Monday, July 1 2024 When will the lies end?


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Monday, July 1 2024​

Become an example to the faithful ones in speaking.—1 Tim. 4:12.

Our ability to speak is a gift from our loving God. However, the gift of speech was misused. Satan the Devil lied to Eve, and that lie led to human sin and imperfection. (Gen. 3:1-4) Adam misused his tongue when he blamed Eve—and even Jehovah—for his own mistakes. (Gen. 3:12) Cain lied to Jehovah after he killed his brother Abel. (Gen. 4:9) Today, it is difficult to find a motion picture that does not contain some bad language. Students hear profanity at school, and adults are exposed to it in the workplace. If not careful, we might get so used to hearing bad language that we begin to use it ourselves. Of course, as Christians, we want to please Jehovah, and that involves more than avoiding obscene speech. We want to use the remarkable gift of speech in a positive way—to praise our God. w22.04 4 ¶1-3
Examining the Scriptures Daily—2024

Sunday, December 11 2016​

The Kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet let down into the sea and gathering fish of every kind.—Matt. 13:47.

Jesus likened the preaching of the Kingdom message to all mankind to the lowering of a large dragnet into the sea. Just as such a net indiscriminately catches large numbers of “fish of every kind,” our preaching work attracts millions of people of all kinds. Not all those attracted to the truth will take a stand for Jehovah. Many have associated with us at our meetings. Others have been willing to study the Bible with us but are not willing to make a commitment. Still others are no longer associating with the Christian congregation. Some youths have been raised by Christian parents and yet have not developed a love for Jehovah’s standards. No matter what the situation, Jesus emphasized that everyone needs to make a personal decision. Those who do are viewed by him as “the precious,” or “desirable,” things “of all the nations.”


The thing about telling a lie is, you have to keep lying and telling more and more lies to support the original lie —or else it all comes undone. That is the mess the Watchtower is in now.

Take today’s text as an example. The original lie is that Christ returned in 1914, that he has been ruling the world over the past 100+ years. That is supposedly when the harvest and the conclusion of the system began. There are literally dozens of other falsehoods attached to that, like today’s text.

Although it is not explicit in the text itself, the WT article from where it was extracted clearly implies that the angels are actively removing “unsuitable” persons from association in the organization. (See article: Are the Angels Killing Off Your Bible Students?) And the reason they are compelled to peddle this blasphemous tripe is because Jesus said that the dragnet comes into play during the conclusion. So, in other words, over the past century the angels have been casting and recasting the symbolic dragnet over and over again, and hauling net load after net load up onto the beach, where they then discard the unsuitable fishes from the suitable ones.

And then the unsuitable ones are thrown into the fire, generation after generation, where they experience much weeping and gnashing of teeth, somehow.

Frankly, it is astounding to me that Jehovah’s Witnesses put up with being fed this swill. Is there anyone out there who has the will to use their powers of discernment?

Do you really believe that Jesus Christ has dispatched his powerful angels with orders to remove persons from attending congregational meetings or cut them off from having a free home Bible study? When a young person goes off into the world is it really because the angels have debarred them from the organization? That is what the Watchtower is implying. The question is, why do you put up with it?

According to Jesus’ illustration of the sower and the seed it is Satan who snatches the seed of truth sown among those who fail to get the sense of it. Everything in the epistles reveals that Satan is seeking to entrap and mislead us from Jehovah and Christ. Is it really true that the angels are working in concert with the demons to prevent us from associating with Christians?

And if the angels are involved in tossing away the unsuitables we might naturally wonder why they would get rid of merely spiritually weak persons and hormone-charged teenagers and leave behind cunning child predators.

Ironically, the Watchtower article upon which the text is based is entitled: Do You Grasp the Meaning? Obviously, the Governing Body does not.

The good news is, the Watchtower’s lies and blasphemy will come to a sudden and most inglorious end. It will end when Christ sends forth his angels and they uproot the weeds that have taken root among us. That is when the whitewashed wall will crumble and fall and the stupid prophets will be no more.
There is an article in the September 2024 Watchtower (still waiting for the mysteriously disappeared August issue :unsure:): Are You Heeding the Warning?

