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Tuesday, August 13 2024The eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous.—1 Pet. 3:12.
All of us will face some kind of trial. However, we will never have to face a trial on our own. Like a loving father, Jehovah is always watching over us. He is by our side, ready to hear our pleas for help and eager to support us. (Isa. 43:2) We are convinced that we can cope with adversity because he has generously provided us with everything we need to endure. He has given us the gift of prayer, the Bible, an abundance of spiritual food, and a loving brotherhood to help us in times of need. How grateful we are to have a heavenly Father who watches over us! “Our hearts rejoice in him.” (Ps. 33:21) We can show Jehovah that we appreciate his loving care by taking advantage of all his provisions to help us. We also need to do our part to remain under God’s care. In other words, if we continue to do our best to obey Jehovah and do what is right in his eyes, he will watch over us forever! w22.08 13 ¶15-16
Examining the Scriptures Daily—2024
Examining the Scriptures Daily Commentary Archive for February, 2024
. “Be dressed and ready and have your lamps burning, and you should be like men waiting for their master to return from the marriage, so when he comes and knocks, they may at once open to him.” – Luke 12:35-36
The hour of test, which is to come upon the entire inhabited earth
Trusting God is not always easy. It reminds me of a joke I heard years ago. A guy falls off a cliff and on the way down he grabs hold of a branch. He hollers for help, pleading to heaven saying: ‘If there is anyone up there can you please help?’ Then to his relief and astonishment, a voice replies. ‘Yes. I am here. Just let go of the branch and I will catch you.’ The man thinks it over for a few seconds as his grip weakens and then he responds: ‘Is there anyone else up there?’Monday, February 19 – Hope in Jehovah.—Ps. 27:14.
Jehovah has given us the marvelous hope of everlasting life. Some hope to live forever in heaven as immortal spirit creatures. (1 Cor. 15:50, 53) Most, though, hope to live forever on earth in perfect health and happiness. (Rev. 21:3, 4) Whether we look forward to everlasting life in heaven or on earth, our hope is precious to us. Our hope for the future is guaranteed because it comes from Jehovah. (Rom. 15:13) We know what he has promised, and we know that he always keeps his word. (Num. 23:19) We are convinced that Jehovah has both the desire and the power to accomplish everything that he says he will do. Our heavenly Father loves us, and he wants us to trust in him. When our hope in Jehovah is strong, we will be able to endure trials and face the future with courage and joy. w22.10 24 ¶1-3
Jesus had to trust God. Contrary to what deluded Trinitrians and Jesus Only Pentecostals imagine, Jesus did not resurrect himself. He trusted that if he willingly gave up his life God would bring him back from the dead. In fact, one of the last things Jesus said as he was dying on the stake was: “Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit.” And his hope and trust were rewarded.
Hoping and trusting in God is easy when everything is going well. It is when trials come that we are put to the test. And speaking of tests, Jesus forewarned us that a great test of faith is coming up the entire world. Jesus said: “Because you kept the word about my endurance, I will also keep you from the hour of test, which is to come upon the entire inhabited earth, to put to the test those dwelling on the earth. I am coming quickly. Keep holding fast to what you have, so that no one may take your crown.” – Revelation 3:10-11
When Jesus said that faithful ones would be kept from the hour of test he did not mean that they would not be tested. On the contrary, Jesus spoke a similar message to another anointed congregation, saying: “Do not be afraid of the things you are about to suffer. Look! The Devil will keep on throwing some of you into prison so that you may be fully put to the test, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Prove yourself faithful even to death, and I will give you the crown of life.” – Rev. 2:10
Being kept from the test means that Jesus will not allow us to fail the test provided we are faithful. Jesus said something similar to Peter when he told the disciples that the Devil had demanded to have them to sift them as wheat, but Christ had made supplication on their behalf that their faith may not give out.
When is this hour of test? The Watchtower, Jehovah’s earthly mouthpiece recently boasted that they have no reason to be embarrassed or ever apologize for getting it wrong, claims that the hour of test began in 1914 and has been ongoing for 110 years! Here is what a Watchtower said 25 years ago:
If we but carefully read what Jesus said it is clear that the hour of test commences when the Son of man arrives like a thief in the night. That is what Jesus meant when he said “I am coming quickly. Keep holding fast to what you have, so that no one may take your crown.” If the hour of test began in 1914 then that would be when the Son of man came. But even the Watchtower now admits that the coming of Christ as a thief in the night to commence the judgment of the house of God has not taken place. And since even the Watchtower now teaches that Christ has not come then neither has the hour of test begun.But the major “hour of test” occurs in “the Lord’s day” during “the time of the end,” where we now are. (Revelation 1:10; Daniel 12:4) Spirit-anointed Christians went through a particular time of testing during and immediately following World War I. Yet, “the hour of test” is still on. It affects “the whole inhabited earth,” including the millions making up the great crowd, who hope to survive the great tribulation.
The Watchtower’s error is what will result in the faith of Jehovah’s Witnesses being tested. The Watchtower’s error is due to the foretold operation of Satan. As part of that operation, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been deluded into believing that the eighth king has already begun ruling for his allotted one hour. No doubt the hour of test will coincide with the one-hour reign of the last king. The last king will make war against the chosen ones and ultimately conquer and kill them.