King Charlie: New Green Deal For You, Not For Us

Yes old bean...The pompasus English or Saxon if you prefer are relatives of mine.My sir name can be found in the Domesday Book from 1087 owning land and title, with coat or arms, ya know, all that pedigree hype..but this side of the pond, my coat of arms, is a sleeveless vest that my arms hang through.. we've learned a better language over here, slang! Or gutter trash is another term..our education and manners are far superior to my old English cousins... someone gets pompously smart over here they end up with a new hat, thier arse! Reminds me of a scene in a movie featuring John Cleese and this American actor Kevin Kline, they were trading insults was absolutely hilarious, eventually the Americans character gets offended and ends up hanging Cleeses character out a three story apt building window by his ankles making him oppologise for negative comments about its a silly movie.. A fish called Wanda. caution adult language.
I am part of the first Irish clan to have their lands taken by the Sassenach's , but many English never had land in the first place .
Yes old bean...The pompasus English or Saxon if you prefer are relatives of mine.My sir name can be found in the Domesday Book from 1087 owning land and title, with coat or arms, ya know, all that pedigree hype..but this side of the pond, my coat of arms, is a sleeveless vest that my arms hang through.. we've learned a better language over here, slang! Or gutter trash is another term..our education and manners are far superior to my old English cousins... someone gets pompously smart over here they end up with a new hat, thier arse! Reminds me of a scene in a movie featuring John Cleese and this American actor Kevin Kline, they were trading insults was absolutely hilarious, eventually the Americans character gets offended and ends up hanging Cleeses character out a three story apt building window by his ankles making him oppologise for negative comments about its a silly movie.. A fish called Wanda. caution adult language.
Yes, that’s me hanging from the window….got me down to a T there. He even looks like me in a rough sort of way - but he didn’t go to Eton and so is not “officer material” as we say. 👍
The west's involvement in Africa over the last 500yr leaves the west in profit but Africa in poverty! Now because of Russia and China's presence, Africa is starting to breathe, to live at last! No more are China, Russia and Africa the workshops and farmers supplying a cheep life for Empire and a never ending slavery for those in subjection to an unpayable financial debt trap. Kennedy's Africa plan proposed just before his assassination if implemented would have seen a different continent today!
Wanting to free Africa from central bank ensnarement. Another reason they wanted Kennedy dead.
Wanting to free Africa from central bank ensnarement. Another reason they wanted Kennedy dead.
It’s true Mick but there is a greater truth behind it and just as unpalatable and that is that cultural issues of self enslavement of the people in Africa goes back way beyond the involvement of evil commerce via the west. Slaving between states and tribes in Africa goes way back to Egyptian times. Even England was prominent in serfdom in the Middle Ages - not that such detracts from your statement, it’s just that even now, we are all slaves to the banks. The essential issue now, rather that raping Africa of all its mineral wealth they want the territory as well up and running so that they can move in - they want it all. Different masters is all it is. Russia and the East will fight the west for it too.
It’s true Mick but there is a greater truth behind it and just as unpalatable and that is that cultural issues of self enslavement of the people in Africa goes back way beyond the involvement of evil commerce via the west. Slaving between states and tribes in Africa goes way back to Egyptian times. Even England was prominent in serfdom in the Middle Ages - not that such detracts from your statement, it’s just that even now, we are all slaves to the banks. The essential issue now, rather that raping Africa of all its mineral wealth they want the territory as well up and running so that they can move in - they want it all. Different masters is all it is. Russia and the East will fight the west for it too.
Gadhafi was known to of had over 143 Tons of gold , and a similar amount of silver . He was seeking to unite the African people under a common currency that would of ended the dollar , and sunk the U.S. U.K. Under Gadhafi , his people had free education and medical treatment .
Newlyweds received $50 000 from the government .
Libya had no external debt and had the gold and silver , most of which became frozen globally .
The price of fuel was $0.14 per litre .
Having a home was a human right .
The human development index was better than two thirds of the countries reported on .
The people had enough food .
Gadhafi privatized all Libyan oil to every citizen .
Gadhafi also carried out the worlds largest irrigation construction that would of had the deserts bloom . When the U.S. U.K. and France bombed it , they used depleted uranium .
Of course , the west was never told about this , just that like so many others that were invaded to democratize their resources , we were told that they were tyrants .
Gadhafi was known to of had over 143 Tons of gold , and a similar amount of silver . He was seeking to unite the African people under a common currency that would of ended the dollar , and sunk the U.S. U.K. Under Gadhafi , his people had free education and medical treatment .
Newlyweds received $50 000 from the government .
Libya had no external debt and had the gold and silver , most of which became frozen globally .
The price of fuel was $0.14 per litre .
Having a home was a human right .
The human development index was better than two thirds of the countries reported on .
The people had enough food .
Gadhafi privatized all Libyan oil to every citizen .
Gadhafi also carried out the worlds largest irrigation construction that would of had the deserts bloom . When the U.S. U.K. and France bombed it , they used depleted uranium .
Of course , the west was never told about this , just that like so many others that were invaded to democratize their resources , we were told that they were tyrants .
Yes: That's why he had to go; his benevolance in Africa was astounding, did more for the continent in a few decades than the west ever did! Free education and health care in Libya.
Yes: That's why he had to go; his benevolance in Africa was astounding, did more for the continent in a few decades than the west ever did! Free education and health care in Libya.
I have watched what has been happening , in particular over the last 40 years or more . The fermenting of a world power that when it comes , is going to rule with an iron fist . Once the digital currency is in place , they will have total control . All done by lies and cunning .
Found this today:
This guy must truly go by the Machiavellian playbook The Prince.
It just goes to show that the liberalism of money and power distorts the mind, eggrandizes the ego beyond the ability of the mind to reason and eventually reduces the unwarranted grandiose thinking of man to that of a blithering politician or other such creeping life form undreamt of in the furthest imaginings at the day of creation. What a sad day it is that one of our own kind should reach the very pinnacle of such debasement in our time. The end must be closer than we thought.
It just goes to show that the liberalism of money and power distorts the mind, eggrandizes the ego beyond the ability of the mind to reason and eventually reduces the unwarranted grandiose thinking of man to that of a blithering politician or other such creeping life form undreamt of in the furthest imaginings at the day of creation. What a sad day it is that one of our own kind should reach the very pinnacle of such debasement in our time. The end must be closer than we thought.
They would do well to consider to what happened to Herod when he wore the shining robe.
The 1% just want the planet to themselves. Before the industrial revolution some landowners would move a village so they couldn't see the peasants. They just dont want us around. We are not one of them.
The 1% just want the planet to themselves. Before the industrial revolution some landowners would move a village so they couldn't see the peasants. They just dont want us around. We are not one of them.
Buch of planet thieves if you ask me. Also, their hunger, greed, & lust would never be satisfied. Even if they got what they wanted, they would try to take the solar system & afterwards the galaxy. Even then it wouldn't be enough. So the universe would be next. After that they would still want more. So they would aim for other dimensions, timelines, multiverses, hyperverses, outroverses, omniverses, existence itself in the end & go as far as throwing God off the throne, even if it causes a totality collapse of everything just so they could get what they want. Even then it wouldn't be enough. Plus, they would send the peasants to other worlds that would probably be horrid in condition & live like slaves where the average lifespan would be 40 tops.
He's taking the last days of his life to hone his son Alexander. If you think Soros is bad, wait until you meet his son.

