The Chosen TV Series

Just watched the 4th episode. Spoiler warning. It was great. I think I understand now why they put the part of the girl dying. Jesus couldn't save everyone. We all have to experience grief. That's the way of this world. We all have times when Jah doesn't intervene on our behalf. Losing someone is awful, but there is hope at the end of the road. I loved this episode.
I agree, this was a great episode!♥️🙏

Well it couldn't be worse than S4 E3!
I have really enjoyed Giaus' redemption arch.
I love how they wrote him with such great faith that he didn't even bother going straight home when he knew his son was healed. He went shopping.
Yeah, yeah
Jehovah can use whoever likes to spread a message.
John 11: 49-53
"49But one of them, Caʹia·phas, who was high priest that year, said to them: “You do not know anything at all,50and you have not reasoned that it is to your benefit for one man to die in behalf of the people rather than for the whole nation to be destroyed.”51He did not say this, however, of his own originality, but because he was high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was to die for the nation,52and not only for the nation but also to gather together into one the children of God who were scattered about.53So from that day on they conspired to kill him."

Do you think the bethelites in the Watchtower's bible movies are squeaky clean? The bethel and brach offices are cess pits of homosexuality and drunkenness.

At least the makers of the Chosen are up front about not requiring their cast and crew to be Christians, if they are the best person for the job.

From season 1, episode 1:
“The Chosen is based on the true stories of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some locations and timelines have been combined or condensed. Backstories and some characters or dialogue have been added.
However, all biblical and historical context and any artistic imagination are designed to support the truth and intention of the scriptures. Viewers are encouraged to read the gospels.”

I suspect that some critics of the Chosen are quite happy to watch Game of Thrones or Bridgeton.
Thank you for your reply.
"Do you think the bethelites in the Watchtower's bible movies are squeaky clean? "
I really have no idea you'd have to have some kind of evidence that I don't have.
Each producer has their own responsibility and accountability for producing something from Gods word.

For instance this producer believes Jesus is God, and yet the bible says no one can see God and live.
Thank you for your reply.
"Do you think the bethelites in the Watchtower's bible movies are squeaky clean? "
I really have no idea you'd have to have some kind of evidence that I don't have.
Each producer has their own responsibility and accountability for producing something from Gods word.

For instance this producer believes Jesus is God, and yet the bible says no one can see God and live.
The whole world laborers under some delusion. To one extent or another we all suffer from misconceptions that will one day be cleared up. The Chosen is far from perfect, and they could certainly ruin it later. I'm waiting to see how they handle the resurrection.

But for the most part I've enjoyed it. I love the art of filmmaking, and I think they did a really good job with this show. The people upset are usually looking at the show like it's a replacement for the Bible, or that all the dialogs needs to be exactly like what was reported in scripture. But we already have movies that are like that. There are several films about Jesus that are exactly mirrored from scripture, point by point, scripture by scripture.

This is mostly a fictional show based on the Bible. I don't see an issue with that. If I made a video game about biblical times I would almost necessarily have to make up a lot of stuff to make it work. It also need a lot of help. Probably hundreds if not thousands of people. Typically all people with different beliefs and backgrounds. That's just the nature of large scale projects. For what it is, I think the chosen is a great show. It certainly a lot better than the Noah movie I watched a while back.
The whole world laborers under some delusion. To one extent or another we all suffer from misconceptions that will one day be cleared up. The Chosen is far from perfect, and they could certainly ruin it later. I'm waiting to see how they handle the resurrection.

But for the most part I've enjoyed it. I love the art of filmmaking, and I think they did a really good job with this show. The people upset are usually looking at the show like it's a replacement for the Bible, or that all the dialogs needs to be exactly like what was reported in scripture. But we already have movies that are like that. There are several films about Jesus that are exactly mirrored from scripture, point by point, scripture by scripture.

