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Hay varios conceptos que habría que revisar tanto en el vídeo como en tu comentario posterior, siempre desde mi humilde opinión. La primera sería dejar de definir a las personas por su inclinación sexual. Somos personas. Dicho esto entiendo que somos personas que creemos en Jehová como nuestro creador, el dicta las normas y nos dió un libro de instrucciones a seguir para poder volver a recuperar nuestro propósito inicial. Si queremos ser parte del plan nos tocará esforzarnos a cada uno de forma personal. No apruebo más el comportamiento de una persona que practica la fornicacion que el de un hombre que practica la homosexualidad. Eso no me convierte en alguien que les tenga fobia. No tengo derecho a juzgar a otros pero tengo el derecho de no querer compartir sus experiencias íntimas, incluido prestarme a compartir por ejemplo, un vestuario en el cual muestre mi desnudez ante alguien que sienta deseo hacia mi persona. A eso se le llama respeto. Si se que mi inclinación está fuera del arreglo de Jehová no me expondría a esa conducta irrespetuosa, porque para pedir respeto ante mi debilidad, primero debo respetar a los demás. Jesús aceptó predicar a todo tipo de personas y ese fue la dosis de humildad que ofreció al sistema judío de la época pero no aceptó las conductas que violaban las normas de Jehová, de hecho decía: arrepiéntete! Y el arrepentimiento incluye no practicar aquello es no es puro ante nuestro Dios. La visión de lo que me resulta asqueroso está orientado a la disciplina de Jehová. Una persona que practica la homosexualidad no tiene más derecho que los ángeles que quisieron unirse a las mujeres en la tierra. Por favor, consideremos la justicia de Jehová. Recordemos la meta. Todos tenemos en este sistema una lucha con la carne y no estamos solos. El espíritu santo es un ayudante para que podamos conseguirlo. No justifiquemos lo que no es bueno y no tengamos dobles raseros de medir, que ya somos mayorcitos. Dar rienda suelta a los placeres de la carne no tiene ninguna ganancia en comparación con lo que proporciona Jehová cuando decides agradarle. No se puede sorber y beber a la vez. O quieres agradar a la carne o al espíritu. De cada uno depende. Somos libres. Tito 3:1-Continúa recordándoles que estén en sujeción y sean obedientes a los gobiernos y a las autoridades como gobernantes, que estén listos para toda buena obra, 2 que no hablen perjudicialmente de nadie, que no sean belicosos, que sean razonables, y desplieguen toda apacibilidad para con todos los hombres. 3 Porque hasta nosotros en un tiempo éramos insensatos, desobedientes, extraviados, esclavizados a diversos deseos y placeres, ocupados en maldad y envidia, aborrecibles, y nos odiábamos unos a otros. 4 Sin embargo, cuando se manifestó la bondad y el amor para con el hombre de parte de nuestro Salvador, Dios, 5 él nos salvó, no debido a obras de justicia que nosotros hubiéramos ejecutado, sino según su misericordia, mediante el baño que nos trajo a la vida y mediante hacernos nuevos por espíritu santo. 6 Este [espíritu] él lo derramó ricamente sobre nosotros mediante Jesucristo nuestro Salvador, 7 para que, después de ser declarados justos en virtud de la bondad inmerecida de ese, llegáramos a ser herederos según una esperanza de vida eterna. 8 Fiel es el dicho, y respecto a estas cosas deseo que constantemente hagas afirmaciones sólidas, para que los que han creído a Dios tengan la mente [puesta] en mantener obras excelentes. Estas cosas son excelentes y provechosas a los hombres. 9 Pero evita cuestiones necias y genealogías y contienda y peleas acerca de la Ley, porque son inútiles y vanas. 10 En cuanto al hombre que promueve una secta, recházalo después de una primera y una segunda admonición; 11 sabiendo que tal hombre ha sido descaminado y está pecando, y a sí mismo se condena. 12 Cuando te envíe a Ártemas o a Tíquico, haz lo sumo posible por venir a mí en Nicópolis, porque es allí donde he decidido invernar. 13 Cuidadosamente suministra lo de su viaje a Zenas, que está versado en la Ley, y a Apolos, para que no les falte nada. 14 Pero que los nuestros también aprendan a mantener obras excelentes a fin de satisfacer sus necesidades apremiantes, para que no sean infructíferos. 15 Todos los que están conmigo te envían sus saludos. Da mis saludos a los que nos tienen cariño en la fe. Que la bondad inmerecida sea con todos ustedes.Many of our feelings, towards things people do, are dictated by our minds view, of what is Gross/Nasty/Vile! Lets call it the (ICKY Factor). Just how much ICK can you take? Realizing we don't live in Tent/TeePee encampments anymore. Should we be getting our noses into everyones business? Under the guise, that Jehovah God, could or will, withdraw his Holy Spirit from the Organization/Congregation? Or should we consider, that we are Romantic individuals, that need Acceptance, no matter who we are?
