War in Heaven.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2021
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@Watchman , Have you ever given consideration as to "how long" the battle in heaven takes place?

When Jesus said "No one knows the day nor the hour", he was referring to the presence of the Son of man, true?

We will know that has begun when he "comes alongside " the Chosen Ones. But couldn't it be stated that when God tells Michael to stand in authority and go forth to subdue his enemies, that the "day and hour" would have been initiated?. So immediately thereafter war breaks out in heaven. There must be a "period of time" from when Michael stands and wages war in heaven before the earth acknowledges the permanent arrival of Satan and his hordes. In other words, the kingship of Christ and war in heaven will begin for a substantial period of time before we here on earth are even aware of it, true?
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The opening of the first seal of the scroll reveals someone on a white horse who is given a crown and a bow and who goes "out conquering and to complete his conquest." The conquest begins in heaven. The fact that he is given a crown and goes to war against God's enemies coincides with what is revealed in the 12th chapter of Revelation, namely when the woman gives birth to a son, a male who is to rule the nations with a rod of iron, that also begins the war in heaven. That is when the Kingdom comes to power. So, it seems reasonable that the war in heaven is manifest on earth as nation arising against nation and kingdom against kingdom. I suppose, technically, it should be called a universal war and not merely a world war. So, however long the war between the nations lasts before it devolves into the great tribulation that results in the mortal blow to the head of the beast, that is the duration of the war in heaven. There may be something in the Hebrew Scriptures that reveals the length of the war in heaven, but I am not aware of anything.
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The opening of the first seal of the scroll reveals someone on a white horse who is given a crown and a bow and who goes "out conquering and to complete his conquest." The conquest begins in heaven.
Thank you for clarifying this verse. I have wondered to which "conquest" this verse is referring. Of course it's the conquest that begins in heaven. 💡 🙂

Jesus also said that he had conquered the world, so I thought perhaps it was that conquest that he goes on to complete at the opening of the first seal.

The light gets brighter gradually.🌄
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In addition to the points Robert raised it may be worth noting that we do not fully understand how time even works in heaven. God hinted how he might perceive time, but that doesn't mean that's how the angels perceive time.

Angels are often depicted as super fast. For all we know we are all in slow motion compared to them. Thinking about our understanding of a war lasting months or years may not fully translate to the heavenly realm. What happens here may reflect what's going on in that dimension, but not fully align with it.