Looky No Touchy!

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Cuando uno acepta a Jehová, acepta sus normas. Cuando uno empieza a estudiar la Biblia con los testigo de Jehová sabe leer y puede comprobar por si mismo lo que es correcto y lo que no. Cualquier persona con prácticas no cristianas puede asistir a la congregación, pero no será parte de ella. Puede recibir un estudio bíblico y adquirir conocimiento y así hacer cambios en su vida. La imperfección nos roba muchas cosas, como por ejemplo, en el caso de las personas con inclinaciones contra la naturaleza de Jehová, el poder tener una vida íntima en base a sus deseos. Pero Jehová dice que devolverá el doble de lo que esté sistema de cosas te quite. El sexo no es tan importante, de hecho ni siquiera es una necesidad básica. El reino y su justicia primero. Eso en confiar en Jehová. Te comento esto por experiencia propia. Merece la pena obedecer a Jehová. La falta de amor sería una condición de las congregaciones en el tiempo del fin y vamos de cabeza a eso. Si no han tenido amor con las víctimas del abuso sexual, que esperas que hagan con la homoxesualidad?
When you accept Jehovah, you accept his standards. When one begins to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, they know how to read and can see for themselves what is correct and what is not. Anyone with non-Christian practices may attend the congregation, but will not be part of it. You can receive a Bible study and gain knowledge and thus make changes in your life. Imperfection robs us of many things, such as, in the case of people with inclinations against the nature of Jehovah, the power to have an intimate life based on their desires. But Jehovah says that he will return double what this system of things takes from you. Sex is not that important, in fact it is not even a basic need. The kingdom and its justice first. That's about trusting in Jehovah. I tell you this from my own experience. It is worth obeying Jehovah. The lack of love would be a condition of the congregations in the time of the end and we are heading headlong into that. If they have not had love with the victims of sexual abuse, what do you expect them to do with homosexuality?
Hay varios conceptos que habría que revisar tanto en el vídeo como en tu comentario posterior, siempre desde mi humilde opinión. La primera sería dejar de definir a las personas por su inclinación sexual. Somos personas. Dicho esto entiendo que somos personas que creemos en Jehová como nuestro creador, el dicta las normas y nos dió un libro de instrucciones a seguir para poder volver a recuperar nuestro propósito inicial. Si queremos ser parte del plan nos tocará esforzarnos a cada uno de forma personal. No apruebo más el comportamiento de una persona que practica la fornicacion que el de un hombre que practica la homosexualidad. Eso no me convierte en alguien que les tenga fobia. No tengo derecho a juzgar a otros pero tengo el derecho de no querer compartir sus experiencias íntimas, incluido prestarme a compartir por ejemplo, un vestuario en el cual muestre mi desnudez ante alguien que sienta deseo hacia mi persona. A eso se le llama respeto. Si se que mi inclinación está fuera del arreglo de Jehová no me expondría a esa conducta irrespetuosa, porque para pedir respeto ante mi debilidad, primero debo respetar a los demás. Jesús aceptó predicar a todo tipo de personas y ese fue la dosis de humildad que ofreció al sistema judío de la época pero no aceptó las conductas que violaban las normas de Jehová, de hecho decía: arrepiéntete! Y el arrepentimiento incluye no practicar aquello es no es puro ante nuestro Dios. La visión de lo que me resulta asqueroso está orientado a la disciplina de Jehová. Una persona que practica la homosexualidad no tiene más derecho que los ángeles que quisieron unirse a las mujeres en la tierra. Por favor, consideremos la justicia de Jehová. Recordemos la meta. Todos tenemos en este sistema una lucha con la carne y no estamos solos. El espíritu santo es un ayudante para que podamos conseguirlo. No justifiquemos lo que no es bueno y no tengamos dobles raseros de medir, que ya somos mayorcitos. Dar rienda suelta a los placeres de la carne no tiene ninguna ganancia en comparación con lo que proporciona Jehová cuando decides agradarle. No se puede sorber y beber a la vez. O quieres agradar a la carne o al espíritu. De cada uno depende. Somos libres. Tito 3:1-Continúa recordándoles que estén en sujeción y sean obedientes a los gobiernos y a las autoridades como gobernantes, que estén listos para toda buena obra, 2 que no hablen perjudicialmente de nadie, que no sean belicosos, que sean razonables, y desplieguen toda apacibilidad para con todos los hombres. 3 Porque hasta nosotros en un tiempo éramos insensatos, desobedientes, extraviados, esclavizados a diversos deseos y placeres, ocupados en maldad y envidia, aborrecibles, y nos odiábamos unos a otros. 4 Sin embargo, cuando se manifestó la bondad y el amor para con el hombre de parte de nuestro Salvador, Dios, 5 él nos salvó, no debido a obras de justicia que nosotros hubiéramos ejecutado, sino según su misericordia, mediante el baño que nos trajo a la vida y mediante hacernos nuevos por espíritu santo. 6 Este [espíritu] él lo derramó ricamente sobre nosotros mediante Jesucristo nuestro Salvador, 7 para que, después de ser declarados justos en virtud de la bondad inmerecida de ese, llegáramos a ser herederos según una esperanza de vida eterna. 