Yeah, yeah
Jehovah can use whoever likes to spread a message.
John 11: 49-53
"49But one of them, Caʹia·phas, who was high priest that year, said to them: “You do not know anything at all,50and you have not reasoned that it is to your benefit for one man to die in behalf of the people rather than for the whole nation to be destroyed.”51He did not say this, however, of his own originality, but because he was high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was to die for the nation,52and not only for the nation but also to gather together into one the children of God who were scattered about.53So from that day on they conspired to kill him."
Do you think the bethelites in the Watchtower's bible movies are squeaky clean? The bethel and brach offices are cess pits of homosexuality and drunkenness.
At least the makers of the Chosen are up front about not requiring their cast and crew to be Christians, if they are the best person for the job.
From season 1, episode 1:
“The Chosen is based on the true stories of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some locations and timelines have been combined or condensed. Backstories and some characters or dialogue have been added.
However, all biblical and historical context and any artistic imagination are designed to support the truth and intention of the scriptures. Viewers are encouraged to read the gospels.”
I suspect that some critics of the Chosen are quite happy to watch Game of Thrones or Bridgeton.