The Watchtower's UN propaganda - When will it end?

I get many results using both search terms, and allowing for both 🇬🇧 & 🇺🇸 spellings 🤷‍♂️
Hi CyndiaS

Thanks for demonstrating that
So what do we notice? It doesn't matter if we type in Organization or Organisation the results are the same. Insidently if one types the American version of the spelling into it still comes up with a big fat Zero returns.

Now notice the word wizard algorithm on Brings up the Question

Is It Necessary to Belong to an Organized Religion?​

Well the answer is partly correct. Many translations that use the use the Greek word θρησκεία. thréskeia is often translated reverence or worship as the NWT does. However you clearly don't need to be part of anything to pray now do you? Its interesting however in this case that they decide to switch from 'Worship' to 'Religion' in the raised Question a word which is not used in the NWT except in four instances when it refers to the religion of pagan nations with false worship . In any event is the answer to the question they pose 'Is It Necessary to belong to an Organized Religion correct? In this instance YES it is. Why because as I pointed out in my original thread you cant do anything at all without being organised. Try tying your shoe laces or going to the toliet without being organised, You cant.

Likewise there are a plethora of scriptures that tell us Look! How good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell together in unity! (Psalm 133:1)

So in essence its a stupid question they raise I'm afraid. They might as well have raised the question 'Do you need two legs to walk straight? Yes. Great. Therefore we should worship that statue with two legs!

The problem is, you are spelling organisation the way Brits do. The Amerikan version is spelled with a "Z" not an "S" ;)
Did you read my rebuttal...LOL...I know how to spell "American"! I was more subtle about it however...LOL
I thought that might be the case. While searching both the Brit & American spellings, both produce a list of publications/articles, though 🤷‍♂️.
Yep for my sins I'm British. I say Potato, you say potahto, I say Tomato, you say tomahto. ........ Mix that with my dyslexia and and have to run everything to me Google...boy oh boy we do have a challenge :)
Many decades ago talking to some of the older ones in their 90's they have shared their experiences that when they used to get baptised they just turned up at the convention on the day and went down to be baptised. No questions....nothing....Just a desire from the heart. I remember one sister telling be a few stubbed their cigarettes out just prior to queuing for the pool.

Fast forward to today. There are now 60 questions you have to go through prior and you have to agree with all of them. Here's one of many that are completely unscriptural. 8. To avoid transmitting an infectious, potentially fatal disease to others: (a) Why should an infected person not initiate displays of affection, such as hugging and kissing? (b) Why should he not react negatively if some choose not to invite him into their home? (c) Why should a person who may have been exposed to an infectious disease voluntarily choose to have a blood test before beginning a courtship? (d) Why should a person with an infectious disease inform the coordinator of the body of elders before getting baptized? This is completely absurd and totally unscriptural and is just one of many reasons my wife never got baptised.
What?! Did they change those policies recently with the covid nonsense? I got baptized in 2015 and I had maybe 6-7 questions asked of me, never those. Unless it's talking about STDs but I suspect it's not due to STDs.

@Ms_ladyblue I never got asked any of those questions. Just the usual dedication ones. Why they bother with that I have no idea. Stop treating adults with kid gloves.
I was baptised when I was around 18 years old. Recently in a heartfelt personal prayer to my heavenly father I told him that I renounce totally my Dedication to the 'Organisation but requested that he still accept my heartfelt desire for my immersion to stand in my acceptance of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and that I may continue to receive forgiveness of sins in his most worthy name.
I think they should discourage those under 18 years old from being baptized. They are just not fully aware of their actions at that point. Some are, but it's very rare. Someone mentioned Jesus got baptized at 30. Yes and we know physical and emotional maturity doesn't happen until you are in your late 20s.
What?! Did they change those policies recently with the covid nonsense? I got baptized in 2015 and I had maybe 6-7 questions asked of me, never those. Unless it's talking about STDs but I suspect it's not due to STDs.

@Ms_ladyblue I never got asked any of those questions. Just the usual dedication ones. Why they bother with that I have no idea. Stop treating adults with kid gloves.

I think they should discourage those under 18 years old from being baptized. They are just not fully aware of their actions at that point. Some are, but it's very rare. Someone mentioned Jesus got baptized at 30. Yes and we know physical and emotional maturity doesn't happen until you are in your late 20s.
6 or 7 questions??? I was baptized way before 2015 and there were at least 30 questions back then.
Years back, in 1982 when I was baptized that second question had not yet been inserted. So, as far as I’m concerned my “dedication“ to WT is null and void. I believe they added the second question sometime in 90’s.