8 Fiel es el dicho, y respecto a estas cosas deseo que constantemente hagas afirmaciones sólidas, para que los que han creído a Dios tengan la mente [puesta] en mantener obras excelentes. Estas cosas son excelentes y provechosas a los hombres. 9 Pero evita cuestiones necias y genealogías y contienda y peleas acerca de la Ley, porque son inútiles y vanas. 10 En cuanto al hombre que promueve una secta, recházalo después de una primera y una segunda admonición; 11 sabiendo que tal hombre ha sido descaminado y está pecando, y a sí mismo se condena. 12 Cuando te envíe a Ártemas o a Tíquico, haz lo sumo posible por venir a mí en Nicópolis, porque es allí donde he decidido invernar. 13 Cuidadosamente suministra lo de su viaje a Zenas, que está versado en la Ley, y a Apolos, para que no les falte nada. 14 Pero que los nuestros también aprendan a mantener obras excelentes a fin de satisfacer sus necesidades apremiantes, para que no sean infructíferos. 15 Todos los que están conmigo te envían sus saludos. Da mis saludos a los que nos tienen cariño en la fe. Que la bondad inmerecida sea con todos ustedes.
There are several concepts that should be reviewed both in the video and in your subsequent comment, always from my humble opinion. The first would be to stop defining people by their sexual inclination. We are people. Having said this, I understand that we are people who believe in Jehovah as our creator, he dictates the rules and gave us a book of instructions to follow in order to recover our initial purpose. If we want to be part of the plan, it will be up to each of us to make a personal effort. I no more approve of the behavior of a person who practices fornication than that of a man who practices homosexuality. That doesn't make me someone who has a phobia of them. I do not have the right to judge others but I have the right not to want to share their intimate experiences, including sharing, for example, a wardrobe in which I show my nakedness to someone who feels desire towards me. That's called respect. If I know that my inclination is outside of Jehovah's arrangement, I would not expose myself to that disrespectful behavior, because to ask for respect for my weakness, I must first respect others. Jesus agreed to preach to all types of people and that was the dose of humility that he offered to the Jewish system of the time but he did not accept behaviors that violated Jehovah's rules, in fact he said: repent! And repentance includes not practicing that which is not pure before our God. The vision of what is disgusting to me is oriented towards the discipline of Jehovah.A person who practices homosexuality has no more right than the angels who wanted to join women on earth. Please consider the justice of Jehovah. Let's remember the goal. We all have a struggle with the flesh in this system and we are not alone. The holy spirit is a helper so that we can achieve this. Let's not justify what is not good and let's not have double standards for measuring, since we are grown up. Indulging in the pleasures of the flesh has no gain compared to what Jehovah provides when you choose to please Him. You cannot sip and drink at the same time. Either you want to please the flesh or the spirit. It depends on each one. We are free. Titus 3:1-Continue to remind them to be in subjection and obedient to governments and authorities as rulers, to be ready for every good work,2 that they do not speak harmfully of anyone, that they are not warlike, that they are reasonable, and show all mildness towards all men. 3 For even we were once foolish, disobedient, gone astray, enslaved to various desires and pleasures, engaged in evil and envy, hateful, and we hated one another. 4 However, when goodness and love were shown toward man on the part of our Savior, God, 5 he saved us, not because of works of righteousness that we had done, but according to his mercy, by bathing us. brought to life and by making us new by holy spirit. 6 This [spirit] he poured out richly upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that after being declared righteous by virtue of his unmerited goodness, we might become heirs according to a hope of eternal life. 8 Faithful is the saying, and concerning these things I desire that you constantly make solid statements, so that those who have believed God may have their minds [set] on maintaining excellent works. These things are excellent and beneficial to men. 9 But avoid foolish questions and genealogies and strife and quarrels about the Law, for they are useless and vain. 10 As for the man who promotes a sect, reject him after a first and a second admonition; 11 knowing that such a man has gone astray and is sinning, and condemns himself. 12 When I send you to Artemas or Tychicus, do your best to come to me in Nicopolis, for that is where I have decided to winter.13 He carefully supplies his journey to Zenas, who is versed in the Law, and to Apollos, so that they do not lack anything. 14 But let our people also learn to maintain excellent works to satisfy their pressing needs, so that they will not be unfruitful. 15 Everyone who is with me sends their greetings to you. Give my greetings to those who love us in faith. May undeserved kindness be upon you all.

