Thursday, September 5 2024 Satan, the one misleading the world


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Thursday, September 5 2024​

The Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulfur.—Rev. 20:10.

The book of Revelation describes “a great fiery-colored dragon.” (Rev. 12:3) This dragon fights against Jesus and his angels. (Rev. 12:7-9) It attacks God’s people, and it gives power to the political beasts. (Rev. 12:17; 13:4) Who is this dragon? It is “the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan.” (Rev. 12:9; 20:2) He is the one behind all the other enemies of Jehovah. What happens to the dragon? Revelation 20:1-3 explains that an angel will hurl Satan into an abyss, which represents a prisonlike confinement. During that confinement, Satan will “not mislead the nations anymore until the 1,000 years [have] ended.” Finally, Satan and his demons will be destroyed once and for all, represented by their being hurled into “the lake of fire and sulfur.” Just imagine a world without Satan and his demons. What a wonderful time that will be! w22.05 14 ¶19-20
Examining the Scriptures Daily—2024

Wednesday, August 9 2017​

Oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you.—Jas. 4:7.

How can we fight Satan and win? Jesus told his disciples: “By your endurance you will preserve your lives.” Nothing that any human can do will cause us permanent harm. Nobody can take away our precious friendship with God unless we allow that to happen. Even the death of Jehovah’s servants does not score a victory for Satan, for Jehovah will see to it that they are resurrected! On the other hand, Satan’s prospects are bleak indeed. After the destruction of his ungodly system, Satan will be abyssed for 1,000 years. At the end of Jesus’ Thousand Year Reign, Satan will be “released from his prison” for a short time to make a final attempt to mislead perfect mankind. After that, the Devil will be destroyed. Satan faces certain doom, but that is not true of you! Take your stand against Satan, firm in the faith. You can fight Satan and win!
Most people have no idea that Satan even exists, much less that he exerts power and control over the world —even to the extent that Revelation states that Satan the Devil is misleading the entire inhabited earth. That’s a lot of people! And just think, it all began with a single lie. That is why Jesus said that the Devil is the “father of the lie.” No one had ever told a lie before —much less a lie impugning God’s character.

But now lies and liars are commonplace. Lies are what govern the world. Virtually everything is a lie. Most everything people believe to be true is a lie. Religions, all of them, are all based on lies. One of the most persistent lies is that of evolution. Men go to schools of great learning in order to be equipped to better explain the lies that people are required to believe.

Then there are the politicians and media. Their lies kill millions of people. Take Iraq for example. It was once a relatively peaceful and stable nation. There were no Jihadists —no terror. The strongman ruler kept order. Christians were left in peace. But the Anglo-American leaders at the time said that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. Their intelligences agencies said it was an absolute certainty. Saddam posed a grave threat to the peace and security of the world. So, NATO invaded and lo and behold, not a shred of evidence has ever been found to prove that there were ever any WMDs of any kind –not that they really expected to find any.

Iraqi boy rides bike in ruins of Mosul
But as a result of the original lie over one million Iraqis have been killed and are still dying to this day and the nation lies in utter ruin. And of course, the same propaganda techniques have been deployed over and over again against targeted nations.

Now the big lie making the rounds is that Russia stole the last presidential election. Although the media present it as a proven fact, like the Iraqi WMD story, no evidence has ever been presented that proves Russia did anything. The fact is, the Anglo empire has targeted Russia for destruction. That is something the media do not mention. It is a lie by omission. But provoking a nuclear power like Russia is not the same as destroying a defenseless nation. It is the most dangerous and reckless thing, ever!

Surely, there is no reason to doubt what Revelation states as regards the fiery dragon giving the beastly political system its throne, power and great authority.

Ultimately, the demons are leading the world into a direct confrontation with Almighty God. Revelation reveals that expressions inspired by demons lead the kings of the world to a place called Armageddon.

But Jehovah’s Witnesses have their lies too. The truth is not pure unadulterated truth. The big lie, of course, is 1914 —the hoax that Christ began ruling the world then and that he came as a refiner and purified the Bible Students.

Paul explained that God allows Satan to empower a man of lawlessness who resides in the midst of the spiritual temple of God. Paul reveals that “the lawless one’s presence is by the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and wonders and every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth in order that they might be saved. That is why God lets a deluding influence mislead them so that they may come to believe the lie, in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.”

As the context indicates, the lie has to do with the coming of Christ. Through written and verbal statements attributed to the apostles the deluding influence is intended to convince the faithful that the presence has begun and the day of Jehovah is here. It is undeniable that from the very first the Watchtower has announced that the presence has begun —originally in 1874.

