Wednesday, January 15 - Without cause they have dug a pit for me


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Dec 25, 2021
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[Christ] learned obedience from the things he suffered.—Heb. 5:8.

Like Jesus, we often learn obedience under challenging circumstances. For example, during the early part of the COVID-19 pandemic when we were asked to stop meeting at our Kingdom Halls and to suspend our house-to-house ministry, did you struggle to obey? Yet, your obedience protected you, united you with fellow believers, and pleased Jehovah. All of us are now better prepared to obey any instructions we receive during the great tribulation. Our lives may depend on it! (Job 36:11) We choose to obey Jehovah primarily because we love him and we want to please him. (1 John 5:3) We can never repay Jehovah for all that he has done for us. (Ps. 116:12) But we can obey him and those who have authority over us. If we obey, we show that we are wise. And the wise make Jehovah’s heart rejoice.—Prov. 27:11. w23.10 11 ¶18-19
I know I am preaching to the choir here, and it is wearying to cover this topic over and over and over again. But the WT just doesn't quit. The insidious gaslighting goes on and on and on.

There is not a shred of evidence to support the notion that locking people up in their homes prevents anyone from coming into contact with microbes. As I have pointed out several times before, during the summer of 2020, when the US presidential election campaign was in full swing, Republican volunteers knocked on about a half million doors per week trying to drum up support for their candidate. There were no reports of their activities resulting in any super-spreader phenomena. And yet the WT boasts that Jehovah's Witnesses obediently barricaded themselves in their homes when it was the perfect time to take advantage of the fact that millions of people were at home.

The fact is, the Governing Body merely parroted and amplified the orders that came down from the World Health Organization and Pfizer. And all of it was bogus. Masks are useless. Social distancing is absurd. And locking oneself in a house or apartment and avoiding fresh air and sunshine is about the unhealthiest thing you could do. Indeed, Jehovah knows this. And then there are the vaccines. They were touted as safe and effective and have proven to be neither.

On one of their pandemic Updates, the GB claimed that they had consulted with top "experts" when devising their pandemic protocol. We might ask who these "experts" were since many virologists and doctors who were not on board with Big Pharma's injection campaign and its underhanded war against safe and effective medicines like Ivermectin were vilified, de-platformed, and in some cases even prosecuted. Since, by their own admission, they followed human recommendations, and the Watchtower's policy and advocacy of the vaccines was virtually identical to that of the world, a world the Watchtower preaches is under the control of Satan, how is it that obeying the orders of the Governing Body is the same as obeying Jehovah? Is Jehovah pleased that so many "faithful" witnesses have perished as a result of their unquestioning obedience?

It is a fact that millions of people have been injured and have died from taking the vaccines, and many more may yet suffer ill effects from the injections. That being true, how is it that JWs who have survived the Watchtower's fraudulent pandemic advice "are now better prepared to obey any instructions we receive during the great tribulation"? Since, as stated above, the Watchtower has admitted that they consulted with men of the world to formulate the policy they claim is from Jehovah, is it not an inadvertent, backhanded admission that any instructions that may be forthcoming from them during the world's darkest night will be from the same demonic source? It surely is.

Why are Jehovah's Witnesses being subtlety programmed with this scripturally unsupported, presumptuous notion that the wise men of Bethel are going to issue life-saving instructions during the great tribulation that must be obeyed? It is because the cunning Devil is laying a trap. The Governing Body is no more going to issue life-saving instructions than it did during the pandemic.

"May those who are hunting for my life be put to shame and humiliated.
May those who are plotting to destroy me retreat in disgrace.
May they become like chaff in the wind;
May Jehovah’s angel drive them away.
May their path be dark and slippery
As Jehovah’s angel pursues them.
For without cause they have hidden a net to trap me;
Without cause they have dug a pit for me.
May disaster come upon him by surprise;
May the net that he hid catch him;
May he fall into it and be destroyed.
But I will rejoice in Jehovah;
I will be joyful in his acts of salvation.
All my bones will say: “O Jehovah, who is like you?
You rescue the helpless from those who are stronger,
The helpless and the poor from those who rob them.”

Psalms 35:4-10
I know I am preaching to the choir here, and it is wearying to cover this topic over and over and over again. But the WT just doesn't quit. The insidious gaslighting goes on and on and on.
Texts such as this convince me that we made the right choice.
How could I stand in front of a service group and discuss this daily text comment
If I speak my mind, then I would end up disfellowshipped. If I were to hold back and support the content, then I'm a hypocrite.
Based on what Jesus said concerning hypocrites, I'll take disfellowshipping.