Hay varios conceptos que habría que revisar tanto en el vídeo como en tu comentario posterior, siempre desde mi humilde opinión. La primera sería dejar de definir a las personas por su inclinación sexual. Somos personas. Dicho esto entiendo que somos personas que creemos en Jehová como nuestro creador, el dicta las normas y nos dió un libro de instrucciones a seguir para poder volver a recuperar nuestro propósito inicial. Si queremos ser parte del plan nos tocará esforzarnos a cada uno de forma personal. No apruebo más el comportamiento de una persona que practica la fornicacion que el de un hombre que practica la homosexualidad. Eso no me convierte en alguien que les tenga fobia. No tengo derecho a juzgar a otros pero tengo el derecho de no querer compartir sus experiencias íntimas, incluido prestarme a compartir por ejemplo, un vestuario en el cual muestre mi desnudez ante alguien que sienta deseo hacia mi persona. A eso se le llama respeto. Si se que mi inclinación está fuera del arreglo de Jehová no me expondría a esa conducta irrespetuosa, porque para pedir respeto ante mi debilidad, primero debo respetar a los demás. Jesús aceptó predicar a todo tipo de personas y ese fue la dosis de humildad que ofreció al sistema judío de la época pero no aceptó las conductas que violaban las normas de Jehová, de hecho decía: arrepiéntete! Y el arrepentimiento incluye no practicar aquello es no es puro ante nuestro Dios. La visión de lo que me resulta asqueroso está orientado a la disciplina de Jehová. Una persona que practica la homosexualidad no tiene más derecho que los ángeles que quisieron unirse a las mujeres en la tierra. Por favor, consideremos la justicia de Jehová. Recordemos la meta. Todos tenemos en este sistema una lucha con la carne y no estamos solos. El espíritu santo es un ayudante para que podamos conseguirlo. No justifiquemos lo que no es bueno y no tengamos dobles raseros de medir, que ya somos mayorcitos. Dar rienda suelta a los placeres de la carne no tiene ninguna ganancia en comparación con lo que proporciona Jehová cuando decides agradarle. No se puede sorber y beber a la vez. O quieres agradar a la carne o al espíritu. De cada uno depende. Somos libres. Tito 3:1-Continúa recordándoles que estén en sujeción y sean obedientes a los gobiernos y a las autoridades como gobernantes, que estén listos para toda buena obra, 2 que no hablen perjudicialmente de nadie, que no sean belicosos, que sean razonables, y desplieguen toda apacibilidad para con todos los hombres. 3 Porque hasta nosotros en un tiempo éramos insensatos, desobedientes, extraviados, esclavizados a diversos deseos y placeres, ocupados en maldad y envidia, aborrecibles, y nos odiábamos unos a otros. 4 Sin embargo, cuando se manifestó la bondad y el amor para con el hombre de parte de nuestro Salvador, Dios, 5 él nos salvó, no debido a obras de justicia que nosotros hubiéramos ejecutado, sino según su misericordia, mediante el baño que nos trajo a la vida y mediante hacernos nuevos por espíritu santo. 6 Este [espíritu] él lo derramó ricamente sobre nosotros mediante Jesucristo nuestro Salvador, 7 para que, después de ser declarados justos en virtud de la bondad inmerecida de ese, llegáramos a ser herederos según una esperanza de vida eterna. 8 Fiel es el dicho, y respecto a estas cosas deseo que constantemente hagas afirmaciones sólidas, para que los que han creído a Dios tengan la mente [puesta] en mantener obras excelentes. Estas cosas son excelentes y provechosas a los hombres. 9 Pero evita cuestiones necias y genealogías y contienda y peleas acerca de la Ley, porque son inútiles y vanas. 10 En cuanto al hombre que promueve una secta, recházalo después de una primera y una segunda admonición; 11 sabiendo que tal hombre ha sido descaminado y está pecando, y a sí mismo se condena. 12 Cuando te envíe a Ártemas o a Tíquico, haz lo sumo posible por venir a mí en Nicópolis, porque es allí donde he decidido invernar. 13 Cuidadosamente suministra lo de su viaje a Zenas, que está versado en la Ley, y a Apolos, para que no les falte nada. 14 Pero que los nuestros también aprendan a mantener obras excelentes a fin de satisfacer sus necesidades apremiantes, para que no sean infructíferos. 15 Todos los que están conmigo te envían sus saludos. Da mis saludos a los que nos tienen cariño en la fe. Que la bondad inmerecida sea con todos ustedes.
There are several concepts that should be reviewed both in the video and in your subsequent comment, always from my humble opinion. The first would be to stop defining people by their sexual inclination. We are people. Having said this, I understand that we are people who believe in Jehovah as our creator, he dictates the rules and gave us a book of instructions to follow in order to recover our initial purpose. If we want to be part of the plan, it will be up to each of us to make a personal effort. I no more approve of the behavior of a person who practices fornication than that of a man who practices homosexuality. That doesn't make me someone who has a phobia of them. I do not have the right to judge others but I have the right not to want to share their intimate experiences, including sharing, for example, a wardrobe in which I show my nakedness to someone who feels desire towards me. That's called respect.