Jesus foretold that there would be two outcomes for anointed persons, including those appointed to feed the master's domestics. Both slaves would fail to do the master's will---one through ignorance and the other through willful neglect. Each is punished. One is beaten with a few strokes, and the other with the greatest severity. But the Watchtower claims that the wicked slave is only a hypothetical warning. Expanding upon that lie, the Watchtower now claims that the wise and foolish virgins do not represent two different outcomes for anointed persons. Paragraph eight states:
Prove yourself prepared and vigilant. Jesus was not foretelling that there would be two classes of the anointed—one that was prepared to wait until the end of this system of things and one that was not. Rather, he was explaining what would happen to anointed ones if they were not prepared to endure faithfully to the end. In that case, they would not receive their reward. (John 14:3, 4) That is sobering! Whether our hope is heavenly or earthly, we all should take to heart the warning from the parable of the virgins. Each of us must keep on the watch and be prepared, ready to endure to the end.—Matt. 24:13.
The very premise of the Watchtower's comment is false. The parable of the wise and foolish virgins is not a lesson in being prepared for the end of the system. The bridegroom obviously represents Jesus. But what does his arrival in the middle of the night mean? Is it the end of the world? No. The bridegroom's arrival and the marriage feast represent Christ's parousia, something that the Watchtower initially claimed began in 1874 and was then moved to 1914, around 1930. In fact, for many decades, the Watchtower claimed that the parable of the wise and foolish virgins had been acted out in 1918-19. It was not until relatively recently that the WT shifted the bridegroom's coming from the past to a point in the future.

It is important, though, that the Watchtower's utter lack of insight is certain to be a factor in the foolish virgins missing out. How so? As stated already, the core teaching of the Watchtower is based on the lie that the parousia is invisible and that it has already begun, essentially rendering it into a non-event. This is the operation of Satan that the anointed apostle prophesied about and which has been a recurring topic in my writing. A question to consider is this: Since the foolish virgins turn back to buy more oil and their doing so debars them from entry into the marriage feast, who might the sellers of oil represent?

The oil merchants represent the Watchtower. Prior to the coming of the bridegroom, both the wise and foolish virgins had access to the illuminating oil of God's word and spirit. And there is no denying that the Watchtower has played a vital part in teaching and training us. But because of the all-imposing role of the Watchtower in the spiritual lives of anointed Christians, some of those who have been called apparently become complacent and overly dependent on the organization. This is by design. Has not the Watchtower conditioned Jehovah's Witnesses to expect to receive life-saving instructions from the Governing Body during the tribulation?

In the parable, all 10 virgins go out with their lamps into the night, and "while the bridegroom was delaying, they all became drowsy and fell asleep." That is where we are now. Everyone has nodded off. No one is expecting Jesus to arrive like a thief in the night. That is demonstrated by the Watchtower article under consideration and the fact that they claim the bridegroom's coming symbolizes the system's end. (Actually, it will mark the beginning of the end.) While everyone is drowsy with sleep, not unlike the apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane when the Judas-led mob suddenly arrived in the night to arrest Jesus, at some point in the immediate future, the rousing call will be heard: ‘Here is the bridegroom! Go out to meet him.’

Notice that even though the bridegroom is said to have arrived, he does not come to the waiting virgins. They must go to him. (Where the carcass is there the eagles will be gathered) And that is what will separate the wise and foolish virgins. It will require faith to go further into the darkness to rendezvous with Jesus. The Watchtower has not prepared anointed Christians for this. And that is why some will turn back. Jesus' exhortation to "remember the wife of Lot" stands as a stark warning.

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Here's a lesson for the double speak Watchtower.


36 I tell YOU that every unprofitable saying that [Watchtower] men speak, they will render an account+ concerning it on Judgment Day; 37 for by your words you will be declared righteous, and by your words you will be condemned.”+

2 Peter2:

17 These are fountains without water,+ and mists driven by a violent storm, and for them the blackness of darkness has been reserved.+ 18 For they utter swelling expressions of no profit, and by the desires of the flesh+ and by loose habits they entice+ those who are just escaping+ from people who conduct themselves in error. 19 While they are promising them freedom,+ they themselves are existing as slaves of corruption.+ For whoever is overcome by another is enslaved by this one.
View attachment 6743

Sunday, December 11 2016​

The Kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet let down into the sea and gathering fish of every kind.—Matt. 13:47.


The thing about telling a lie is, you have to keep lying and telling more and more lies to support the original lie —or else it all comes undone. That is the mess the Watchtower is in now.

Take today’s text as an example. The original lie is that Christ returned in 1914, that he has been ruling the world over the past 100+ years. That is supposedly when the harvest and the conclusion of the system began. There are literally dozens of other falsehoods attached to that, like today’s text.

Although it is not explicit in the text itself, the WT article from where it was extracted clearly implies that the angels are actively removing “unsuitable” persons from association in the organization. (See article: Are the Angels Killing Off Your Bible Students?) And the reason they are compelled to peddle this blasphemous tripe is because Jesus said that the dragnet comes into play during the conclusion. So, in other words, over the past century the angels have been casting and recasting the symbolic dragnet over and over again, and hauling net load after net load up onto the beach, where they then discard the unsuitable fishes from the suitable ones.

