Watchtowers affiliation with the UN


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2021
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Is there any admission from the Watchtower about their previous time as a NGO for the 'library ticket'.
My PIMI mother sent me a link to their infamous whiteboard animation about misinformation. I responded by saying that JW.ORG is full of quotations from the various UN agencies, maybe they should check their sources as the UN is the beast of Rev 13:15-18
Then one thing led to another and I mentioned that they were affiliated with the UN until the Guardian newspaper exposed it. Long story short: now I am 'spreading lies' and am 'associated with apostates' I need to get help from the elders yada yada yada (yawn)
Anyway, is there is anything in an official JW publication that I could share, it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Is there any admission from the Watchtower about their previous time as a NGO for the 'library ticket'.
My PIMI mother sent me a link to their infamous whiteboard animation about misinformation. I responded by saying that JW.ORG is full of quotations from the various UN agencies, maybe they should check their sources as the UN is the beast of Rev 13:15-18
Then one thing led to another and I mentioned that they were affiliated with the UN until the Guardian newspaper exposed it. Long story short: now I am 'spreading lies' and am 'associated with apostates' I need to get help from the elders yada yada yada (yawn)
Anyway, is there is anything in an official JW publication that I could share, it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Document here:
Thanks PJ54, although this might convince most reasonable people, my mother will only except info from the 'channel', e.g JW articles etc.
I’m not aware of anything from WT themselves but then they’re masters at this game and aren’t likely to admit it. @PJ54 posted the UN letter I was thinking of. Your mom’s response is typical according to how we’ve all been trained and controlled for so long. Just waiting for our family talk to happen - should be fun! 🙄


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Thanks PJ54, although this might convince most reasonable people, my mother will only except info from the 'channel', e.g JW articles etc.
If you're looking for an admission from the WT as being an NGO member and why, it won't be in the publications. What I've shared is likely that best and closest admission of them having been an UN NGO for ~9yrs.
Thank you. It might be worth a try directing her to the UN website.
Do you think it is worth me telling her to ask the elders or the circuit overseer?
I always thought this was an open secret among JWs. I have known about this for at least 5 years while I was still PIMI myself, but I just put it down as a mistake that was made that had since been rectified by Jehovah and it didn't bother me. It wasn't until the scam-demic that I realised they were still quoting the UN agencies so frequently. I didn't really read the Watchtowers and Awakes that I offered in the ministry anymore as I found them too dumbed down since they had the public issue and the study issue. I was able to place them by using the sample presentations, and I
didn't need to read them, so I was unaware of how bad they had got.
Thank you. It might be worth a try directing her to the UN website.
Do you think it is worth me telling her to ask the elders or the circuit overseer?
In my opinion, a waste of time, energy and effort. Likely will only look negatively on her for asking. What would be the objective in asking? Just wanting them to confirm it's true or not? I think that is well answered from the references shared. You're giving her valid sources of evidence and references, up to her as to what she will do post reading it. Just my $0.02.
I always thought this was an open secret among JWs.
I have known about it at least for 20 years, but like most just dismissed it as something innocent, because that's what WT claimed. I remeber one brother in a talk, (in fact I might have it somewhere), admitting it, and claiming it was just for the libriray. That was their "officila story" as to why they were an NGO. But this idea that WT is going to publish something condemning itself, sure is laughable. It's like asking a lying career criminal to confess. But the brother who's talk I have was one of the "helpers" and gave a talk not long after 9/11, so that would have been shortly after they left as an NGO, but the fact is they left because they had been found out.
@StillA_WorshiperOfJah I believe it was Ciero idea if that's spelled right, it's how it's spelled in my file.
Ok @Nomex this is an interesting little detail and you guys are helping me put so many pieces together! As I’ve already posted on here we roomed for months next door to the Letts in Brooklyn. Ciero and his wife were in the room on the opposite side of the Letts and we interacted with them often in the hallway and elevator. We had never heard of him before and just assumed he was one of the old, long time Bethel heavies. Ciero was quite old and rode a little scooter around Bethel. He was salty! 😳 He had no problem dropping the big cuss words when we’d talk with him and his wife was constantly apologizing for him! But he had some strange power over the other Bethelites! The waters would part when he rolled in the room and if you mentioned his name they would speak in a hushed tone. We thought it was strange but a lot of Bethel things are strange and we didn’t think much more about him.
