Thu Feb 8th - It puts under compulsion all people

I have been in awe and aquiessence to many of your scriptural quotes sister. It's the word that builds us up!
I am in assurance of this: No it's too easy to believe and put trust in members constituting FDS at Bethel or a Watchman here to offload and install our belief, faith and trust rather than our personal relationship with Jehovah and Christ through our understanding in scripture. I'ts personal brothers not trust in an other individual. Jehovah does not want that but our own personal love? Not relying on others to become our proxy or franchise of our personal salvation!
I was thinking of you and Susan B/Meditator and how all of you have your children not talking to you STILL even though you are all technically speaking in "good standing" and your only "sin" was questioning the GB on this. You are a widow. I admire your courage and deep spirituality in trusting in Jah to help you through this. He loves you for it, Sis, and so do we.
Aloha STI! Just to clarify, our daughter (technically my daughter) works for the company as a Disaster Relief worker and does speak with us freely. We just are not on the same page with her and her husband where it comes to the golden calf. Otherwise, we are good to go with her. Just needed to clarify that whereas @Ms_ladyblue is indeed being dealt with treacherously by those who should know better, those who worship Jehovah or at least claim to do so. She really needs our prayers regarding this particular matter.
I was thinking of you and Susan B/Meditator and how all of you have your children not talking to you STILL even though you are all technically speaking in "good standing" and your only "sin" was questioning the GB on this. You are a widow. I admire your courage and deep spirituality in trusting in Jah to help you through this. He loves you for it, Sis, and so do we.
I appreciate your kind words STI. They’re so very encouraging. It’s words like these that can help us to keep going. May Jehovah bless you. 💜
Aloha STI! Just to clarify, our daughter (technically my daughter) works for the company as a Disaster Relief worker and does speak with us freely. We just are not on the same page with her and her husband where it comes to the golden calf. Otherwise, we are good to go with her. Just needed to clarify that whereas @Ms_ladyblue is indeed being dealt with treacherously by those who should know better, those who worship Jehovah or at least claim to do so. She really needs our prayers regarding this particular matter.
Thank you so much @Medi-tator for your understanding. It makes me feel cared about. I just lost my mother too yet my daughter didn’t respond to my letting her know about her grandmother. The cold heartedness of the idol worshippers of the GB is unreal. And yet they believe this will make you want to come back? No, it will just push people away.
Once again Medi tator, I appreciate your support and concern.
Wonderful reasoning: Where there is no wood the fire goes out! Pr26:20
The spirit says 'do nothing out of contentiousness' which sucks for us fleshly types who love a good scrap a good argument, chortle. The Public school system here in Britain trains children of the rich in the art of debate. Teaching them ability to argue for the very opposite of their belief then send them off on missions for the foreign office. Eric Blair was just one son of Empire a graduate of Eaton, later known as George Orwell. He knew from missions of so called intelligence in Burma how to reap a broken conscience doing bidding of the crown. Instead of accepting promotion for services he drank and smoked himself to an early death. In one of his books he describes how to torture using a rat under a mask applied to the victim's face! He adequately describes the up and coming 'Big Brother' watching and dictating scenario.
Thank you so much @Medi-tator for your understanding. It makes me feel cared about. I just lost my mother too yet my daughter didn’t respond to my letting her know about her grandmother. The cold heartedness of the idol worshippers of the GB is unreal. And yet they believe this will make you want to come back? No, it will just push people away.
Once again Medi tator, I appreciate your support and concern.