Translation continued:
If I know that my inclination is outside of Jehovah's arrangement, I would not expose myself to that disrespectful behavior, because to ask for respect for my weakness, I must first respect others. Jesus agreed to preach to all types of people and that was the dose of humility that he offered to the Jewish system of the time but he did not accept behaviors that violated Jehovah's rules, in fact he said: repent! And repentance includes not practicing that which is not pure before our God. The vision of what is disgusting to me is oriented towards the discipline of Jehovah. A person who practices homosexuality has no more right than the angels who wanted to join women on earth. Please consider the justice of Jehovah. Let's remember the goal. We all have a struggle with the flesh in this system and we are not alone. The holy spirit is a helper so that we can achieve this. Let's not justify what is not good and let's not have double standards for measuring, since we are grown up. Indulging in the pleasures of the flesh has no gain compared to what Jehovah provides when you choose to please Him. You cannot sip and drink at the same time. Either you want to please the flesh or the spirit. It depends on each one. We are free.
Translation continued:
Titus 3:1-Continue to remind them to be in subjection and obedient to governments and authorities as rulers, to be ready for every good work, 2 not to speak harmfully of anyone, not to be warlike, to be reasonable, and to display all mildness toward all men. 3 For even we were once foolish, disobedient, gone astray, enslaved to various desires and pleasures, engaged in evil and envy, hateful, and we hated one another. 4 However, when goodness and love were shown toward man on the part of our Savior, God, 5 he saved us, not because of works of righteousness that we had done, but according to his mercy, by bathing us. brought to life and by making us new by holy spirit. 6 This [spirit] he poured out richly upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that after being declared righteous by virtue of his unmerited goodness, we might become heirs according to a hope of eternal life. 8 Faithful is the saying, and concerning these things I desire that you constantly make solid statements, so that those who have believed God may have their minds [set] on maintaining excellent works. These things are excellent and beneficial to men. 9 But avoid foolish questions and genealogies and strife and quarrels about the Law, for they are useless and vain. 10 As for the man who promotes a sect, reject him after a first and a second admonition; 11 knowing that such a man has gone astray and is sinning, and condemns himself.
Translation to finish:
12 When I send you to Artemas or Tychicus, do your best to come to me in Nicopolis, for that is where I have decided to winter. 13 He carefully supplies his journey to Zenas, who is versed in the Law, and to Apollos, so that they do not lack anything. 14 But let our people also learn to maintain excellent works to satisfy their pressing needs, so that they will not be unfruitful. 15 Everyone who is with me sends their greetings to you. Give my greetings to those who love us in faith. May undeserved kindness be upon you all.
Many of our feelings, towards things people do, are dictated by our minds view, of what is Gross/Nasty/Vile! Lets call it the (ICKY Factor). Just how much ICK can you take? Realizing we don't live in Tent/TeePee encampments anymore. Should we be getting our noses into everyones business? Under the guise, that Jehovah God, could or will, withdraw his Holy Spirit from the Organization/Congregation? Or should we consider, that we are Romantic individuals, that need Acceptance, no matter who we are?
Didn't Jesus, show acceptance to anyone demonstrating faith?
One of the congregations, where I was a member, had a brother who admittedly was gay but apparently did not practice his homosexuality. He was a “flamer”. No one treated him poorly but I did notice that he particularly liked the other brothers. He was fully accepted as long as he did not practice his sexual perversion. It is a perversion.
One of the congregations, where I was a member, had a brother who admittedly was gay but apparently did not practice his homosexuality. He was a “flamer”. No one treated him poorly but I did notice that he particularly liked the other brothers. He was fully accepted as long as he did not practice his sexual perversion. It is a perversion.
All perversions stem from a spirit of selfishness, especially homosexuality.
The holy spirit is a helper so that we can achieve it!

