The purpose of the preaching work

I believe they all don't need to die to be sealed.
I agree.

The seal of God in the forehead is a symbol (Rev. 14:1, 22:4, Ezek. 3:8-9) of His ties and promises to us evidenced the spirit given to His people as His pledge (Eph. 1:13, 2 Cor. 1:21-22)

The saints were to be sealed with the seal of God, which would show that they belonged to Christ. The four angels are told not to harm the sea or the trees with the four winds, until the saints were sealed in their forehead. The sealing does not mean that the saints have completed their walk here on earth, but it means that they have an intellectual understanding of God’s Plan, and that they are working to implement that plan. This is a good mark, which shows that they are in harmony with God’s Plan.
The mark of the beast is opposite to this mark, in that the mark of the beast shows that they are in sympathy with Satan’s plans.
So at the 2024 annual meeting, Witnesses were told by their Governing Body that they don't have all the answers, particularly regarding judgment. And have admitted that the scriptures give out hope to those outside the Watchtower walls. That those who died during the flood, (Sodom, Gomorrah and others destroyed) will be resurrected.

For 100 years the purpose of the preaching work was to save as many as possible, to bring them into the spiritual ark before the clouds of Armageddon swept them away.

So let me ask ... why are they preaching? Most importantly, what's the purpose of the preaching work?

The main message is still the same. To preach the good news of the kingdom. The W/T going off the rails don't change anything.
For 100 years the purpose of the preaching work was to save as many as possible, to bring them into the spiritual ark before the clouds of Armageddon swept them away.

So let me ask ... why are they preaching? Most importantly, what's the purpose of the preaching work?
Your questions left me thinking a little deeper about the objectives of the preaching work vs how, over time, it's been structured and formalized into a less joyful christian duty.

I believe RK highlights how JW's did well in globally sharing bible teachings of which has surpassed 200 countries. The noble and initial intent was to spread bible teachings to as many as possible, and yes, before Armaggedon (Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:19,20). I believe there is no argument in that this is something Jesus commanded his followers to do. The parts that has been negatively impacted from all the changes in the JW org are what I'd like to highlight.

The preaching work is significantly and consistently pushed on JWs at meetings. So much so, that it becomes burdensome and draining to hear. When you excessively hear that you must or need to be preaching and examples of other's who do way more than you do are constantly presented, it is stressful and emotionally draining. You're never doing enough, never sacrificing enough, or there is always another area you could make yourself available to do. The pandemic presented approved alternative non-physical ways of fulfilling this work; add-in the no time requirement for publishers now; consequently, what do you think publishers are pondering? Oh, so, door-to-door isn't the only way to comply, it can be done remotely, informally, non-verbally, etc? Why the constant push to physically fulfill this work?

Many are feeling tired and worn from dealing with this new normal and unstable economic and political climate to be asked to keep doing more. It is interesting that circuit overseer's rarely have bible study(ies) as they are constantly on-the-move, but yet, they are considered to be full-time minister's?:unsure: Bethel workers as well. So, the org has created a broken record of preach, preach, preach but yet, the majority of the world has no excuse to not be able to read the bible, access spiritual materials and pray to God. What is needed more now than ever is a central point of truth, where all of us can go to and 100% believe & trust... yes... that is the Bible.

Nonetheless, a group of supportive spiritually-minded friends is helpful in keeping up your joy in speaking with other's about God's kingdom and it being the only true solution to everything.
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The main message is still the same. To preach the good news of the kingdom. The W/T going off the rails don't change anything.
And what "Good News" would that be? The one taught by Russell? Rutherford? The Governing Body? The "truth" has evolved, what was taught yesterday, is no longer taught today. Or do we just go around telling people; "Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand!"?
How many people will die at Armageddon? Answer.This is the amount of blood spilled at the winepress of God.Rev14:20.It will be 1600 stadia long .(one stadia equals 606 feet)As high as the brildes (est.5 feet tall)of the horses(est.4 feet wide) .Divide by the amount of blood in a human body.Yes there will be blood .Rev14:20
And what "Good News" would that be? The one taught by Russell? Rutherford? The Governing Body? The "truth" has evolved, what was taught yesterday, is no longer taught today. Or do we just go around telling people; "Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand!"?
The basics maybe?

Jehovah is God's name. God will use his son Jesus as a judge and savior. Earth will not be destroyed but turn to paradise when the wicked is dead and humans will live healthy and happy, in perfect relationship with Jehovah God for forever. The REST are where the groups diverge.
How many people will die at Armageddon? Answer.This is the amount of blood spilled at the winepress of God.Rev14:20.It will be 1600 stadia long .(one stadia equals 606 feet)As high as the brildes (est.5 feet tall)of the horses(est.4 feet wide) .Divide by the amount of blood in a human body.Yes there will be blood .Rev14:20
It's not a huge number by modern earthly population standards. That equals to 118 million adults.
The basics maybe?