In view of the fact that the world is ruled over by the father of the lie, and since his intention is to mislead those who belong to God and Christ, it should not be deemed incredible that Satan would put into operation powerful works and lying signs and wonders, such as orchestrating the First World War to coincide with the seven times chronology already in place. Since 1914 the Watchtower has interpreted events, such as the arrest of Rutherford and then the Cedar Point revivals, as the fulfillment of dozens of prophecies. “Every unrighteous deception,” indeed!

The most insidious lie is that Satan has no influence over the truth. Jehovah’s Witnesses have been deluded into believing that they dwell in spiritual paradise and the Devil has no place. They may have read the account many times before, but Jehovah’s Witnesses simply cannot comprehend the significance of the fact that men whom Paul dubbed the superfine apostles were presiding over the Corinthian congregation and yet Paul revealed that they were actually agents of Satan who were disguised as ministers of righteousness –just as the Devil himself continually transforms himself into an angel of light. Surely it is the work of the disguised angel of light, in that, Jehovah’s Witnesses imagine that they have been enlightened by a divine source to understand the esoteric secrets associated with Jesus’ invisible presence.

One of the most prominent aspects of the composite sign Jesus gave regarding his second coming is the prevalence of satanic deception. Jesus pointedly warned that there would be many false christs and false prophets who would arise and mislead many. Ultimately Satan’s agents will declare that Jesus is “here,” in the inner chambers, and “there,” out in the wilderness. Again, Jesus forewarned that the deception would be so convincing that if it were possible even the chosen ones would be misled.

As it stands, the Watchtower has proclaimed that the Lord’s day has been underway for over a century. Up until this very moment —even as the drums of war reverberate louder and louder —the Governing Body continue to reassure Jehovah’s Witnesses there will not be another world war. In this they will surely be found out to be false prophets. There most certainly will be another world war and it will shatter the delusion that presently grips Jehovah’s Witnesses.
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Wednesday, August 9 2017​

Oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you.—Jas. 4:7.

Most people have no idea that Satan even exists, much less that he exerts power and control over the world —even to the extent that Revelation states that Satan the Devil is misleading the entire inhabited earth. That’s a lot of people! And just think, it all began with a single lie. That is why Jesus said that the Devil is the “father of the lie.” No one had ever told a lie before —much less a lie impugning God’s character.

But now lies and liars are commonplace. Lies are what govern the world. Virtually everything is a lie. Most everything people believe to be true is a lie. Religions, all of them, are all based on lies. One of the most persistent lies is that of evolution. Men go to schools of great learning in order to be equipped to better explain the lies that people are required to believe.

Then there are the politicians and media. Their lies kill millions of people. Take Iraq for example. It was once a relatively peaceful and stable nation. There were no Jihadists —no terror. The strongman ruler kept order. Christians were left in peace. But the Anglo-American leaders at the time said that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. Their intelligences agencies said it was an absolute certainty. Saddam posed a grave threat to the peace and security of the world. So, NATO invaded and lo and behold, not a shred of evidence has ever been found to prove that there were ever any WMDs of any kind –not that they really expected to find any.

Iraqi boy rides bike in ruins of Mosul
But as a result of the original lie over one million Iraqis have been killed and are still dying to this day and the nation lies in utter ruin. And of course, the same propaganda techniques have been deployed over and over again against targeted nations.

Now the big lie making the rounds is that Russia stole the last presidential election. Although the media present it as a proven fact, like the Iraqi WMD story, no evidence has ever been presented that proves Russia did anything. The fact is, the Anglo empire has targeted Russia for destruction. That is something the media do not mention. It is a lie by omission. But provoking a nuclear power like Russia is not the same as destroying a defenseless nation. It is the most dangerous and reckless thing, ever!

Surely, there is no reason to doubt what Revelation states as regards the fiery dragon giving the beastly political system its throne, power and great authority.

Ultimately, the demons are leading the world into a direct confrontation with Almighty God. Revelation reveals that expressions inspired by demons lead the kings of the world to a place called Armageddon.

But Jehovah’s Witnesses have their lies too. The truth is not pure unadulterated truth. The big lie, of course, is 1914 —the hoax that Christ began ruling the world then and that he came as a refiner and purified the Bible Students.

Paul explained that God allows Satan to empower a man of lawlessness who resides in the midst of the spiritual temple of God. Paul reveals that “the lawless one’s presence is by the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and wonders and every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth in order that they might be saved. That is why God lets a deluding influence mislead them so that they may come to believe the lie, in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.”

