As Kevin clearly brings out the in scriptures cited, the court yard that gets trampled by the nations would be the earthly interests of Jehovahs then reigning Kingdom namely the sealed Kings while still in the flesh. .... At least this is how I visualize things going down. Correct me where I need correcting.
And a reed like a rod was given me as he said: “Get up and measure the temple [sanctuary] of God and the altar and those worshiping in it. 2 But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth.”
Sorry, but that still doesn't answer the question. While there have always been tribulations (see Acts 14:22). There is only ONE Great Tribulation, and there is nothing to suggest that the 144,000 go THROUGH it.
As I see it, the number 4 represents universal, or completeness, think of a square, where all sides meet. The fact that Revelations 7 speaks of the four corners of the earth is probably why many in those days thought the world was flat, but I digress. The four angels are "standing at the four corners of the earth."
They are the same forces which control mankind in the northern, eastern, western and southern hemispheres. "Standing" is frequently a symbol for reigning, and these four forces do indeed control every facet of the world. They control everyone, regardless of where on the face of the earth they dwell.
In Revelation 9:14, 15, we hear a voice (vs 13) saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet,
“Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” 15 So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind.
As you know Revelation is a book of symbols, so things aren't always what they seem. When we think of angels we think spirit beings, but they are messengers, and as messengers, they can be human or angelic. In this case, I believe the angels represent something totally different, they represent "agencies" or the four basic pillars of society, that is 1. social, 2. financial, 3. political and 4. the ecclesiastical systems.
"Wind" is a symbol of war or strife. Think of the expression "the winds of war." The fact that there are four seems to tell me that strife can and will eventually affect all four of these forces - society, economics, politics and religion. These four winds are a picture of the strife that will affect society - man's basic everyday functions.
It's common to think of a whirlwind when considering this verse. Four winds blowing from four directions will, at the point of meeting, create a tornado or cyclonic episodes. Both Isaiah 21 and Zechariah 9 speak of whirlwinds. The four winds reference seem to be there to say that all four functions of man's governance will experience strife, not necessarily that a hurricane is meant.
In Rev 7:1 we're told that the winds are held back, so that they "should not blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree." These three are not literal but symbolic. When we think of "earth" we think of society, but this is just one segment of society, because "sea" and "trees" are also part of society. Earth here seems to symbolize that segment of society that rules humanity. The powerful who wish to cultivate that power and never give it up.
"Sea" represents the masses. Humanity in general, ordinary people. While "trees" according to both the Old and New Testament symbolize nations, individuals of prominence or institutions. Trees are notable. I believe in this verse they represent notable individuals, people whose influence is significant beyond institutions or governments. Think of Martin Luther King, Jr. Einstein, Mandela and others. True Christians should be "trees" but due to their place in life are not very noticeable. (see Psalm 1:3)
So these four agencies, or angels, as long as they remain stable and are allowed to function, hold back the winds of trouble and afford a measure of protection from the lawlessness and anarchy that would immediately result from the breakdown, or removal, of any one of them. The financial pillar has been badly shaken these past few years, sweeping the entire civilized world. The end of the present civilization will come when all four pillars fall, the result will be a whirlwind of anarchy, such as never before has been witnessed. Before that takes place, all the servants of God, (the remaining ones of the 144,000) the anointed still in the flesh will have been sealed and the door will be shut, the elect are complete, the mystery of God is finished.
When introducing the Great Company, Crowd, Multitude (pick your choice) it says of them in verse 14: "These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation." The 144,000 are not mentioned among them.