Podcast #88

Knocking the rust off, jump-starting the moribund watchman podcasts

Love your branding/name...Jehovah's Watchman but havent you always been Jehovah's Watchman?
(And your commitment to a weekly audio and Sunday talk.)
That's a lot to take on but we certainly appreciate your effort. We never realized that London was such a player in Bible prophecy till we came upon your site.
There's a new sheriff in town.:LOL:
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Knocking the rust off, jump-starting the moribund watchman's podcast

Great to see you back at your podcast desk! Great one too, this particular podcast I mean! And thank you as always for your massive efforts to keep us all fed. Who really is the faithful and discreet slave? I think I know! 🤔 At least one.

Nice microphone!
Excellent podcast. Thank you. I especially liked the reference to Jesus and what he has been doing. I often have wondered about that, pondering what Jesus has been doing since his ascension to heaven. Was he just waiting at the right hand of Jehovah to eventually play his role in the out-workings of God's purpose? It didn't seem rational to me that he would be just passively standing by doing nothing. Now I can see more clearly how he has been involved in things here on the Earth. It also makes me more aware that the Angels must also be active in ways that we don't always appreciate. I'm sure they are not standing around in just an observational capacity. I sometimes have to remind myself that even though Satan and the Demons are actively involved in Earths affairs, at the same time I need to remember that Jesus and the Angels are also very interested in what is happening "down here" and are proactively assisting in ways that we don't always appreciate. I guess I needed my eyes opened, a bit like Elisha's attendant.

(2 Kings 6:15-17) . . .When the attendant of the man of the true God rose early and went outside, he saw that an army with horses and war chariots was surrounding the city. At once the attendant said to him: “Alas, my master! What are we to do?” 16 But he said: “Do not be afraid! For there are more who are with us than those who are with them.” 17 Then E·liʹsha began to pray and say: “O Jehovah, open his eyes, please, that he may see.” Immediately Jehovah opened the attendant’s eyes and he saw, and look! the mountainous region was full of horses and war chariots of fire all around E·liʹsha.

That's true today too. A good reminder for me about the help we can receive from the Heavenly realm.
Knocking the rust off, jump-starting the moribund watchman's podcast

I loved the podcast and I need the repetition for several reasons. Sometimes I just do not get the full depth of a teaching the first or second time. But after mulling things over, the lighbulb finally brightens. One of the interesting things I think about is the establishment of God’s Kingdom, when Christ becomes King and the Chosen Ones are sealed. Just as in the first century, I think the pattern of ones who will twist the scriptures to trick or coerce others to reject the Kingdom will happen and so it is important that we continue to keep the scriptures fresh in mind. Scriptures must harmonize and no doubt there are many that we still do not fully understand or that have not been accurately translated but that is no reason to give up reading the Bible. In fact, it is a greater reason to read it and do our best to understand it to the extent that we can right now.

I think that those who have correctly identified the apostasy in the Org will have an easier time taking a stand again the “superior authorities” when they oppose God’s Kingdom. It may in fact require that we sacrifice everything for it.

Matthew 13:45: “Again the Kingdom of the heavens is like a traveling merchant seeking fine pearls. Upon finding one pearl of high value, he went away and promptly sold all the things he had and bought it.”

Off topic but I just read this and found it interesting regarding a scripture that some may use to defend the false 1914 year as being an invisible presence is Luke 17:20-21 which reads: “On being asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God was coming, he answered them: ‘The Kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness; nor will people say, ‘See here!’ or, ‘There!’ For look! the Kingdom of God is in your midst.’”

Their own marginal reference further explains: “with striking observableness: The Greek expression used here occurs only once in the Christian Greek Scriptures and is derived from a verb meaning “to watch closely; to observe.” According to some scholars, medical writers used this expression when they described watching the symptoms of disease. The way the word is used here seems to convey the idea that the Kingdom of God is not coming in a way that is obvious to all.