Querida ms_ blue, si que es irreal. Yo lo llamo demoniaco. Por lo menos es la emoción que a mí me sugiere cuando he tenido que ver comportamientos asi. El diablo está trabajando especialmente con los que conocen a Jehova. Recuerdo la expresión de Corintios, si no tengo amor, de nada sirve. Es triste pero en contraposición, el amor fortalece. El amor a la verdad, que solo pertenece al mundo espiritual en el que rige Jehová, el Dios más amoroso que pueda existir. Y el da las fuerzas para seguir por un poquito más, hasta que venga Miguel de nuevo. Nada de lo que pasa aquí es importante, todo se quedará en el olvido, nos promete nuestro Dios. Hay que funcionar pegados a El y sin sentir mucho en este sistema. Mirar solo adelante, siempre adelante!! Nunca sabemos si cambiarán en el futuro, pero mientras tanto, protégete.😘
Querida ms_ blue, si que es irreal. Yo lo llamo demoniaco. Por lo menos es la emoción que a mí me sugiere cuando he tenido que ver comportamientos asi. El diablo está trabajando especialmente con los que conocen a Jehova. Recuerdo la expresión de Corintios, si no tengo amor, de nada sirve. Es triste pero en contraposición, el amor fortalece. El amor a la verdad, que solo pertenece al mundo espiritual en el que rige Jehová, el Dios más amoroso que pueda existir. Y el da las fuerzas para seguir por un poquito más, hasta que venga Miguel de nuevo. Nada de lo que pasa aquí es importante, todo se quedará en el olvido, nos promete nuestro Dios. Hay que funcionar pegados a El y sin sentir mucho en este sistema. Mirar solo adelante, siempre adelante!! Nunca sabemos si cambiarán en el futuro, pero mientras tanto, protégete.😘
Translation: Dear ms_ blue, it's unreal. I call it demonic. At least it is the emotion that suggests to me when I have had to see behaviours like this. The devil is working especially with those who know Jehovah. I remember the expression of Corinthians, if I don't have love, it's no use. It's sad but in contrast, love strengthens. The love of truth, which only belongs to the spiritual world in which Jehovah rules, the most loving God that can exist. And he gives the strength to continue for a little longer, until Miguel comes again. Nothing that happens here is important, everything will be forgotten, our God promises us. You have to work glued to him and without feeling much in this system. Look only forward, always forward!! We never know if they will change in the future, but in the meantime, protect yourself. 😘
Dear Ana, thank you for your up building words…to keep “looking only forward.” We all need this as the demonic influence gets stronger, even with those we were once so close with. I look forward to the time too when ‘the former things will have passed away.’
As someone would say, it will be a grand time. I really appreciate your beautiful words. I believe you’re a beautiful person inside and out. And you’re right, we all need to protect ourselves now. 😘
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Dear Ana, thank you for your up building words…to keep “looking only forward.” We all need this as the demonic influence gets stronger, even on those we were once so close with. I look forward to the time too when ‘the former things will have passed away.’
As someone would say, it will be a grand time. I really appreciate your beautiful words. I believe you’re a beautiful person inside and out. And you’re right, we all need to protect ourselves now. 😘
Querida @Ana gracias por tus palabras de construcción... para seguir "mirando solo hacia adelante". Todos necesitamos esto, ya que la influencia demoníaca se hace más fuerte, incluso en aquellos de los que una vez estuvimos tan cerca. También espero con ansias el momento en que "las cosas anteriores habrán pasado".

Como diría alguien, será un gran momento. Aprecio mucho tus hermosas palabras. Creo que eres una persona hermosa por dentro y por fuera. Y tienes razón, todos necesitamos protegernos ahora. 😘
Dear Ana, thank you for your up building words…to keep “looking only forward.” We all need this as the demonic influence gets stronger, even on those we were once so close with. I look forward to the time too when ‘the former things will have passed away.’