And then the unsuitable ones are thrown into the fire, generation after generation, where they experience much weeping and gnashing of teeth, somehow.

Frankly, it is astounding to me that Jehovah’s Witnesses put up with being fed this swill. Is there anyone out there who has the will to use their powers of discernment?

Do you really believe that Jesus Christ has dispatched his powerful angels with orders to remove persons from attending congregational meetings or cut them off from having a free home Bible study? When a young person goes off into the world is it really because the angels have debarred them from the organization? That is what the Watchtower is implying. The question is, why do you put up with it?

According to Jesus’ illustration of the sower and the seed it is Satan who snatches the seed of truth sown among those who fail to get the sense of it. Everything in the epistles reveals that Satan is seeking to entrap and mislead us from Jehovah and Christ. Is it really true that the angels are working in concert with the demons to prevent us from associating with Christians?

And if the angels are involved in tossing away the unsuitables we might naturally wonder why they would get rid of merely spiritually weak persons and hormone-charged teenagers and leave behind cunning child predators.

Ironically, the Watchtower article upon which the text is based is entitled: Do You Grasp the Meaning? Obviously, the Governing Body does not.

The good news is, the Watchtower’s lies and blasphemy will come to a sudden and most inglorious end. It will end when Christ sends forth his angels and they uproot the weeds that have taken root among us. That is when the whitewashed wall will crumble and fall and the stupid prophets will be no more.
“And if the angels are involved in tossing away the unsuitables we might naturally wonder why they would get rid of merely spiritually weak persons and hormone-charged teenagers and leave behind cunning child predators”.

The Watchtowers apostasy is going from bad to worse, just the fact alone that they supported the covid-19 kill shot and had insinuated that Jehovah approved the covid-19 kill shot shows that they're well on their way to becoming full-fledged Antichrist.

2 Timothy3:​

13 But wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled.

2 Thessalonians2:​

8 Then, indeed, the lawless one [the Antichrist] will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus* will do away with by the spirit of his mouth+ and bring to nothing by the manifestation+ of his presence.+
Jer 23:15 "Therefore this is what Jehovah of armies has said against the prophets: 'Here I am making them eat wormwood and I will give them poisoned water to drink. For from the prophets of Jersualem apostasy has gone forth to all the land"'
Everyone will have to know that our God is Jehovah: How blessed with privilege to be in receipt of this knowledge before so many of our earthly neighbors.
Dutch translation + CUSTOM ART from the one and only e-Watchman ART STUDIO ;)

Daily Text 7-1-2024 - ARE YOU HEEDING THE WARNING?

"Both slaves would fail to do the master's will---one through ignorance and the other through willful neglect. Each is punished. One is beaten with a few strokes, and the other with the greatest severity. But the Watchtower claims that the wicked slave is only a hypothetical warning."

Master of the house Jesus arrives like a thief in the night  to punish the evil slave.jpeg

"It is important, though, that the Watchtower's utter lack of insight is certain to be a factor in the foolish virgins missing out. How so? As stated already, the core teaching of the Watchtower is based on the lie that the parousia is invisible and that it has already begun, essentially rendering it into a non-event."

foolish virgins locked outside closed locked door no lamps dwaze maagden buiten deur.jpeg

"The oil merchants represent the Watchtower. Prior to the coming of the bridegroom, both the wise and foolish virgins had access to the illuminating oil of God's word and spirit. And there is no denying that the Watchtower has played a vital part in teaching and training us."

Oil salesman Watchtower lamp counter olie verkoper toonbank olielamp LOGO 1.jpg

"In the parable, all 10 virgins go out with their lamps into the night, and "while the bridegroom was delaying, they all became drowsy and fell asleep." That is where we are now."

Virgins have fallen asleep maagden zijn in slaap gevallen slapen in de nacht night.jpeg

"Notice that even though the bridegroom is said to have arrived, he does not come to the waiting virgins. They must go to him. (Where the carcass is there the eagles will be gathered) And that is what will separate the wise and foolish virgins. It will require faith to go further into the darkness to rendezvous with Jesus."

virgins with oil lamps walking in the darkness to meet JEsus maagden met olielampen op weg na...jpeg

"The Watchtower has not prepared anointed Christians for this. And that is why some will turn back. Jesus' exhortation to "remember the wife of Lot" stands as a stark warning."

Wife of Lot looking back at Sodom salt pillar zout zoutpilaar vrouw van Lot Sodom 2.jpeg
There is an article in the September 2024 Watchtower (still waiting for the mysteriously disappeared August issue :unsure:): Are You Heeding the Warning?