That completely harmonizes with Jesus only appearing to the Chosen Ones and would be one huge reason why we should not follow after those who say he is here or there. Just as Brother King has been teaching us.
Knocking the rust off, jump-starting the moribund watchman's podcast

Thanks for your work Brother King for keeping truth fresh in our minds and hearts.
Knocking the rust off, jump-starting the moribund watchman's podcast

Look at how mens evil has no bounds..
Knocking the rust off, jump-starting the moribund watchman's podcast

Look at how mens evil has no bounds..
He visto algún vídeo más así. Es un horror!!
Thanks for your work Brother King for keeping truth fresh in our minds and hearts.
I listen to certain non-religious podcasts for a couple of reasons. One is to stay updated as to current events. How could you relate to people if you don’t have some understanding of what is really going on behind the scenes and in the neighborhoods? If we want to talk about spiritual things to others, who may not be inclined to talk about spiritual ideas and principles, we must show people the value of Jehovah’s principles in a practical and easily understood way. Jesus really set the example for that by using illustrations involving every day life like seeds and soil etc. This morning I heard something that really hit home with me and yet this principle in my mind has a broader application, which explains to me why some very smart people don’t really understand bible principles. Sometimes it’s because they can’t see the forest for the trees and they get stuck on left vs right, democrat vs republican, etc.

Anyway, here is my revised version of the principle that I heard. If you have a hole in your heart (don’t we all?) and you don’t fill it with God’s thoughts, it will be filled by something else. This is why we need to continue to read, meditate and discuss God’s word and I find the forum very useful in that regard. I see the evidence of Jehovah’s hand in Robert King’s ability to dispense such invigorating and yet comforting scriptural insight and a wonderful volume of it too. I truly appreciate it.
you don’t fill it with God’s thoughts, it will be filled by something else.
Excellent encouragement Susan: Ps 1:2,3 echoes that sentiment reading Jah's word in an undertone day and night produces a tree planted by streams of water producing fruit in it's season and everything one does will succeed.....an incredible formula for life in full.
Thanks for your work Brother King for keeping truth fresh in our minds and hearts.
Excellent encouragement Susan: Ps 1:2,3 echoes that sentiment reading Jah's word in an undertone day and night produces a tree planted by streams of water producing fruit in it's season and everything one does will succeed.....an incredible formula for life in full.
Hoy en día hasta podemos escuchar la biblia en audio libro. A mí me encanta poder escuchar mientras tejo, me ayuda mucho a reflexionar muchos pasajes. O cuando paseo con mi perro. Amo los audiolibros!! 😘
Indeed sister Ana. One of the great things about technology.
En algún momento de nuestra vida, sufrimos ataques demoníacos directos. Vivíamos con la biblia en audiolibro prácticamente las 24h. Era lo único que nos proporcionó algo de paz junto con la oración. No podíamos dormir sin el reproductor en play. Entendimos muy bien eso de la palabra de Dios está viva y ejerce poder. Que grande es Jehová!
En algún momento de nuestra vida, sufrimos ataques demoníacos directos. Vivíamos con la biblia en audiolibro prácticamente las 24h. Era lo único que nos proporcionó algo de paz junto con la oración. No podíamos dormir sin el reproductor en play. Entendimos muy bien eso de la palabra de Dios está viva y ejerce poder. Que grande es Jehová!

