The Four Living Creatures.


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Aug 23, 2024
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Just something that ocured to me that was absolutely mind blowing. According to the book of Eziekiel,
The Cherubim are described as having 4 heads. (Man, Ox, Eagle, Lion)

What I found mind blowing is the fact that their appearance resemble the earthly creatures that we see today. These Celestial beings we're in exiestance eons long before the creation of the earth , and yet their appearances was a hint of what Jehovah had in mind for the earth and various life that would live upon it. Just think about that for a moment and let that sink in. Call me simple, but to me this is absolutely wild! I wonder if they knew that Jehovah had intended on creating within the earth something that kinda looks like them but on a single headed bases. Lol. Im sure they were a bit humored and definitely intrigued.
I was going to start this by saying, "You do understand"...but clearly you do not. The angels do not resemble ANYTHING in our physical realm. The angels and Jehovah exist in a plane of existence that we cannot comprehend. Therefore the Bible describes things in a manner so that we can have some grasp of the spirit realm by describing things that we know, understand and are familiar with. The angels do not have nor do they need a "physical" body of any kind. I suspect the most likely form they exist in would resemble something like the sun or other stars. But that's pure speculation on my part.

It should be noted as well, Ezekiel was written of course after the physical realm was created.
I was going to start this by saying, "You do understand"...but clearly you do not. The angels do not resemble ANYTHING in our physical realm. The angels and Jehovah exist in a plane of existence that we cannot comprehend. Therefore the Bible describes things in a manner so that we can have some grasp of the spirit realm by describing things that we know, understand and are familiar with. The angels do not have nor do they need a "physical" body of any kind. I suspect the most likely form they exist in would resemble something like the sun or other stars. But that's pure speculation on my part.

It should be noted as well, Ezekiel was written of course after the physical realm was created.
So describing beings with 4heads connected together and 4 wings... being full of eyes all around and underneith. Yeah.... I guess that made that a lot easier to grasp:cautious:
Angels don't really have wings. I doubt if they have human features at all. Jesus doesn't ride a white horse and shoot arrows with his bow. God doesn't sit on a throne of fire or have white hair. As Nomex said, those are just earthly things we are familiar with to give us an idea of what would otherwise be incomprehensible.
Angels don't really have wings. I doubt if they have human features at all. Jesus doesn't ride a white horse and shoot arrows with his bow. God doesn't sit on a throne of fire or have white hair. As Nomex said, those are just earthly things we are familiar with to give us an idea of what would otherwise be incomprehensible.
If youre telling me that Heaven really doesnt have spirit ponies, you're crossing the line, Bud............
I doubt if they have human features at all.
When you think about human features, they serve a purpose regarding our physical form, nose to breathe, a mouth to eat, and breathe, eyes to see, ears to hear. Take our ears for example. Our ears rely on the atmosphere, air for example, to be able to hear. In fact you need air to talk. There is no "air" in "heaven".
I guess that made that a lot easier to grasp
A lot easier for someone to grasp in the time Ezekiel was written. In fact your post itself is testament that you seem to think it made it easier for you to grasp.
Español también: El número 4 en la Biblia suele significar lo completo. Cuatro querubines, cuatro caras, muchas cuatros en este capítulo de Ezequiel. Si las cuatro caras representan atributos de Jehová, podemos entender que representan al completo las características de Jehová. Eso lo aprendíamos de niños en la WT. Es como el 2+2=4.
Español también: El número 4 en la Biblia suele significar lo completo. Cuatro querubines, cuatro caras, muchas cuatros en este capítulo de Ezequiel. Si las cuatro caras representan atributos de Jehová, podemos entender que representan al completo las características de Jehová. Eso lo aprendíamos de niños en la WT. Es como el 2+2=4.
Spanish also: The number 4 in the Bible usually means completeness. Four cherubim, four faces, many fours in this chapter of Ezekiel. If the four faces represent Jehovah's attributes, we can understand them to fully represent Jehovah's characteristics. We learned that as children in the WT. It's like 2+2=4.
I sometimes wonder if I’m on the right planet. Given the amount of alcohol consumed by the gb I could believe that they see a lot of “spirit” creatures and multiple heads, but for someone to seriously question it …..