As someone would say, it will be a grand time. I really appreciate your beautiful words. I believe you’re a beautiful person inside and out. And you’re right, we all need to protect ourselves now. 😘
Debilita mucho exponerse al desprecio y al juicio personal de otros. Parece que no recuerdan que en la medida que uno juzga, será juzgado. Eso es lo que quiere Satanás, que sintamos lo que el siente por nosotros, desprecio. Estamos todos en esta guerra espiritual y por desgracia la familia en mucha ocasiones está ciega o quiere estarlo, quién sabe. Eso nos dará algo de ventaja cuando comience el fin, aunque cuando se trata de los propios hijos no consuela, porque como padres queremos lo mejor para ellos. La única reflexión que me calma, personalmente, ante el dolor que me causa la traición de mi hija, 4 años después de su desapego antinatural hacia mi, es que me acerca a Jehová. Cómo? Pienso en El, en que lo tuvo que sentir cuando el querubín del jardín lo traicionó y se alejó de la verdad llamando al mismísimo creador mentiroso, delante toda su creación tanto humana como espiritual. Y siento la tristeza que sintió Jehová. Fue antinatural que hiciese eso como es antinatural que un hijo juzgue a un padre y lo desprecie, salvando la gran distancia de que El es Jehová y nosotros humanos. Cuando me dirijo a El en oración respecto al dolor que eso me produce, se que el me entiende mejor que nadie, que el ha experimentado tantas veces esa misma sensación que siento yo...y me hace sentirme cerca de Jehová. Querida hermana, el amor y la comprensión que viene de Jehová, unen cualquier desbarajuste y es capaz de encontrar vida y vivificar la tristeza del espíritu. Encuentra la manera de manifestarse. El cuidará de todos nosotros. Entre nosotros solo queda acompañarnos y aquí estamos. Abrazo gigante para ti.❤️
Debilita mucho exponerse al desprecio y al juicio personal de otros. Parece que no recuerdan que en la medida que uno juzga, será juzgado. Eso es lo que quiere Satanás, que sintamos lo que el siente por nosotros, desprecio. Estamos todos en esta guerra espiritual y por desgracia la familia en mucha ocasiones está ciega o quiere estarlo, quién sabe. Eso nos dará algo de ventaja cuando comience el fin, aunque cuando se trata de los propios hijos no consuela, porque como padres queremos lo mejor para ellos. La única reflexión que me calma, personalmente, ante el dolor que me causa la traición de mi hija, 4 años después de su desapego antinatural hacia mi, es que me acerca a Jehová. Cómo? Pienso en El, en que lo tuvo que sentir cuando el querubín del jardín lo traicionó y se alejó de la verdad llamando al mismísimo creador mentiroso, delante toda su creación tanto humana como espiritual. Y siento la tristeza que sintió Jehová. Fue antinatural que hiciese eso como es antinatural que un hijo juzgue a un padre y lo desprecie, salvando la gran distancia de que El es Jehová y nosotros humanos. Cuando me dirijo a El en oración respecto al dolor que eso me produce, se que el me entiende mejor que nadie, que el ha experimentado tantas veces esa misma sensación que siento yo...y me hace sentirme cerca de Jehová. Querida hermana, el amor y la comprensión que viene de Jehová, unen cualquier desbarajuste y es capaz de encontrar vida y vivificar la tristeza del espíritu. Encuentra la manera de manifestarse. El cuidará de todos nosotros. Entre nosotros solo queda acompañarnos y aquí estamos. Abrazo gigante para ti.❤️
Translation: It greatly weakens to expose yourself to the contempt and personal judgement of others. It seems that they do not remember that to the extent that one judges, he will be judged. That's what Satan wants, that we feel what he feels for us, contempt. We are all in this spiritual war and unfortunately the family is often blind or wants to be blind, who knows. That will give us some advantage when the end begins, although when it comes to the children themselves it does not comfort, because as parents we want the best for them. The only reflection that calms me, personally, in the face of the pain caused by my daughter's betrayal, 4 years after her unnatural detachment from me, is that it brings me closer to Jehovah. How? I think of Him, who had to feel it when the cherub of the garden betrayed him and moved away from the truth by calling the lying creator himself, in front of all his human and spiritual creation. And I feel the sadness that Jehovah felt. It was unnatural for him to do that as it is unnatural for a son to judge a father and despise him, bridging the great distance that He is Jehovah and we humans. When I address Him in prayer regarding the pain that that causes me, I know that he understands me better than anyone, that he has experienced so many times that same feeling that I feel ... and it makes me feel close to Jehovah. Dear sister, the love and understanding that comes from Jehovah, unite any unravelling and is able to find life and liven the sadness of the spirit. Find a way to manifest yourself. He will take care of all of us. Between us it only remains to accompany each other and here we are. Huge hug for you. ❤️