Yes, and it is active on many inside the realm of these invited ones. But how can those outside be benefited, if they are not accepted to try to work on their problems?

For even we were once foolish, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various desires and pleasures, occupied with wickedness and envy, hateful, and hating one another.

Yes, they all come from the world! And after refining themselves, some are invited to be joint heirs with Christ in the heavens.

But how can, ones work on themselves, without the good association and guidance to be worthy from within the Congregations?

Have not the ones, that have been invited, shut up the Kingdom/Congregations, so many foolish, disobedient, deceived, enslaved, people with desires and pleasures, occupied with wickedness, envy, hateful attitudes?

Have they done this, because they are weak in their relationship with Jehovah God? Or maybe, just maybe, they don't want them to see, they are just as imperfect as everyone else!

It is a constant work, to keep oneself in line with what is written! But how can soemone know what is written if they are constantly marginalized, or marked for disassociation.

It used to be, that the Jews had walls, and gates, to kill or throw people outside! But now, it seems as if Jehovah God wants everyone to get along, helping each other to become good people. Without help and continued forgiveness! Things are just going down hill faster.

Forgiveness with Conditions! Is that really what we are called to do?
I’ve never seen any unbaptized homosexual denied the instructions to help them learn about Jehovah. I don’t understand the intent of your post.
Jesus taught his disciples to control even their thoughts. We should listen to his warning. Some consciences are more sensitive than others. So what? That doesn’t mean that all immorality shouldn’t be viewed as “icky”. Nevertheless, we should be kind to unbelievers and find a way to help them understand Jehovah’s viewpoint on all matters. But in the congregation of believers, it can never be tolerated.

Revelation 2:20-23: “Nevertheless, I do hold this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezʹe·bel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and misleads my slaves to commit sexual immorality and to eat things sacrificed to idols. And I gave her time to repent, but she is not willing to repent of her sexual immorality. Look! I am about to throw her into a sickbed, and those committing adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of her deeds. And I will kill her children with deadly plague, so that all the congregations will know that I am the one who searches the innermost thoughts and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.”

Regarding “immorality”, I feel certain that it is used literally AND figuratively.