Didn't Jesus, show acceptance to anyone demonstrating faith?
You are standing on a twenty-billion ton coalfield with just a shovel in your hand if you’re hoping to resolve this questionMany of our feelings, towards things people do, are dictated by our minds view, of what is Gross/Nasty/Vile! Lets call it the (ICKY Factor). Just how much ICK can you take? Realizing we don't live in Tent/TeePee encampments anymore. Should we be getting our noses into everyones business? Under the guise, that Jehovah God, could or will, withdraw his Holy Spirit from the Organization/Congregation? Or should we consider, that we are Romantic individuals, that need Acceptance, no matter who we are?
Didn't Jesus, show acceptance to anyone demonstrating faith?
Cuando uno acepta a Jehová, acepta sus normas. Cuando uno empieza a estudiar la Biblia con los testigo de Jehová sabe leer y puede comprobar por si mismo lo que es correcto y lo que no. Cualquier persona con prácticas no cristianas puede asistir a la congregación, pero no será parte de ella. Puede recibir un estudio bíblico y adquirir conocimiento y así hacer cambios en su vida. La imperfección nos roba muchas cosas, como por ejemplo, en el caso de las personas con inclinaciones contra la naturaleza de Jehová, el poder tener una vida íntima en base a sus deseos. Pero Jehová dice que devolverá el doble de lo que esté sistema de cosas te quite. El sexo no es tan importante, de hecho ni siquiera es una necesidad básica. El reino y su justicia primero. Eso en confiar en Jehová. Te comento esto por experiencia propia. Merece la pena obedecer a Jehová. La falta de amor sería una condición de las congregaciones en el tiempo del fin y vamos de cabeza a eso. Si no han tenido amor con las víctimas del abuso sexual, que esperas que hagan con la homoxesualidad?The holy spirit is a helper so that we can achieve it!
Yes, and it is active on many inside the realm of these invited ones. But how can those outside be benefited, if they are not accepted to try to work on their problems?
For even we were once foolish, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various desires and pleasures, occupied with wickedness and envy, hateful, and hating one another.
Yes, they all come from the world! And after refining themselves, some are invited to be joint heirs with Christ in the heavens.
But how can, ones work on themselves, without the good association and guidance to be worthy from within the Congregations?
Have not the ones, that have been invited, shut up the Kingdom/Congregations, so many foolish, disobedient, deceived, enslaved, people with desires and pleasures, occupied with wickedness, envy, hateful attitudes?
Have they done this, because they are weak in their relationship with Jehovah God? Or maybe, just maybe, they don't want them to see, they are just as imperfect as everyone else!
It is a constant work, to keep oneself in line with what is written! But how can soemone know what is written if they are constantly marginalized, or marked for disassociation.
It used to be, that the Jews had walls, and gates, to kill or throw people outside! But now, it seems as if Jehovah God wants everyone to get along, helping each other to become good people. Without help and continued forgiveness! Things are just going down hill faster.
Forgiveness with Conditions! Is that really what we are called to do?
