You really are a "treasure", Deborah as
@Melinda Riling so aptly put it and your comments add balance to the forum. We're only beginning to come to know you, but we like what we see.
Loved your suggestion to continue to "
grow in faith, overlook the imperfections of personalities that may clash with ours, DIRECT MESSAGE if we are really upset or hurt by a comment".
A private "criticism" doesn't sting as much as a public one and is much easier to reconcile.
"Back a dog up in the corner it's gonna bite", which means 'If you irritate someone and don't leave an escape route, then they will attack if they feel threatened'.
A good friend of ours in Florida and a former circuit overseer often said,
"if your have an issue with someone, make your point but don't rob them of their dignity".
BTW, I read your post to Jerry and he responded,
"with that degree of reasonableness and maturity, are you sure this post is by a sister?"
Just to be clear, to Deborah and all the sisters on the forum, he was totally was a compliment.
In fact, his defense of sisters in the congregation often raised the hair on the back of the neck of some of the elders including a chauvinistic Circuit Overseer.
Jerry was WT Overseer for the ten years prior to his resignation following the covid debacle, he often had the opportunity to stress points in the WT concerning respect for sisters and their role in the congregation.
As an example, Jerry stressed the point that sisters were the ones selected to the spread the news of Jesus' resurrection which was a slap in the face to the brothers. This was just one of many examples of Jerry standing up for sisters because, in his opinion, most of the other elders in the congregation did not have the respect for sisters that they rightly deserved.