Jehovah is God's name. God will use his son Jesus as a judge and savior. Earth will not be destroyed but turn to paradise when the wicked is dead and humans will live healthy and happy, in perfect relationship with Jehovah God for forever. The REST are where the groups diverge.

It's not a huge number by modern earthly population standards. That equals to 118 million adults.
How did u get that number?
When as to a time frame? I guess when the last of us is gone. Nothing can progress until the last member of the 144,000 is sealed
Those to be sealed aren’t sealed until the great tribulation is cut short.
That’s the point of Revelation 7:1-3
After this I saw four angels stationed at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth so that no wind would blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree. Then I saw another angel coming up from the rising of the sun, holding the seal of the living God; and with a loud voice he called out to the four angels to whom it was granted [to have authority and power] to harm the earth and the sea, saying, “Do not harm the earth nor the sea nor the trees until we seal (mark) the bond-servants of our God on their foreheads.”
And what "Good News" would that be? The one taught by Russell? Rutherford? The Governing Body? The "truth" has evolved, what was taught yesterday, is no longer taught today. Or do we just go around telling people; "Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand!"?

The preaching work comes to an end when it does. Mt 24:14. "..and then the end will come..." What end? The End of preaching the good news.
The preaching work comes to an end when it does. Mt 24:14. "..and then the end will come..." What end? The End of preaching the good news.
Is the end, the end of the preaching work, or is the end when the church is complete?
Those to be sealed aren’t sealed until the great tribulation is cut short.
That’s the point of Revelation 7:1-3
After this I saw four angels stationed at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth so that no wind would blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree. Then I saw another angel coming up from the rising of the sun, holding the seal of the living God; and with a loud voice he called out to the four angels to whom it was granted [to have authority and power] to harm the earth and the sea, saying, “Do not harm the earth nor the sea nor the trees until we seal (mark) the bond-servants of our God on their foreheads.”
According to Rev 7:1-3. the Great Tribulation ISN'T cut short. It's held back, so it doesn't start until the 144,000 are sealed. When they're sealed, then the four winds are let loose.

Let me ask an additional question If I may. What do the Four Winds represent to you?
Is the end, the end of the preaching work, or is the end when the church is complete?

The end in 24:14 is the end of the preaching the good news of the Kingdom. Not sure what you mean by the "the church is complete" But Rev 11:1 shows that the spiritual temple is complete. The courtyard was left out it was not to be measured at that time. because it must be trampled on by the nations for 42 months. Preaching the good news of the Kingdom will have come to a halt before then.
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According to Rev 7:1-3. the Great Tribulation ISN'T cut short. It's held back, so it doesn't start until the 144,000 are sealed. When they're sealed, then the four winds are let loose.

Let me ask an additional question If I may. What do the Four Winds represent to you?
Okay, four winds indicates all of the near extinction level events ( of man’s doing) which the initial phase of the great tribulation will be. The angels being instructed to hold back the four winds couldn’t mean they’re preventing man’s initial headlong plunge into oblivion but rather an intercession of that ongoing event which up to that point threatens all life on earth.
Gods chosen (those to be sealed) have to be refined first in the crucible of Jehovahs anger. How will that refining happen if they are already sealed before the great tribulation (their refinement period) begins
Just wondering..
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More food for thought >


7 After this I saw four angels+ standing upon the four corners* of the earth, holding tight the four winds+ of the earth, that no wind might blow upon the earth or upon the sea or upon any tree.+


9 And the fifth angel blew his trumpet.+ And I saw a star+ that had fallen from heaven to the earth, and the key+ of the pit of the abyss+ was given him.* 2 And he* opened the pit of the abyss, and smoke+ ascended out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace,+ and the sun was darkened,+ also the air, by the smoke of the pit. 3 And out of the smoke locusts+ came forth upon the earth; and authority was given them, the same authority as the scorpions+ of the earth have. 4 And they were told to harm no vegetation of the earth nor any green thing nor any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.+

Read - Concerning the “green vegetation” of the Apocalypse>>​

Thanks for bringing that article up! That clarifies matters for the great crowd.

I have contended with others on here that when the GT hits, salvation is no longer available to those who have not already responded. to the message. The article BK Keven shared agrees, I think. Maybe I need to read again prehaps.
Gods chosen (those to be sealed) have to be refined first in the crucible of Jehovah's anger. How will that refining happen if they are already sealed before the great tribulation (their refinement period) begins..
Tell me, where do the Scriptures speak of the "elect" (144,000) going through the great tribulation? Only the Great Company go through the Great Tribulation.
Tell me, where do the Scriptures speak of the "elect" (144,000) going through the great tribulation? Only the Great Company go through the Great Tribulation.


