Tuesday, August 13 2024 The hour of test, which is to come upon the entire inhabited earth


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Tuesday, August 13 2024​

The eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous.—1 Pet. 3:12.

All of us will face some kind of trial. However, we will never have to face a trial on our own. Like a loving father, Jehovah is always watching over us. He is by our side, ready to hear our pleas for help and eager to support us. (Isa. 43:2) We are convinced that we can cope with adversity because he has generously provided us with everything we need to endure. He has given us the gift of prayer, the Bible, an abundance of spiritual food, and a loving brotherhood to help us in times of need. How grateful we are to have a heavenly Father who watches over us! “Our hearts rejoice in him.” (Ps. 33:21) We can show Jehovah that we appreciate his loving care by taking advantage of all his provisions to help us. We also need to do our part to remain under God’s care. In other words, if we continue to do our best to obey Jehovah and do what is right in his eyes, he will watch over us forever! w22.08 13 ¶15-16
Examining the Scriptures Daily—2024

The hour of test, which is to come upon the entire inhabited earth​

Monday, February 19 – Hope in Jehovah.—Ps. 27:14.

Jehovah has given us the marvelous hope of everlasting life. Some hope to live forever in heaven as immortal spirit creatures. (1 Cor. 15:50, 53) Most, though, hope to live forever on earth in perfect health and happiness. (Rev. 21:3, 4) Whether we look forward to everlasting life in heaven or on earth, our hope is precious to us. Our hope for the future is guaranteed because it comes from Jehovah. (Rom. 15:13) We know what he has promised, and we know that he always keeps his word. (Num. 23:19) We are convinced that Jehovah has both the desire and the power to accomplish everything that he says he will do. Our heavenly Father loves us, and he wants us to trust in him. When our hope in Jehovah is strong, we will be able to endure trials and face the future with courage and joy. w22.10 24 ¶1-3
Trusting God is not always easy. It reminds me of a joke I heard years ago. A guy falls off a cliff and on the way down he grabs hold of a branch. He hollers for help, pleading to heaven saying: ‘If there is anyone up there can you please help?’ Then to his relief and astonishment, a voice replies. ‘Yes. I am here. Just let go of the branch and I will catch you.’ The man thinks it over for a few seconds as his grip weakens and then he responds: ‘Is there anyone else up there?’

Jesus had to trust God. Contrary to what deluded Trinitrians and Jesus Only Pentecostals imagine, Jesus did not resurrect himself. He trusted that if he willingly gave up his life God would bring him back from the dead. In fact, one of the last things Jesus said as he was dying on the stake was: “Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit.” And his hope and trust were rewarded.

Hoping and trusting in God is easy when everything is going well. It is when trials come that we are put to the test. And speaking of tests, Jesus forewarned us that a great test of faith is coming up the entire world. Jesus said: “Because you kept the word about my endurance, I will also keep you from the hour of test, which is to come upon the entire inhabited earth, to put to the test those dwelling on the earth. I am coming quickly. Keep holding fast to what you have, so that no one may take your crown.” – Revelation 3:10-11

When Jesus said that faithful ones would be kept from the hour of test he did not mean that they would not be tested. On the contrary, Jesus spoke a similar message to another anointed congregation, saying: “Do not be afraid of the things you are about to suffer. Look! The Devil will keep on throwing some of you into prison so that you may be fully put to the test, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Prove yourself faithful even to death, and I will give you the crown of life.” – Rev. 2:10

Being kept from the test means that Jesus will not allow us to fail the test provided we are faithful. Jesus said something similar to Peter when he told the disciples that the Devil had demanded to have them to sift them as wheat, but Christ had made supplication on their behalf that their faith may not give out.

When is this hour of test? The Watchtower, Jehovah’s earthly mouthpiece recently boasted that they have no reason to be embarrassed or ever apologize for getting it wrong, claims that the hour of test began in 1914 and has been ongoing for 110 years! Here is what a Watchtower said 25 years ago:

But the major “hour of test” occurs in “the Lord’s day” during “the time of the end,” where we now are. (Revelation 1:10; Daniel 12:4) Spirit-anointed Christians went through a particular time of testing during and immediately following World War I. Yet, “the hour of test” is still on. It affects “the whole inhabited earth,” including the millions making up the great crowd, who hope to survive the great tribulation.
If we but carefully read what Jesus said it is clear that the hour of test commences when the Son of man arrives like a thief in the night. That is what Jesus meant when he said “I am coming quickly. Keep holding fast to what you have, so that no one may take your crown.” If the hour of test began in 1914 then that would be when the Son of man came. But even the Watchtower now admits that the coming of Christ as a thief in the night to commence the judgment of the house of God has not taken place. And since even the Watchtower now teaches that Christ has not come then neither has the hour of test begun.