Translation: It greatly weakens to expose yourself to the contempt and personal judgement of others. It seems that they do not remember that to the extent that one judges, he will be judged. That's what Satan wants, that we feel what he feels for us, contempt. We are all in this spiritual war and unfortunately the family is often blind or wants to be blind, who knows. That will give us some advantage when the end begins, although when it comes to the children themselves it does not comfort, because as parents we want the best for them. The only reflection that calms me, personally, in the face of the pain caused by my daughter's betrayal, 4 years after her unnatural detachment from me, is that it brings me closer to Jehovah. How? I think of Him, who had to feel it when the cherub of the garden betrayed him and moved away from the truth by calling the lying creator himself, in front of all his human and spiritual creation. And I feel the sadness that Jehovah felt. It was unnatural for him to do that as it is unnatural for a son to judge a father and despise him, bridging the great distance that He is Jehovah and we humans. When I address Him in prayer regarding the pain that that causes me, I know that he understands me better than anyone, that he has experienced so many times that same feeling that I feel ... and it makes me feel close to Jehovah. Dear sister, the love and understanding that comes from Jehovah, unite any unravelling and is able to find life and liven the sadness of the spirit. Find a way to manifest yourself. He will take care of all of us. Between us it only remains to accompany each other and here we are. Huge hug for you. ❤️
The thoughts you expressed here Ana were so touching when I read them, I wanted to cry. You have much insight and wisdom I must say. It’s beautiful people like you that can be such a wonderful asset to so many of us who need not only encouragement, but love from one who understands and shares the same feelings. That’s how we’re supposed to think, view others and see things the way Jehovah sees them. We’re all in this together and I’m so glad to know you. I only wish my daughter knew you because she knows Spanish fluently and is in a Spanish congregation. I know that she’d love you too, just the same Ana.
Sending you back a huge hug. 💕
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The thoughts you expressed here Ana were so touching when I read them, I wanted to cry. You have much insight and wisdom I must say. It’s beautiful people like you that can be such a wonderful asset to so many of us who need not only encouragement, but love from one who understands and shares the same feelings. That’s how we’re supposed to think, view others and see things the way Jehovah sees them. We’re all in this together and I’m so glad know you. I only wish my daughter knew you because she knows Spanish fluently and is in a Spanish congregation. I know that she’d love you too, just the same Ana.
Sending you back a huge hug. 💕
Translation: Los pensamientos que expresaste aquí, Ana, fueron tan conmovedores cuando los leí que quería llorar. Debo decir que tienes mucha perspicacia y sabiduría. Son personas hermosas como tú las que pueden ser un activo tan maravilloso para muchos de nosotros que necesitamos no solo aliento, sino amor de alguien que entiende y comparte los mismos sentimientos. Así es como se supone que debemos pensar, ver a los demás y ver las cosas de la manera en que Jehová las ve. Estamos todos juntos en esto y me alegro mucho de conocerte. Solo desearía que mi hija te conociera porque sabe español con fluidez y está en una congregación española. Sé que ella también te querría, igual que Ana.

Te mando un gran abrazo. 💕
The thoughts you expressed here Ana were so touching when I read them, I wanted to cry. You have much insight and wisdom I must say. It’s beautiful people like you that can be such a wonderful asset to so many of us who need not only encouragement, but love from one who understands and shares the same feelings. That’s how we’re supposed to think, view others and see things the way Jehovah sees them. We’re all in this together and I’m so glad know you. I only wish my daughter knew you because she knows Spanish fluently and is in a Spanish congregation. I know that she’d love you too, just the same Ana.
