Preparing for the Great Tribulation

IN Isa. 41:10 Jehovah says "why are you gazing about? Isn't He saying , Relax, I got this? As far as relationships with other people, if they don't want to talk about the Kingdom, then whats the point? Worrying about the -He said, She said conversations- is the biggest waste of time ever, like Beating a dead horse,, the horse isn't getting up. So relaxing and trusting in Jehovah and not beating ourselves up over every little thing is wholesome. Praying for peace like Jesus said , I give you my peace is what we need to focus on...
This whole system is designed to be at us down, to give up..
Thats one thing about growing up in the truth, you think everyone is good around you, the KH, etc. RIGHT!!!Jehovah never promised the end will be easy..
While prepping I stocked cases of various spirits: My impatience for the end caused me to drink them all Jay; time to stock up again and the end better come quick or I'll be an alcoholic!
In my 20s I was a water purifier installer among the many other flunkie jobs I've had. I went to a job whose customer wanted a wet bar connection as well. Not a huge deal. When I looked under the wet bar to get it ready I saw all their liquor underneath the sink. I must have been staring at it and the customer asked me if anything was wrong.
I said no. It's just that I had never seen dust a liquor bottle before.
I respectfully advise everyone to look deeply within themselves for any attitudes or behaviors that may offend Jehovah, and do as Jesus instructed at Matthew 5:45 "You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Jehovah knows we can't be perfect without Him, but I believe this verse was meant as motivation to never stop trying, while also not allowing ourselves to fall into the trap of self righteousness.

I hate that I have thoughts that don't align with Jehovah's will, but I accept that my behaviors lead to these thoughts. Therefore, I'm constantly reflecting on what may cause me to stumble. Recently I decided to become less attached to my preparations and financial security, after seeing the devastation caused by Helene. I'm not hoping to be tested as they were, but I know that I must be prepared to be.

A peace has descended over me, which has made me OK with whatever Jehovah has in store for me. If I lose everything, I will let go and be at peace... how? I once fantasized about being homeless, and all the freedom that would entail. I was stressed by life & work, so this fantasy was an escape. If you lose everything, you've got nothing left to lose but your faith, and nothing can steal that from you except yourself. If you're blessed with excess, then maybe Jehovah wants you to be like Noah, Joseph, the widow at Zarephath...
All my life, since I was 11yrs old, every time I've had a little something through sheer hard work it's been immediately taken away from me, either from people I know actually stealing it or the banking system cracking which makes money and your home disappear. So now I'm 64yrs old and have absolutely nothing material wise for slogging my guts out all my life, but, I sure know how to survive on a shoe string or even on nothing at all! And all my kids have learned that too which pleases me muchly 😍
When I first was awakened to the NWO agenda about 5 years ago I became a prepper. Everyone in my circle of friends made fun of me. I laughed at their jokes but I always answered back with a smile and say… “laugh at me now but one day you won’t”. I became consumed with prepping. Then when I found Robert my fears of the NWO was confirmed…. The 8th King is coming nothing will stop it. Then my prepping intensified. Also my circle of family and friends really thought I was nuts cause not only was I prepping but I was preaching biblical end times. I was on a mission to save everyone around me. This is where I totally relate to Carl. In the last few months I have lost the anxiety I felt as far as being prepared to what is coming. I don’t think about prepping …all that I think about is being close to Jehovah because like no other time in my life until now have I felt such a strong connection to Our wonderful creator. I have never known that feeling before. I am truly at peace. What ever comes ..there is no better comfort than knowing the truth and having FAITH in Jehovah that no man can take away.
In the meantime all my circle of friends are reaching out because they are now awakening and asking where to get this and that for they are now prepping. After I answer their questions I always say “It took me awhile to get to where I am but I have stopped prepping because no matter how physically I maybe prepared for what’s coming it’s my FAITH in Jehovah that will be worth anything and my FAITH in s what will sustain me thru the darkest hours ahead”. I would never have come to this PEACE without this forum and without all of you here. No where can I share my deepest feelings and know I am among the the same minded people. I have such high affection for all of you ❤️. I never felt this scripture till now Philippians 4:4-7
Always rejoice in the Lord. Again I will say, Rejoice! Let your reasonablenessf become known to all men. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.
I loved reading that Melinda, I can relate so much to it. I've got a few preps (due to my kids not prepping so I had to get extra 🙄) but finding this forum has lessened my anxiety too. I wish more brothers and sisters could find it..
It's fairly easy to store up enough food with 42 weeks shelf life.