However, in true fashion, as the Pharisees and Sadducees, the GB added rules and requirements that went “beyond the things written.”
Just like the religious leaders in Jesus’ day…with reference to the GB:

“They bind up heavy loads and put them on the shoulders of men, but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger. All the works they do, they do to be seen by men, for they broaden the scripture-containing cases that they wear as safeguards and lengthen the fringes of their garments.” ( Matt. 23:4,5 )

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you give the tenth of the mint and the dill and the cumin, but you have disregarded the weightier matters of the Law, namely, JUSTICE AND MERCY AND FAITHFULNESS . These things it was necessary to do, yet not to disregard the other things.” ( Matt. 23:23 )
You and I were baptized the sane year…I thought we had 80 questions we had to go over with the elders before we could get baptized. Do you remember?
You and I were baptized the sane year…I thought we had 80 questions we had to go over with the elders before we could get baptized. Do you remember?
Yes, I do remember, and you’re right, it was about 80 questions. It was a light green book and the first word in the title of the book was “Organization….”
They stopped publishing the Yearbook because people would get suspicious of the declining numbers? There really was no reason to discontinue it after all those years.

The current homepage with the polar bear is very disheartening.
I never got asked any of those questions. Just the usual dedication ones. Why they bother with that I have no idea. Stop treating adults with kid gloves.
Sorry, @DavidCJ I should’ve said that it’s the two questions they ask the group on the day of their baptism at the assembly/ convention.
Years back, in 1982 when I was baptized that second question had not yet been inserted. So, as far as I’m concerned my “dedication“ to WT is null and void. I believe they added the second question sometime in 90’s.

However, in true fashion, as the Pharisees and Sadducees, the GB added rules and requirements that went “beyond the things written.”
Just like the religious leaders in Jesus’ day…with reference to the GB:

“They bind up heavy loads and put them on the shoulders of men, but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger. All the works they do, they do to be seen by men, for they broaden the scripture-containing cases that they wear as safeguards and lengthen the fringes of their garments.” ( Matt. 23:4,5 )

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you give the tenth of the mint and the dill and the cumin, but you have disregarded the weightier matters of the Law, namely, JUSTICE AND MERCY AND FAITHFULNESS . These things it was necessary to do, yet not to disregard the other things.” ( Matt. 23:23 )
It is why I will not get baptized . I cannot pledge my loyalty to what I do not believe , and have no faith in . I read all I can from Roberts two sites . I also stay single , as in the times of the children of Israel , they were told not to marry foreign women . Solomon , the wisest person to of lived went following false gods , because of his foreign wives . The closest to what I believe would be a Jehovah`s witness , but there are many differences between what I believe and what they believe , and I prefer to stay as I am , rather than to throw everything learned in Jehovah`s face . I may be lonely , but my conscience is clear .
When does Watchtower lead with that hard hitting message to p*ss off the UN? Cause right now it sounds like they are massaging the ego of the UN about being a good global citizen.
The UN does not care. They want every trace of resistance destroyed. Because despite the Org's insistence that it isn't true, the average population benefits from being in those churches of Christendom. Satan doesn't want that.

Look at what they are doing to Trump. Many people likely know that he himself is at best a very flawed human and at the worst he's another veil, yet they want that hope completely destroyed.

They don't want you to have any hope whatsoever, even if that hope is from false origins. If the WTS really believes they will be spared, they are solely mistaken and are in for a big, big surprise. The UN will turn on them just like that.

@Ms_ladyblue That comment was towards the Society by the way. But society as a whole treat adults like children. Treat people like children and they'll act like a child.
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Many decades ago talking to some of the older ones in their 90's they have shared their experiences that when they used to get baptised they just turned up at the convention on the day and went down to be baptised. No questions....nothing....Just a desire from the heart. I remember one sister telling be a few stubbed their cigarettes out just prior to queuing for the pool.

Fast forward to today. There are now 60 questions you have to go through prior and you have to agree with all of them. Here's one of many that are completely unscriptural. 8. To avoid transmitting an infectious, potentially fatal disease to others: (a) Why should an infected person not initiate displays of affection, such as hugging and kissing? (b) Why should he not react negatively if some choose not to invite him into their home? (c) Why should a person who may have been exposed to an infectious disease voluntarily choose to have a blood test before beginning a courtship? (d) Why should a person with an infectious disease inform the coordinator of the body of elders before getting baptized? This is completely absurd and totally unscriptural and is just one of many reasons my wife never got baptised.

