Music With a Message (Positive please)

People are noticing big changes...
Yes, itā€™s very difficult to protest in any meaningful way in Britain today when English education is so limited and your band is only on grade one elementary guitar strumming for beginners. I wonder what the band is calledā€¦.ā€Johnny Monotone and the One Chordsā€?
Here's something a little different. Better than some of the stuff on TV these days. The message is Hungarian comedy. Runs about 5 minutes.

Hilariously Talented Musicians | Duo Baldo - Hungarian Dance No. 5 - YouTube
That's The Way It Is

"That's The Way It Is" (cover) || Red Dead Redemption 2 Soundtrack - YouTube

The many miles we walked
The many things we learned
The building of a shrine
Only just to burn

May the wind be at your back
Good fortune touch your hand
May the cards lay out a-straight
All from your command

That's the way it is
That's the way it is
That's the way it is
That's the way it is

Blue heron leaves the northern sky
It trusts the journey to new heights
What's the meaning of the scar
If we don't learn how to heal?
Should we ever be apart?
Then how does it feel?

That's the way it is
That's the way it is
That's the way it is
That's the way it is

Shine light into darkness
Shine light into darkness

That's the way it is
That's the way it is (so many miles to walk)
That's the way it is (so many things we've got to learn)
That's the way it is (oh-oh, that's the way it is)
That's the way it is (oh)
That's the way it is
"Ah, a critique of both the education system and this fledgling band skillsā€”two for the price of one! Johnny Monotone and the One Chords actually considered rebranding as ā€˜The Diminished Fifths,ā€™ but we thought it sounded a bit too advanced for grade one. Rest assured, once we master a second chord, we'll be unstoppable. Maybe even headline your next dinner partyā€”after all, every revolution needs a soundtrack!" Ha ha!!!!
Yes, itā€™s very difficult to protest in any meaningful way in Britain today when English education is so limited and your band is only on grade one elementary guitar strumming for beginners. I wonder what the band is calledā€¦.ā€Johnny Monotone and the One Chordsā€?
"Ah, a critique of both the education system and this fledgling band skillsā€”two for the price of one! Johnny Monotone and the One Chords actually considered rebranding as ā€˜The Diminished Fifths,ā€™ but we thought it sounded a bit too advanced for grade one. Rest assured, once we master a second chord, we'll be unstoppable. Maybe even headline your next dinner partyā€”after all, every revolution needs a soundtrack!" Ha ha!!!!
I shall wait with bated breath for this momentous moment to materialise in the world of accomplished musicians. I had no idea that Hungarians had a sense of humour, maybe that accounts for the composition - Iā€™m in two minds. That would be vaguely amusing I admit. Iā€™ll try harder.
I have always wanted to put the Psalms to music to make it more accessible to people, rather than just words on a page of an old book. With my limited musical ability, I have floundered around with a few Psalms, sadly. (Still plucking though) Then came AI. Mind you, heavy, ponderous rock is not my thing. Only was remotely back in the halcyon, acid days --- then came AI. I altered the verses only so slightly, but I prompted AI to rock out. Psalms 2 needed to have king David with a Fender guitar and a big Marshall amp, stomping the pedals, grinding, and priests pounding the drums.

Some weeks ago, I reworked the lyrics of the 43rd Pslam to rhyme and I started plucking around on the guitar again to get some callouses on my fingertips. My voice is nearly shot, but I have been trying to sing again. Singing in the shower, in the car and taking walks (before it got cold), I Had a tune in my head and put down a few tracks. I been signing the 43rd Psalm for a few weeks. It was a laborious affair to try to put it together. Then there was AI. This afternoon I loaded my version of the 43rd Psalm and added some prompts. "My God." That is the name of the Psalm, My God. I can't listen to this without getting all emotional. I realized I was trying to sing to Jehovah but didn't have the technical ability. I prompted a male voice, but it didn't work. This female voice is it. Besides, there is neither male nor female in Christ. This AI thing is it. I am singing this song to my God. I think He hears me.

Judge me, O God,
Defend my legal case
against a disloyal nation.
Rescue me from the man of iniquity
and deception.

For you are my God, my fortress.
Why have you abandoned me?
Why must I walk about in sadness

because of the oppression by my enemy?

Send out your light and your truth.
May these lead me to your holy mountain
Then I will come to the altar of God,
to God, my exceeding joy.

And I will praise you with the harp,
O God, my God.
Why am I in despair?
Why is this turmoil within me?

Wait for God, For I will yet praise him as my Grand Savior and my God.
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Some weeks ago, I reworked the lyrics of the 43rd Pslam to rhyme and I started plucking around on the guitar again to get some callouses on my fingertips. My voice is nearly shot, but I have been trying to sing again. Singing in the shower, in the car and taking walks (before it got cold), I Had a tune in my head and put down a few tracks. I been signing the 43rd Psalm for a few weeks. It was a laborious affair to try to put it together. Then there was AI. This afternoon I loaded my version of the 43rd Psalm and added some prompts. "My God." That is the name of the Psalm, My God. I can't listen to this without getting all emotional. I realized I was trying to sing to Jehovah but didn't have the technical ability. I prompted a male voice, but it didn't work. This female voice is it. Besides, there is neither male nor female in Christ. This AI thing is it. I am singing this song to my God. I think He hears me.

Judge me, O God,
Defend my legal case
against a disloyal nation.
Rescue me from the man of iniquity
and deception.