Jesus foretold that there would be two outcomes for anointed persons, including those appointed to feed the master's domestics. Both slaves would fail to do the master's will---one through ignorance and the other through willful neglect. Each is punished. One is beaten with a few strokes, and the other with the greatest severity. But the Watchtower claims that the wicked slave is only a hypothetical warning. Expanding upon that lie, the Watchtower now claims that the wise and foolish virgins do not represent two different outcomes for anointed persons. Paragraph eight states:

The very premise of the Watchtower's comment is false. The parable of the wise and foolish virgins is not a lesson in being prepared for the end of the system. The bridegroom obviously represents Jesus. But what does his arrival in the middle of the night mean? Is it the end of the world? No. The bridegroom's arrival and the marriage feast represent Christ's parousia, something that the Watchtower initially claimed began in 1874 and was then moved to 1914, around 1930. In fact, for many decades, the Watchtower claimed that the parable of the wise and foolish virgins had been acted out in 1918-19. It was not until relatively recently that the WT shifted the bridegroom's coming from the past to a point in the future.

It is important, though, that the Watchtower's utter lack of insight is certain to be a factor in the foolish virgins missing out. How so? As stated already, the core teaching of the Watchtower is based on the lie that the parousia is invisible and that it has already begun, essentially rendering it into a non-event. This is the operation of Satan that the anointed apostle prophesied about and which has been a recurring topic in my writing. A question to consider is this: Since the foolish virgins turn back to buy more oil and their doing so debars them from entry into the marriage feast, who might the sellers of oil represent?

The oil merchants represent the Watchtower. Prior to the coming of the bridegroom, both the wise and foolish virgins had access to the illuminating oil of God's word and spirit. And there is no denying that the Watchtower has played a vital part in teaching and training us. But because of the all-imposing role of the Watchtower in the spiritual lives of anointed Christians, some of those who have been called apparently become complacent and overly dependent on the organization. This is by design. Has not the Watchtower conditioned Jehovah's Witnesses to expect to receive life-saving instructions from the Governing Body during the tribulation?

In the parable, all 10 virgins go out with their lamps into the night, and "while the bridegroom was delaying, they all became drowsy and fell asleep." That is where we are now. Everyone has nodded off. No one is expecting Jesus to arrive like a thief in the night. That is demonstrated by the Watchtower article under consideration and the fact that they claim the bridegroom's coming symbolizes the system's end. (Actually, it will mark the beginning of the end.) While everyone is drowsy with sleep, not unlike the apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane when the Judas-led mob suddenly arrived in the night to arrest Jesus, at some point in the immediate future, the rousing call will be heard: ‘Here is the bridegroom! Go out to meet him.’

Notice that even though the bridegroom is said to have arrived, he does not come to the waiting virgins. They must go to him. (Where the carcass is there the eagles will be gathered) And that is what will separate the wise and foolish virgins. It will require faith to go further into the darkness to rendezvous with Jesus. The Watchtower has not prepared anointed Christians for this. And that is why some will turn back. Jesus' exhortation to "remember the wife of Lot" stands as a stark warning.

August Watchtower .

Hope it works. Courtesy of Atlantis.
I think the key article is the ‘Questions from Readers. ‘
That is what the Watchtower is implying. The question is, why do you put up with it?

