. 🤔 When Bible principles are heeded, the results are beneficial to those who heed them.
A documentary was produced years ago as well as Judy Mikovitz, who has explained how Fauci and others created HIV/AIDS in a lab then put it in the blood supply…introduced it first of all to the prison population. Many of the gay men in San Francisco were going in the bath houses and using these drugs or something called Poppers which later would make them sick with HIV symptoms. They started giving these patients the drug AZT which was supposed to be a “cure” but turned out to be lethal, giving them cancer. That’s why they looked so frail, loosing their weight and their hair.

Another thing, many that took the covid mRNA vax have been donating their blood. So, yes, following the admonition to abstain from blood is wise and lifesaving.
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