Massive false flag planned for 2024?


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2022
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The World Economic Forum has intimated that a massive cyber attack will visit us in the coming year which will shut down all things internet related including critical infrastructure such as water supply, banking and even nuclear plants critical for generating electricity.
With the west’s economy collapsing, coupled with the real possibility of the city of London’s dupes in D C losing control in the November election, such a false flag seems the only option for the globalist’s to meet their goals of more control over western countries peoples who are intent on resisting the notion of more centralized power over their lives.
There’s a lot of moving parts to how this may play out but this guest on “Redacted” lays it all out.

The World Economic Forum has intimated that a massive cyber attack will visit us in the coming year which will shut down all things internet related including critical infrastructure such as water supply, banking and even nuclear plants critical for generating electricity.
With the west’s economy collapsing, coupled with the real possibility of the city of London’s dupes in D C losing control in the November election, such a false flag seems the only option for the globalist’s to meet their goals of more control over western countries peoples who are intent on resisting the notion of more centralized power over their lives.
There’s a lot of moving parts to how this may play out but this guest on “Redacted” lays it all out.

This False Flags makes since. It seems that this war between Israel and the Palestinians seems to be back firing....there is huge amount of protest across the world which they did not expect and because Iran, Syria and Russia are not taking the bait by jumping into this new war...a false flag causing a cyber attack on the US infrastructure and blaming Iran for it...might do the trick in getting the support they need for War with Iran...and then the dominos fall.
This False Flags makes since. It seems that this war between Israel and the Palestinians seems to be back firing....there is huge amount of protest across the world which they did not expect and because Iran, Syria and Russia are not taking the bait by jumping into this new war...a false flag causing a cyber attack on the US infrastructure and blaming Iran for it...might do the trick in getting the support they need for War with Iran...and then the dominos fall.
Makes you wonder if this is the ships of Kittim moment spoken about in Daniel 11:30 where it says the king of the North will be humbled(humiliated, dejected), and then he will go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and arms will stand up from him and remove the constant feature. This prophecy must eventually occur and the cards are certainly lining up for this to be that event in bible prophecy.

Dan 11:29-31 "At the appointed time he will invade the South again, but this time will not be like the first. 30Ships of Kittim will come against him, and he will lose heart. Then he will turn back and rage against the holy covenant and do damage. So he will return and show favor to those who forsake the holy covenant. 31His forces will rise up and desecrate the temple fortress. They will abolish the daily sacrifice and set up the abomination of desolation."​
If we go to war with Iran, this is probably what we can expect, total humiliation and a loss of heart by the king of the north. The king of the north then takes that anger and vents it on the holy covenant.

Why announce a false flag? :unsure:
great point indeed. I suppose the only reason I can think of is so that they can control the narrative of it when and if it happens. See we told you so kinda thing.
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Why announce a false flag? :unsure:
Predictive programming sort of.
When they initiate their attack the W E F, as well as all the others in on this, will want (as Cristo mentioned) the masses to arrive at the same conclusion mapped out for them namely that (insert any state sponsor of terror here) was responsible for the attack.
Predictive programming sort of.
When they initiate their attack the W E F, as well as all the others in on this, will want (as Cristo mentioned) the masses to arrive at the same conclusion mapped out for them namely that (insert any state sponsor of terror here) was responsible for the attack.
Satans minions always have to tell you who they are and what Satans plans are.
This False Flags makes since. It seems that this war between Israel and the Palestinians seems to be back firing....there is huge amount of protest across the world which they did not expect and because Iran, Syria and Russia are not taking the bait by jumping into this new war...a false flag causing a cyber attack on the US infrastructure and blaming Iran for it...might do the trick in getting the support they need for War with Iran...and then the dominos fall.
Can you imagine every cell phone and PC going blank simultaneously and the impact that would have?
There will be a collective outcry so great that everyone will happily sign on to anything these schemers roll out.
And that's most likely how the globalist's wish list of digital currency, ID's, and a heavily surveilled and censored internet 2.0 will roll out.
Can you imagine every cell phone and PC going blank simultaneously and the impact that would have?
There will be a collective outcry so great that everyone will happily sign on to anything these schemers roll out.
And that's most likely how the globalist's wish list of digital currency, ID's, and a heavily surveilled and censored internet 2.0 will roll out.
My first thoughts when I listened to this video was… the thought of not being able to access this forum… i don’t care about the grid , my phone etc but don’t mess with this forum or ewatchman
Why announce a false flag? :unsure:
Great question... I don't think the "elites" fear any repercussion for their actions. There have been so many FFs, it's impossible to keep track. Most normies don't even know what false flag means.

Can you imagine every cell phone and PC going blank simultaneously and the impact that would have?
There will be a collective outcry so great that everyone will happily sign on to anything these schemers roll out.
And that's most likely how the globalist's wish list of digital currency, ID's, and a heavily surveilled and censored internet 2.0 will roll out.
They know it won't matter once the switch is flipped. People will beg for their satanic solution, and people like us, who tell them the solution is coming from the perpetrators, will be mocked and hated for telling the truth. There are already a ton of successful FFs, hoaxes and scams that have gone unpunished... the Federal Reserve, the USS Maine, the Lusitania, the Pearl Harbor stand down, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the JFK assassination, USS Liberty, Operation Gladio, Operation Mockingbird, MK Ultra, Abu Nidal, Al Qaeda, ISIS, 9/11, 7/7, the 2008 banking crisis, COVID... it's been one emergency after another, and the sleeping masses move in lock step into their ever shrinking cages. Whatever happens in 2024 will be no different, except the scale.
Great question... I don't think the "elites" fear any repercussion for their actions. There have been so many FFs, it's impossible to keep track. Most normies don't even know what false flag means.