The Watchtower’s error is what will result in the faith of Jehovah’s Witnesses being tested. The Watchtower’s error is due to the foretold operation of Satan. As part of that operation, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been deluded into believing that the eighth king has already begun ruling for his allotted one hour. No doubt the hour of test will coincide with the one-hour reign of the last king. The last king will make war against the chosen ones and ultimately conquer and kill them.

The hour of test, which is to come upon the entire inhabited earth​

Trusting God is not always easy. It reminds me of a joke I heard years ago. A guy falls off a cliff and on the way down he grabs hold of a branch. He hollers for help, pleading to heaven saying: ‘If there is anyone up there can you please help?’ Then to his relief and astonishment, a voice replies. ‘Yes. I am here. Just let go of the branch and I will catch you.’ The man thinks it over for a few seconds as his grip weakens and then he responds: ‘Is there anyone else up there?’

Jesus had to trust God. Contrary to what deluded Trinitrians and Jesus Only Pentecostals imagine, Jesus did not resurrect himself. He trusted that if he willingly gave up his life God would bring him back from the dead. In fact, one of the last things Jesus said as he was dying on the stake was: “Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit.” And his hope and trust were rewarded.

Hoping and trusting in God is easy when everything is going well. It is when trials come that we are put to the test. And speaking of tests, Jesus forewarned us that a great test of faith is coming up the entire world. Jesus said: “Because you kept the word about my endurance, I will also keep you from the hour of test, which is to come upon the entire inhabited earth, to put to the test those dwelling on the earth. I am coming quickly. Keep holding fast to what you have, so that no one may take your crown.” – Revelation 3:10-11

When Jesus said that faithful ones would be kept from the hour of test he did not mean that they would not be tested. On the contrary, Jesus spoke a similar message to another anointed congregation, saying: “Do not be afraid of the things you are about to suffer. Look! The Devil will keep on throwing some of you into prison so that you may be fully put to the test, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Prove yourself faithful even to death, and I will give you the crown of life.” – Rev. 2:10

Being kept from the test means that Jesus will not allow us to fail the test provided we are faithful. Jesus said something similar to Peter when he told the disciples that the Devil had demanded to have them to sift them as wheat, but Christ had made supplication on their behalf that their faith may not give out.

When is this hour of test? The Watchtower, Jehovah’s earthly mouthpiece recently boasted that they have no reason to be embarrassed or ever apologize for getting it wrong, claims that the hour of test began in 1914 and has been ongoing for 110 years! Here is what a Watchtower said 25 years ago:

If we but carefully read what Jesus said it is clear that the hour of test commences when the Son of man arrives like a thief in the night. That is what Jesus meant when he said “I am coming quickly. Keep holding fast to what you have, so that no one may take your crown.” If the hour of test began in 1914 then that would be when the Son of man came. But even the Watchtower now admits that the coming of Christ as a thief in the night to commence the judgment of the house of God has not taken place. And since even the Watchtower now teaches that Christ has not come then neither has the hour of test begun.

The Watchtower’s error is what will result in the faith of Jehovah’s Witnesses being tested. The Watchtower’s error is due to the foretold operation of Satan. As part of that operation, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been deluded into believing that the eighth king has already begun ruling for his allotted one hour. No doubt the hour of test will coincide with the one-hour reign of the last king. The last king will make war against the chosen ones and ultimately conquer and kill them.
I'm usually pretty good at keeping up with what the watchtower believes on any given day but I had no idea that they teach that the 8th king has already begun ruling??!! When did they first say that?

The hour of test, which is to come upon the entire inhabited earth​

Trusting God is not always easy. It reminds me of a joke I heard years ago. A guy falls off a cliff and on the way down he grabs hold of a branch. He hollers for help, pleading to heaven saying: ‘If there is anyone up there can you please help?’ Then to his relief and astonishment, a voice replies. ‘Yes. I am here. Just let go of the branch and I will catch you.’ The man thinks it over for a few seconds as his grip weakens and then he responds: ‘Is there anyone else up there?’