1 Kings 12:10
Buch of planet thieves if you ask me. Also, their hunger, greed, & lust would never be satisfied. Even if they got what they wanted, they would try to take the solar system & afterwards the galaxy. Even then it wouldn't be enough. So the universe would be next. After that they would still want more. So they would aim for other dimensions, timelines, multiverses, hyperverses, outroverses, omniverses, existence itself in the end & go as far as throwing God off the throne, even if it causes a totality collapse of everything just so they could get what they want. Even then it wouldn't be enough. Plus, they would send the peasants to other worlds that would probably be horrid in condition & live like slaves where the average lifespan would be 40 tops.
Well that’s cheerful news😂
Mick, what is clean energy? Can man invent such a thing? I guess incandescent light bulbs are not clean energy. I don't think man can make it without fouling up something else.
The only way the earth will be cleaned up from the mess man has made of it is when Jehovah ”brings to ruin those ruining the earth.”

“But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time came for the dead to be judged and to reward your slaves the prophets and the holy ones and those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” ( Revelation 11:18)
Gadhafi was known to of had over 143 Tons of gold , and a similar amount of silver . He was seeking to unite the African people under a common currency that would of ended the dollar , and sunk the U.S. U.K. Under Gadhafi , his people had free education and medical treatment .
Newlyweds received $50 000 from the government .
Libya had no external debt and had the gold and silver , most of which became frozen globally .
The price of fuel was $0.14 per litre .
Having a home was a human right .
The human development index was better than two thirds of the countries reported on .
The people had enough food .
Gadhafi privatized all Libyan oil to every citizen .
Gadhafi also carried out the worlds largest irrigation construction that would of had the deserts bloom . When the U.S. U.K. and France bombed it , they used depleted uranium .
Of course , the west was never told about this , just that like so many others that were invaded to democratize their resources , we were told that they were tyrants .
Yes, I remember hearing about this years ago. That’s when I realized these characters behind the curtain do not want countries to succeed in any way. They demonize these leaders as being tyrants, like Gadhafi, so people will see them as the enemy. Same with Saddam Hussein. No wonder they called America the Great Satan.
He's taking the last days of his life to hone his son Alexander. If you think Soros is bad, wait until you meet his son.

1 Kings 12:10
Cheerful news indeed:

1 Kings 12:10,11
“The young men who had grown up with him said to him: “This is what you should say to this people who have said to you, ‘Your father made our yoke heavy, but you should make it lighter for us’; this is what you should tell them, ‘My little finger will be thicker than my father’s hips. 11 My father imposed a heavy yoke on you, but I will add to your yoke. My father punished you with whips, but I will punish you with scourges.’”

Sounds rather bleak kirmmy…but you’re probably right.