Anything Pentateuch related

Larping! I hate it. :)

This was neat, really well done. That outfit would have cost a fortune. Even today, all the solid gold and jewels would make it very valuable.

I wonder what the significance of the bells on the outfit... You would hear the priest coming that's for sure. Perhaps a fore gleam of the coming of Christ, that it will be seen/heard from far off even though it hadn't arrived.
Larping! I hate it. :)

This was neat, really well done. That outfit would have cost a fortune. Even today, all the solid gold and jewels would make it very valuable.

I wonder what the significance of the bells on the outfit... You would hear the priest coming that's for sure. Perhaps a fore gleam of the coming of Christ, that it will be seen/heard from far off even though it hadn't arrived.
I read something a while back about the bells, that they were so that if Jehovah struck the priest dead the guys outside would no longer hear the bells and they would pull the dead priest out by a rope that would have been tied to him before he went into the holy of holies. I don't know how true that is, and I can't remember where I read it or heard it. It's past my bedtime so maybe I'll research tomorrow.
Nice. It always bothers me when I see videos portraying the robes of people in Jesus' day with frayed unfinished necklines, looking all ratty tatty, etc. The ability to loom exquisite cloth dates thousands of years before Jesus and I doubt that the Hebrews didn't have skill in that area. Just think of the temple put together by Moses. I am sure it wasn't raggedy!