As the context indicates, the lie has to do with the coming of Christ. Through written and verbal statements attributed to the apostles the deluding influence is intended to convince the faithful that the presence has begun and the day of Jehovah is here. It is undeniable that from the very first the Watchtower has announced that the presence has begun —originally in 1874.

In view of the fact that the world is ruled over by the father of the lie, and since his intention is to mislead those who belong to God and Christ, it should not be deemed incredible that Satan would put into operation powerful works and lying signs and wonders, such as orchestrating the First World War to coincide with the seven times chronology already in place. Since 1914 the Watchtower has interpreted events, such as the arrest of Rutherford and then the Cedar Point revivals, as the fulfillment of dozens of prophecies. “Every unrighteous deception,” indeed!

The most insidious lie is that Satan has no influence over the truth. Jehovah’s Witnesses have been deluded into believing that they dwell in spiritual paradise and the Devil has no place. They may have read the account many times before, but Jehovah’s Witnesses simply cannot comprehend the significance of the fact that men whom Paul dubbed the superfine apostles were presiding over the Corinthian congregation and yet Paul revealed that they were actually agents of Satan who were disguised as ministers of righteousness –just as the Devil himself continually transforms himself into an angel of light. Surely it is the work of the disguised angel of light, in that, Jehovah’s Witnesses imagine that they have been enlightened by a divine source to understand the esoteric secrets associated with Jesus’ invisible presence.

One of the most prominent aspects of the composite sign Jesus gave regarding his second coming is the prevalence of satanic deception. Jesus pointedly warned that there would be many false christs and false prophets who would arise and mislead many. Ultimately Satan’s agents will declare that Jesus is “here,” in the inner chambers, and “there,” out in the wilderness. Again, Jesus forewarned that the deception would be so convincing that if it were possible even the chosen ones would be misled.

As it stands, the Watchtower has proclaimed that the Lord’s day has been underway for over a century. Up until this very moment —even as the drums of war reverberate louder and louder —the Governing Body continue to reassure Jehovah’s Witnesses there will not be another world war. In this they will surely be found out to be false prophets. There most certainly will be another world war and it will shatter the delusion that presently grips Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Thank you as always PJ!
Everything written in the daily text is true, except this: "This dragon fights against Jesus and his angels."

The Watchtower is implying that the war in heaven has already taken place and that Satan has already been hurled down to the earth---that we have already experienced the foretold "woe for the earth and sea because the Devil has come down to you having great anger."

Meanwhile, the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses live like kings. They reside in luxury condos nestled in a forest by a lake. A large body of servants attends to their every need. Unlike many Jehovah's Witnesses who contribute to their luxurious lifestyle, poverty is a way of life for millions. The Watchtower has so much money now that they have set up hedge funds to play the markets. They sit in the gated castle and speak of being persecuted by the enraged dragon. It is laughable. Imagine their terror when one day it all blows up, and they realize the Devil really has come down to them.
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The most insidious lie is that Satan has no influence over the truth.
Isn't it ironic that it all began with a lie from Satan in the Garden?
It wasn't that Eve was a bad person......she simply believed the lie. Isn't that basically what JW's do....believe the lie.
As our son-in-law stated when we revealed the pitfalls of the organization (UN alliance)....."What does it matter?"
In other words, truth doesn't really matter to JW's and most are "willing" to accept the lie just as Eve did.

(2 Thessalonians 2:11) ". . .that they may get to believing the lie. . ."
Five years ago, it would have been difficult to convince us that we would now place those in our congregation and most in our family among those referenced in 2Thess.
As our son-in-law stated when we revealed the pitfalls of the organization (UN alliance)....."What does it matter?"
In other words, truth doesn't really matter to JW's and most are "willing" to accept the lie just as Eve did.
What he is telling you is that the Watchtower is his only connection to God. Without it, he would be lost.
Que bendición es alimentarse cada día por aquí!!😊
Isn't it ironic that it all began with a lie from Satan in the Garden?
It wasn't that Eve was a bad person......she simply believed the lie. Isn't that basically what JW's do....believe the lie.
As our son-in-law stated when we revealed the pitfalls of the organization (UN alliance)....."What does it matter?"
In other words, truth doesn't really matter to JW's and most are "willing" to accept the lie just as Eve did.

