WT history is a crazy ride

Interesting playlist that describes in some detail early days of the org and all the shady stuff going on behind the scenes: internal strife, failed predictions, strange beliefs, scandals and so on. It doesn't focus on the teachings so much as the character and tactics used by Russell and Rutherford, but it does highlight the fact that Russell used other people's ideas which he incorporated into his teachings. Overall, it's very informative and paints a different picture of the org than the one they've been presenting.

Btw, this is an ongoing series. I recommend playing at 1.25 speed to shave off some time...
Here’s a quote:

Rutherford, as the above quotes demonstrate, believed that God was confined to a place or location in space. This place was identified as being in the Pleiades star cluster! Specifically it was claimed he probably lived on or near the largest or brightest of the stars in this group, Alcyone. In the August 15, 1925 Golden Age it was stated that the City of Zion in heaven was associated with Alcyone in the Pleiades star group. [3]
I do not mean it in an unkindly way upon the brethren at that time, but the very exclusivity of the watchtower, both then and now, leads to a rich breeding ground of unchallenged thinking. The moreso when disagreement is punishable by being ostracised.

Even the science of the day in the 1930s dispelled any idea that Jehovah would be “confined” in any way even if heaven is a “place” as we would view a residence. In discussion of gravity, the question of confinement in gravity was questioned simply by asking that if gravity exists in the manner in which it is understood today I.e., if gravity draws towards its source, what happens to the gravitational pull itself?, - the source of that gravity? It’s a somewhat fundamental question.

The other issue about location, especially in terms of Spirit life, is that we know that the fundamental law of particle electrons infers that they can be in two places at once. This most recent insight into particle physics suggests a far greater understanding of time in respect of our relative experience of it. It’s even reflected in the scriptural references of time being “like an evening gone” in respect of Jehovah. These little references so easily past over by our own understanding, often prove of much greater insight when our own feeble attempts at understanding get a leg up in scope as our knowledge develops. There is so much more to creation than meets the eye. If you have seen winders latest rant about clothing and grooming since “Beard Day” , you can understand how easy it is for them to put Jehovah in “box”. I don’t think watchtower have moved on these last 90 years or so. Still straining at the gnat and swallowing the camel. I’m sure that cometh the Kingdom, watchtower GB will solemnly sit down and debate if it’s the real kingdom and should they allow the brothers to believe it.
I put speculation and I thought your word was skepticism.
Yeah that can work too. I am skeptical indeed. Not about the bible, but the various interpretations of it. I guess once you get burned you start to be more careful.

with all the fine witness given here I am surprised you are not fully on board. It truly does gives one an inward smile when they know they have found the pearl of great value.
What do you feel I should be fully on board with? Are you comparing Robert's teaching with a pearl of great value?

acknowledging the Watchman as a prophet inspired by God!
I wonder what makes you think he is inspired. I hope he clears it up for you...

Alan you obviously see something here worth your time?
I do get some value from here but I am not treating Robert's words as gospel as some of you seem to do.
Yeah that can work too. I am skeptical indeed. Not about the bible, but the various interpretations of it. I guess once you get burned you start to be more careful.

What do you feel I should be fully on board with? Are you comparing Robert's teaching with a pearl of great value?

I wonder what makes you think he is inspired. I hope he clears it up for you...

I do get some value from here but I am not treating Robert's words as gospel as some of you seem to do.
Thanks for getting back Alan: 3yr into e-watchman I find the first breadcrumb leading to his hiding place in the scriptural woods! Jehovah will not do a thing without revealing His arm to His servants the prophets'....Ahh! first crumb....then Ezekiel...wow..our man called flint! 3:9 "I have made your forehead like a diamond, harder than flint..do not be afraid for they are a rebellious house' .....well our watchman has proved that. He has caused Bethel to remove it's door bell!! Next!....Ch33 The decisive one without doubt vs's 30 on.....As for you son of man your people are speaking with one another about you beside the walls and in the doorway of the houses they are saying 'Come and let us hear the word that comes from Jehovah...(Do we not see ourselves here?..I do!)They will crowd in to sit before you as my people and they will hear your words, but they will not do them. For with their mouth they flatter you, but....(and heres the background of the faithful) ..Their heart is greedy for dishonest gain....Let us not be this part of the prophecy!...'Look you are to them like a romantic love song sung with a beautiful voice and skillfully played on a stringed instrument. They will hear your words but no one will act on them' ....'But when it comes true...and it will come true -they will have to know that a prophet has been among them!"'". I know I'm not the only one here believing this to be the start of small beginnings. No I have not swapped the watchtower idol for His watchman.....I'm grateful to have been directed to this beacon of hope. Back in 2015....I hope I have Identified one of these prophets? We have to ask ourselves do we feel alerted, informed? If so then.......who indeed are the prophets? Isa42:9 "See the first things have come to pass. Now I am declaring new things. Before they spring up I tell you about them." Who is He declaring these things to? Isa43:19 I believe is springing up now?