(Matthew 15:7-9) . . .You hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about you when he said: 8 ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from me. 9 It is in vain that they keep worshipping me, for they teach commands of men as doctrines.’. . .
Texts such as this convince me that we made the right choice.
How could I stand in front of a service group and discuss this daily text comment
If I speak my mind, then I would end up disfellowshipped. If I were to hold back and support the content, then I'm a hypocrite.
Based on what Jesus said concerning hypocrites, I'll take disfellowshipping.

(Matthew 15:7-9) . . .You hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about you when he said: 8 ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from me. 9 It is in vain that they keep worshipping me, for they teach commands of men as doctrines.’. . .
You made the right choice by obeying your God-given conscience.

holding faith and a good conscience,+ which some have thrust aside+ and have experienced shipwreck concerning [their] faith.+1 Timothy 1:19

How could anybody be complicit to murdering their fellow man and have a clean conscience .
In this morning's text, WT advises us to use discernment. As you said, "they nailed it"! However, nothing could be further from the truth.
In actuality, the expectation is....."be obedient to those taking the lead".....don't think for yourself......don't exercise discernment.....follow their direction even if it doesn't make sense........don't follow your Bible based conscience. Just be obedient "little sheep" and do as you are told.

BTW, we really appreciated the statement below that you made in your auxiliary article: "Let the reader use discernment".
"We have already seen a glimpse of the disgusting thing during the so-called pandemic when the Governing Body gave the UN’s bioweapon the hearty endorsement of Jehovah God. How disgusting! All that is left now is for the missiles to fly..."

To us, it does appear that the "disgusting thing" has begun to raise its ugly head.
When it comes to understanding Bible prophecy, receiving a "glimpse" is helpful in correctly identifying the final fulfillment.
(1 Corinthians 13:12) . . .For at present we see in hazy outline by means of a metal mirror, but then it will be face to face. At present I know partially, but then I shall know accurately even as I am accurately known. . .
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In this morning's text, WT advises us to use discernment. As you said, "they nailed it"! However, nothing could be further from the truth.
In actuality, the expectation is....."be obedient to those taking the lead".....don't think for yourself......don't exercise discernment.....follow their direction even if it doesn't make sense........don't follow your Bible based conscience. Just be obedient "little sheep" and do as you are told.

BTW, we really appreciated the statement below that you made in your auxiliary article: "Let the reader use discernment".
"We have already seen a glimpse of the disgusting thing during the so-called pandemic when the Governing Body gave the UN’s bioweapon the hearty endorsement of Jehovah God. How disgusting! All that is left now is for the missiles to fly..."

To us, it does appear that the "disgusting thing" has begun to raise its ugly head.
When it comes to understanding Bible prophecy, receiving a "glimpse" is helpful in correctly identifying the final fulfillment.
(1 Corinthians 13:12) . . .For at present we see in hazy outline by means of a metal mirror, but then it will be face to face. At present I know partially, but then I shall know accurately even as I am accurately known. . .
In this morning’s text I also took note of the ending paragraph which says:
“We choose to obey Jehovah primarily because we love him and we want to please him. (1 John 5:3) We can never repay Jehovah for all that he has done for us. (Ps. 116:12) But we can obey him and those who have authority over us.”

Their “insidious gaslighting” and use of words to mentally condition the “little sheep”….like…we can obey him [ Jehovah} and THOSE who HAVE AUTHORITY OVER US. Naturally the “little sheep” will not only connect “those who have authority with Jehovah, by way of the GB and elders…but also with the “superior authorities.”

How insidious!
In this morning’s text I also took note of the ending paragraph which says:
“We choose to obey Jehovah primarily because we love him and we want to please him. (1 John 5:3) We can never repay Jehovah for all that he has done for us. (Ps. 116:12) But we can obey him and those who have authority over us.”

Their “insidious gaslighting” and use of words to mentally condition the “little sheep”….like…we can obey him [ Jehovah} and THOSE who HAVE AUTHORITY OVER US. Naturally the “little sheep” will not only connect “those who have authority with Jehovah, by way of the GB and elders…but also with the “superior authorities.”

How insidious!
Those words. OBEY THOSE who HAVE AUTHORITY OVER US… really stuck out to me too!!! They don’t even hide it anymore … they have jumped into the seat of Jehovah and have set themselves up to be God.
Those words. OBEY THOSE who HAVE AUTHORITY OVER US… really stuck out to me too!!! They don’t even hide it anymore … they have jumped into the seat of Jehovah and have set themselves up to be God.
Scripture to go along with your thought.