From the Greek por·neiʹa, a term used in the Scriptures to refer to certain sexual activities forbidden by God. It includes adultery, prostitution, sexual relations between unmarried individuals, homosexuality, and bestiality. It is used figuratively in Revelation with regard to a religious prostitute called “Babylon the Great” to describe her consorting with the rulers of this world for power and material gain. (Re 14:8; 17:2; 18:3; Mt 5:32; Ac 15:29; Ga 5:19)—See PROSTITUTE.
Many people these days just want a "good enough" excuse so they can not only continue on in their easy lives but allow others a platform to justify their lives too, which are probably even more "icky" than their own lives. Icky, what a word dgibson chose to use eh? I suppose those people in Germany who went along with the destruction of the disabled thought it was all a bit icky.. not as icky as (reader insert their own opinion here) but more icky than (reader insert their own opinion here) Anyway, I wouldn't mind betting that the majority of the people who went along with that icky thing in Germany, only went along with it on "paper" through fear, I refuse to believe they went along with it in their hearts..
Yes, many did just turn a blind eye. Absolutely so. There was not much else that they could do in Germany at that time. The point I was making was that the behaviour becomes normalised, then acceptable then encouraged. Exactly the pattern we see today in the last fifty years or so that homosexuality has been decriminalised in Britain. The pressure that this has put on developing minds is significantly affecting their viewpoint and behaviours. Now it’s even acceptable in religion as watchtower have just said. I suppose they are still after money from Norway. Watchtower welcomes gays!! Once it becomes the norm, then who is to say it’s wrong? When will refusal to accept it become a criminal act? it already is, under the discrimination act in England.
Yes, many did just turn a blind eye. Absolutely so. There was not much else that they could do in Germany at that time. The point I was making was that the behavior becomes normalized, then acceptable then encouraged. Exactly the pattern we see today in the last fifty years or so that homosexuality has been decriminalized in Britain. The pressure that this has put on developing minds is significantly affecting their outlook and behaviors. Now it's even acceptable in religion as watchtower have just said. I suppose they are still after money from Norway. Watchtower welcomes gays!! Once it becomes the norm, then who is to say it's wrong? When will refusal to accept it become a criminal act? it already is, under the discrimination act in England.
So true Barney, that's why now, paedophiles prefer to be called "MAPs" Minor attracted people. Being attracted to kids is definitely becoming acceptable and so now they're going down the animals route, pretty "icky" if you ask me.. Jehovah told us that good will become bad, and bad will become good, right will become wrong, and wrong will become right, so we're not surprised are we? Fortunately there's still plenty of people in the world, who don't accept what's becoming the norm, and they don't even know about Jehovah or the Bible. Basically, they act upon their God given conscience and stand up for what's right for just because it's right. If THEY can stand up for what's right how much more so ought Jehovah people?
Just how do you fact check the Holy Spirit being operative on someone? Was it not withdrawn with the death of the Apostles? The only event, I can think of, that would classify as the Holy Spirits activeness, is when a Brother or Sister is invited to be considered for Heavenly service! Their burning heart and mental change of reading scriptures, as if they were written directly for them! That would in my mind, be a action of the Holy Spirit. Am I missing something here? Since sinning against the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin. I think it showed a lot of foresight on Jehovah Gods behave, to limited his Holy Spirit to just this one action. Until the end of course. Then it will whisper in our ears, which way to go.
Just how do you fact check the Holy Spirit being operative on someone? Was it not withdrawn with the death of the Apostles? The only event, I can think of, that would classify as the Holy Spirits activeness, is when a Brother or Sister is invited to be considered for Heavenly service! Their burning heart and mental change of reading scriptures, as if they were written directly for them! That would be in my mind, be an action of the Holy Spirit. Am I missing something here? Since sinning against the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin. I think it showed a lot of foresight on Jehovah Gods behavior, to limit his Holy Spirit to just this one action. Until the end of course. Then it will whisper in our ears, which way to go.
Fact check? 🤔
Just how do you fact check the Holy Spirit being operative on someone? Was it not withdrawn with the death of the Apostles? The only event, I can think of, that would classify as the Holy Spirits activeness, is when a Brother or Sister is invited to be considered for Heavenly service! Their burning heart and mental change of reading scriptures, as if they were written directly for them! That would in my mind, be a action of the Holy Spirit. Am I missing something here? Since sinning against the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin. I think it showed a lot of foresight on Jehovah Gods behave, to limited his Holy Spirit to just this one action. Until the end of course. Then it will whisper in our ears, which way to go.
First of all, Holy Spirit was not withdrawn with the death of the Apostles. The gifts of the spirit were. Two different things. All of us are told to pray for Holy Spirit. Have you not felt it in your life? I know I have.

Your comment does not make sense to me.