Jesus had to trust God. Contrary to what deluded Trinitrians and Jesus Only Pentecostals imagine, Jesus did not resurrect himself. He trusted that if he willingly gave up his life God would bring him back from the dead. In fact, one of the last things Jesus said as he was dying on the stake was: “Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit.” And his hope and trust were rewarded.

Hoping and trusting in God is easy when everything is going well. It is when trials come that we are put to the test. And speaking of tests, Jesus forewarned us that a great test of faith is coming up the entire world. Jesus said: “Because you kept the word about my endurance, I will also keep you from the hour of test, which is to come upon the entire inhabited earth, to put to the test those dwelling on the earth. I am coming quickly. Keep holding fast to what you have, so that no one may take your crown.” – Revelation 3:10-11

When Jesus said that faithful ones would be kept from the hour of test he did not mean that they would not be tested. On the contrary, Jesus spoke a similar message to another anointed congregation, saying: “Do not be afraid of the things you are about to suffer. Look! The Devil will keep on throwing some of you into prison so that you may be fully put to the test, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Prove yourself faithful even to death, and I will give you the crown of life.” – Rev. 2:10

Being kept from the test means that Jesus will not allow us to fail the test provided we are faithful. Jesus said something similar to Peter when he told the disciples that the Devil had demanded to have them to sift them as wheat, but Christ had made supplication on their behalf that their faith may not give out.

When is this hour of test? The Watchtower, Jehovah’s earthly mouthpiece recently boasted that they have no reason to be embarrassed or ever apologize for getting it wrong, claims that the hour of test began in 1914 and has been ongoing for 110 years! Here is what a Watchtower said 25 years ago:

If we but carefully read what Jesus said it is clear that the hour of test commences when the Son of man arrives like a thief in the night. That is what Jesus meant when he said “I am coming quickly. Keep holding fast to what you have, so that no one may take your crown.” If the hour of test began in 1914 then that would be when the Son of man came. But even the Watchtower now admits that the coming of Christ as a thief in the night to commence the judgment of the house of God has not taken place. And since even the Watchtower now teaches that Christ has not come then neither has the hour of test begun.

The Watchtower’s error is what will result in the faith of Jehovah’s Witnesses being tested. The Watchtower’s error is due to the foretold operation of Satan. As part of that operation, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been deluded into believing that the eighth king has already begun ruling for his allotted one hour. No doubt the hour of test will coincide with the one-hour reign of the last king. The last king will make war against the chosen ones and ultimately conquer and kill them.
We who are here on this forum are very privileged to have our eyes opened and to get a hazy glimpse at what is about to happen , both in the world , and to the Watchtower . We are outcasts from just about everyone . What is soon to come however , is not going to be very nice for us , but even worst for the rest of the world . Our faith is going to be rewarded , while others are going to lose theirs . We should be doing everything to help one another here , so we can help a whole lot more soon .
I'm usually pretty good at keeping up with what the watchtower believes on any given day but I had no idea that they teach that the 8th king has already begun ruling??!! When did they first say that?
The WT came up with that right after the UN was formed in 1945. In fact, the Watchtower touts the prophetic prowess of the then president, Nathan Knorr, for discerning that WW2 would end and the defunct League of Nations would be resurrected in some form. During the height of WW2, Knorr gave a talk entitled Peace-Can it Last? That was a strange question to pose during the war. But, lo and behold! The war ended, and no sooner had it ended than the UN was established.

The November 1st, 1952 Watchtower had this to say (para 14):
Still more prophetic insight into the parade of human governments unfolds at Revelation 17:8, 10-14, NW: “The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is destined to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. . . . And there are seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet arrived, but when he does arrive he must remain a short while. And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth king, but owes its existence to the seven, and it goes off into destruction. And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast. These have one purpose, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them.” At the time the apostle John was used to write this, five world powers had come and gone, the sixth, the Roman empire, then existed, and the seventh, the Anglo-American world power, was yet to come. It is here now, but so is an eighth, the international combine known as the United Nations, which owes its existence to the nations and receives its authority from them. It first existed as the League of Nations, then went into the abyss of inactivity and death, but now has ascended out as the present United Nations. It and all the nations will go into destruction when they war with the Lamb of God, Christ Jesus, at Armageddon. Then Christ’s kingdom will hold undisputed sway over a new earth arrangement.
I believe that Satan was behind the Watchtower's flash of new light. Didn't Paul say that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light? When warning Christians about the man of lawlessness and the seemingly inspired statements concerning the day of the Lord being here, Paul stated that Satan's operation would be empowered by "every powerful work and lying signs and wonders and every unrighteous deception."

