Absolutely that was the most rediculous and embarrassing "new light" presented in my 50+ years as a PIMI. In my opinion worse than the 1976 fiasco. The poor young and smart Elder that gave the part was in obvious discomfort on the platform. It was such a cringe atmosphere for the older friends at the meeting, you could cut it with a knife. With one full swoop, they "beat the older sheep unmercifully", with that nonsensical dribble, who thought the end was surely upon us. That same young Elder had to go to all the Ministerial servants and tell them not to bad-mouth the death-jabs. Interstingly he said "even if it means they give you cancer in 5 or 10 years! He must have done some of his own research and came to that conclusion on his own.
I was absolutely floored when he said that because I had already done extensive research and realized something was amiss. I blasted him immediately though he was just doing his job. He didn't turn me in for speaking my mind. I respect him for that.
But they used that faithful, intelligent brother all up in order to present all of that hard hitting "new light" until it stumbled him.
He stepped down shortly after that as did I, from my MS position about the same time.
The plaster of the Watchtower is absolutely crumbling, and very fast!
"Some of us PIME's;
(Physically In Mentally Enlightened), are inclined to stick around to help the beaten and scattered sheep among the wolve's, when it all implodes!" I will remain as one of those.
Whatever it takes, I believe Christian moles who understand what is going on may be helpful at the time of collapse.
There are enough ex-JW's on social media airing their grievances and pain, which I fully understand. It is painful watching "The Man Of Lawlessness" in the Congregation. Those men will be judged accordingly by "The Master" in due time.
I personally refuse to judge any man, including all of my ex-friends out there.
The sheep are precious to me, and I feel I am being guided to be there for them when that time comes. It is a slippery road to follow and must be done with extreme caution. I stay extemely close to Jehovah in heartfelt prayer to get me through this as I tap dance around any and all idolatry
towards the GB.
Remember David:
(1 Samuel 21:13)
"So he disguised his sanity under their eyes...
(Matt. 10:16)
“Look! I am sending YOU forth as sheep amidst wolves; therefore prove yourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves.
1984 Edition NWT
Brother Obvious;
(Physically In Mentally Enlightened)