And a reed* like a rod+ was given me as he said: “Get up and measure the temple+ [sanctuary]* of God* and the altar and those worshiping in it. 2 But as for the courtyard that is outside+ the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out* and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations,+ and they will trample the holy city+ underfoot for forty-two months.+ 3 And I will cause my two+ witnesses to prophesy+ a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth.”+

Excerpted from - Jehovah Will By No Means Give Exemption from Punishment​

There is a price to pay for disrespecting Jehovah —for bringing reproach upon his name. And God will not give Bethel an exemption from punishment. It has been my unhappy duty this past decade to announce Jehovah’s coming judgment. The reality of a judgment day is easily discernible from the prophecy of Jeremiah, where in the 30th chapter, which is specifically earmarked for the final part of the days, God states: “For I am with you,” declares Jehovah, “to save you. But I will make an extermination among all the nations to which I scattered you; however, you I will not exterminate. I will discipline you to the proper degree, and I will by no means leave you unpunished. ”Read more>

Look! Jehovah is coming down to tread on earth’s high places>

Who will be able to stand when he appears?>

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Tell me, where do the Scriptures speak of the "elect" (144,000) going through the great tribulation? Only the Great Company go through the Great Tribulation.
As Kevin clearly brings out the in scriptures cited, the court yard that gets trampled by the nations would be the earthly interests of Jehovahs then reigning Kingdom namely the sealed Kings while still in the flesh.
How would the nations be able to trample it otherwise if it were in the heavens?
As to the tribulation, you have to think of it as comprising two phases.
There is the initial phase when the nations plunge themselves into a near extinction level event with no doubt at least limited nuclear war along with subsequent famine and plagues that always follow such, not to mention the total collapse of the economy.
Those in Jehovahs earthly organization, which also collapses at the outset of the tribulation, who are destined to be sealed, will not as of yet be officially sealed until they undergo refinement “to the proper degree”.
The duration of this first phase of the tribulation is not known other than its severity. It’s so bad there has to be divine intervention. How long will it take the people not killed outright from the missiles, earthquakes and the power grid going down to starve to death? In todays “just in time” delivery chains probably not too long.
The second phase of the tribulation is the 42 month rise and rule of the eighth king. The few thousand sealed brothers of Jesus ( is it 5 or 7 thousand? I forget) will come through a good portion of that 42 month period to accomplish the final witness to the nations.
Of course the already dead sealed ones, who’ve lived throughout history, will have been raised up to their heavenly station at the beginning of the great tribulation.
They don’t go through it.
At least this is how I visualize things going down. Correct me where I need correcting.
Is the end, the end of the preaching work, or is the end when the church is complete?

The good news will be preached first, and then the end will come​

“And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” — Mathew 24:14

When Jesus spoke of the “end” did he mean the end of Satan’s world? No. That is not reasonable. The reason is, Jesus also foretold that before the end the world will experience a time of disaster, unlike anything that has ever occurred. Jesus referred to it as the great tribulation. And he said it is coming upon the entire inhabited earth. So, it is not likely that Jehovah’s Witnesses will be carrying on their normal routine, preaching and teaching, going to meetings and all of that during a time of global chaos. So, when Jesus said “and then the end will come” he meant the end of the Christian ministry. Read more>
As Kevin clearly brings out the in scriptures cited, the court yard that gets trampled by the nations would be the earthly interests of Jehovahs then reigning Kingdom namely the sealed Kings while still in the flesh.
How would the nations be able to trample it otherwise if it were in the heavens?
As to the tribulation, you have to think of it as comprising two phases.
There is the initial phase when the nations plunge themselves into a near extinction level event with no doubt at least limited nuclear war along with subsequent famine and plagues that always follow such, not to mention the total collapse of the economy.
Those in Jehovahs earthly organization, which also collapses at the outset of the tribulation, who are destined to be sealed, will not as of yet be officially sealed until they undergo refinement “to the proper degree”.
The duration of this first phase of the tribulation is not known other than its severity. It’s so bad there has to be divine intervention. How long will it take the people not killed outright from the missiles, earthquakes and the power grid going down to starve to death? In todays “just in time” delivery chains probably not too long.
The second phase of the tribulation is the 42 month rise and rule of the eighth king. The few thousand sealed brothers of Jesus ( is it 5 or 7 thousand? I forget) will come through a good portion of that 42 month period to accomplish the final witness to the nations.
Of course the already dead sealed ones, who’ve lived throughout history, will have been raised up to their heavenly station at the beginning of the great tribulation.
They don’t go through it.
At least this is how I visualize things going down. Correct me where I need correcting.