He is set in opposition+ and lifts himself up over everyone who is called “god” or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple* of The God,* publicly

2 Thessalonians 2:4​

They put obeying them/GB equal as obeying Jehovah.
And I might add…to Robert’s comments along with this. 🔽

Since, by their own admission, they followed human recommendations, and the Watchtower's policy and advocacy of the vaccines was virtually identical to that of the world, a world the Watchtower preaches is under the control of Satan, how is it that obeying the orders of the Governing Body is the same as obeying Jehovah? Is Jehovah pleased that so many "faithful" witnesses have perished as a result of their unquestioning obedience?

Since, as stated above, the Watchtower has admitted that they consulted with men of the world to formulate the policy they claim is from Jehovah, is it not an inadvertent, backhanded admission that any instructions that may be forthcoming from them during the world's darkest night will be from the same demonic source? It surely is.
These highlighted comments give a big clue as to where this “authority” is really coming from and who the sheep will be obedient to.
That struck a nerve with me too. They put obeying them/GB equal as obeying Jehovah.

They worship the Watchtower and rendered it sacred services which is a man-made creation rather than Jehovah.

Matthew 4:10

Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written, ‘It is Jehovah* your God you must worship,a and it is to him aloneb you must render sacred service.’”*c
@Watchtower murderers Incorporated that's what you are and the evidence surely bears that out.
Depraved heart murder - “Depraved heart murder is a characterization of a particular circumstance of second degree murder. Second degree murder, which criminal law defines as a depraved heart murder, is characterized by murder conducted with reckless disregard for the consequences of the preceding act.
We are to slave FOR one another but not become enslaved TO anyone other than Jehovah and Jesus. If we are slaves to righteousness then we have no choice but to make a stand for the truth no matter the cost. And, even with all of the issues that follow that course of conduct, there is where true freedom is.

Galatians 5:13

You were called to freedom, brothers; only do not use this freedom as an opportunity to pursue fleshly desires, but through love slave for one another.

1 Peter 2:16

Be as free people, using your freedom, not as a cover for doing wrong, but as slaves of God.

2 Peter 1:1

Simon Peter, a slave and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have acquired a faith as precious as ours through the righteousness of our God and the Savior Jesus Christ:

2 Peter 2:19

While they are promising them freedom, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for if anyone is overcome by someone, he is his slave.

Romans 6:16-18:

Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin leading to death or of obedience leading to righteousness? But thanks to God that although you were once the slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that pattern of teaching to which you were handed over. Yes, since you were set free from sin, you became slaves to righteousness.
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I know I am preaching to the choir here, and it is wearying to cover this topic over and over and over again. But the WT just doesn't quit. The insidious gaslighting goes on and on and on.

There is not a shred of evidence to support the notion that locking people up in their homes prevents anyone from coming into contact with microbes. As I have pointed out several times before, during the summer of 2020, when the US presidential election campaign was in full swing, Republican volunteers knocked on about a half million doors per week trying to drum up support for their candidate. There were no reports of their activities resulting in any super-spreader phenomena. And yet the WT boasts that Jehovah's Witnesses obediently barricaded themselves in their homes when it was the perfect time to take advantage of the fact that millions of people were at home.

The fact is, the Governing Body merely parroted and amplified the orders that came down from the World Health Organization and Pfizer. And all of it was bogus. Masks are useless. Social distancing is absurd. And locking oneself in a house or apartment and avoiding fresh air and sunshine is about the unhealthiest thing you could do. Indeed, Jehovah knows this. And then there are the vaccines. They were touted as safe and effective and have proven to be neither.

On one of their pandemic Updates, the GB claimed that they had consulted with top "experts" when devising their pandemic protocol. We might ask who these "experts" were since many virologists and doctors who were not on board with Big Pharma's injection campaign and its underhanded war against safe and effective medicines like Ivermectin were vilified, de-platformed, and in some cases even prosecuted. Since, by their own admission, they followed human recommendations, and the Watchtower's policy and advocacy of the vaccines was virtually identical to that of the world, a world the Watchtower preaches is under the control of Satan, how is it that obeying the orders of the Governing Body is the same as obeying Jehovah? Is Jehovah pleased that so many "faithful" witnesses have perished as a result of their unquestioning obedience?

