What is the difference?


Well-known member
Has anybody noticed the difference between Matthew 28:19 and Acts 1:8?
Nothing that looks obvious except that Acts 1:8 Jesus told his disciples that they would receive power when Holy Spirit would come upon them. Matthew 28:19 omits this, however verse 18 in chapter 28 Jesus says “All authority has been given me in heaven and on earth.”
Wouldn‘t it stand to reason that would indicate them receiving power?
Not sure if that’s what you were looking for. If not, I’d be curious to know….


Well-known member
¿Alguien ha notado la diferencia entre Mateo 28:19 y Hechos 1:8?
Mateo nos habla del derecho que dio Jesús a los apostoles de bautizar y Hechos nos habla del poder que dará Jesus por la unción de los escogidos en el tiempo del fin. Diferentes épocas de unción y lo que eso significará. De hecho cuando nuestro Señor vuelva en el tiempo del fin se habrá terminado la obra de predicar. Es es la diferencia.


Well-known member
Mateo nos habla del derecho que dio Jesús a los apostoles de bautizar y Hechos nos habla del poder que dará Jesus por la unción de los escogidos en el tiempo del fin. Diferentes épocas de unción y lo que eso significará. De hecho cuando nuestro Señor vuelva en el tiempo del fin se habrá terminado la obra de predicar. Es es la diferencia.
Lo has dicho bien Ana! En Mateo Cristo mandó a sus hermanos a predicar y recojer a sus hermanos hasta el tiempo del fin - hasta su segunda llegada. Después que separa el siervo inicuo, glorifica sus fieles hermanos, y éstos darán al mundo testimonio final durante los 42 meses con el mismo poder, que tuvo Cristo en el primer siglo!
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Well-known member
Lo has dicho bien Ana! En Mateo Cristo mandó a sus hermanos a predicar y recojer a sus hermanos hasta el tiempo del fin - hasta su segunda llegada. Después que separa el siervo inicuo, glorifica sus fieles hermanos, y éstos darán al mundo testimonio final durante los 42 meses con el mismo poder, que tuvo Cristo en el prime
Lo has dicho bien Ana! En Mateo Cristo mandó a sus hermano....

En los días de los apostoles Jesús otorgó la capacidad de hacer milagros a los que recibieron la unción. Será igual en el tiempo del fin en el testificar de los dos testigos. Mi Señor es el que fortalece y endereza a los restantes. Que Rey de rayes más ejemplar tendremos!!! Hay que orar por ellos, les espera una batalla intensa!!! Que Jehová nos proteja a todos hermano. Saludos!!!


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Y no sólo serán testimonio para el mundo, además participarán guiados por El Señor en algo más grande, el juicio de ángeles. Por eso el dragón se enfada tanto con ellos, seres inferiores, glorificados por Jesús, encerraran a Satanás y sus demonios por 1000 años. Ora, hermo, porque la hora oscura se acerca y se siente ...Acaso no saben ustedes que los santos juzgarán al mundo? Y si son ustedes quienes han de juzgar al mundo, ¿acaso les es poca cosa juzgar casos muy pequeños? 1Cor, 6.


Well-known member
Nothing that looks obvious except that Acts 1:8 Jesus told his disciples that they would receive power when Holy Spirit would come upon them. Matthew 28:19 omits this, however verse 18 in chapter 28 Jesus says “All authority has been given me in heaven and on earth.”
Wouldn‘t it stand to reason that would indicate them receiving power?
Not sure if that’s what you were looking for. If not, I’d be curious to know….
The difference is that Matthew 28:18-20 refers to the general witnessing in an effort to collect all of his 144 000 anointed. Acts 1:8 is directed to his approved and glorified anointed brothers (after he judges the wicked slave and throws him out of his congregation) that upon receiving the power they give to the world and its rulers the final witness for a period of 42 months.


Staff member
The difference is that Matthew 28:18-20 refers to the general witnessing in an effort to collect all of his 144 000 anointed. Acts 1:8 is directed to his approved and glorified anointed brothers (after he judges the wicked slave and throws him out of his congregation) that upon receiving the power they give to the world and its rulers the final witness for a period of 42 months.
I believe you are correct. Especially because immediately preceding that Jesus said to the disciples, as recorded in Acts, he said: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction." So, Jesus was speaking about his second coming and the "times and seasons" have to do with the time of the end and the 1,260-day period when the two witnesses come on the scene.


Well-known member
The difference is that Matthew 28:18-20 refers to the general witnessing in an effort to collect all of his 144 000 anointed. Acts 1:8 is directed to his approved and glorified anointed brothers (after he judges the wicked slave and throws him out of his congregation) that upon receiving the power they give to the world and its rulers the final witness for a period of 42 months.
Thanks for that insight @Joel. That never would’ve occurred to me from reading that theses are two different time periods Jesus is referring to.
I’ve been learning more and more since coming on this website…especially about prophecies. And during this time period this would be particularly important.


Well-known member
I believe you are correct. Especially because immediately preceding that Jesus said to the disciples, as recorded in Acts, he said: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction." So, Jesus was speaking about his second coming and the "times and seasons" have to do with the time of the end and the 1,260-day period when the two witnesses come on the scene.
I’m glad I noticed this particular thread and commented to it yesterday. Thanks for your insight too @Watchman. The more I learn the more I know about Jehovah and his purposes. It continues to be an experience.
I also want to thank you again for providing this website for us and all the spiritual food you provide.
Did you notice that there are 227 members on this website now? And so many more guests coming on now.
More people are waking up for sure! 😊
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Well-known member
Has anybody noticed the difference between Matthew 28:19 and Acts 1:8?

Mt 28:19 relates to the disciple making work, as you say Acts 1:8 relates to the promised holy spirit that would be poured out which had an initial fulfillment in 33 CE, was specifically for the purpose of anointing and the receiving of the gifts of the spirit which added impetus to the preaching work. And as Peter pointed out later on while quoting Joel an outpouring of holy spirit would occur in the "last days". But not for the purpose of anointing since those recipients of holy spirit at that time will already be anointed. It will be for the purpose of prophesying to the nations. Edited Not of good news, but a message of doom.
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