On the one hand, there is little reason to doubt that the globalists intend to transfer national sovereignty to a world government. The UN has served as a placeholder and only awaits empowerment. Still, though, it is a lying sign and unrighteous deception to claim that the establishment of the UN in 1945 was the fulfillment of Revelation, that the beast had crawled out of the abyss.
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The WT came up with that right after the UN was formed in 1945. In fact, the Watchtower touts the prophetic prowess of the then president, Nathan Knorr, for discerning that WW2 would end and the defunct League of Nations would be resurrected in some form. During the height of WW2, Knorr gave a talk entitled Peace-Can it Last? That was a strange question to pose during the war. But, lo and behold! The war ended, and no sooner had it ended than the UN was established.

The November 1st, 1952 Watchtower had this to say (para 14):

I believe that Satan was behind the Watchtower's flash of new light. Didn't Paul say that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light? When warning Christians about the man of lawlessness and the seemingly inspired statements concerning the day of the Lord being here, Paul stated that Satan's operation would be empowered by "every powerful work and lying signs and wonders and every unrighteous deception."

On the one hand, there is little reason to doubt that the globalists intend to transfer national sovereignty to a world government. The UN has served as a placeholder and only awaits empowerment. Still, though, it is a lying sign and unrighteous deception to claim that the establishment of the UN in 1945 was the fulfillment of Revelation, that the beast had crawled out of the abyss.
Hmm.. yes, I do recognise most of what's here but I've never got the impression from all the conversations I've had on the subject with brothers and sisters that they were under the impression that the UN were actually ruling the world, they and I all seem to believe that the main ruling authority was US and the UK 🤔 If the GB truly believe that the UN are in fact ruling the world at this moment in time then as far as me personally is concerned that is conclusive evidence that they really did throw us all under the bus so to speak back in 2020/21 and they weren't just floundering around in the dark like so many believe..
Hmm.. yes, I do recognise most of what's here but I've never got the impression from all the conversations I've had on the subject with brothers and sisters that they were under the impression that the UN were actually ruling the world, they and I all seem to believe that the main ruling authority was US and the UK 🤔 If the GB truly believe that the UN are in fact ruling the world at this moment in time then as far as me personally is concerned that is conclusive evidence that they really did throw us all under the bus so to speak back in 2020/21 and they weren't just floundering around in the dark like so many believe..
The WT does not explicitly say the UN is a world government because, obviously, it is not. They simply say the UN is presently ruling as the eighth king. Lies thrive in ambiguity. I am the one who says the eighth king will be a world government. The WT has its own definition.
The WT does not explicitly say the UN is a world government because, obviously, it is not. They simply say the UN is presently ruling as the eighth king. Lies thrive in ambiguity. I am the one who says the eighth king will be a world government. The WT has its own definition.
But surely "ruling as the 8th king" means ruling the world as we know it? All the previous 7 did didn't they? 🤔
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Yes, of course. But you are getting into an area now using reasoning and logic, and the WT frowns on "independent thinking." 🫣
The funny thing is, it hasn't always been this way. I studied for 9yrs before I was baptised because I wanted answers to so many questions and wanted to research everything I could, all the way back to the beginning and no-one ever gave me the impression that I was doing the "wrong" thing. I just wanted to be
sure that absolutely nothing ANY one could say to me or "reveal" to me (ie all the weird and wonderful stuff that went on years ago) would take me by surprise and I'm glad I did because many people over the years have left Jehovah after "discovering" weird stuff from Russell and Ruthefords time, that they really ought to have already known about before getting baptised. They'd try and "reveal" this stuff to me and then act shocked that I already knew about it and wasn't phased by any of it. But it's because I can extract the important stuff about the truth about the Bible and Jehovah and dismiss or laugh about the crazy stuff, and I'm pretty sure Jehovah laughs at a lot of it too! Anyway, I hate the fact that (especially ) just lately the org seems to be really trying to stop us researching. I recently told one of our elders that I'd never have been able to learn about Jehovah if independent research hadn't been encouraged back in the day, and I can assure you, it really was encouraged. Needless to say, he never replied to me, 4 different elders I've had opportunity to say stuff to and none of them ever reply to me. I feel well and truly dumped 🥺
Hmm.. yes, I do recognise most of what's here but I've never got the impression from all the conversations I've had on the subject with brothers and sisters that they were under the impression that the UN were actually ruling the world, they and I all seem to believe that the main ruling authority was US and the UK 🤔 If the GB truly believe that the UN are in fact ruling the world at this moment in time then as far as me personally is concerned that is conclusive evidence that they really did throw us all under the bus so to speak back in 2020/21 and they weren't just floundering around in the dark like so many believe..
You may not have seen the implication Proverbs. When I came into the truth, I was “taught” by a very hard line conscientious objector war JW and he was quite emphatic about the position of the UN as being the beast, stressing how it was, and was not, but was again. In fact, he actually stopped the study and asked me if I accepted that as fact. To this day I have no idea why I just swallowed that, other than it was in context of all the other teachings. It is a fact I feel, that the “lie” is a contextual masterpiece of deceit. If you are teaching someone who has no insight into the bible the watchtower hypothesis on truth, then it makes sense. Why? Because its weave fits like a bespoke coat. The problem is that it’s not made of the pure wool sheep have, but of polyester.