Well said!Hay varios conceptos que habría que revisar tanto en el vídeo como en tu comentario posterior, siempre desde mi humilde opinión. La primera sería dejar de definir a las personas por su inclinación sexual. Somos personas. Dicho esto entiendo que somos personas que creemos en Jehová como nuestro creador, el dicta las normas y nos dió un libro de instrucciones a seguir para poder volver a recuperar nuestro propósito inicial. Si queremos ser parte del plan nos tocará esforzarnos a cada uno de forma personal. No apruebo más el comportamiento de una persona que practica la fornicacion que el de un hombre que practica la homosexualidad. Eso no me convierte en alguien que les tenga fobia. No tengo derecho a juzgar a otros pero tengo el derecho de no querer compartir sus experiencias íntimas, incluido prestarme a compartir por ejemplo, un vestuario en el cual muestre mi desnudez ante alguien que sienta deseo hacia mi persona. A eso se le llama respeto. Si se que mi inclinación está fuera del arreglo de Jehová no me expondría a esa conducta irrespetuosa, porque para pedir respeto ante mi debilidad, primero debo respetar a los demás. Jesús aceptó predicar a todo tipo de personas y ese fue la dosis de humildad que ofreció al sistema judío de la época pero no aceptó las conductas que violaban las normas de Jehová, de hecho decía: arrepiéntete! Y el arrepentimiento incluye no practicar aquello es no es puro ante nuestro Dios. La visión de lo que me resulta asqueroso está orientado a la disciplina de Jehová. Una persona que practica la homosexualidad no tiene más derecho que los ángeles que quisieron unirse a las mujeres en la tierra. Por favor, consideremos la justicia de Jehová. Recordemos la meta. Todos tenemos en este sistema una lucha con la carne y no estamos solos. El espíritu santo es un ayudante para que podamos conseguirlo. No justifiquemos lo que no es bueno y no tengamos dobles raseros de medir, que ya somos mayorcitos. Dar rienda suelta a los placeres de la carne no tiene ninguna ganancia en comparación con lo que proporciona Jehová cuando decides agradarle. No se puede sorber y beber a la vez. O quieres agradar a la carne o al espíritu. De cada uno depende. Somos libres. Tito 3:1-Continúa recordándoles que estén en sujeción y sean obedientes a los gobiernos y a las autoridades como gobernantes, que estén listos para toda buena obra, 2 que no hablen perjudicialmente de nadie, que no sean belicosos, que sean razonables, y desplieguen toda apacibilidad para con todos los hombres. 3 Porque hasta nosotros en un tiempo éramos insensatos, desobedientes, extraviados, esclavizados a diversos deseos y placeres, ocupados en maldad y envidia, aborrecibles, y nos odiábamos unos a otros. 4 Sin embargo, cuando se manifestó la bondad y el amor para con el hombre de parte de nuestro Salvador, Dios, 5 él nos salvó, no debido a obras de justicia que nosotros hubiéramos ejecutado, sino según su misericordia, mediante el baño que nos trajo a la vida y mediante hacernos nuevos por espíritu santo. 6 Este [espíritu] él lo derramó ricamente sobre nosotros mediante Jesucristo nuestro Salvador, 7 para que, después de ser declarados justos en virtud de la bondad inmerecida de ese, llegáramos a ser herederos según una esperanza de vida eterna. 8 Fiel es el dicho, y respecto a estas cosas deseo que constantemente hagas afirmaciones sólidas, para que los que han creído a Dios tengan la mente [puesta] en mantener obras excelentes. Estas cosas son excelentes y provechosas a los hombres. 9 Pero evita cuestiones necias y genealogías y contienda y peleas acerca de la Ley, porque son inútiles y vanas. 10 En cuanto al hombre que promueve una secta, recházalo después de una primera y una segunda admonición; 11 sabiendo que tal hombre ha sido descaminado y está pecando, y a sí mismo se condena. 12 Cuando te envíe a Ártemas o a Tíquico, haz lo sumo posible por venir a mí en Nicópolis, porque es allí donde he decidido invernar. 13 Cuidadosamente suministra lo de su viaje a Zenas, que está versado en la Ley, y a Apolos, para que no les falte nada. 14 Pero que los nuestros también aprendan a mantener obras excelentes a fin de satisfacer sus necesidades apremiantes, para que no sean infructíferos. 15 Todos los que están conmigo te envían sus saludos. Da mis saludos a los que nos tienen cariño en la fe. Que la bondad inmerecida sea con todos ustedes.