They know it won't matter once the switch is flipped. People will beg for their satanic solution, and people like us, who tell them the solution is coming from the perpetrators, will be mocked and hated for telling the truth. There are already a ton of successful FFs, hoaxes and scams that have gone unpunished... the Federal Reserve, the USS Maine, the Lusitania, the Pearl Harbor stand down, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the JFK assassination, USS Liberty, Operation Gladio, Operation Mockingbird, MK Ultra, Abu Nidal, Al Qaeda, ISIS, 9/11, 7/7, the 2008 banking crisis, COVID... it's been one emergency after another, and the sleeping masses move in lock step into their ever shrinking cages. Whatever happens in 2024 will be no different, except the scale.
“and the sleeping masses move in lock step into their ever shrinking cages”.
That phrase is golden! Thanks for sharing,
And the irony of it all is that the very ones (Mossad and M I 6) are now, if you can believe it, being put in places of oversight of American cyber security in the afore mentioned sensitive areas of American infrastructure, working for the powers that be who'd benefit the most from a western collapse.
And the irony of it all is that the very ones (Mossad and M I 6) are now, if you can believe it, being put in places of oversight of American cyber security in the afore mentioned sensitive areas of American infrastructure, working for the powers that be who'd benefit the most from a western collapse.

So... the KOTN's intelligence services will be watching over the KOTS's infrastructure?

🤔 🤔 🤔

I wonder what could possibly go wrong with that scenario?
Can you imagine every cell phone and PC going blank simultaneously and the impact that would have?
There will be a collective outcry so great that everyone will happily sign on to anything these schemers roll out.
And that's most likely how the globalist's wish list of digital currency, ID's, and a heavily surveilled and censored internet 2.0 will roll out.
Can I imagine it? I can tell you, as one who works in IT, I look forward to it. Kidding! Well, maybe not...
Because NOBODY is paying attention....🤔🤣

And even if people were paying attention Joseph, how many have the mental or spiritual capacity to put the puzzle together? Even those, in the alternative media who are sounding the alarm about the tyranny at our doorstep,can’t conceptualize the end game as we do here.
With so much comfort, and as you point out distraction available, a person would need to have been experiencing a goodly amount of “sighing and groaning over the status quo” and a gnawing persistent “there’s gotta be something better out there” kind of mind set or probably more so a heart set in place before the light switch finally goes off.
For the rest unfortunately it will take a near extinction level 2x4 upside the head event and the terror that accompanies that to get at least a few more to see the light.
BTW, like your new avatar.
Why announce a false flag? :unsure:
Why announce a false flag? Because the level of education and failure to face facts, necessitates that people are informed of a false flag so that they know why their country is going to war, ergo, because it bombed itself. Clearly, a foreign country forcing a country to bomb itself, deserves to suffer as a consequence. I thought everyone knew that!
Great question... I don't think the "elites" fear any repercussion for their actions. There have been so many FFs, it's impossible to keep track. Most normies don't even know what false flag means.

They know it won't matter once the switch is flipped. People will beg for their satanic solution, and people like us, who tell them the solution is coming from the perpetrators, will be mocked and hated for telling the truth. There are already a ton of successful FFs, hoaxes and scams that have gone unpunished... the Federal Reserve, the USS Maine, the Lusitania, the Pearl Harbor stand down, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the JFK assassination, USS Liberty, Operation Gladio, Operation Mockingbird, MK Ultra, Abu Nidal, Al Qaeda, ISIS, 9/11, 7/7, the 2008 banking crisis, COVID... it's been one emergency after another, and the sleeping masses move in lock step into their ever shrinking cages. Whatever happens in 2024 will be no different, except the scale.
LOVE the fact that you called the Federal Reserve a false flag. When you compare it to the other events you mentioned it doesn't seem to fit because many of those were shock and awe campaigns. So to the majority of people who do not know the history surrounding the Federal Reserve origination, or how it operates, they might question the validity of calling it a false flag. But truly is was established upon false premise and has in more ways than one been responsible for the deaths of millions simply for the fact that this was the instrument the elite used to manipulate the economic conditions of this country, and ultimately the world. When you have a money tree...there are no boundaries to what you can accomplish in a world that revolves around cash.
Because NOBODY is paying attention....🤔🤣

Here's my full list of false flags, hoaxes and scams... feel free to add to the list:

False Flags: These are events and operations funded and/or conducted by small factions within Western and Israeli intelligence services or governments.

-USS Maine, USS Liberty, Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, 7/7, Operation Gladio, Abu Nadal, Osama Bin Laden/Al Qaeda, ISIS, King David Hotel bombing,

Hoaxes: I loosely say "hoax" because these events happened, but were lied about and used to divide us, and we've never been told the real story.

-Tawana Brawley SA, Duke Lacrosse SA, Travon Martin, Michael Brown, George Floyd, JFK/RFK assassinations, COVID.

Scams: These are well orchestrated plans designed to further an agenda.

-The 1907 banking crisis that lead to the creation of the FED, the confiscation of gold in 1932 that funded the PPT, going from a silver standard to fiat after JFK was killed, the 1973 Oil Embargo that lead to the Petrodollar, the unchecked naked shorting of silver on the COMEX, Bitcoin, Operation Mockingbird, Operation Popeye, Operation Fishbowl.
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