For you are my God, my fortress.
Why have you abandoned me?
Why must I walk about in sadness

because of the oppression by my enemy?

Send out your light and your truth.
May these lead me to your holy mountain
Then I will come to the altar of God,
to God, my exceeding joy.

And I will praise you with the harp,
O God, my God.
Why am I in despair?
Why is this turmoil within me?

Wait for God, For I will yet praise him as my Grand Savior and my God.
I greatly enjoyed this piece.
Your music is beautiful. There are 12 different modes, as well as the major and minor modes..One of my favorites is the Dorian mode. The Dorian mode starts on the key of D as the tonic of root of the mode. The Aeolian mode starts on A. The first, fourth and fifth are enharmonic with the tonic.. Its all very mathematical which is fascinating to me.. The vibrations of the strings, don't you know. The modes of the Japanese and the Irish are the same, very curious. That being said, I would Love to hear the mode of King David and Assaph, his orchestra conductor. We have no idea of what he sounded like....I've yet to master the art of creating a new tune, being stuck in the traditional classics, but I think, studying the guitar lately that's its a marvelous instrument to explore creativity. My husband wrote his own music and got criticized for not wanting to play cover songs with his musician friends, he was a composer of his own music. His first instrument of the Cello. I wish I had recordings. I do believe that learning the keyboard is the key to understanding chords and structure to pass on to everything else.. Most of the violinists and string people I know have a base in the key board. Just a thought..
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Music is a rare gift from Jehovah, the voice being the best instrument, and gift from Jehovah... nothing wrong with that...wolves howl, birds chirp but humans sing praises to our creator, even the angels sing...
Can you imagine what a choir of angels must sound like, singing praises to Jehovah?

Longing to hear them and join in singing those praises.
Can you imagine what a choir of angels must sound like, singing praises to Jehovah?

Longing to hear them and join in singing those praises.
Actually, the angels are trying to imagine the sound of the New Song that will be sung by the New Creation. That's what I am trying to imagine. No one has ever heard it. AI ain't even close.
Actually, the angels are trying to imagine the sound of the New Song that will be sung by the New Creation. That's what I am trying to imagine. No one has ever heard it. AI ain't even close.
I pray you'll not have to imagine much longer!
I'll settle for joining in with the rest of creation. Even that is an overwhelming thought.
My burning curoisity is the 7 thunders in Rev. 10: what did Jehovah say that couldn't be written.. what do those 7 thunders sound like??? what were they????
Seven is the heavenly perfection, completeness. It means that it is God's final word. However, it is sealed until the two witnesses, represented by John eating the little scroll, give their witness that they have seen Christ. Once their witness is given and they are killed, then John sees: "the temple sanctuary of God in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen in his temple sanctuary. And there were flashes of lightning and voices and thunders and an earthquake and a great hail." - Rev 11:12 That thunder is the voice of God, and it will exterminate every wicked soul.
I have always wanted to put the Psalms to music to make it more accessible to people, rather than just words on a page of an old book. With my limited musical ability, I have floundered around with a few Psalms, sadly. (Still plucking though) Then came AI. Mind you, heavy, ponderous rock is not my thing. Only was remotely back in the halcyon, acid days --- then came AI. I altered the verses only so slightly, but I prompted AI to rock out. Psalms 2 needed to have king David with a Fender guitar and a big Marshall amp, stomping the pedals, grinding, and priests pounding the drums.

Love it! šŸŽ¶
Some weeks ago, I reworked the lyrics of the 43rd Pslam to rhyme and I started plucking around on the guitar again to get some callouses on my fingertips. My voice is nearly shot, but I have been trying to sing again. Singing in the shower, in the car and taking walks (before it got cold), I Had a tune in my head and put down a few tracks. I been signing the 43rd Psalm for a few weeks. It was a laborious affair to try to put it together. Then there was AI. This afternoon I loaded my version of the 43rd Psalm and added some prompts. "My God." That is the name of the Psalm, My God. I can't listen to this without getting all emotional. I realized I was trying to sing to Jehovah but didn't have the technical ability. I prompted a male voice, but it didn't work. This female voice is it. Besides, there is neither male nor female in Christ. This AI thing is it. I am singing this song to my God. I think He hears me.

Judge me, O God,
Defend my legal case
against a disloyal nation.
Rescue me from the man of iniquity
and deception.

For you are my God, my fortress.
Why have you abandoned me?
Why must I walk about in sadness

because of the oppression by my enemy?

Send out your light and your truth.
May these lead me to your holy mountain
Then I will come to the altar of God,
to God, my exceeding joy.

And I will praise you with the harp,
O God, my God.
Why am I in despair?
Why is this turmoil within me?

Wait for God, For I will yet praise him as my Grand Savior and my God.
This is simply beautiful Robert! Just the way you would imagine the Psalms to be sung. šŸŽ¶šŸŽµšŸŽ¶
I see what you mean about this song getting you all emotional. I was getting choked up listening to it.
I have always wanted to put the Psalms to music to make it more accessible to people, rather than just words on a page of an old book. With my limited musical ability, I have floundered around with a few Psalms, sadly. (Still plucking though) Then came AI. Mind you, heavy, ponderous rock is not my thing. Only was remotely back in the halcyon, acid days --- then came AI. I altered the verses only so slightly, but I prompted AI to rock out. Psalms 2 needed to have king David with a Fender guitar and a big Marshall amp, stomping the pedals, grinding, and priests pounding the drums.

Wow!! Great!