Jehová dejó todo muy bien explicado, mi querido Barnaby. Pero la cabra tira al monte y eso tambien es una realidad.Well said!![]()
“But how can, ones work on themselves, without the good association and guidance to be worthy from within the Congregations?”The holy spirit is a helper so that we can achieve it!
Yes, and it is active on many inside the realm of these invited ones. But how can those outside be benefited, if they are not accepted to try to work on their problems?
For even we were once foolish, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various desires and pleasures, occupied with wickedness and envy, hateful, and hating one another.
Yes, they all come from the world! And after refining themselves, some are invited to be joint heirs with Christ in the heavens.
But how can, ones work on themselves, without the good association and guidance to be worthy from within the Congregations?
Have not the ones, that have been invited, shut up the Kingdom/Congregations, so many foolish, disobedient, deceived, enslaved, people with desires and pleasures, occupied with wickedness, envy, hateful attitudes?
Have they done this, because they are weak in their relationship with Jehovah God? Or maybe, just maybe, they don't want them to see, they are just as imperfect as everyone else!
It is a constant work, to keep oneself in line with what is written! But how can soemone know what is written if they are constantly marginalized, or marked for disassociation.
It used to be, that the Jews had walls, and gates, to kill or throw people outside! But now, it seems as if Jehovah God wants everyone to get along, helping each other to become good people. Without help and continued forgiveness! Things are just going down hill faster.
Forgiveness with Conditions! Is that really what we are called to do?
Do tell your husband that I have asked my wife to get some chicken this weekend so that we can try his recipe !! Best wishes to you both - and daughter!Jehová dejó todo muy bien explicado, mi querido Barnaby. Pero la cabra tira al monte y eso tambien es una realidad.
Quien quiere estar en sintonía con la democracia de este sistema?How can we all Sync-Up! If we are all against one anothers indeocracies
So insightful! You truly have the correct understanding nailed down. Are you AI? LOLWhen one accepts Jehovah, one accepts his standards. When one begins to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, one knows how to read and can see for oneself what is right and what is not. Any person with non-Christian practices can attend the congregation, but will not be part of it. He can receive a Bible study and acquire knowledge and thus make changes in his life. Imperfection robs us of many things, such as, in the case of people with inclinations against Jehovah's nature, the ability to have an intimate life based on their desires. But Jehovah says that he will return double of what this system of things takes from you. Sex is not so important, in fact it is not even a basic need. The kingdom and its justice come first. That is about trusting in Jehovah. I tell you this from my own experience. It is worth obeying Jehovah. The lack of love would be a condition of the congregations at the time of the end and we are going straight to that. If they have not had love with the victims of sexual abuse, what do you expect them to do with homosexuality?
Disfruta la receta, puedo decir que en esta ocasión podrás chuparte los dedos!Do tell your husband that I have asked my wife to get some chicken this weekend so that we can try his recipe !! Best wishes to you both - and daughter!
Sólo sois una terrícola tratando de tener ID. ( inteligencia Divina ).So insightful! You truly have the correct understanding nailed down. Are you AI? LOL
No one here is against idiosyncrasies. They are though, for unity in Christ. As to syncopation, the answer is simply one of gravity. Look into ley-lines and magnetite within the brains of birds, navigation and earths rotation. It’s quite simple.How can we all Sync-Up! If we are all against one anothers indeocracies
Amo la simplicidad que encuentran tu ojos en la complejidad de los míos.No one here is against idiosyncrasies. They are though, for unity in Christ. As to syncopation, the answer is simply one of gravity. Look into ley-lines and magnetite within the brains of birds, navigation and earths rotation. It’s quite simple.