1 Corinthians 13:8: “Love never fails. But if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away with; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away with.”

Acts 5:31-32: “God exalted this one as Chief Agent and Savior to his right hand, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And we are witnesses of these matters, and so is the holy spirit, which God has given to those obeying him as ruler.

Luke 11:13: “Therefore, if you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him!”

Isaiah 40:13

Who has taken the measurements of the spirit of Jehovah, And who can instruct him as his adviser?

Isaiah 42:5

This is what the true God, Jehovah, says, The Creator of the heavens and the Grand One who stretched them out, The One who spread out the earth and its produce, The One who gives breath to the people on it And spirit to those who walk on it:

Psalm 51:11

Do not cast me out from your presence; And do not take your holy spirit away from me.

Psalm 143:10

Teach me to do your will, For you are my God. Your spirit is good; May it lead me on level ground.
First of all, Holy Spirit was not withdrawn with the death of the Apostles. The gifts of the spirit were. Two different things. All of us are told to pray for Holy Spirit. Have you not felt it in your life? I know I have.

Your comment does not make sense to me.

1 Corinthians 13:8: “Love never fails. But if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away with; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away with.”

Acts 5:31-32: “God exalted this one as Chief Agent and Savior to his right hand, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And we are witnesses of these matters, and so is the holy spirit, which God has given to those obeying him as ruler.

Luke 11:13: “Therefore, if you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him!”

Isaiah 40:13

Who has taken the measurements of the spirit of Jehovah, And who can instruct him as his adviser?

Isaiah 42:5

This is what the true God, Jehovah, says, The Creator of the heavens and the Grand One who stretched them out, The One who spread out the earth and its produce, The One who gives breath to the people on it And spirit to those who walk on it:

Psalm 51:11

Do not cast me out from your presence; And do not take your holy spirit away from me.

Psalm 143:10

Teach me to do your will, For you are my God. Your spirit is good; May it lead me on level ground.
I think it's pearls before swine Susan, again and again.. 😴😴😴
I’m confused. But then again, I’m not reading this thread thoroughly because I don’t find it upbuilding or useful and so I should just stop on this subject and I will.
You and me both. I get very confused about why certain people are in this forum 🙄
I posted this in another thread, I guess I was a little early with it...LOL.

Ephesians 6:11

Put on the complete suit of armora from God that YOU may be able to stand firm against the machinations*b of the Devil;

1 Peter 5:8

Keep YOUR senses, be watchful.a YOUR adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour* [someone].b

There is no question about it, Satan's world is obsessed with immoral sex and porn. It is everywhere. I read somewhere that porn is the biggest business on the Internet. Satan has made it easily accessible. It is a demonic snare. And no wonder, an untold number of angels forsook their place in heaven and materialized as men to have sex with women. We know how that ended. Except it hasn't ended. Those wicked angels are still around, and their influence is what is driving the sex obsession. The Western world has become like Sodom and Gomorrah. As Paul said, we do not want to be sharers with the demons. If you have a problem with porno, you had better fix it now. Get off the Internet. Jesus advised us that if our right eye offends us, we should pluck it out and throw it away. Get rid of your computer and phone if you have to.

People assume that this world is just going to go on and on. It is not. The wrath of God is coming upon the Devil's wicked world. Here is a reminder from Paul's letter to the Ephesians: "For you know this, recognizing it for yourselves, that no sexually immoral person or unclean person or greedy person, which means being an idolater, has any inheritance in the Kingdom of the Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with empty words, for because of such things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore, do not be sharers with them; for you were once darkness, but you are now light in connection with the Lord. Go on walking as children of light, for the fruitage of the light consists of every sort of goodness and righteousness and truth. Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord; and stop sharing in the unfruitful works that belong to the darkness; rather, expose them for what they are." (5:5-11)

Read more>​

Bizarre video. I’m going to stop watching.
Surrealista, lo llamaría yo. Justo hoy Lucian trajo un ramo de flores a casa. No sabía si colocarlo en la mesa del salón o en el baño. 😂 La gente está fatal Susan! Que mundo de tarados!
I’m confused. But then again, I’m not reading this thread thoroughly because I don’t find it upbuilding or useful and so I should just stop on this subject and I will.
Te vi hacer estos antes de que lo dijeras.😂
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