Satan has a lie for everyone

There is one “gotcha“ question that I have never had a reply to, though I live in hope. I occasionally troll flat earth sites, and relate the story of my birth and childhood spent on a land right next to the edge of the earth, where the dome meets the land mass. I describe how my brother and I used to climb down the edge of the earth and look underneath it, where we could see such things as the other side of the Mariana Trench, and of the adventures we had seeing how long we could hold our breath outside of the dome. I even supplied a map reference of our island, but no one ever replied. It seems not one flat earther has been to the edge of the world. Try it though Carl, you might get a reply.
That is hilarious. Yes, one would think if the earth were flat at least one person believing in a flat earth would have a facebook pic up of themselves holding a sign "I made it to the edge and back". Certainly there would be tourist locations surrounding the edge where you could buy your souvenirs and get post cards to send to loved ones. Oh look, theres a pic of Barnaby next to a sign that says 'dont fall off, the next step is a doozy'. Of course i'm joking in all this, but in all honesty your post Barnaby is the simplest debunk of flat earth at the same time oh so powerful.