It is a fact that millions of people have been injured and have died from taking the vaccines, and many more may yet suffer ill effects from the injections. That being true, how is it that JWs who have survived the Watchtower's fraudulent pandemic advice "are now better prepared to obey any instructions we receive during the great tribulation"? Since, as stated above, the Watchtower has admitted that they consulted with men of the world to formulate the policy they claim is from Jehovah, is it not an inadvertent, backhanded admission that any instructions that may be forthcoming from them during the world's darkest night will be from the same demonic source? It surely is.

Why are Jehovah's Witnesses being subtlety programmed with this scripturally unsupported, presumptuous notion that the wise men of Bethel are going to issue life-saving instructions during the great tribulation that must be obeyed? It is because the cunning Devil is laying a trap. The Governing Body is no more going to issue life-saving instructions than it did during the pandemic.

"May those who are hunting for my life be put to shame and humiliated.
May those who are plotting to destroy me retreat in disgrace.
May they become like chaff in the wind;
May Jehovah’s angel drive them away.
May their path be dark and slippery
As Jehovah’s angel pursues them.
For without cause they have hidden a net to trap me;
Without cause they have dug a pit for me.
May disaster come upon him by surprise;
May the net that he hid catch him;
May he fall into it and be destroyed.
But I will rejoice in Jehovah;
I will be joyful in his acts of salvation.
All my bones will say: “O Jehovah, who is like you?
You rescue the helpless from those who are stronger,
The helpless and the poor from those who rob them.”

Psalms 35:4-10
In the first sub-article titled, "Let The Reader Use Discernment", the final paragraph of that article reads:

"We have already seen a glimpse of the disgusting thing during the so-called pandemic when the Governing Body gave the UN’s bioweapon the hearty endorsement of Jehovah God. How disgusting! All that is left now is for the missiles to fly and the American Land of the Free to be conquered by the tyrants of the nations. Then, the drunkards of Ephraim will be trampled underfoot. Why? Because they did not discern the time of their inspection."

Having seen this situation appear, that is, as you stated, "when the Governing Body gave the UN’s bioweapon the hearty endorsement of Jehovah God" and the fact that Jesus' instructed:

"“Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken about by Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place (let the reader use discernment), 16 then let those in Ju·deʹa begin fleeing to the mountains. 17 Let the man on the housetop not come down to take the goods out of his house, 18 and let the man in the field not return to pick up his outer garment." Matthew 24:15-18

...does this fulfill the prophecy of Jesus regarding 'catching sight of the disgusting thing standing in a holy place', that "holy place" being the Christian congregation?
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@Watchman want to start by saying your comments on this daily text are appreciated. These well thought statements relating to the ongoing and never ending pandemic direction they gave are what drew me to this site. The pandemic is in the rear view mirror; however, there is still a strong focus on the (believed) positive outcomes of their direction without any mention of the coercive vax promotion💉. I've observed many R&F mention the wonderful direction given during the pandemic regarding preaching & meetings, but none care to touch on the GB's endorsement of the touted safe and effective vax. The February 2023 WT only confirms they're not going back on what they've advised.

This statement by @Watchman really makes any logically thinking person come to reason, IMO:
"[...] the Watchtower has admitted that they consulted with men of the world to formulate the policy they claim is from Jehovah, is it not an inadvertent, backhanded admission that any instructions that may be forthcoming from them during the world's darkest night will be from the same demonic source?"

Their updated direction on not thinking for yourself is directly tied to requesting full obedience, is it not? If your not allowed to think for yourself and thereby can't reason logically, then I guess obeying the GB is the easy way to go🤷‍♂️ :unsure:.