I was recently listening to a Barbara Anderson interview, yes I know she’s quite controversial. Anyway she said in the 80s and 90s Ciero went every Wednesday to meet with the UN! They would send a car to pick him up! And after him mentioning that in the talk @Nomex it sounds like old Ciero was in deep with them in behalf of WT. This is getting interesting…
And after him mentioning that in the talk @Nomex it sounds like old Ciero was in deep with them in behalf of WT. This is getting interesting…
Oh, cool...I'm listening to the talk that I think might be it. It's only 20 minutes and it is dated Oct of 2001...once I confirm I'll post it and give the time stamp.
No!! Spare yourself! 🫣
I can't find it...I have about 5 or 6 including one he did about the "Trial of Jesus", which is actually quite good (but long). I thought I had found it, but unless I skipped over it, which is possible I haven't yet, but since you mentioned what Barbara Anderson said about him, I am certain it was him. It kind of blows my mind the things that I do remember. I don't think I can listen to any more tonight....I have two from right after 9/11 and he says in at least one of them that "we are living, deep, deep deep in the time of the end...which was only 21 years ago and counting... I am determined to find it though....I will not fail, even if it kills me! 😛 It's been at least 15 years since I listened to that' why I say it blows my mind that I remember this. I have some talks that are not labeled. so maybe it's one of those....I have hours and hours of these though....some of Daniel Sydlik, David Ianelli, Gordon Merril, etc... this was about the time when they cracked down on the brothers making and handing out copies of talks...always seemed strange to me, but perhaps because Ciero had a big mouth...LOL
I'm tempted to post all the talks I have of Ceiro and see if anyone else can find it....he says something about being accused of being in cohoots with the UN but that it was only for the library access which even Robert has written about. Maybe if enough people say yes I'll post i said it only 5 or 6 and one of them is only 20 minutes....I found a transcript of one of them, and skimmed it and it's not in that one, so I guess there would be no point in posting that one.

I have this whole talk so there is no question it's from him...except they didn't record the pray, which this transcript includes.
Thank you. It might be worth a try directing her to the UN website.
Do you think it is worth me telling her to ask the elders or the circuit overseer?
I always thought this was an open secret among JWs. I have known about this for at least 5 years while I was still PIMI myself, but I just put it down as a mistake that was made that had since been rectified by Jehovah and it didn't bother me. It wasn't until the scam-demic that I realised they were still quoting the UN agencies so frequently. I didn't really read the Watchtowers and Awakes that I offered in the ministry anymore as I found them too dumbed down since they had the public issue and the study issue. I was able to place them by using the sample presentations, and I
didn't need to read them, so I was unaware of how bad they had got.
I agree with mts to not direct her to inquire of the CO and elders. As this is a sharp group of thinking people here, most CO‘s and elders are just company men. Indeed the Star Trek Borg is very appropriate. Doubtful anything positive from your perspective will come out of it, especially if she prefaces it with “my daughter has been associating with apostates”. That will trigger the civil defense sirens
I agree with mts to not direct her to inquire of the CO and elders.
100% agree, and meant to chime in as well...they are as mindless as they come. My brother who is one of the smartest people I know, but is 100% a "company man" I told my nephew, his son, "My brother is the smartest dumb person I know!" And he laughed and agreed. The metal gymnatics we go through when we are PIMI, goes beyond the pale. You will not reach them. The only exception i think is if you do decide to tell the elders why you are leaving stepping down etc, then tell them why. They may demonize you but in the back of their mind they will always know what pushed you over the edge. But let me make this recommendation, unless you don't mind being DF'd tell only one brother in person or over the phone. Do NOT put anything in writing!