What about the 7,000 who are killed?​

QUESTION: An article in the January, 2016, Watchtower, on paragraph 14, states that the Bible does not say how many of the anointed will be left at the time that the tribulation begins. However, I have understood from previous podcasts and articles of yours that there will be 7000. I take it this means that the Bible does not state how many will be there when the great tribulation begins, but it does state how many will be there at the end of the tribulation and just prior to Armageddon. If that is so, will those extra ones that die before the end of the GT die a martyr’s death? Also, can you explain or point out to me your reasoning for coming up with the 7000? What scriptures talk about this? Read more>​


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What about the 7,000 who are killed?​

QUESTION: An article in the January, 2016, Watchtower, on paragraph 14, states that the Bible does not say how many of the anointed will be left at the time that the tribulation begins. However, I have understood from previous podcasts and articles of yours that there will be 7000. I take it this means that the Bible does not state how many will be there when the great tribulation begins, but it does state how many will be there at the end of the tribulation and just prior to Armageddon. If that is so, will those extra ones that die before the end of the GT die a martyr’s death? Also, can you explain or point out to me your reasoning for coming up with the 7000? What scriptures talk about this? Read more>​


Ah yes, thanks for that Kevin.
As Kevin clearly brings out the in scriptures cited, the court yard that gets trampled by the nations would be the earthly interests of Jehovahs then reigning Kingdom namely the sealed Kings while still in the flesh. .... At least this is how I visualize things going down. Correct me where I need correcting.
And a reed like a rod was given me as he said: “Get up and measure the temple [sanctuary] of God and the altar and those worshiping in it. 2 But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth.”
Sorry, but that still doesn't answer the question. While there have always been tribulations (see Acts 14:22). There is only ONE Great Tribulation, and there is nothing to suggest that the 144,000 go THROUGH it.

As I see it, the number 4 represents universal, or completeness, think of a square, where all sides meet. The fact that Revelations 7 speaks of the four corners of the earth is probably why many in those days thought the world was flat, but I digress. The four angels are "standing at the four corners of the earth."

They are the same forces which control mankind in the northern, eastern, western and southern hemispheres. "Standing" is frequently a symbol for reigning, and these four forces do indeed control every facet of the world. They control everyone, regardless of where on the face of the earth they dwell.

In Revelation 9:14, 15, we hear a voice (vs 13) saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet,

“Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” 15 So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind.
As you know Revelation is a book of symbols, so things aren't always what they seem. When we think of angels we think spirit beings, but they are messengers, and as messengers, they can be human or angelic. In this case, I believe the angels represent something totally different, they represent "agencies" or the four basic pillars of society, that is 1. social, 2. financial, 3. political and 4. the ecclesiastical systems.

"Wind" is a symbol of war or strife. Think of the expression "the winds of war." The fact that there are four seems to tell me that strife can and will eventually affect all four of these forces - society, economics, politics and religion. These four winds are a picture of the strife that will affect society - man's basic everyday functions.

It's common to think of a whirlwind when considering this verse. Four winds blowing from four directions will, at the point of meeting, create a tornado or cyclonic episodes. Both Isaiah 21 and Zechariah 9 speak of whirlwinds. The four winds reference seem to be there to say that all four functions of man's governance will experience strife, not necessarily that a hurricane is meant.

In Rev 7:1 we're told that the winds are held back, so that they "should not blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree." These three are not literal but symbolic. When we think of "earth" we think of society, but this is just one segment of society, because "sea" and "trees" are also part of society. Earth here seems to symbolize that segment of society that rules humanity. The powerful who wish to cultivate that power and never give it up.

"Sea" represents the masses. Humanity in general, ordinary people. While "trees" according to both the Old and New Testament symbolize nations, individuals of prominence or institutions. Trees are notable. I believe in this verse they represent notable individuals, people whose influence is significant beyond institutions or governments. Think of Martin Luther King, Jr. Einstein, Mandela and others. True Christians should be "trees" but due to their place in life are not very noticeable. (see Psalm 1:3)

So these four agencies, or angels, as long as they remain stable and are allowed to function, hold back the winds of trouble and afford a measure of protection from the lawlessness and anarchy that would immediately result from the breakdown, or removal, of any one of them. The financial pillar has been badly shaken these past few years, sweeping the entire civilized world. The end of the present civilization will come when all four pillars fall, the result will be a whirlwind of anarchy, such as never before has been witnessed. Before that takes place, all the servants of God, (the remaining ones of the 144,000) the anointed still in the flesh will have been sealed and the door will be shut, the elect are complete, the mystery of God is finished.
When introducing the Great Company, Crowd, Multitude (pick your choice) it says of them in verse 14: "These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation." The 144,000 are not mentioned among them.