This is mostly a fictional show based on the Bible. I don't see an issue with that. If I made a video game about biblical times I would almost necessarily have to make up a lot of stuff to make it work. It also need a lot of help. Probably hundreds if not thousands of people. Typically all people with different beliefs and backgrounds. That's just the nature of large scale projects. For what it is, I think the chosen is a great show. It certainly a lot better than the Noah movie I watched a while back.
Oh yea its not ,the best movies I have seen are a direct reading of the bible with the actors acting the scenes, no extra dialogue, as you mentioned. was done very well. All 4 gospels.
But even the WT has done the same , with added dialogue and made up scenes.
I thought this one was done really well, A.D. The bible continues
Oh yea its not ,the best movies I have seen are a direct reading of the bible with the actors acting the scenes, no extra dialogue, as you mentioned. was done very well. All 4 gospels.
But even the WT has done the same , with added dialogue and made up scenes.
I thought this one was done really well, A.D. The bible continues
That's fine. Everybody entitled to their opinion. You probably wouldn't like my game idea. I had it set it Bible times during the days of Jesus where you get to explore the ancient world as a new disciple. That's the great thing about storytelling. You can tell any story you want. Some people might like it. Others won't. There's a good Jesus movie on YouTube I believe. It's an exact point by point retelling. Unfortunately you might not like it, since it's in English and English didn't exist during biblical times.

The whole world laborers under some delusion. To one extent or another we all suffer from misconceptions that will one day be cleared up. The Chosen is far from perfect, and they could certainly ruin it later. I'm waiting to see how they handle the resurrection.

But for the most part I've enjoyed it. I love the art of filmmaking, and I think they did a really good job with this show. The people upset are usually looking at the show like it's a replacement for the Bible, or that all the dialogs needs to be exactly like what was reported in scripture. But we already have movies that are like that. There are several films about Jesus that are exactly mirrored from scripture, point by point, scripture by scripture.

This is mostly a fictional show based on the Bible. I don't see an issue with that. If I made a video game about biblical times I would almost necessarily have to make up a lot of stuff to make it work. It also need a lot of help. Probably hndreds if not thousands of people. Typically all people with different beliefs and backgrounds. That's just the nature of large scale projects. For what it is, I think the chosen is a great show. It certainly a lot better than the Noah movie I watched a while bac

That's fine. Everybody entitled to their opinion. You probably wouldn't like my game idea. I had it set it Bible times during the days of Jesus where you get to explore the ancient world as a new disciple. That's the great thing about storytelling. You can tell any story you want. Some people might like it. Others won't. There's a good Jesus movie on YouTube I believe. It's an exact point by point retelling. Unfortunately you might not like it, since it's in English and English didn't exist during biblical times.

On the contrary I like the game idea.
The show A.D. the bible continues, is similar to the Chosen format.
I haven't seen the other one you posted.
On the contrary I like the game idea.
The show A.D. the bible continues, is similar to the Chosen format.
I haven't seen the other one you posted.
I haven't seen that one. One of the reasons I don't care much about the dialogue being exact is because the wording in the original languages used in the bible were not exact either. There are hundreds of thousands of textual variation in the Greek manuscripts that we have. You'll hear atheists talking about it all the time, which really shows how clueless they are concerning these variations. I was taken in by it too at first. I will link to a video below that debunks this in detail, also produced by Trinitarians. If you watch it, it will be clear of their stance towards the end when he disregards the council of Nicaea because of John 1:1 :ROFLMAO: Nevertheless, the clip as a whole still has value in my eyes, despite the trinity cringe thrown in.

Inevitably, someone will always bring up the game of telephone. One person tells a secret to another, and by the time it goes around it's completely different. It's all meant to discredit the bible. But the funny thing is that 99% of those variations are spellings, which don't affect anything. It's more likely that people merely heard there were variations in the text and just ran with it without actually researching it. If you look into it you'll see most of the variations are in word order or spelling variations.