He applied it in the present term as a prince in waiting for the crown (my words), and that really is my impression how the watchtower viewed it as something ready to assume power, and which it, or something like it, well may do. At present, there is no other facsimile of power like it that is fit for purpose, but that does not mean there will not be. I think in 2017 that Trump was thinking of defunding the UN members but that never came about, but it could be a good reason why he will not get back in, what with his recent acquisition of an ear-ring and faulty jet plane hydraulics, the deep state are showing their intent.

From whatever source the 8th king arises, the effect will be the same, and it will form part of prophesy that will be clear to all. The painting of the truth upon the whitewashed wall by watchtower will be exposed and a lot more with it. Their artful depiction of the truth will be seen for the clever facsimile that it is. Remember when they used to say “Advertise, advertise, advertise the king and His kingdom”? Well, as an advertisement it was very effective nonsense, but for watchtower an extremely lucrative spin on the truth, with eight million committed buyers, forking out for their subscription weekly. Their focus on the UN has faded these last forty years - and not surprisingly either as they signed up to it in 1990. Why would they do that? What would be their motive? Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, perhaps?
The funny thing is, it hasn't always been this way. I studied for 9yrs before I was baptised because I wanted answers to so many questions and wanted to research everything I could, all the way back to the beginning and no-one ever gave me the impression that I was doing the "wrong" thing. I just wanted to be
sure that absolutely nothing ANY one could say to me or "reveal" to me (ie all the weird and wonderful stuff that went on years ago) would take me by surprise and I'm glad I did because many people over the years have left Jehovah after "discovering" weird stuff from Russell and Ruthefords time, that they really ought to have already known about before getting baptised. They'd try and "reveal" this stuff to me and then act shocked that I already knew about it and wasn't phased by any of it. But it's because I can extract the important stuff about the truth about the Bible and Jehovah and dismiss or laugh about the crazy stuff, and I'm pretty sure Jehovah laughs at a lot of it too! Anyway, I hate the fact that (especially ) just lately the org seems to be really trying to stop us researching. I recently told one of our elders that I'd never have been able to learn about Jehovah if independent research hadn't been encouraged back in the day, and I can assure you, it really was encouraged. Needless to say, he never replied to me, 4 different elders I've had opportunity to say stuff to and none of them ever reply to me. I feel well and truly dumped 🥺
You should not feel dumped Proverbs, but rescued by Jehovah who “knows His Sheep…..and they know Him.” It’s not nice to be ignored, you’re not wrong, and it does make one feel “less than”, but it’s not the case. They ignore the warning signs of people thinking for themselves. They value the company of the crowd on the wide road. One does not have many companions on the narrow road, so do not expect them. Depend on the walking stick of faith as your companion along the way.
You should not feel dumped Proverbs, but rescued by Jehovah who “knows His Sheep…..and they know Him.” It’s not nice to be ignored, you’re not wrong, and it does make one feel “less than”, but it’s not the case. They ignore the warning signs of people thinking for themselves. They value the company of the crowd on the wide road. One does not have many companions on the narrow road, so do not expect them. Depend on the walking stick of faith as your companion along the way.
Ah that's really lovely what you've just said Barney, thankyou, I appreciate those words very much 😍 I'm usually a positive person but every now and then I get a bit negative 😬
You may not have seen the implication Proverbs. When I came into the truth, I was “taught” by a very hard line conscientious objector war JW and he was quite emphatic about the position of the UN as being the beast, stressing how it was, and was not, but was again. In fact, he actually stopped the study and asked me if I accepted that as fact. To this day I have no idea why I just swallowed that, other than it was in context of all the other teachings. It is a fact I feel, that the “lie” is a contextual masterpiece of deceit. If you are teaching someone who has no insight into the bible the watchtower hypothesis on truth, then it makes sense. Why? Because its weave fits like a bespoke coat. The problem is that it’s not made of the pure wool sheep have, but of polyester.