Nunca he tenido uno de esos ataques demoníacos directos todavía, bueno, tal vez uno de los demonios títeres humanos me ha agredido en algunas ocasiones. Si eso sucede alguna vez, voy a sacar mi arma secreta y gritar el nombre de Jehová. Eso debería enviar a esos perros demonios a escapar con sus colas entre las piernas. 🤣
Nunca he tenido uno de esos ataques demoníacos directos todavía, bueno, tal vez uno de los demonios títeres humanos me ha agredido en algunas ocasiones. Si eso sucede alguna vez, voy a sacar mi arma secreta y gritar el nombre de Jehová. Eso debería enviar a esos perros demonios a escapar con sus colas entre las piernas. 🤣
Pues espero que no los tengas nunca. Lo unico que los detuvo literalmente fue la oración en voz alta. Dominaban a un matrimonio que en el pasado habían estado poseídos por un demonio después de acudir a una curandera. Ambos eran testigos de Jehová y nos alquilaron una casa dentro de su propiedad. Al parecer ya no tenían experiencias así desde que se hicieron testigos de Jehová, pero por lo visto no estaban libres de ellos. Para mí fue muy significativo, pues fue cuando empecé a hablar en su casa, cuando los ancianos venían a presentarse a nosotros por ser nuevos en el territorio, sobre el libro de Robert y el error de 1914. En ese momento algo cambió en ellos. Fueron 2 meses de ataques muy difíciles, nos amenazaron de muerte en diferentes ocasiones antes de ver literalmente una posesión a uno de ellos. Entraron a nuestra casa y nos sacaron todas las cosas al patio. Hicieron cosas muy extrañas. Los ancianos miraron para otro lado aún enviándoles gravaciones de video y audio. 2 meses dieron para muchos encuentros en la misma propiedad. Pero, sacamos algo muy positivo de todo aquello. Mi marido, no creyente, empezó a creer. Nunca imaginé que existía el demonio, me dijo. Y nunca imaginé que sentiría que tú Dios pudiese ayudarnos a salvar la vida. El se llevó la peor parte, entraron con varas de hierro a partirle los huesos, palabras de aquel hombre, mientras descansaba dentro de nuestra casa. Hubo más testigos en aquella posesión, personas no creyentes que se llevaron un gran testimonio del nombre de Jehová. Mi marido me dijo, no se lo que significa todo esto, pero por lo que sea, ese demonio no quiere que hables mas de ese libro. Literalmente ese demonio me habló y me dijo: yo no te puedo soportar, tú me pones muy nervioso. Después de aquello mi marido me dijo, cariño: enséñame todo lo que sabes de ese libro y de tu Dios, porque estos son los malos y si no quieren que hables, es porque lo que hablas, es muy bueno. El poder de la oración es lo que nos salva, solo Jehová tiene ese poder. Se que experimentaremos de nuevo eso en un futuro próximo, así que no hay que tener miedo, Jehová te da una fuerza sobrenatural en situaciones extremas. Que bendición más grande tenemos!!💙
Vaya, Ana, esa es una cuenta escalofriante. Es increíble que los demonios no quisieran que hablaras del libro de Robert.
Hay un viejo dicho de los pilotos de bombarderos
"Sabes que estás por encima del objetivo cuando empiezas a recibir flak". ¡Y chica, tienes un flak demoníaco! Si los demonios lo odian, ¡tiene que ser la verdad!
Es maravilloso que esta experiencia haya hecho de tu marido un creyente.
Que Jehová los proteja y los bendiga a los dos.
Wow Ana, that’s a chilling account. It’s amazing that the demons didn’t want you speaking about Robert’s book.
There’s an old saying by bomber pilots
“you know you’re over the target when you start receiving flak.” And girl you got some demonic flak! If the demons hate it, it’s gotta be the truth!
It’s wonderful that this experience made a believer out of your husband.
May Jehovah protect and bless you two.