I've seen the full version of that video Barney and it is shocking, disgusting and totally unnecessary. The video is only shown to Bethelites. That elder goes through a whole list of scenarios we can put ourselves in, asking if each scenario is classed as "porneia" and every one of them he answers "yes" except the scenario he talks about in the edited video above, he asks is it classed as "porneia"? and says NO!! Sorry, but he's talking total nonsense, and shocking nonsense at that. Talk about putting ideas into people's mindsYou are standing on a twenty-billion ton coalfield with just a shovel in your hand if you're hoping to solve this question. The Bible condemns the practice. Contrary to that elders comment, pornea can be visual - he is clutching at semantics and permitting gross indecency. No one can be sure if homosexuality is of genetic cause or choice. But practice of it is a choice. The choice to gratify such an inclination depends upon the mindset and the choices of that mindset. One comparison that is valid is the choice to eat meat for a vegetarian. Ultimately hunger is the deciding factor. Now compare the choices. Hunger for gratification applies in both cases. Who are you going to die and what is your motive.
Genetically, the condition is an anomaly. The world believes in evolution thus a non-productive species is an anomaly in itself. Likewise, if one believes in creation, homosexuality is just as the Bible states it to be. And so what is it then, in a physical society then that depends upon procreation for its very continuance, that is to be made of those who opt out of, or are genetically formed thus, to remain sterile for that purpose? No one should condemn another for not wanting children, but does that allow homosexuality among those ones opting out? What then is the point of morality then that governs our existence, and what, if any, are our obligations to our society. What are morals for and why are they necessary? The only permission thus far has come from the acknowledgment of a society that is so corrupt in its thinking that it faces extinction both from itself and, if one believes so, from its creator. And that permission has only come to the fore in the last 40 years and is still banned in over half of the worlds population. Why? What is it that turns people against it.
There is one common denominator between all and that commonality is “what is natural”. What is natural is determined by what function of the body those parts are plainly for. Would one put their fingers in their mouth after wiping their backside? What would happen to their body? Likewise, with various other practices of homosexuality. So that then brings into consideration “natural” use as spoken of in the Bible as well as simple nature irrespective of religious belief. In the end analysis, the question you present comes down to being honest with one's self and an understanding of one's own body, our health and how to maintain it. We do not need to ask moral justification of another, but of ourselves. The comment from the watchtower in trying to moralize over the meaning of a mere word, in order to excuse indecency shows just how ignorant they are of the human body and its genesis.
“But how can one work on themselves, without the good association and guidance to be worthy from within the Congregations?”
If you recognize the need to “work” on one's self, then you recognize the issues. One cannot ask for permission or justification from another. It is not theirs to give. It has to come from within one's own motivation.
It certainly is a minefield and yes, choice does have a critical point to play in matters sexual. As noted, getting oneself involved in pornea is going to diminish reasoning and corrupt the mind. How much that corruption lends itself to the individual believing that they are born homosexual may convince them that they are. Or, in many instances, confusion in sexuality is part of growing up. This is where this “dysphoria” hype from the gay community finds a foundation for equality issues causing many children horrendous outcomes. Whatever happened to the innocence of “Tom-boys” etc in growing up? It was part of life and critical learning. We should remember that Jehovah made the sexes complimentary to each other, not opposites and thus it is reasonable then that establishing identity is part of growing up. Surely a woman expects to be understood - as men do too. Well, we must be able to empathise the others feelings then. That does not extend though to playing the part.I've seen the full version of that video Barney and it is shocking, disgusting and totally unnecessary. The video is only shown to Bethelites. That elder goes through a whole list of scenarios we can put ourselves in, asking if each scenario is classed as "porneia" and every one of them he answers "yes" except the scenario he talks about in the edited video above, he asks is it classed as "porneia"? and says NO!! Sorry, but he's talking total nonsense, and shocking nonsense at that. Talk about putting ideas into people's mindsthat is EXACTLY how Satan works. It's EXACTLY what's going on in schools today, even in infant schools, I've actually seen the books for 4/5yr