He applied it in the present term as a prince in waiting for the crown (my words), and that really is my impression how the watchtower viewed it as something ready to assume power, and which it, or something like it, well may do. At present, there is no other facsimile of power like it that is fit for purpose, but that does not mean there will not be. I think in 2017 that Trump was thinking of defunding the UN members but that never came about, but it could be a good reason why he will not get back in, what with his recent acquisition of an ear-ring and faulty jet plane hydraulics, the deep state are showing their intent.

From whatever source the 8th king arises, the effect will be the same, and it will form part of prophesy that will be clear to all. The painting of the truth upon the whitewashed wall by watchtower will be exposed and a lot more with it. Their artful depiction of the truth will be seen for the clever facsimile that it is. Remember when they used to say “Advertise, advertise, advertise the king and His kingdom”? Well, as an advertisement it was very effective nonsense, but for watchtower an extremely lucrative spin on the truth, with eight million committed buyers, forking out for their subscription weekly. Their focus on the UN has faded these last forty years - and not surprisingly either as they signed up to it in 1990. Why would they do that? What would be their motive? Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, perhaps?
But much of it HAS to be true because Jehovah wouldn't have organised the preaching and teaching work if it's not his time?
In a backhanded way, the fact that JWs are laboring under this 1914 delusion and everything that goes with it, such as the beast arising from the abyss in the form of the UN, proves that they are, as advertised, Jehovah's organization. Satan is surely aware that the anointed are grouped around the Watchtower. He knows Christ is using the Watchtower to preach the good news of the Kingdom all over the earth. And because God allows for an operation of Satan to go to those who know the truth to test their love of the truth when the time comes, it explains why the Watchtower has been taken in by the Devil's lying signs and every unrighteous deception. Foremost, it seems Satan is faking his own ouster from heaven so that when he and the demons really are thrown down in a rage, they intend to impose shock and awe on us in a way we have not anticipated.
The funny thing is, it hasn't always been this way. I studied for 9yrs before I was baptised because I wanted answers to so many questions and wanted to research everything I could, all the way back to the beginning and no-one ever gave me the impression that I was doing the "wrong" thing. I just wanted to be
sure that absolutely nothing ANY one could say to me or "reveal" to me (ie all the weird and wonderful stuff that went on years ago) would take me by surprise and I'm glad I did because many people over the years have left Jehovah after "discovering" weird stuff from Russell and Ruthefords time, that they really ought to have already known about before getting baptised. They'd try and "reveal" this stuff to me and then act shocked that I already knew about it and wasn't phased by any of it. But it's because I can extract the important stuff about the truth about the Bible and Jehovah and dismiss or laugh about the crazy stuff, and I'm pretty sure Jehovah laughs at a lot of it too! Anyway, I hate the fact that (especially ) just lately the org seems to be really trying to stop us researching. I recently told one of our elders that I'd never have been able to learn about Jehovah if independent research hadn't been encouraged back in the day, and I can assure you, it really was encouraged. Needless to say, he never replied to me, 4 different elders I've had opportunity to say stuff to and none of them ever reply to me. I feel well and truly dumped 🥺
They are really good at ignoring any sort of questions or statements we might make where they have to think or disprove. It just shows you’re on the right track. Plus, if you question anything or cry out for help for some reason they ignore you as well. They are copying their father the devil who’d rather stay in the dark.
Ah that's really lovely what you've just said Barney, thankyou, I appreciate those words very much 😍 I'm usually a positive person but every now and then I get a bit negative 😬