Well, I hope you never have them. The only thing that literally stopped them was the loud prayer. They dominated a couple who in the past had been possessed by a demon after going to a healer. Both were Jehovah's Witnesses and rented us a house within their property. Apparently they no longer had such experiences since they became Jehovah's Witnesses, but apparently they were not free of them. For me it was very significant, because it was when I started talking in his house, when the elderly came to introduce themselves to us for being new in the territory, about Robert's book and the mistake of 1914. At that moment something changed in them. It was 2 months of very difficult attacks, they threatened us with death on different occasions before literally seeing a possession of one of them. They entered our house and took all our things to the yard. They did very strange things. The elderly looked the other way still sending them video and audio recordings. 2 months gave for many meetings on the same property. But, we get something very positive out of all that. My husband, a non-believer, began to believe. I never imagined that the devil existed, he told me. And I never imagined that I would feel that you God could help us save lives. He took the worst part, they entered with iron rods to break his bones, words of that man, while he was resting inside our house. There were more witnesses in that possession, non-believers who took a great testimony of the name of Jehovah. My husband told me, I don't know what all this means, but for whatever it is, that demon doesn't want you to talk about that book anymore. Literally that demon spoke to me and told me: I can't stand you, you make me very nervous. After that my husband told me, honey: teach me everything you know about that book and your God, because these are the bad guys and if they don't want you to talk, it's because what you say is very good. The power of prayer is what saves us, only Jehovah has that power. I know that we will experience that again in the near future, so don't be afraid, Jehovah gives you supernatural strength in extreme situations. What a great blessing we have!!
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Vaya, Ana, esa es una cuenta escalofriante. Es increíble que los demonios no quisieran que hablaras del libro de Robert.
Hay un viejo dicho de los pilotos de bombarderos
"Sabes que estás por encima del objetivo cuando empiezas a recibir flak". ¡Y chica, tienes un flak demoníaco! Si los demonios lo odian, ¡tiene que ser la verdad!
Es maravilloso que esta experiencia haya hecho de tu marido un creyente.
Que Jehová los proteja y los bendiga a los dos.
Wow Ana, that’s a chilling account. It’s amazing that the demons didn’t want you speaking about Robert’s book.
There’s an old saying by bomber pilots
“you know you’re over the target when you start receiving flak.” And girl you got some demonic flak! If the demons hate it, it’s gotta be the truth!
It’s wonderful that this experience made a believer out of your husband.
May Jehovah protect and bless you two.
Nosotros hemos vivido viajando años de nuestra vida y por eso ha habido diferentes congregaciones. Ha sido así siempre. No siempre ha habido demonios literalmente, menos mal!, pero si situaciones muy extrañas y comportamientos de los ancianos más extraños todavía. Ya no intentamos ofrecer otra comprensión dentro del pueblo de Jehová, tenemos niños en casa y son conscientes de las cosas. También sus malos comportamientos han sido testimonio para nuestros hijos. Pero de lo que si me di cuenta es de que cuando intentas razonar bíblicamente con ellos ni siquiera abren Biblia. Para mí es algo muy significativo y hizo entender que la apostasía se lleva gestando desde hace ya tiempo en las congregaciones.
Nosotros hemos vivido viajando años de nuestra vida y por eso ha habido diferentes congregaciones. Ha sido así siempre. No siempre ha habido demonios literalmente, menos mal!, pero si situaciones muy extrañas y comportamientos de los ancianos más extraños todavía. Ya no intentamos ofrecer otra comprensión dentro del pueblo de Jehová, tenemos niños en casa y son conscientes de las cosas. También sus malos comportamientos han sido testimonio para nuestros hijos. Pero de lo que si me di cuenta es de que cuando intentas razonar bíblicamente con ellos ni siquiera abren Biblia. Para mí es algo muy significativo y hizo entender que la apostasía se lleva gestando desde hace ya tiempo en las congregaciones.
Sobre ese dicho de los pilotos fue exactamente lo que sentí en aquella experiencia, si a estos malos no les gusto, a los buenos si!! Y me sentí tan bendecida por eso!!
We have lived traveling years of our lives and that is why there have been different congregations. It's always been like this. There haven't always been demons literally, thank goodness!, but if very strange situations and behaviors of the older people still strangers. We no longer try to offer another understanding within Jehovah's people, we have children at home and they are aware of things. Also their bad behaviors have been testimony to our children. But what I did realize is that when you try to reason biblically with them they don't even open the Bible. For me it is something very significant and made it clear that apostasy has been brewing for some time in the congregations.

Es una pena cómo los miembros aceptan reglas y regulaciones sobre la verdad de las Escrituras. Esa será la causa de tantos tropiezos pronto.

It’s a shame how the membership accept rules and regulations over truth from scripture. That will be the cause of so much stumbling soon.