El pueblo se presta a dejar que el cuerpo gobernante tengan autoridad sobre ellos y Jehová lo permite. Es la forma de saber: a quién sirves tú? El hombre del desafuero se compara así mismo como un Dios. No sé si me molesta más que ellos se sientan como dioses o que los demás les den la adoración que solo pertenece a Jehová. Bueno, Jehová tiene su plan para todos nosotros. Zacarías 11:4-”Esto es lo que ha dicho Jehová mi Dios: ‘Pastorea el rebaño [destinado] a la matanza, 5 cuyos compradores proceden a matar[las] aunque no se les tiene por culpables. Y los que las venden dicen: “Jehová sea bendito, mientras yo gane riquezas”. Y sus propios pastores no les muestran ninguna compasión a ellas’.6 Porque no mostraré más compasión a los habitantes de la tierra —es la expresión de Jehová—. De modo que aquí voy a hacer que la humanidad se halle, cada uno en la mano de su compañero y en la mano de su rey; y ciertamente triturarán la tierra, y no libraré de su mano.’” 7 Y procedí a pastorear al rebaño [destinado] a la matanza, a favor de ustedes, oh afligidos del rebaño.
El pueblo se presta a dejar que el cuerpo gobernante tengan autoridad sobre ellos y Jehová lo permite. Es la forma de saber: a quién sirves tú? El hombre del desafuero se compara así mismo como un Dios. No sé si me molesta más que ellos se sientan como dioses o que los demás les den la adoración que solo pertenece a Jehová. Bueno, Jehová tiene su plan para todos nosotros. Zacarías 11:4-”Esto es lo que ha dicho Jehová mi Dios: ‘Pastorea el rebaño [destinado] a la matanza, 5 cuyos compradores proceden a matar[las] aunque no se les tiene por culpables. Y los que las venden dicen: “Jehová sea bendito, mientras yo gane riquezas”. Y sus propios pastores no les muestran ninguna compasión a ellas’.6 Porque no mostraré más compasión a los habitantes de la tierra —es la expresión de Jehová—. De modo que aquí voy a hacer que la humanidad se halle, cada uno en la mano de su compañero y en la mano de su rey; y ciertamente triturarán la tierra, y no libraré de su mano.’” 7 Y procedí a pastorear al rebaño [destinado] a la matanza, a favor de ustedes, oh afligidos del rebaño.
Jer5:31 "Los profetas profetizan mentira y los sacerdotes dominan por su propia autoridad y mi propio pueblo así lo ama... pero ¿qué harán cuando venga el fin?"
In the first sub-article titled, "Let The Reader Use Discernment", the final paragraph of that article reads:

"We have already seen a glimpse of the disgusting thing during the so-called pandemic when the Governing Body gave the UN’s bioweapon the hearty endorsement of Jehovah God. How disgusting! All that is left now is for the missiles to fly and the American Land of the Free to be conquered by the tyrants of the nations. Then, the drunkards of Ephraim will be trampled underfoot. Why? Because they did not discern the time of their inspection."

Having seen this situation appear, that is, as you stated, "when the Governing Body gave the UN’s bioweapon the hearty endorsement of Jehovah God" and the fact that Jesus' instructed:

"“Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken about by Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place (let the reader use discernment), 16 then let those in Ju·deʹa begin fleeing to the mountains. 17 Let the man on the housetop not come down to take the goods out of his house, 18 and let the man in the field not return to pick up his outer garment." Matthew 24:15-18

...does this fulfill the prophecy of Jesus regarding 'catching sight of the disgusting thing standing in a holy place', that "holy place" being the Christian congregation?

We will know when the disgusting thing is standing in the Holy place because they would have removed the constant feature which is the preaching work.

Daniel 11:31

And there will be arms* that will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will actually profane the sanctuary,*a the fortress,* and remove the constant [feature].*b“And they will certainly put in place* the disgusting thingc that is causing desolation.*d

Daniel 12:11

“And from the time that the constant [feature]*a has been removedb and there has been a placing of the disgusting thingc that is causing desolation,* there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Mark 13:14

“However, when YOU catch sight of the disgusting thinga that causes desolationb standing where it ought not (let the reader use discernment),c then let those in Ju·deʹa begin fleeing to the mountains.d