(2 Thessalonians 2:11) ". . .that they may get to believing the lie. . ."
Five years ago, it would have been difficult to convince us that we would now place those in our congregation and most in our family among those referenced in 2Thess.
Es una sensación muy intensa ver a la familia mirarte con condescendencia porque piensan que o te has vuelto loca, o eres rebelde, o reírse cuando escuchan lo que piensas de las profecías actuales y la WT. Da igual cuantas veces intentes explicarlo, no quieren entenderlo. No quieren pensar y son los más espirituales porque obedecen a hombres y se mantiene lejos de los que ofrecemos preguntas que ni siquiera parece que comprendan. Con el tiempo que decidan a leer las escrituras y no saben responder tantas veces!! El anciano de la última congregación a la que asistí, ante mi negativa ver cómo algo divino el anuncio de obedecer aunque sean cosas extrañas, llegó a exponer que el conocimiento no es tan importante, en cambio la obediencia si. Que era mucho más importante, aseguró! No hay razonamiento posible. Es una lucha perdida y si, solo Jehová les hará entender. Y seguro lo hace mejor de nosotros. Animo es vuestra situación, se que no es fácil. Así que, aquí estamos!!!😘
Ana’s translation: It is a very intense feeling to see the family look at you condescendingly because they think that either you have gone crazy, or you are rebellious, or laughing when they hear what you think of the current prophecies and the WT. It doesn't matter how many times you try to explain it, they don't want to understand it. They don't want to think and are the most spiritual because they obey men and stay away from those we offer questions that they don't even seem to understand. With the time they decide to read the writings and don't know how to answer so many times!! The old man of the last congregation I attended, before my refusal to see how something divine the announcement to obey even if they are strange things, came to expose that knowledge is not so important, instead obedience does. That it was much more important, he assured! There is no possible reasoning. It's a lost fight and yes, only Jehovah will make them understand. And surely he does it better than us. Encouragement is your situation, I know it's not easy. So, here we are!!!
WT's latest "Keep on the Watch"

Whom Can You Trust?—⁠What Does the Bible Say?​

People are disappointed when those who are supposed to be trustworthy let them down. Many have lost trust in . . .
  • political leaders who put their own interests ahead of the needs of the people.
  • media outlets that fail to report the news fairly and accurately.
  • scientists who do not act in the public’s best interest.
  • religious leaders who are deeply involved in supporting politics rather than in representing God.
People are right to be cautious about whom they trust. The Bible warns:
  • Don’t put your trust in human leaders; no human being can save you.”—Psalm 146:3, Good News Translation.

Wouldn't you think they should follow their own admonition? Blatant hypocrisy!!!
Can You Trust?—⁠What Does the Bible Say?
People are disappointed when those who are supposed to be trustworthy let them down. Many have lost trust in . . .
  • political leaders who put their own interests ahead of the needs of the people.
  • media outlets that fail to report the news fairly and accurately.
  • scientists who do not act in the public’s best interest.
  • religious leaders who are deeply involved in supporting politics rather than in representing God.
People are right to be cautious about whom they trust. The Bible warns:
  • Don’t put your trust in human leaders; no human being can save you.”—Psalm 146:3, Good News Translation.

Wouldn't you think they should follow their own admonition? Blatant hypocrisy!!!
They've topped out—peak hypocrisy.
Brother King wrote this in 2017 and I have to wonder if it is under inspiration because the insight in this one paragraph is amazing and a complete true characterization of what Jehovah has revealed about ALL the earthly systems, political, medical, religious, financial, educational and so on. No wonder that the “wisdom” of the wise men will perish. So sad that there are people on every side who are at present blind to their own brand of lies. But the scales will fall from their eyes and then their choices will be deliberate. The situation reminds me of Eve being tricked but Adam’s sin was deliberate.

But now lies and liars are commonplace. Lies are what govern the world. Virtually everything is a lie. Most everything people believe to be true is a lie. Religions, all of them, are all based on lies. One of the most persistent lies is that of evolution. Men go to schools of great learning in order to be equipped to better explain the lies that people are required to believe.”
Satan knows that most of us on the forum couldn’t care less about material things but the real way he can hurt us is through family and friends.
That's for sure, I can say that I'm a tiny bit wealthy, yet I do very little with it, I don't go on holiday, not in 40 years, I rarely buy luxury things, what I do do is research on the computer like ancient Egypt, also in connection with Biblical accounts about it and there are a lot of them, from Pharaoh Djoser who I believe was the Pharaoh of Joseph to Amasis who I strongly suspect was a contemporary of Nebuchadnezzar at the time of the Egyptian captivity of 40 years as mentioned in Ezekiel and centuries later the Seleucids, culminating in Cleopatra.
When I research this in my office in front of the computer with a glass of soda or coffee and with my favorite music, I have a holiday in my own way.

I wanted to leave the money that was left over in the event of my death to JW. now I wonder if that's a good thing, at least if it's about printing and distributing the Bible, then it seems to me to be a good thing.