Food with Long Shelf Life​

Based on the provided search results, here are some types of food that can be stored for a long time:

Grains: Rice, wheat, and other grains can be stored for years as long as they are kept dry and sealed tightly.

Nuts: Most types of nuts can last for about a year, and even longer if frozen. They are an excellent source of protein and healthy fats.

Canned Meats and Seafood: Canned meats and seafood can last for 2-5 years in many cases, providing a reliable source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

Freeze-Dried Fruits and Vegetables: Freeze-dried fruits and veggies can retain a lot of their nutritional value and last up to 30 years when stored properly. They can be rehydrated and used in soups, stews, or as a quick snack.

Freeze-Dried Meats: Freeze-dried meats can last up to 25 years without losing nutritional value. They rehydrate quickly and can be used in cooking and emergency meals.

Butter: A special type of butter, processed to remove milk solids, can last indefinitely when stored properly.

Water: Unopened, commercially bottled water will keep indefinitely, although the taste may be impacted by storage conditions.

Other: Some foods, like canned goods with minimal moisture and no temperature sensitivity, can also be stored for extended periods. These include items like canned fruits, vegetables, and meats.

"Keep in mind that proper storage conditions, such as a cool, dry place, and minimal exposure to oxygen, light, and moisture, are crucial for maintaining the shelf life of these foods."

Revelation 13:5
"And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months".
One of my biggest worries is not being able to flush the toilet so I've also got a couple of buckets, bags of straw and plenty of wet wipes, doggy poo bags (nappy sacks will do too!) and strong plastic bags. Also, plenty of larger wet wipes and bottles of water because the shower won't be working either 😲😬
Yep. Every move we make can be wiped out easily enough. A year ago I was a rifle shot away from a tornado. I suspect we will see more tornados soon. Trying to prepare for 3 1/2 years is ridiculous. That's just enough time for some of it to go bad, even with rotation. I gave it a best effort so I could say I tried. Yet another reason why I've been trying to dig up information on foraging in my area. Plenty of acorns, pecans and mushrooms. I just don't know which mushrooms are poisonous. Pictures don't always help.
I had a chuckle this morning from one of the video makers I watch on Youtube. He is a good man and he's been helping with donations to the people in east Tennessee. This AM he once again told people to hurry and buy gold and silver.
If I didn't anticipate the tribulation then yes, that might make sense. When the whole world is suffering a food shortage and I have food, I don't need your gold. Food is gold.
Exactly Bill! All these YouTube preppers who constantly advise buying gold and silver drive me mad! As you said, food is going to be the new gold! And alcohol, chocolate, women's products etc all will be great for bartering 😀
I loved reading that Melinda, I can relate so much to it. I've got a few preps (due to my kids not prepping so I had to get extra 🙄) but finding this forum has lessened my anxiety too. I wish more brothers and sisters could find it..
By the way Melinda, were you named after that oh so beautiful song by Uriah Heep called "Come Away Melinda"? Try finding it on YouTube, I first heard it when I was 16 and it made me cry, and makes me cry to this day. My name is Linda but wanted to change it to Melinda after hearing that song, lovely name ❤️
By the way Melinda, were you named after that oh so beautiful song by Uriah Heep called "Come Away Melinda"? Try finding it on YouTube, I first heard it when I was 16 and it made me cry, and makes me cry to this day. My name is Linda but wanted to change it to Melinda after hearing that song, lovely name ❤️
No I have never heard of that song. My mother’s name was Linda and she wanted me to have part of her name in my name. I have only met a handful of people with my name its not real common. I’ll google and see if I can find that song. Thank you!
All my life, since I was 11yrs old, every time I've had a little something through sheer hard work it's been immediately taken away from me, either from people I know actually stealing it or the banking system cracking which makes money and your home disappear. So now I'm 64yrs old and have absolutely nothing material wise for slogging my guts out all my life, but, I sure know how to survive on a shoe string or even on nothing at all! And all my kids have learned that too which pleases me muchly 😍
When paradise comes, some may find that they miss certain things about what was left behind. Just like the Israelites and Lot's wife. When you get there it will probably seem like paradise.
When paradise comes, some may find that they miss certain things about what was left behind. Just like the Israelites and Lot's wife. When you get there it will probably seem like paradise.
I just want to be free from all this slavery to money 🙄 does my head in trying to work out why we have to PAY to live!! Jehovah created everything, gave it to humans for free, humans stole it from him and sold it on 🥹
I just want to be free from all this slavery to money 🙄 does my head in trying to work out why we have to PAY to live!! Jehovah created everything, gave it to humans for free, humans stole it from him and sold it on 🥹
I tell communists that I’m also a communist… but only if Jesus is the king. That causes them great confusion. I explain that the only way communism can work is if there’s a perfect king, and no human being will ever be perfect without Jehovah and Jesus. This further confuses them, because they wonder why Jesus is the king and not Jehovah. Then I have the opportunity to explain how the Kingdom works.
I tell communists that I’m also a communist… but only if Jesus is the king. That causes them great confusion. I explain that the only way communism can work is if there’s a perfect king, and no human being will ever be perfect without Jehovah and Jesus. This further confuses them, because they wonder why Jesus is the king and not Jehovah. Then I have the opportunity to explain how the Kingdom works.
You know a lot of communists?? 😵‍💫 I only ever met one, and she was very old and died soon after I met her!
I just want to be free from all this slavery to money 🙄 does my head in trying to work out why we have to PAY to live!! Jehovah created everything, gave it to humans for free, humans stole it from him and sold it on 🥹
It was Satan who stole it from Jehovah and not man. And he is given a free hand for a certain period of time to show how he would reign over it.