Hi @StillA_WorshiperOfJah, I think you'll find all you need here. Also, the direct link to the official letter showing they were a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) can be found directly on the website: PDF email comms between journalist and WT rep attached here also. Was this what you were looking for?
Thanks for this @mts . It’s disheartening how they used lies to evade this one and still the truth prevails.

For a long time now,I have thought that the WTBTS has become part of Babylon the Great which would soon be destroyed.
Back after the Guardian expose' I both emailed the Dag Hammarskjold library and talked to the head librarian on the phone. I should have recorded it. But in both instances, I was informed that the library was available to qualified non-NGO researchers. It was only after 9-11-2001 that the UN excluded everyone but member NGOs. Besides, as I have pointed out, there are numerous UN repository libraries all over the world. There is one at Columbia University in New York City where the WT could have gotten all the info they needed.
Maybe you are right. My fade has been successful because I was associating with a congregation 15 miles away from where I live, and I did it while the Kingdom Halls were shut, so the elders just gave up after a year.
I keep getting messages from that congregation asking which Hall i go to now, so I think everyone assumed that I have rejoined one of my local congregations.
If I make waves now, it will undo all of that and they will disfellowship me or say I'm disassociated. I dont want to give them that power over me. My main reason for fading rather than disassociateing was to make it easier for the few relatives I have still in the org.
The problem is my mother gets asks about me from members of my original congregation, and her pride wont let her say I am no longer associating with a congregation, and I think she has tried herself in knots by implying I am associating with another congregation. This is why she alternates between sending me messages telling me how wonderful the organisation is and then telling me I have left Jehovah, and I am demon possessed etc.This is all because I warned her not to take the injections back in the end of 2020, but she didn't want to take any notice, and the Broadcasts only bedded down her delusions despite all the health problems she and my disabled sister has had since.
Maybe I should disassociate, but I suspect that wont even stop her harassing me when she has these narcissistic rages, she doesn't think rules apply to her.
100% agree, and meant to chime in as well...they are as mindless as they come. My brother who is one of the smartest people I know, but is 100% a "company man" I told my nephew, his son, "My brother is the smartest dumb person I know!" And he laughed and agreed. The metal gymnatics we go through when we are PIMI, goes beyond the pale. You will not reach them. The only exception i think is if you do decide to tell the elders why you are leaving stepping down etc, then tell them why. They may demonize you but in the back of their mind they will always know what pushed you over the edge. But let me make this recommendation, unless you don't mind being DF'd tell only one brother in person or over the phone. Do NOT put anything in writing!
you mean to infer elders will DF based on not getting vx'd, and vocalizing using it as a spiritual threshold bothers your conscience?
I can't find it...I have about 5 or 6 including one he did about the "Trial of Jesus", which is actually quite good (but long). I thought I had found it, but unless I skipped over it, which is possible I haven't yet, but since you mentioned what Barbara Anderson said about him, I am certain it was him. It kind of blows my mind the things that I do remember. I don't think I can listen to any more tonight....I have two from right after 9/11 and he says in at least one of them that "we are living, deep, deep deep in the time of the end...which was only 21 years ago and counting... I am determined to find it though....I will not fail, even if it kills me! 😛 It's been at least 15 years since I listened to that' why I say it blows my mind that I remember this. I have some talks that are not labeled. so maybe it's one of those....I have hours and hours of these though....some of Daniel Sydlik, David Ianelli, Gordon Merril, etc... this was about the time when they cracked down on the brothers making and handing out copies of talks...always seemed strange to me, but perhaps because Ciero had a big mouth...LOL
His talk series on the Trial of Jesus was brilliant, worth a listen to any who have access.
Robert, did they have to re-sign that paperwork every year saying they would promote the U.N.'s goals?
Yes. There was an annual certification process. Every NGO in the program had to submit proof every year that they were promoting the UN agenda. Every year the UN listed NGOs that had been decertified for failure to meet the criteria for association. The WT has never decertified, which means that every year the Department of Public Information reviewed the Watchtower's work and found that it met the criteria.