On the day of ones baptism into into the now JW cult you have to say a resounding 'YES' to these two questions in front of onlookers.
1. Have you repented of your sins, dedicated yourself to Jehovah, and accepted his way of salvation through Jesus Christ?
2. Do you understand that your baptism identifies you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with Jehovah’s Organization? There is that unscriptural word again!

If we read the book of Acts there is not one singe baptism that conforms to the above. No one was asked to dedicate there life to Jehovah (Although I would not agree this is a most noble thing) Every single recorded baptism was in the name of Jesus
  • 'With that he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. (Acts10:48)
  • 'For it had not yet come upon any one of them, but they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.'(Acts 8:16)
  • But when they believed Philip, who was declaring the good news of the Kingdom of God and of the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were getting baptized.i 13 Simon himself also became a believer, and after being baptized, he continued with Philip (Acts 8:12-13)
  • At this I recalled the saying of the Lord, how he used to say: ‘John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with holy spirit. If, therefore, God gave the same free gift to them that he gave to us who have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I should be able to hinder God?” (Acts 11:16)
  • Paul said: “John baptized with the baptism in symbol of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus.” On hearing this, they got baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 19:4,5)
  • I answered: ‘Who are you, Lord?’ And he said to me: ‘I am Jesus the Naz·a·reneʹ, whom you are persecuting.......And now why are you delaying? Rise, get baptized, and wash your sins away by your calling on his name.’ Acts 22:8;16
Some of these baptisms were only introduced to the teachings of Jesus for less than an hour prior to being baptised. The Ethiopian eunuch comes to mind (Acts 8:26-39) or the Gentile Jailer and his family who new absolutely nothing at all about Jesus prior (Acts 16:27-32)

How very sad it is witness the complete desecration of the simple meaning of baptism has crept in to the WT teachings, no less wrong than infant baptism in Christendom! I was baptised when I was around 18 years old. Recently in a heartfelt personal prayer to my heavenly father I told him that I renounce totally my Dedication to the 'Organisation but requested that he still accept my heartfelt desire for my immersion to stand in my acceptance of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and that I may continue to receive forgiveness of sins in his most worthy name.
Where is there a copy of those questions? I looked up the Organization book on the app and didn't see them? In my old book, they are in the appendix.
On the one hand, the Watchtower is viewed as a cult that suckers people in and keeps a lot hidden. But on the other hand, potential joiners are vetted to make sure they know what is expected of them as Jehovah's Witnesses. Seems reasonable to me. :unsure:
I appreciate the congregation on a local level compared to a global level, it's why I go to the meetings regularly. I agree on most things and disagree on a few things, not harsh shunning to the extreme. I believe disfellowshipping meant a loss of privileges and wasn't recommended to spend time with them. I also disagree with the organization in not spreading the truth out more abroad. They discourage everyone from witnessing to a broad audience online, like through YouTube and other social media sites. They are like the digital public square. Who cares if apostates try to debate or leave comments? That seems cowardly to me. Whatever is going to spread the word and has reach should be the ultimate goal of the witnessing work. It's what Jesus did. Preached on enemy territory at the synagogues in front of the pharisees.