Man, on the other hand, did respond to Satan and could not resist him, because of his lying and cheating games. But hey, if Eve, as a woman, could not resist the spirit Satan, as Paul says in 1 Timothy 2:14: 'Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived and became a transgressor' and Adam shifted all responsibility for that to Jehovah, Genesis 3:12 –‘ The man said: “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit from the tree, so I ate.” So what chance did imperfect man have? All responsibility for the fall of man is still shifted by men to the woman, who is being used, but above all more and more abused to this day.

But you have to ask yourself who is allowing themselves to be harnessed to Satan's cart and starts the wars. Is it the women, or is it the men who cannot step outside their ego and give way to Satan’ wish and to this day are brushing aside all responsibility. Like Mark Rutte, who during his four terms in office has done nothing but lie and cheat as if it were printed and when confronted with it suddenly suffers from 'amnesia'. Indeed he is the perfect man to bring the rest of Satan's plan to completion.

So think about it, why are we suffering and take, above all, heart in Jehovah’s loving care that it will be ended and we will be free and living in HIS loving care for as long as we wish….Search for that love in His creation, and then feel that love, and your problems won’t feel that heavy anymore.
It was Satan who stole it from Jehovah and not man. And he is given a free hand for a certain period of time to show how he would reign over it.

Man, on the other hand, did respond to Satan and could not resist him, because of his lying and cheating games. But hey, if Eve, as a woman, could not resist the spirit Satan, as Paul says in 1 Timothy 2:14: 'Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived and became a transgressor' and Adam shifted all responsibility for that to Jehovah, Genesis 3:12 –‘ The man said: “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit from the tree, so I ate.” So what chance did imperfect man have? All responsibility for the fall of man is still shifted by men to the woman, who is being used, but above all more and more abused to this day.

But you have to ask yourself who is allowing themselves to be harnessed to Satan's cart and starts the wars. Is it the women, or is it the men who cannot step outside their ego and give way to Satan’ wish and to this day are brushing aside all responsibility. Like Mark Rutte, who during his four terms in office has done nothing but lie and cheat as if it were printed and when confronted with it suddenly suffers from 'amnesia'. Indeed he is the perfect man to bring the rest of Satan's plan to completion.

So think about it, why are we suffering and take, above all, heart in Jehovah’s loving care that it will be ended and we will be free and living in HIS loving care for as long as we wish….Search for that love in His creation, and then feel that love, and your problems won’t feel that heavy anymore.
So true Edith, and I don't know who Mark Rutte is but I know a few who sound exactly like him! The amnesia bit is incredible isn't it? 🙄 Anyway, man has stolen Jehovah's creation too and either passed them down to their family or sold them on to other humans, just a little bit of research proves that. The UK is full of "lords and ladies" "owning" huge swathes of land, the church of England too 🙄
I tell communists that I’m also a communist… but only if Jesus is the king. That causes them great confusion. I explain that the only way communism can work is if there’s a perfect king, and no human being will ever be perfect without Jehovah and Jesus. This further confuses them, because they wonder why Jesus is the king and not Jehovah. Then I have the opportunity to explain how the Kingdom works.
Good reasoning, I guess it also helps if the people are honest workers too.