Sending you back a huge hug. 💕
La compresión no necesita de excusas ni de explicaciones, verdad? Yo sé que tú me entiendes, eso es grandioso, acerca, une, calma...como dice Galatas 6:2- sigan llevando las cargas los unos de los otros. Cuando la carga es la misma, todo es más simple. Un gusto compartir camino!!😘 La soledad en este caso puede ser terrible. Para servirte.💙
La compresión no necesita de excusas ni de explicaciones, verdad? Yo sé que tú me entiendes, eso es grandioso, acerca, une, calma...como dice Galatas 6:2- sigan llevando las cargas los unos de los otros. Cuando la carga es la misma, todo es más simple. Un gusto compartir camino!!😘 La soledad en este caso puede ser terrible. Para servirte.💙
Translation: Compression doesn't need excuses or explanations, right? I know that you understand me, that's great, approach, unite, calm... as Galatas says 6:2- keep carrying each other's burdens. When the load is the same, everything is simpler. A pleasure to share the way!! 😘 Loneliness in this case can be terrible. To serve you. 💙
The spirit says 'do nothing out of contentiousness' which sucks for us fleshly types who love a good scrap a good argument, chortle. The Public school system here in Britain trains children of the rich in the art of debate. Teaching them ability to argue for the very opposite of their belief then send them off on missions for the foreign office. Eric Blair was just one son of Empire a graduate of Eaton, later known as George Orwell. He knew from missions of so called intelligence in Burma how to reap a broken conscience doing bidding of the crown. Instead of accepting promotion for services he drank and smoked himself to an early death. In one of his books he describes how to torture using a rat under a mask applied to the victim's face! He adequately describes the up and coming 'Big Brother' watching and dictating scenario.
Oh No! Houthi's threaten imports of tea to Britain! Britain has tried many times over the last 100yrs to take Yemeni ports like they did in Gibralter to create shipping choke holds to dominate trade.
I just lost my mother too yet my daughter didn’t respond to my letting her know about her grandmother. The cold heartedness of the idol worshippers of the GB is unreal. And yet they believe this will make you want to come back? No, it will just push people away.
Very sorry, Ms_ladyblue, to hear about your mother. Mom's are so special and just can't be replaced. My mom passed away 10 years ago. She had lived with us for 14 year prior because she was a stroke victim and quite disabled. Before, her stroke, she had regular pioneered for close to 30 years. Your experience makes me wonder if she would have come to a realization of the nonsense going on in the organization. Or, would she have shunned Jerry and I as your family is shunning you? I can't believe she would have but you probably would have never expected that from your family. So sad and we truly empathize with all you've had to deal with in the last couple of years.

Btw, on a lighter note, we really like your new photo and the personal touch it adds. You look so happy and content. Those days will return.
A big hug. 🤗(Phyllis)
Very sorry, Ms_ladyblue, to hear about your mother. Mom's are so special and just can't be replaced. My mom passed away 10 years ago. She had lived with us for 14 year prior because she was a stroke victim and quite disabled. Before, her stroke, she had regular pioneered for close to 30 years. Your experience makes me wonder if she would have come to a realization of the nonsense going on in the organization. Or, would she have shunned Jerry and I as your family is shunning you? I can't believe she would have but you probably would have never expected that from your family. So sad and we truly empathize with all you've had to deal with in the last couple of years.

Btw, on a lighter note, we really like your new photo and the personal touch it adds. You look so happy and content. Those days will return.
A big hug. 🤗(Phyllis)
Thank you Phyllis for your kind words. I was so sorry to hear about your mom too. It’s hard to watch them suffer. And no, I would never have expected that from my family. But my son-in-law is an elder and very possessive of my daughter so I think he looked for anything he could to keep us apart. Her and I were very close.

Thank you too for the compliment of my photo as I see how you and your husband are pictured together. That picture of Steve ( my husband) and I was taken at one of our Memorials a few years ago.
A big hug to you too. 🤗
Thank you Phyllis for your kind words. I was so sorry to hear about your mom too. It’s hard to watch them suffer. And no, I would never have expected that from my family. But my son-in-law is an elder and very possessive of my daughter so I think he looked for anything he could to keep us apart. Her and I were very close.

Thank you too for the compliment of my photo as I see how you and your husband are pictured together. That picture of Steve ( my husband) and I was taken at one of our Memorials a few years ago.
A big hug to you too. 🤗
Thanks for the hug.
Our picture was taken at a Regional convention in Springfield. Btw, our son's name is Steve and he is standing behind us as you can probably make him out in the cropped picture of us.
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