It's not so much as the question why jws put up with it.. One, it's the wrong question to ask any jw because questioning the watchtower as you know is an act of apostasy and disloyalty.. The problem doesn't just lie in the operation of error..It's an old method many companies use and the watchtower uses it as a built in blanket insurance "policy" or redundancies, which is all in the unspoken fine print.. They tell people at every meeting "we've written everything down for you, even the answers, and all you have to do is underline those answers, keep your mouth shut and follow along and you'll be fine..the real answer though, is the fear of man, like..getting canned, thrown out, disconnected from your support group and supposed friends who are just as fearful.. Most jehovahs witnesses don't know how to ask questions, at least not the right questions..its a matter of fact most people don't ask the right questions period, because they've never been taught..and most people have never been taught how to teach themselves how to learn what the right questions of the problems of getting to the bottom of anything you might question is the work or challenge it costs..that's why so many people follow religions, cults and swami's... My question to any Jws is. Why do you follow men and put your trust in place where they twist people away from Jesus Christ who said he was the way the truth and life? The commission the WT has, is to lead people to Jesus Christ and his father Jehovah God..I can find no scripture that says "Follow the Watchtower corporation into the new world" That's a question for anyone who says they believe they follow Jesus Christ or Jehovah God.. The real question though, is where does your loyalty lie with the WT or Christ and Jehovah? The WT says they're preparing a people for life saving instructions into a new earth.. we'll, that's another lie! Because it's Jehovahs spirit which prepares his people that are rightly disposed for his new earth and new heavenly creation, just like it will do for the anointed who will be used as a conduit to condemn the world.. That's why there will be a separation between the sheep and goat's..Take your pick, watchtowers fantasy land who will not deliver anyone from the great tribulation nor the persecution every single soul will face if you claim to be one of jehovahs people.. Which side will you choose? Said another way, can a person serve Jehovah without serving the watchtower?
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I tolerate the Watchtower for the sake of the worldwide preaching work, which Jesus commanded us to do.
Looks like you've chosen sides...Can you provide a scripture that says "we must tolerate the watchtower and all there policies?
Looks like you've chosen sides...Can you provide a scripture that says "we must tolerate the watchtower and all there policies?
"Then Jesus spoke to...his disciples, saying: …the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses. Therefore, all the things they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but they do not practice what they say." (Matt 23: 1-3) Jesus instructed his followers to be in relative subjection to the hypocritical 'Pharisees'. As then, so now.
"Then Jesus spoke to...his disciples, saying: …the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses. Therefore, all the things they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but they do not practice what they say." (Matt 23: 1-3) Jesus instructed his followers to be in relative subjection to the hypocritical 'Pharisees'. As then, so now.
Still waiting for that scripture. perhaps you didn't know, you don't need the watchtower to preach.. you need your Bible your mouth your shoe leather for just informal witnessing .. anything else you must expose your potential convert to the 1914 lie.and you must tell them it's a requirement to believe and support it otherwise you aren't going to be Baptized..Now show me your scripture that says follow the watchtower and its policies. You can't provide one..and two your quoted scripture would require any converts to the Jewish religion that they renounce being followers of Christ... you can't twist that into a follow the watchtower scripture, but nice try.
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Still waiting for that scripture. perhaps you didn't know, you don't need the watchtower to preach.. you need your Bible your mouth your shoe leather for just informal witnessing .. anything else you must expose your potential convert to the 1914 lie.and you must tell them it's a requirement to believe and support it otherwise you aren't going to be Baptized..Now show me your scripture that says follow the watchtower and its policies. You can't provide one..and two your quoted scripture would require any converts to the Jewish religion that they renounce being followers of Christ... you can't twist that into a follow the watchtower scripture, but nice try.
Those scriptures in Matthew work for me. Sorry they don't work for you.
In all my time in the watchtower, I never once saw the scriptures above in Robert’s article explained in this manner, in this clarity and that refutes any contradiction before it can even be asked. It gives order to the coming of Christ in its explanation, and shows how reasonable are the things asked of those waiting and why! The oil that lights the way is the truth. How clever is that? Yes, of course we associate the oil with being ready in that it is a substance of faith, but the detail is in the foundation of that faith. Was it built upon sand, upon a wall whitewashed with excuses, and that requires daily “adjustments” and further explanation coated over with a layer of blank white uncertainty? Do we, having read the above explanation see need to query what is so blatantly correct in meaning - enough to give us the light to make it our own? I see the Spirit in this sort of clarity - it passes by the pen of man with a flourish that gives it foundation that is not owned by such, but is passed on to those whom wish to hear and to buy into faith of their own that is based upon solid reasoning - no longer needing to seek it of watchtower men that prove false to their teaching. Is such explanation of the bible truths the outcome of the scripture, “My sheep know my voice”. I for one have not heard it spoken elsewhere.
Those scriptures in Matthew work for me. Sorry they don't work for you
Don't be sorry for me, for not agreeing to rwist, dilute and misapply scripture to fit a fraudulent narrative..
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Everyone will have to know that our God is Jehovah: How blessed with privilege to be in receipt of this knowledge before so many of our earthly neighbors.
Study Article 17 "Never Leave The Spiritual Paradise"...Who would leave a home where you are shown such love? Why would anyone want to leave a paradise? Oh! Please don't leave we weely weely LUUUUURVE YOU!
Study Article 17 "Never Leave The Spiritual Paradise"...Who would leave a home where you are shown such love? Why would anyone want to leave a paradise? Oh! Please don't leave we weely weely LUUUUURVE YOU!
The epitaph of Watchtower given in Zechariah 5:6-11 I will paraphrase "There she was, a woman (Our old ma Watchtower) sitting in the middle of an e'phah container, whom the angel describes as Wickedness 'Throw her back in' the angel said and put a lead weight over the container for she is to be taken away'. Where to? 'We are having a house made for her in Shinar (Babylon) where she belongs.....her proper place.'"