Wednesday, August 7 - The presence of the Lord has drawn close


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Dec 25, 2021
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Exercise patience; make your hearts firm.—Jas. 5:8.

It is not always easy to keep our hope strong. We might become impatient while we wait on God. However, Jehovah is eternal, and his view of time is different from ours. (2 Pet. 3:8, 9) He will work out his purpose in the best way possible, but he may not act when we expect him to. What can help us to keep our hope strong as we wait patiently for God to fulfill his promises? (Jas. 5:7) Remain close to Jehovah, the one who guarantees our hope. In fact, the Bible closely links hope to faith that Jehovah exists and that he is “the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” (Heb. 11:1, 6) The more real Jehovah is to us, the greater our confidence will be that he will do all that he has promised. To keep our hope strong, we must pray to Jehovah and read his Word. Though we cannot see Jehovah, we can draw close to him. We can speak to him in prayer, confident that he will listen to us.—Jer. 29:11, 12. w22.10 26-27 ¶11-13
The daily text offers a fine exhortation to be patient and keep our faith strong. We are all trying to do that. But why not quote the entirety of James 5:8? Is it because it might prompt someone to think and question the Watchtower's invisible parousia dogma? Surely, the Watchtower is not trying to conserve space by omitting nine little words. Why not just publish this: "You too exercise patience; make your hearts firm, because the presence of the Lord has drawn close."

I suspect some of the Governing Body and others know that 1914 is a fraud. It is an awkward position to be in. On the one hand, I have sympathy for them. The current leadership of the Watchtower didn't even contrive the 1914 myth. They inherited it. It is part and parcel of their theocratic heritage. It is a beloved lie. Other than C.T. Russell, if any single person is responsible for concocting the lie, it is Fred Franz. He wrote all of the books that pretend to interpret prophecy and everything is tied to 1914. And he wrote so convincingly. Even so, the current leadership is obligated by institutional loyalty to perpetuate a lie. So, there is enough guilt to go around. No doubt the Governing Body is aware that dropping 1914 now would be faith-shattering for many JWs. It would result in millions being stumbled. So, they march on and hope for the best. I think they are praying that Jehovah will bail them out and start the tribulation and the 1914 delusion will not be an issue. But God is not going to let them off that easy. How can one boast of being in the truth while preaching lies?

In the 23rd chapter of Jeremiah, a judgment reserved for the final part of the days, Jehovah denounces the prophets who are prophesying lies in his name. Is not that what the Watchtower has done? Are they not prophesying in the name of Jehovah? Every Watchtower magazine is subtitled "Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom." Is not that announcement a lie? It surely is. Christ did not in any manner begin ruling the world in 1914. Nor did any invisible presence begin then. James 5:8 indicates that the presence of the Lord is the end of the matter. If the parousia had begun in 1914, there would be no reason to continue to exercise patience or make our hearts firm. The reward would have been attainted. Why are Jehovah's Witnesses so dull-minded? To be sure, the operation of Satan is powerful; there is no doubt about it. And, of course, omitting the entirety of the verse is intentional. Deception by omission.

Ironically, from all appearances, the presence of the Lord has drawn close. We see the foretold apostasy has emerged within the Watchtower's leadership. As their daily text demonstrates, they are committed to embellishing and perpetuating the artfully contrived false story Russell started. And then there is this little matter of a looming world war. The only thing the prophet class can do to make themselves appear relevant is pose an irrelevant question: Will Armageddon Begin in Israel? Imagine if they dared to venture into the realm of reality and ask: Will World War Three Begin in Israel? I might even promote it as recommended reading. But alas, we may be certain that the Governing Body is fully committed to the delusion.

For these past many decades, God has allowed a powerful operation of Satan to go to his people so that they may get to believe the lie. But God's word is far more powerful than Satan's. If you want a vivid image of how Jehovah intends to deal with this wall of lies the Watchtower has constructed, I recommend this passage: “Since you reject this word and you trust in fraud and deceit and you rely on these, so this error will be for you like a broken wall, like a bulging high wall ready to fall. It will crash suddenly, in an instant. It will be broken like a large potter’s jar, so completely smashed that no fragment among its pieces will be left." - Isaiah 30:12-14

What will cause the Watchtower's bulging high wall to crash instantly? Simple. WW3.

But how will we know for sure? Jehovah has provided a sign. The prophet Paul recorded it for us in his first letter to the Thessalonians. Concerning the coming of Christ and the parousia, the inspired apostle wrote the following: "Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you. For you yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves, for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness."

Those who have prophesied lies in Jehovah's name have claimed that they will be saying "peace and security," and then sudden destruction will come upon Babylon the Great. I wish to be on record saying that they're saying "peace and security" will precede the sudden destruction of the Anglo-American kingdom at the outbreak of WW3.

"Be patient then, brothers, until the presence of the Lord. Look! The farmer keeps waiting for the precious fruit of the earth, exercising patience over it until the early rain and the late rain arrive. You too exercise patience; make your hearts firm, because the presence of the Lord has drawn close."

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Brother Robert, this a significant declaration of which to be on record. So you have confidence that the peace call will be a formal declaration by the nation's that seemingly averts world War. Yet ironically, not long thereafter triggers World War 3.

Didn't that also happen prior to WW1?

I wish to be on record saying that they're saying "peace and security" will precede the sudden destruction of the Anglo-American kingdom at the outbreak of WW3.
Brother Robert, this a significant declaration of which to be on record. So you have confidence that the peace call will be a formal declaration by the nation's that seemingly averts world War. Yet ironically, not long thereafter triggers World War 3.

Didn't that also happen prior to WW1?
I have said it before. Just saying it again.

It was prior to WW2 that the British prime minister went to talk with Hitler and came back to the UK, saying there would be 'peace in our time.' A few months later, Hitler invaded Poland, and WW2 began.