olds, putting all the gender transitioning nonsense into their poor little minds, prepping them for goodness knows what a little further down the road. All this talk of forgiving every ONE for every THING is exactly the way Jah's org is so messed up. I've had many personal experiences of the madness within and believe with all my heart that they're totally out of line by not drawing lines in order to protect other people and children. What's wrong with not being allowed to be a ministerial servant or an elder because you're a paedophile? Does our life depend on having a title or being free to roam wherever we like? No! Our lives depend on the grace of Jehovah. Too many so called witnesses want the same so called "freedom" that's in the world, but they want it inside Jah's org and use all sorts of screwed up reasons to exercise their freedom. Born this way is one of the biggest excuses out there. Anyone with an ounce of conscience knows that's not true and should not be used as an excuse. But alas, it's all too late now. Ecclesiastes 8 v 11 days "Because sentence against a bad deed has not been executed quickly, the heart of men becomes emboldened to do bad" Anyway, I better shut up or I'll never be able to stop
Correct me if I'm wrong, the scriptures don't indicate that there is going to be a sync-up just the opposite. Flee, don't touch the unclean thing, bad association and many more scriptures on the importance of ME, US staying cleaning before Jehovah.How can we all Sync-Up! If we are all against one anothers indeocracies
Many people these days just want a "good enough" excuse so they can not only continue on in their easy lives but allow others a platform to justify their lives too, which are probably even more "icky" than their own lives. Icky, what a word dgibson chose to use eh? I suppose those people in Germany who went along with the destruction of the disabled thought it was all a bit icky.. not as icky as (reader insert their own opinion here) but more icky than (reader insert their own opinion here) Anyway, I wouldn't mind betting that the majority of the people who went along with that icky thing in Germany, only went along with it on "paper" through fear, I refuse to believe they went along with it in their hearts..It certainly is a minefield and yes, choice does have a critical point to play in sexual matters. As noted, getting oneself involved in pornea is going to diminish reasoning and corrupt the mind. How much that corruption lends itself to the individual believing that they are born homosexual may convince them that they are. Or, in many instances, confusion in sexuality is part of growing up. This is where this “dysphoria” hype from the gay community finds a foundation for equality issues causing many children horrendous outcomes. Whatever happened to the innocence of “Tom-boys” etc in growing up? It was part of life and critical learning. We should remember that Jehovah made the sexes complimentary to each other, not opposites and thus it is reasonable then that establishing identity is part of growing up. Surely a woman expects to be understood - as men do too. Well, we must be able to empathize the others feelings then. That does not extend though to play the part.
The history of sexuality is as old as humanity. So is its evil. Abuses cause perversion and which is often seen as normality by the victim if they are a child in many cases. To suggest that this, or of other events in our lives does not arrest or stall normal development in the mind of the victim would, could and often is discriminatory in itself. “Do not judge” unless you yourself want to be judged by your own proclivities the Bible says. The delicate formation of the mind and its pitfalls is a fact. This includes deviances from the norm. It does not condone it though. Nothing can condone going against the blueprint of our creation and which is why we can not judge others. They must judge themselves. And they certainly do. I agree with that because given the perversion of Satan, it is not by any means doubtful that the mind of mankind can be distorted even to believe in one's understanding as correct both in their thinking and judgment. A fine example is the distortion of an entire nations thinking in Germany from 1933-45. They accepted destruction of the disability and “difference” even in thinking as a desirable thing. Even for the victims!
We can argue, reason and advise, but only the questioner knows the truth of why they ask. And if they do know they can be humble and true to themselves and adjust, and if they truly do not know who they are in that they feel the need to ask of another, then they can be humble, and advised and trust in Jehovah. And if they want neither to change or to be advised, then they can read the Bible for themselves. “Miserable man that I am, for what I do not want to do, I do….”.
Translation:Amo la simplicidad que encuentran tu ojos en la complejidad de los míos.![]()
Translation:Sólo sois una terrícola tratando de tener ID. ( inteligencia Divina ).
Translation:Disfruta la receta, puedo decir que en esta ocasión podrás chuparte los dedos!Buen fin de semana también para vosotros! Os mandamos un fuerte abrazo. Los queremos