For example, how many ways are there to say "John loves Mary"? There are hundreds of ways. Over a thousand if you include different words for love. John spelled the same word several different ways spanning just a handful of verses. Almost none of the variations make any difference to the meaning behind the text. Even Biblical critics like Bart Ehrman admit that none of the textual variations affect the narrative. This is despite variations of word ordering, spelling, etc. And the tiny percent that does slightly change things ends up being mundane like, if you happen to be conducting an exorcism should you pray AND fast or just pray?

So that's why specific dialogue or word usage isn't as important to me because to me the meaning is more important than the words or sounds used. Now onto my game, I do hope to make that game a reality someday.
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On the contrary I like the game idea.
The show A.D. the bible continues, is similar to the Chosen format.
I haven't seen the other one you posted.
Oh and I definitely recommend that movie. It was a great.
While I enjoy the show just for its entertainment value, this season they seem to be more brazen in the trinitarian/immortal soul messaging, along with a lot of filler that is not in the Bible.
Thank you for your reply.
"Do you think the bethelites in the Watchtower's bible movies are squeaky clean? "
I really have no idea you'd have to have some kind of evidence that I don't have.
Each producer has their own responsibility and accountability for producing something from Gods word.

For instance this producer believes Jesus is God, and yet the bible says no one can see God and live.
True the creators are unfortunately duel nature that said the Trinitarianism was non-overt to a degree that they received a lot of backlash from Christendom viewers thinking they were closeted unitarians or something that's why the season 2 premiere asserts mainstream Christendom theology a little. Only saw the first three episodes of S4 so can't comment on it yet.

There are plenty of pressures compromising the chosen but essentially to lowest common christian denominator mass appeal maximize views etc not a singular specific denomination. It really irritates me that it seems like the watchtower is going to take a decade to crank out the equivalent of 2 seasons of the chosen when they sold the Brooklyn hq for a billion dollars and invested half of it in their ramapo facility to make videos. When all 7 seasons of the chosen are released there combined budget will probably be substantially less than the ramapo investment.
While I enjoy the show just for its entertainment value, this season they seem to be more brazen in the trinitarian/immortal soul messaging, along with a lot of filler that is not in the Bible.
I do like the concept of fictional narratives based in biblical times. But yeah, I have noticed a couple soul and trinity references. Nevertheless, I always only saw it as entertainment. It's clean. There isn't a bunch of sex scenes in it. There's no politics. It has drama and humor. I always imagined Jesus would have a sense of humor, so I can relate to the way they portrayed him. They haven't ruined it yet for me. That's going to depend on how they handle his resurrection. If they do that right, I'll let all the little stuff slide.
I don't know, would Jesus have celebrated the Maccabees? There's a lot of weird stuff in this season.
Also, I'll bet that they will interpret the "raising of the holy ones" at Jesus' resurrection as Daniel, Elijah, whoever getting resurrected.
Also, I'll bet that they will interpret the "raising of the holy ones" at Jesus' resurrection as Daniel, Elijah, whoever getting resurrected.
Yeah, I'm not expecting much. If our own faith can't get prophecy right The Chosen doesn't stand a chance.

I don't know, would Jesus have celebrated the Maccabees? There's a lot of weird stuff in this season.

Have you seen Everything Everywhere All At Once? Yeah, I have a high tolerance for weird.

Watching episode 7. While I loved the resurrection of Lazarus, there was a couple things that bothered me. The whole sub plot with Thomas and his old lady is a bit much. I understand why they included that. Jesus couldn't save everyone. I get it. Nevertheless, it's a little much. Also, the ladies asking Lazarus if he saw so-and-so while he was dead was a bit ridiculous. The Jews didn't believe that kind of stuff. There would be no reason for them to ask that. People surviving the death of the body is a relatively recent belief held by modern Christians, not ancient Jews. That's like Luke Skywalker asking Obi-Wan on Tatooine if his father won any sweet prizes pod racing before he knew anything about his father. LOL. Again, I did like the episode. But the modern Christian veneer is definitely starting to show. It may be the case that the best seasons were 1 - 3. They haven't completely ruined it for me yet, but I am growing increasingly concerned for the future of the show.
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