Also, I believe it's important to have a community of faith around you. As being alone has many more disadvantages than advantages. Even though we don't 100% agree on everything.
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...Also, I believe it's important to have a community of faith around you. As being alone has many more disadvantages than advantages. Even though we don't 100% agree on everything.
I agree. My relationship with my previous congregation was ruined over the Covid issue. I had to change congregations to be able to function spiritually and am now doing fine.
My brother used to beat me within an inch of my life when we were boys. I thought he hated me. As usual I was wrong. He loved me and wanted to correct me although I was stubborn like a jackass. Some people don't get privilges handed to them but by way of my brother, he moved me to where he lives and I live rent free in one of his homes. He got tired of renting to people because of how people are and so I came to live in one of his houses. I should mention, my brother rescued me from an accidental fire when we were boys. He grabbed me and took me out of the fire. Grabbed me and snatched me out of the fire. My brother is my keeper and has been my whole life. He is the only one with brains in our family. I feel like a retard compared to him and yet I reached out to the name of Jehovah. I still don't understand some things. My brother is the better of us. I don't contest that even a second. He has been moral whereas I have with morals. I mean to say I am in contempt of our God. Yet my brother carries on. He exemplifies the word of God without even ackowledging his name and yet I am to try and pick up the pieces of my life. I love my brother and I don't envy him one iota. Everything he has he worked for and that is more satisfying than anything I know of. Why do I feel like garbage?
Is it just that my heart is in the wrong place? I need help from my fellow JW to get myself right.
Where it comes to Jehovah and Jesus, I would rather be you. Your brother sounds awesome. It is my bet that Jehovah and Jesus look at you as being awesomer (I know, that isn't a word LOL) BB, you are very realistic in your assessments on your life and very self-deprecating and I love that about you! What with all the stuff you have that you wonder about yourself on, I would still consider "reaching out to the name of Jehovah" to be the better lot, even if you (here comes an illustration) never sit in the prominent places in the Hall but are always sitting way back in the back by the second school or the library LOL. Keep up the strong work brother, you are certainly ripe for harvesting! So is your brother but he still needs to take that humungous step in the right direction, a step you have already mastered. With massive love for you BB I say again, I would rather be you!
I agree. My relationship with my previous congregation was ruined over the Covid issue. I had to change congregations to be able to function spiritually and am now doing fine.
curious what you mean... Ruined as in you thought COVID was overblown, but the rest of the cong was adhering to non-logical rules?
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Every week it gets worse and worse. This week JW dot org deployed the art department to craft an image that has no basis in reality. Poor little polar bear floating on a block of ice in a sea of trash that looks like it was crafted by a Photoshop beginner. If you do not think you are being spoofed and mocked by the artist, check out the little bathtub rubber ducky in the lower left corner. By the way, did you know that the polar bear population is actually increasing? So, the Watchtower is willingly lending credence to one of the popular lies peddled by the British Empire's climate change alarmists. And true to their allegiance to the institution the Watchtower identifies as the hideous seven-headed beast, the snippet gives top-billing to the under-secretary-general of the United Nations and executive director of the UN Environment Programme.

If a person were unfamiliar with the teachings of the Watchtower they might conclude that the government that God is going to set up is some sort of political institution. There is no mention of Jesus Christ or Jehovah. No mention of the fact that Christ is going to utterly annihilate every manmade institution on the planet. The UN is cast as the expert and source of truth. No doubt the ambiguity is by design. There is no question that at some point the Watchtower is going to come out and heartily endorse Satan's new world order scheme. Jesus forewarned us that we would see a disgusting thing standing where it ought not. Given the fact that these little snippets just keep getting more and more disgusting the unveiling cannot be far off.

I'm not surprised the WT uses the United Nations so much as a reference for what is happening. I completely understand what you are saying in this post, but at the same time the United Nations is the leading figure in the world, and so it will be used as a reference for problems that the world in general believes to be occurring, whether they are true or not. The article this picture is heading is essentially about Gods kingdom, and what it is, and what it will bring to mankind. If the person reading the article believes the false narrative of climate change, is it wrong for the WT to use this narrative in order to reason with the person about the benefits of the coming kingdom of God?
In the post of World Vision of the little girl holding the NWT bible we see a worldy entity using Gods things for the promotion of their charity. If they can use Gods things to get people to help support them, then shouldn't the WT be able to use the false narrative to their advantage to reach those who believe in it, pointing them to Gods kingdom as the only hope for mankind, which the article does a nice job of. They don't even mention climate change in the article, but merely use it as bait. Actually I think it's kind of clever, and I think the artist did a good job at presenting the idea.
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I'm not surprised the WT uses the United Nations so much as a reference for what is happening. I completely understand what you are saying in this post, but at the same time the United Nations is the leading figure in the world, and so it will be used as a reference for problems that the world in general believes to be occurring, whether they are true or not. The article this picture is heading is essentially about Gods kingdom, and what it is, and what it will bring to mankind. If the person reading the article believes the false narrative of climate change, is it wrong for the WT to use this narrative in order to reason with the person about the benefits of the coming kingdom of God?

Yes it is wrong to lie & support lies & quote lies to teach the bible's message.
Yes it is wrong to lie & support lies & quote lies to teach the bible's message.
Yes, I understand what you are saying, for what sharing does light have to do with darkness? However, even Jesus used the Pharisees beliefs against them did he not? What about the rich man and Lazarus? Did the rich man really go to hell(hellfire lie) and see Lazarus standing up in heaven after he died(eternal soul lie)? No they were illustrations. What is the picture of the polar bear? It's an illustration. There is nothing wrong with trying to reason with those who believe in global warming that Gods kingdom is the only answer to mankinds sin.
There is nothing wrong with trying to reason with those who believe in global warming that Gods kingdom is the only answer to mankinds sin.
I think the problem is that by working with the UN in the hopes of reaching people, the WT is compromising its so called neutrality. If the WT works with the UN, it's kind of saying that it approves of them, which opens the door for a false kingdom to be presented.