What is the constant feature and when is it removed?>

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El pueblo se presta a dejar que el cuerpo gobernante tengan autoridad sobre ellos y Jehová lo permite. Es la forma de saber: a quién sirves tú? El hombre del desafuero se compara así mismo como un Dios. No sé si me molesta más que ellos se sientan como dioses o que los demás les den la adoración que solo pertenece a Jehová. Bueno, Jehová tiene su plan para todos nosotros. Zacarías 11:4-”Esto es lo que ha dicho Jehová mi Dios: ‘Pastorea el rebaño [destinado] a la matanza, 5 cuyos compradores proceden a matar[las] aunque no se les tiene por culpables. Y los que las venden dicen: “Jehová sea bendito, mientras yo gane riquezas”. Y sus propios pastores no les muestran ninguna compasión a ellas’.6 Porque no mostraré más compasión a los habitantes de la tierra —es la expresión de Jehová—. De modo que aquí voy a hacer que la humanidad se halle, cada uno en la mano de su compañero y en la mano de su rey; y ciertamente triturarán la tierra, y no libraré de su mano.’” 7 Y procedí a pastorear al rebaño [destinado] a la matanza, a favor de ustedes, oh afligidos del rebaño.
Spanish to English
The people are willing to let the governing body have authority over them, and Jehovah allows it. It's the way to know: who do you serve? The man of lawlessness compares himself to a God. I don't know if it bothers me more that they feel like gods or that others give them the worship that only belongs to Jehovah. Well, Jehovah has his plan for all of us. Zechariah 11:4-“This is what the Lord my God has said: ‘Shepherd the flock [designed] for slaughter, 5 whose buyers proceed to kill [them] although they are not held guilty. And those who sell them say: “Jehovah be blessed, as long as I gain riches.” And their own shepherds show no mercy to them.’6 For I will no longer show mercy to the inhabitants of the land—is the expression of Jehovah. So here I am going to make humanity find itself, each one in the hand of his companion and in the hand of his king; and they will certainly crush the earth, and I will not deliver out of their hand.’” 7 And I proceeded to shepherd the flock [destined] for slaughter, for you, O afflicted of the flock.

“‘Therefore keep yourselves in expectation of me,’+ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘till the day of my rising up* to [the] booty,*+ for my judicial decision is to gather nations,+ for me to collect together kingdoms, in order to pour out upon them my denunciation,+ all my burning anger; for by the fire of my zeal all the earth* will be devoured.+ For then I shall give to peoples the change to a pure language,*+ in order for them all to call upon the name of Jehovah,+ in order to serve him shoulder to shoulder.’*+ Zephaniah 3:8-9

Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit+ and truth,+ for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him.+ God is a Spirit,*+ and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.”+ John 4:23-24

We will know when the disgusting thing is standing in the Holy place because they would have removed the constant feature which is the preaching work.

Daniel 11:31

And there will be arms* that will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will actually profane the sanctuary,*a the fortress,* and remove the constant [feature].*b“And they will certainly put in place* the disgusting thingc that is causing desolation.*d

Daniel 12:11

“And from the time that the constant [feature]*a has been removedb and there has been a placing of the disgusting thingc that is causing desolation,* there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Mark 13:14

“However, when YOU catch sight of the disgusting thinga that causes desolationb standing where it ought not (let the reader use discernment),c then let those in Ju·deʹa begin fleeing to the mountains.d

What is the constant feature and when is it removed?>

Thank you for this Kevin.
Jer5:31 "Los profetas profetizan mentira y los sacerdotes dominan por su propia autoridad y mi propio pueblo así lo ama... pero ¿qué harán cuando venga el fin?"
What will they do when the end comes? Cry, deflect, deny and obfuscate but it won’t matter what they do. They won’t be able to worm their way out of it. Repentance will be the only way.
Texts such as this convince me that we made the right choice.
How could I stand in front of a service group and discuss this daily text comment
If I speak my mind, then I would end up disfellowshipped. If I were to hold back and support the content, then I'm a hypocrite.
Based on what Jesus said concerning hypocrites, I'll take disfellowshipping.

(Matthew 15:7-9) . . .You hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about you when he said: 8 ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from me. 9 It is in vain that they keep worshipping me, for they teach commands of men as doctrines.’. . .
The gb reiterate their crimes every day. I was strolling through the internet today and up popped a video by Robert about the end times. It was like reading a working man’s potted road map to Armageddon. It was the exact opposite of that tear-jerker- ear tickler that watchtower did for their Christmas offering to the nations. So yes, every day we get some reminder about just how important our choices are today in examining the truth. It’s not about being “good”, it’s about absorbing the Spirit; understanding the wisdom of the attributes, being alive to objectivity of love in its daily application in consideration of others and in our appreciation of Jehovah. It’s a positive manner in living every day. Robert’s video was so beautifully crafted in informative spiritual reasoning it really drew a line under watchtower for me and illustrated the attributes of Jehovah in justice and true understanding of what spirituality really requires of us. So yes, you both made the right choice. We all come to “recognise the voice of Christ” by freeing ourselves to read the Bible as individuals away from self appointed seers in marble towers.
What will they do when the end comes? Cry, deflect, deny and obfuscate but it won’t matter what they do. They won’t be able to worm their way out of it. Repentance will be the only way.
Watchtower will probably be too busy to repent because of the Inquisition against the brothers and sisters.

Further, brother+ will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child, and children will rise up against parents and will have them put to death.+

Matthew 10:21​
