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I have read and watched all material of Mr. King, it’s no secret we all/each benefit from his efforts. I am in my 50’s, never baptized, don’t think religion, including the watchtower does much to emphasize what the Bible says accurately. Especially in regards to Christ’s role. Then, now or in the future. I also don’t understand all the JW bashing online. It’s easy to be Monday morning quarterback and lash out at their stupidity, but here most are gentle and mindful of the results of their posts, thank u all for being civil. Well done


Well-known member
I also don’t understand all the JW bashing online.
I feel sorry for those people, most of them are Ex-JW's which I think most of us would not describe ourselves that way, but those people never had an ahha moment. It happened to me after my first marriage failed and I wasn't getting any help from the congregation, and a sister asked me where my wife was and I said, "we split up." and this sister said to me, "Shame on you." It was so ridicoulous what she said, as much as I could not stand the elders in that congregation, not one of them would have agreed with her. Of course she knew nothing about the circumstances, and what I had been through, but that didn't stop her from assuming it was my fault.

The thing is, most of these Ex-JW's have first hand experience that in fact the JW "love they have among themselves" literally proves that they are not following Jesus. Just ask any Elder for help, and see what happens. Their help drills down to a judicial committee 100% of the time!


Christ commanded that we love one another “as he has loved us”. Unfortunately that’s lost on society today and in religion including WT. I have no experience dealing with their elders, I only know what I’ve read, hopefully there are some that shepherd from their hearts not a script or book


Well-known member
I have read and watched all material of Mr. King, it’s no secret we all/each benefit from his efforts. I am in my 50’s, never baptized, don’t think religion, including the watchtower does much to emphasize what the Bible says accurately. Especially in regards to Christ’s role. Then, now or in the future. I also don’t understand all the JW bashing online. It’s easy to be Monday morning quarterback and lash out at their stupidity, but here most are gentle and mindful of the results of their posts, thank u all for being civil. Well done
Hello Grayson, what you say is true and cannot be argued in terms of reaching out spiritually. That much is a goal for all of us. However, it is wrong to assume that the level of abuse from the watchtower, some suffering what amounts to a life long story of intimidation, can go unremarked. To do so ignores a person‘s right to justice, of and in their feelings and in many cases, certainly in mine, the horrendous life long outcomes. In many cases, the spiritual soul of the witness has been murdered and their corpses line the route to this site where some semblance of green pasture and balance can be regained. In psychological terms, not to acknowledge such pain and outcomes in others is an abuse in itself, adding to what is already, an unbearable load upon the victim when they don’t feel listened to.

Venting such feeling is cathartic for the victim, the more so when others can understand and sympathise from their own experience, and with compassion. It is part of the healing process and is a very necessary salve to those who have suffered. It also allows other, to share their own story and thus unity and fellow feeling can be trusted. Barracking the GB is a necessary avenue to healing. It is natural to speak out about abuses for the sake of balance in our thinking. Gratuitousness of course is hardly worthy of any of us and is not to be encouraged, but it is secondary to the need to speak out if one is going to be able to reason on their past treatment and to grow from it. It is a natural healing process and let us not forget, thoroughly deserved. Jehovah Himself is dividing between the wheat and the chaff, and His judgement entails death and He indicates that disciplining is a necessary part of progression. That works, I know, because my own vitriol and bitterness with the watchtower diminishes pro-rata with my (hopefully) spiritual growth. Evidencing indicates and brings into focus, the truth. Without such evidence, then we should be asking ourselves why are any of us here?


Staff member
Welcome, Grayson.

The exJW crowd inadvertently demonstrates why God allows stumbling blocks to exist. Obviously just being raised in the truth or having Bible knowledge does not necessarily mean that a person will develop faith and godly devotion. Some of the xDubs are the nastiest, God-hating people on the planet. God is very gracious in allowing them the opportunity to express their hatred of him. But we know how it will end.


I feel you Barnaby, injustice is a terrible thing, especially when it’s done “in the name of Jehovah God” or with the notion that it would bring reproach on His name, which is one of the dummest excuses I’ve heard. In no way do I want to minimize anyone’s hurt, I simply think that being nice is more contagious than hate, which by the way, the world makes me look foolish with that notion


Well-known member
I feel you Barnaby, injustice is a terrible thing, especially when it’s done “in the name of Jehovah God” or with the notion that it would bring reproach on His name, which is one of the dummest excuses I’ve heard. In no way do I want to minimize anyone’s hurt, I simply think that being nice is more contagious than hate, which by the way, the world makes me look foolish with that notion
Yes Grayson, that’s very true. It’s difficult to cover all angles in one (or many) paragraphs. I have slated the GB more than necessary on many occasions. It’s a purgatory to clear the mind in imbibing the truth to rant at one’s antagonist. Age comes to the rescue when you come to realise that there comes a point (not yet reached by me, I have to say) when speaking your mind becomes a waste of time when your target is deaf. Welcome to the group, it’s really warming to see the numbers of thinkers growing almost daily here, especially from those unbasted by the gravy-train of watchtower!


According to all I’ve read, your GB sound like a bunch of Pharisees I read about in the gospels, do they ever acknowledge their deceit or admit they are misleading people?


Well-known member
¡¡Hola!! Bienvenido al foro!! Tras leer este hilo tengo un pensamiento que suelo tener cuando se comenta el dolor, por un lado, de muchos hermanos tras pasar por la WT, y el trato que se les da a muchos. Me gusta salir o alejarme de cualquier situación de conflicto, sea mía o de otra persona, para analizarlo sin emitir un juicio. Al final eso es lo que Jehová nos recomienda a todos. Sin juzgues. Recuerdo que cuando tuve problemas con las diferentes congregaciones en las que estuve nunca comprendio porque faltaba ese amor tan diferenciado del mundo. El mundo...así se llamaba a los no pertenecientes a la WT. Ese mundo al que tanto amo Jehová para dar a su hijo. Me meto en otro tema, perdón. El pensamiento que me viene, en eso estaba. Son esas palabras de :

Romanos 14:1-3
Reciban con gusto al que tiene debilidades en su fe, + pero no juzguen cuestiones de diferencias de opinión. * 2 Puede que un hombre tenga fe para comer de todo pero que otro que es débil solo coma vegetales. 3 Que el que come no deprecie al que no come, y que el que no come no juzgue al que come, + porque Dios lo ha recibido con gusto. 4 ¿Quién eres tú para juzgar al sirviente de otro? + Es asunto de su amo que él se mantenga en pie o que caiga. + De hecho, él se mantendrá en pie porque Jehová * puede mantenerlo en pie.
