Hi Joe: You said: āThe Circuit Overseer has told the elders to try and entrap me.ā
How did you come to possess this information?
There were a few steps involved. February 2021 I wrote an 8 page letter to the GB about the entire "pandemic" and "vaccine" situation. No reply.
When the "misinformation/conspiracy theory" article was posted on jw.org I then wrote the GB about that. The service department sent a weak reply that did not address the scriptural points I made, and said to see the elders if I had any more need for help. (I think they replied because I told them I was an elder of 28 years, and my wife a pioneer of 25 years, and I stated we were distressed by the article.)
In June 2021 when they first openly advocated the "vaccines" in the June monthly announcements, I submitted my resignation as an elder due to an "untenable" conscience situation where I could not as an elder recommend the injections to the friends, being aware of the VAERS data, which I referenced.
They had 2 brothers meet with me, to see "where do we go from here?" I just stuck to the above. (They were fishing for my view of the GB.) I just stuck to my point in my resignation letter. I pointed out to the two brothers that they could not very well scripturally tell me to violate my Bible trained conscience.
Over the next weeks I was still used to read the Watchtower, and pray at the meetings. I had a reading for the CBS coming up the week before the CO visit for the first week of August. An hour before the meeting the COBE texted me saying tersely, "so and so is reading tonight." No explanation. So I called him. In the conversation it slipped the CO said to not let me read. It also slipped out that the CO had my earlier letter to the GB about "misinformation." Further conversation with another elder revealed that some elders had objected to my being allowed to read, actually voicing concerns over "apostasy." So the elders called the CO, and he said to pull me from the reading. (Even though he would visit us the next week. They could not wait. So, clearly the CO had me in his cross-hairs. Not even waiting to speak with me personally.)
So, I was ticked off, as I had been faithfully doing every assignment as to Jehovah, for almost 40 years. I had even prepared well for the simple reading. So I texted the COBE personally that I did not appreciate the way I was not even spoken with. Forty years of assignments, and this is how it ends? I told him that I would accept no personal meeting or "shepherding" with the elders or the CO. I was done. I emailed the CO the same, citing my dismay at how this was handled. I told the CO that my letters were very clear, and there was nothing else to discuss.
So, during the week of the CO visit, two elders called me on a three-way call. I did not pick up. The brother left a voicemail saying 'it was not a shepherding call, but that the two brothers had some questions for me.' Now, this call was the day after their CO meeting with the elders. And the two brothers that had been selected to call me were the two brothers most after my head. Headhunters. Not the ones that would be assigned to try and "gain your brother." So, it was clear to me the CO assigned them, and gave them the "questions" to ask me.
Knowing well the protocols and "theocratic" rules for elders, the need for two elders to VERBALLY contact me with "questions" means that they want to nail down if I view the GB as the "channel" etc. Based on my answers, then they can right there, with two witnesses, "invite" me to a judicial hearing on grounds of "causing divisions and sects" etc. All they need is a verbal confession that one does not believe the GB is speaking for Jehovah. It does not matter if one is talking to anyone else, or actively trying to sway others. This was established back in 1981 after the 1980 purge at Bethel. It was in a 1981 branch letter. It is policy.
Since August, they have periodically tried to meet with me and my wife "about your stand." I ignore them. The CO visit is again in two weeks. I would be surprised if he does not renew his attempts to pin me down, or "entrap me." (My words. But clearly the CO's intention in directing the elders to speak with me.) In addition, whenever the branch forwards a letter to the CO like it did my letter, it comes with direction from the branch on approaching the letter-writer to 'determine his attitude.' I'm very familiar with the process, having been involved first-hand multiple times.
(So, "entrap him" is not the CO's exact words, but that is what it boils down to. They want me out.)