Well don’t get down Proverbs. Prayer and revealing of one’s self honestly with Jehovah will bring you - and anyone else - a peace with a depth not experienced before. One can experience the truth of the bible that way just as did the thief next to Jesus. “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.” If one has to go, that’s the comfort one hopes for. It’s the committing of one to faith. Even if one is just a sparrow, they are known to Jehovah. (He didn’t mention retired social workers so I’m not counting my chickens yet! - but sparrows….lucky…..).
The WT does not explicitly say the UN is a world government because, obviously, it is not. They simply say the UN is presently ruling as the eighth king. Lies thrive in ambiguity. I am the one who says the eighth king will be a world government. The WT has its own definition.
Most witnesses have not thought it through nor examined it in it a critical light especially with the foundation of understanding coming from harmonious scriptures. I know that I had not understood it as well until I read the book, Jehovah Himself Has Become King and your other articles. The prophecies about the coming Tribulation and so forth were really shrouded in mental fog and it is still there to some degree but getting clearer with time.
The funny thing is, it hasn't always been this way. I studied for 9yrs before I was baptised because I wanted answers to so many questions and wanted to research everything I could, all the way back to the beginning and no-one ever gave me the impression that I was doing the "wrong" thing. I just wanted to be
sure that absolutely nothing ANY one could say to me or "reveal" to me (ie all the weird and wonderful stuff that went on years ago) would take me by surprise and I'm glad I did because many people over the years have left Jehovah after "discovering" weird stuff from Russell and Ruthefords time, that they really ought to have already known about before getting baptised. They'd try and "reveal" this stuff to me and then act shocked that I already knew about it and wasn't phased by any of it. But it's because I can extract the important stuff about the truth about the Bible and Jehovah and dismiss or laugh about the crazy stuff, and I'm pretty sure Jehovah laughs at a lot of it too! Anyway, I hate the fact that (especially ) just lately the org seems to be really trying to stop us researching. I recently told one of our elders that I'd never have been able to learn about Jehovah if independent research hadn't been encouraged back in the day, and I can assure you, it really was encouraged. Needless to say, he never replied to me, 4 different elders I've had opportunity to say stuff to and none of them ever reply to me. I feel well and truly dumped 🥺
The ORG is becoming more and more secretive and just putting anything “unpleasant” or inconvenient in their eyes in the “basket of deplorable” apostates.
You should not feel dumped Proverbs, but rescued by Jehovah who “knows His Sheep…..and they know Him.” It’s not nice to be ignored, you’re not wrong, and it does make one feel “less than”, but it’s not the case. They ignore the warning signs of people thinking for themselves. They value the company of the crowd on the wide road. One does not have many companions on the narrow road, so do not expect them. Depend on the walking stick of faith as your companion along the way.
Being corrected is a part of being trained. No one can say they have never erred, so it is not the numbers of errs that will condemn us but whether or not we accept the discipline, which then turns into training (hopefully).

Hebrews 12:11: “True, no discipline seems for the present to be joyous, but it is painful; yet afterward, it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”
We probably all know this info, but I thought it timely because when watching it I can clearly see how Satan has created a system of human rulership that will never be fixed by humans. The only thing that must be done is to eliminate it completely, which God’s Kingdom will do. The fiat money is a never ending stream of funding for it and the people whose money is being drained off by it are the very victims of it! How diabolical. If you get in front of the Blob or Deep State, whatever you want to call it, it will just steamroll you and if you survive and get in the way again, it will just steam roll you again.

One example of how it works is Bill Gates. His foundation funds about 10% of the World Health Org. So, it is no coincidence that the company he was invested in, Moderna, got huge government contracts around the world for its COVID vaccine even though it had never produced a vaccine prior to COVID. In fact, Moderna had previously NEVER brought any product to market. So Gates “investment” in WHO paid off for him in a large way. That is just one example, there are many other examples and we probably really can only see the tip of the iceberg.

It’s about 14 minutes long.
